Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 134 Dependent origin and extinction, all living beings are at their mercy. From the beginnin

After the passers-by left, the small temple returned to its cleanliness and solitude. The old monk transformed by Samantabhadra was silent for a long time, clasped his hands together, and sat facing the mud-bodied Buddha. The whole temple was as silent as dead.

Suddenly Puxian Bodhisattva said, "Brother Guanshiyin, why did you call yourself Cihang when we declared our Dharma name?"

The Cihang Taoist smiled and said, "Because I am just a Cihang Taoist, not Guanshiyin Bodhisattva!"

"Ci Hang Dao?" Puxian Bodhisattva's expression turned cold, and he sighed, "It turns out that the demon lord was incarnated in a dream, but I don't know, where did I, brother Avalokitesvara, go? How did the demon lord enter this small temple?"

Cihang smiled and said: "After all, her mana is superior to yours. I didn't keep her back then. Avalokitesvara has thousands of incarnations, but now I transform only one out of ten, so I am a person of Cihang, and Not Guanshiyin Bodhisattva! Soon, I will be Samantabhadra, Manjushri, and Ksitigarbha! But there are still some difficulties to replace Guanshiyin Bodhisattva."

"Avalokitesvara is the one with the deepest path among us. You should be able to keep her that day. We Bodhisattvas have dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, and emanation bodies. One thought is pure dharmakaya Buddha, and one thought is indiscriminately perfect. Incarnate Buddha. Now the Vatican is dreaming of me, and hundreds of millions of incarnations have already entered the dream of the Vatican. Now there is only one thought of the Dharma Body guarding this heart temple, and one thought of the Sacrifice Body struggling to resist the invasion of the Demon Lord. Brother Avalokitesvara has the deepest Taoism, Hundreds of millions of incarnations are like Buddhas, so they can keep many incarnations under the influence of demons."

"Her Cihang Taoist, Fish Basket Avalokitesvara, Thousand Arms and Thousand Eyes Bodhisattva, Four Arms Avalokitesvara, Twenty-One-Dara, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva incarnations were all infected by the devil, but the Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and the thirty Avalokitesvara , has not yet been touched by the devil, so this Cihang Taoist cannot be called Avalokitesvara."

After Pu Xian finished speaking, he sighed: "It turns out that it is you Ci Hang Taoist who have been trapped in the small temple with us."

"This heart temple transformed by the Buddha's mind holds up a piece of pure land for us in the demon lord's dreams and demons. Dare to ask the demon lord, is this really transformed by the Buddha? change?"

"It's not me, it's not me, and it's not me. So it's better to look at it from the perspective of Taoism, the heaven and the earth are born with me, and all things are one with me." The Taoist Cihang didn't answer directly, but smiled like this.

"It's all caused by's just karma and extinction." Samantabhadra Bodhisattva sighed and stopped asking.

The Manjusri Bodhisattva next to them did not play riddles, but said directly: "It turns out that the Buddha entered the dream of the Brahma Demon, and there is also a reason for the dream. The magic power of the Patriarch Sakyamuni is countless than us, but even the Buddha's retribution is also due to the cause. Therefore, the Buddha entered a dream, and because of the dream, the sambhogakaya was no longer perfect.”

"It's no wonder that the Dream Heart Temple is also taken advantage of by the devil.

But Vatican, you dreamed of Buddha's fate, and it didn't happen overnight. Even if you can intervene in this heart temple, you can't do whatever you want, so it can protect us from demons. "

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also sighed: "The Buddha's sambhogakaya is no longer perfect, we don't have much time left! There is not much time left for the Three Realms."

Puxian Bodhisattva sighed: "In this way, the great event of saving the Three Realms that we have comprehended, and even the whereabouts of the reincarnated soul boy, may not be a secret to the devil."

"I hope that senior brother Avalokitesvara can be one step ahead of his dream." Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also said with emotion.

"Master Avalokitesvara came to see me, but is there something urgent?" The Jade Emperor asked Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, sitting high above the Lingxiao Palace.

"I came to meet with the Great Tianzun just to ask the Great Tianzun to take back his life and pardon the crime of the Qitian Demon Emperor Sun Wukong against the sky. The disaster in Lingshan in the past has been clearly discovered. It was the work of Wutian Demon. Zhao, I have already understood that it was Wuliang Tianzun who framed his disciple. Sun Wukong is innocent, please forgive his ten heinous crimes." Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said.

"That Poor Monkey is rebellious! Killed several of my generals... The arrogance is so rampant, it is an unpardonable crime, and the evil intention is hidden. Why do you speak like this?" The Jade Emperor frowned.

"Da Tianzun, then Sun Wukong still has time to use it."

"On that day on Lingshan Mountain, the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp passed away. Before he left, he left seventeen relics to Sun Wukong, which were transformed by seventeen karma. If you want to eliminate Wutian, you must undo the anger of the thought of the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp when the samsara divided the six realms in the past."

"Only by collecting all seventeen karmic relics can Wutian, who is the eighteenth relic, be destroyed."

"Only by destroying Wutian can the eighteen relics be used to revive the reincarnated golden body of the Buddha and have support in the Three Realms. Only then can we fight against Brahma, dreaming and transforming the Three Realms, and restore the Three Realms to normal."

"Your Majesty, don't lie to me." The Jade Emperor shook his head and said, "In the past, Brahma demons came to the world and dreamed of the Three Realms, causing all living beings and gods to return to nothingness. The demonic dream turned into a golden body, but the golden body was polluted, and now the golden body of the Buddha returns to the Three Realms, but it is only back to the beginning. How can we talk about the safety of the Three Realms?"

Master Guanyin frowned slightly, hung on his mother for a long time, and then said: "Since the Great Heavenly Venerable asked this, then I have to tell all the secrets..."

"Master!" Wukong finally found a thought of Chen Ang in the place of returning to the ruins with a strand of vellus hair.

It asked with a sad face: "Since the master is willing to come out to see me, he must be willing to speak clearly? This disciple went to heaven and earth, searched the entire Three Realms, just wanted to ask the master - but if the master has something to say, how dare the disciple Not obeying. Why...why do you force me so much?"

"Wukong, these three realms are like the waves of the Tianhe River, flowing from the time when the heavens and the earth were created in ancient times to the end of the extinction of the heavens and the earth. One Yuan, one meeting, one life, one death, but a wave on this Tianhe River. Teachers usually stand on the river bank, but there are only a few people."

"After all, you are still in the river. Even though you learned how to swim and taught you how to go ashore, you never went ashore to see it with your own eyes."

"If you have seen it with your own eyes, you can see that there is a reef in front of the Tianhe River, which divides the long river into two. In one direction, it fell into the abyss, and even the teacher couldn't see it."

"That reef is the dream of Brahma, and it can also be called the fantasy world of apocalypse."

Chen Angxu went to the Ruins of Return: "From then on, the Three Realms became a dream of his one thought. Even if he was a teacher, he would never be able to see the destination of that long river again, because at that time, all beings in the Three Realms were just his dreams. It's just a phantom."

"My teacher wants you to climb to the shore before the long river falls into the abyss."

"Wukong, the easiest thing in this world is to choose. The most difficult thing is to make the right choice. Because most of the time, there is no right choice. Even if you see the trajectory of the Milky Way in the Three Realms on the shore, you will It's hard to find the right choice."

"I told you before that Fan is transformed by a thought of the teacher's other body. In a single thought, he can see the past and the future, including all variables. If he is allowed to count the three realms, then this universe can only become it. A phantom in a dream. The so-called illusion is nothing more than that.”

"In this incident, there are only two or three people who can save the Three Realms, but due to various reasons, they are unable to take action."

"Although the Tathagata Buddha is powerful, it is not Shakyamuni's true thoughts after all, it is just a shadow left in the Three Realms! Sakyamuni's karma merged and turned into a Tathagata. The Tathagata turned his own soul into a variable , entangled with Brahma, but it is impossible for him to cause much trouble to Brahma, and this variable will be mastered by Brahman in a short time. At that time, the Three Realms will become illusory, and all living beings will perish."


"Unless there is a variable that is equal to Tathagata and is willing to sacrifice himself, the multiplication of these two variables will increase the geometric difficulty of the amount of calculation required. It is like a linear equation in one variable becoming a quadratic equation in two variables." Goku replied.

"Among the three worlds, the primordial spirit can contain people with infinite possibilities that even Brahma can't figure out. The Tathagata is the shadow of Sakyamuni, and I am one. Of course, the Taoist friends of the Taiqing are also one. I am also the follower of the Jade Emperor. You know, it counts as one. It’s only five fingers.”

"I practice the probability cloud of the indeterminate two realms of quantum aura, of course it counts as one." Wukong said lightly.

"Yes, and it is more suitable than the Jade Emperor. If the Jade Emperor sacrifices, it will take about six thousand eons before Brahma can calculate all the variables of him and Tathagata Buddha. If it is Wukong, you will definitely be able to delay it until one hundred thousand eons later."

"So let's see from the shore that the reef divides Tianhe into two, that reef—is your choice!"

In the small temple of Daleiyin Temple, Puxian Bodhisattva sighed and said: "Depending on origin is nameless, Brahma and demons can control the origin and extinction, the origin and fall, the accumulation and dispersal of all things, so they can control the birth and death of all things. The thoughts and consciousness of gods and saints."

"Only by going straight to the nameless place, beyond the cause and condition, can we save the Three Realms from the hands of Brahma and demons. But even Sakyamuni Buddha is only a combination of cause and condition. In this world, only Sun Wukong and Buddha are united to be able to save the Three Realms. Save the Three Realms."

On the Lingxiao Temple, Guanyin said to the Jade Emperor: "...Only when the primordial spirit of a great supernatural being merges with the Buddha and turns into immeasurable and inconceivable forms beyond the emptiness controlled by Brahma and demons, can the Three Realms be saved. And the only one who can The person who saves the Three Realms... is the Demon Emperor Qi Tian——Sun Wukong.”

Wukong closed his eyes and sighed: "So Master saw the trajectory of the lower reaches of the Tianhe River, and from the beginning to the end, he knew how I would choose. He just gave up a son and asked me to turn against Tianting Lingshan. In this world, there is no longer any worries. .”

"Of course I hope you can break the void, escape from the three realms, and come to a wider world." Chen Ang smiled.

"And he wants to force you to become the key to determine the fate of the Three Realms. Let's see how you, a variable, will make choices that are beyond his calculations! We worked together to create such a scene under tacit understanding."

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