"Can you take it?" Jade Emperor Tianzun asked in a low voice.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was silent and expressed his attitude with actions. The Jade Emperor Tianzun sighed, tapped the table in front of him lightly, thought for a long time, and then said: "Now I finally understand why the Wuliang Tianzun knew that Sun Wukong had no choice but to do this. !"

"He's a step further than I thought."

The Jade Emperor stood up from his throne and said angrily: "He is trying to force me to die! I am the emperor of heaven, with a high position and authority, but I also bear the responsibility of the three realms. If it really happens in the three realms, the Brahma At the moment when the world is destroyed, I can only stand up. I must stand up! Because I am the emperor of heaven, and the three realms are my subjects."

"Infinite Heavenly Venerable, he forced Tathagata Buddha to death, and now he wants to force me to die! What is he going to do? Is he going to rebel?"

"Could it be that Laojun just looks at it like this? Could it be that Laojun, his carefree and noble Heavenly Venerable, is tired of being a god, and wants to sit in my position?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva hurriedly persuaded: "Great Tianzun, calm down. The old gentleman has high virtue and prestige, and does nothing to do things. How can you spy on the emperor's position?"

"How much do I care about the position of the Great Heavenly Venerable? In the past, when he expounded on the Dao, I was influenced by the Dao, and I was influenced by the Dao. to the right."

"Later he opened up this universe. The universe came into being from nothing, and became the Heavenly God of Yuanshi, who became the incarnation for me. The foundation of existence, became the God of Morality, and became the incarnation for him. And the universe from existence to nothingness, and the heaven and earth returned to ruins, is the spirit. Bao Tianzun is for the Sanqing. Acquired heaven and earth, I don’t want to fight with him for the orthodoxy of this world, so I left, leaving the shadow of Yuanshi Tianzun, and attributed the position of Sanqing to him. I didn’t think he would force me to stay , ask me to be an emperor in this world."

"Therefore, I was born in Guangyan Miaoyue Kingdom. He came to welcome me personally, and treated me as one of the emperors of the world. After thousands of calamities, I became enlightened. I practiced hard until the previous emperor Taiyi lost his throne. Only then did I gain the throne. Huang Da Tianzun has ruled the Three Realms for more than a thousand kalpas."

"Stay in his position and seek his own government."

"As long as I am still the Heavenly Emperor, I have to do things for a day. If one day I am no longer the Heavenly Emperor, it will be nothing more than abdication! But the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable wants to use me to fill the hole! Like that Shakyamuni left behind the same Tathagata, he took a fancy to my incarnation, and wanted to force me to fill the universe of the Three Realms, to force me to become a Taoist!"

"Do you think I don't know his heels?"

"As a person of ordinary origin, it is really not easy to advance to such a realm. My true self, Yuanshi Tianzun, opened up the universe, from scratch, the origin of all time, space and matter,

Because of another great wisdom in the common world, Lao Tzu practiced and expounded the Dao, and influenced the Dao to be born. Therefore, Laozi is the ancestor of Taoism, and is the origin of all collections of Taoism. Lingbao Tianzun and I were born because of Dao. Although we were born as Tianzun because of noble birth, we are still inferior to Taoist ancestors. "

"The wisdom of those acquired creatures is really terrifying."

"The Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, like Lao Tzu, was born as an acquired intelligent being named Chen Ang. I don't know its origin, but when I was the original deity, another expounder of the Dao——oaa, once influenced the existence of the universe Ji, that is, the moral god, turned into five gods. Although oaa has not perfected his own way to perfection like Taoist and Buddha, he can still see it. "

"In that universe, the primordial existence and morality of this deity are mixed together, and turned into two gods, infinite and eternal, and that universe is exactly where the deity of Brahma is now."

"Although acquired beings can be transformed into billions and spread across the infinite universe, they are not as good as innate gods like us. But wherever there is a universe, there is our concept. Where there is our concept, it is our incarnation. Although there are many differences in Daoization, the origin is the same after all.”

"The immeasurable deity is also the same as the deity of the Brahma, but the deity of the deity is the transformation of Chen Ang, and he also respects Lao Tzu as the ancestor of the Tao. The deity of the deity of the Brahma intends to include the Dao, be the same as the Dao, and explain the way with Lao Tzu It is not a road. The Buddha and the Taoist ancestors are all elucidators of the Tao, and the strong word is "Tao". And the Vatican and the Demon Lord, this is the one who is close to the Tao, infinitely close to the Tao, and the same as the Tao. We are the innate gods, to transform the Tao It is the living beings explaining the Dao, and it is manifested because of the fall."

"Speaking of which, this deity Yuanshi and that Chen Ang are also acquaintances! Let alone the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, in the Three Realms, even meeting his two incarnations, on the planet Cybertron, one of the deity's Dao Incarnation, I also met him. And when I was working with Ao, when I was in the Outer God universe... I can see him everywhere!"

"Before, he was very difficult to control, so I had to let him make trouble!"

"This time, the bullying really came to the fore! I can't take it anymore!"

"I'm going to force that disciple of his to die!"

"Master Avalokitesvara!" The Jade Emperor said indifferently, Avalokitesvara wisely acted as if she hadn't heard anything before, but she was a person with great supernatural powers, and when she rolled her eyes, she forgot all the past, she lowered her head obediently and said: "Respect the decree of the great heaven! "

"You go invite my nephew, he is a born god of war, he is not inferior to that monkey when he is supernatural in combat, although Nezha has already invited him, but you still need to persuade him not to mess around and just go up and fight hard. There is no need to subdue that monstrous monkey, I will use it to fill a hole. Outsmart is the most important thing!"

Beside the ruins, Wukong looked up at Chen Ang, and said in a low voice, "Master, the disciple has gone!"

Chen Ang sighed: "The cause of this departure is a farewell. No matter whether you sacrifice your life in the Three Realms, Wukong, or choose to yearn for freedom, we will never see each other again. The world is so big, how can there be no room for a hozen? There will be a moment when you can jump out and become a In the palm of the teacher. Without any restraint..."

After all, Chen Ang's shadow slowly faded away, and just disappeared in front of Wukong.

Beside Guixu, the strong wind was blowing, and Wukong's golden hair was fluttering in the wind. When he looked up, a big sun in Guixu was slowly extinguishing, just like his master closed his eyes.

On the Lingshan Mountain, Wukong's feet are piled up like a mountain of corpses. When he looks around, he can only see the vast mountains, filled with blood and evil spirits, and the shadows of the heavenly soldiers around him are like mountains and seas. Soldiers of the Heavenly Court, all the immortal kings and emperors are invited to crusade.

Those billions of eyes focused on Wukong.

But Wukong stood in the middle, just like floating dust, he didn't care at all, only a gaze caused it to react, it looked back, a heroic general holding a three-pointed double-edged knife and leading a black dog watch it.

There is a divine eye on his forehead that stands upside down. Without a common name, Wukong knows who is coming?

It is the true monarch of Qingyuan Miaodao, Zhaohui Xiansheng King Renyou, and Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun.

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