Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 139 Fate of fate, turned into a great sage. Everything in the past has vanished.

"Master Huishan!" Qing Chen said incredulously, "I didn't expect it to be you!"

Huishan changed his usual kindness and kindness, and laughed loudly: "Of course you would never have imagined, who would have thought that a kind, devout and compassionate monk and mage is the one behind the scenes to plot against you? If you didn't know, you would not have thought that, Why should I pretend to be this identity?"

"Hand over the reincarnated soul boy, or don't blame me for being disrespectful!"

"Why?" Some people still struggled: "You clearly said that as long as we protect the Buddha and return, we will have the opportunity to become a Buddha and become a ancestor in the future. Is there any greater benefit than this? Or Wutian promised you more You don’t believe in the promise of the Buddha, but you believe in the words of a devil, and you will be the one who will die in the future!”

"Becoming a Buddha and becoming an ancestor?" Huishan laughed and said, "Is it a clay sculpture and woodcarving Buddha on Lingshan? Wutian? Who cares about him? As long as I complete this task, what I can get will be a world... In a world where you can do whatever you want, who cares about becoming a Buddha and a patriarch!"

"Give Qiao Ling'er to me." After Hui Shan smiled, his face showed a fierce look, and he said viciously: "Otherwise, you will all be unable to survive or die!"

The old Taoist Qingchen said with a smile: "It's too late! Huishan... Although I didn't know that you were the black hand, I didn't believe anyone. Qiao Ling'er was taken to Lingshan by Fuhu Arhat. You always thought that Qi Tianda The sixteen relics in the holy hand are the key to the reincarnation of the Buddha! But when I was ordered by the three Bodhisattvas to go to heaven, I met a fisherman incarnation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. There, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva told me that there was a A traitor. At that time, I also knew that seventeen relics can defeat Wutian. But to bring the Buddha back, you only need to bring the reincarnated soul boy to Lingshan."

"At that time, I handed Qiao Ling'er to the Bodhisattva!"

"Hui Shan, after all calculations, you are still a step behind! Now the reincarnated soul boy should have arrived at Lingshan... Didn't you realize that Wutian's subordinates have long since stopped pestering us?"

With a grim expression on his face, Master Huishan roared, "How is it possible?... No, could it be..." He looked up at the 'Qiao Ling'er' who was protected behind a group of traversers.

The handsome young man raised his head and smiled shyly, nodded and said, "Yes, Senior Brother Huishan. In Xiajiangliuer, it is Jin Chanzi reincarnated. The little book boy who has been by my side is Qiao Linger." .”

"Brahma placed you next to us. He asked you to mix into Brahma's dream and see three Bodhisattvas. But when the three Bodhisattvas saw you, they had already seen the clue. They hid a wisp of thought power in your In the thought, I tricked the Vatican to bring out the thought power. Later, Guanyin Bodhisattva noticed the thought power of the three Bodhisattvas, and came to see you with an incarnation, and told Taoist friend Qingchenzi the truth.

And found the reincarnation psychic. "

"But in order to paralyze the Brahma, I have been cooperating in secret." Jiang Liu'er clasped his hands together and said with a smile, "I am the golden cicada who was reincarnated twenty years ago, so I must be able to fool the Brahma into making him a reincarnated soul boy! "

"Vatican?" Hui Shan suddenly said to himself, "So you think I'm a Brahma?"

Huishan smiled wryly, and was about to say something when suddenly his expression froze and he sighed, his whole body exploded into a cloud of blood in front of everyone.

Jiang Liu'er's expression changed and he said angrily, "Thief, how dare you kill someone in front of this deity?"

The old Taoist Qingchen was a little surprised: "I originally suspected that Senior Chen Ang was the mastermind behind us all the time, so I tricked him to leave. I didn't expect it to be the most unlikely Master Huishan. Listen to Huishan's words Last words, he doesn't seem to be sent by Brahma."

The old Taoist Qingchen thought for a moment, and exclaimed: "Oops! We have been tricked!"

Fuhu Arhat respectfully followed a ten-year-old Zongjiao boy. They passed the ferry where the Buddha was. Lie on my back, and I will take the World Honored One up."

Qiao Ling'er obediently climbed onto his back, and the two of them went up to the Lingshan Mountain, but they saw a three-foot monkey covered in dark golden hair, swinging a stick towards the sky...

"Sun Wukong, do you think everything will be over if you kill me?" Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva asked with a smile.

"So what if you swing this stick, even if you kill the Mantian God and Buddha? The three realms will eventually be destroyed... It is the Mantian God and Buddha who made the Three Realms disappear?"

"Why don't you ask your master, what exactly is he going to do?"

Wukong looked back with difficulty, only to see the Buddha of Infinite Life in the sky smiling and said: "Don't ask me...just do it!"

Wukong only felt the chaos in his mind. Since he was born, all kinds of things flowed through his mind, breaking the stubborn stone. The square inch of the Lingtai meets the teacher

, went to Luojing Three Saints Association together, drove Qingniu west out of Hangu, made a big fuss in Tianhe and pretended to be equal to heaven...

Now standing on the Lingshan Mountain, who can this stick be swung at?

To the gods and Buddhas all over the sky? But what Guan Yin said is correct, isn't the gods and Buddhas all over the sky persecuting him?

Or turn around and swing that stick at the one who has been forcing him, forcing him to choose and destroy the Three Realms? To my mentor, to the master who taught me all my skills, I broke up abruptly.

Or, choose to sacrifice yourself to fulfill the Three Realms that gave birth to you?

"Master!" Wukong held his head in his arms and shouted, "Why do you force me?"

"Wukong!" Wuliangshou Buddha said sternly: "The Three Realms are too small! Look at the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, look at those great supernatural beings, look at the emperors and gods in the heavenly court, and look at those war gods who were once high-spirited. Nezha, True Monarch Erlang, have they ever been free and unrestrained, and those people with great supernatural powers have never been energetic and high-spirited."

"But thousands of eons have passed! Has this universe changed again?"

"This heavenly system has drained their morale and ruined their will. How can I see you, sitting on the lotus platform after countless kalpas and reincarnations of heaven and earth, like a clay puppet?"

"Simply, it's better to destroy this world with me, cut off this universe, break this stubborn rock, tear down this comfort zone, and welcome a bigger world."

"Wukong, a gentleman is not a weapon. Don't limit yourself to any pattern and appearance. Break everything and create any possibility. If you can't do it..." The kind face of the Buddha of Immortality changed instantly, and in the void Chen Ang manifested, and laughed loudly: "If you can't do it."

"Take no blame as your teacher, destroy any of your worries, brand your fear and failure in the deepest part of your heart with your own hands, and wake you up from the illusory peace and comfort with a thunderbolt."

"It makes you hate being a teacher so much. Think of being a teacher as your goal, and do everything you can to revenge and work hard!"

"Eventually become a brand new existence!"

"You have to ask me why I do this? To destroy the Three Realms and force you to choose is to let you say goodbye to the past and become a brand new individual. Because a teacher naturally hates stubborn things and old individuals. Therefore, Whether you swing your stick at the Three Realms to destroy everything, or swing your stick at your teacher to break with me. It’s best to make a different choice.”

"It's better than being the Monkey King, the Monkey King, the Stone Monkey, or being a fighting Buddha like those immortals and Buddhas."

"This is the last lesson my teacher will teach you... Say goodbye to the past!"

"Go! Make your choice..."

Wukong held a stick and roared towards the sky. Countless golden lotuses bloomed in the Great Hall of Great Heroes under his feet. Qiao Linger was smiling, and walked seven steps down with lotuses, all of which were supported by golden lotuses. Pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other, he said with a smile: "In the sky and in the world, I am the only one who respects me!"

As soon as these words came out, a round of indescribable and perfect aura emerged in the back of his mind.

All the gods and Buddhas in the sky showed joyful expressions, headed by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, they all bowed their heads and said: "Praise Sakyamuni Buddha! Praise the World Honored One!"

Chen Ang also nodded and said: "I have seen the Buddha!"

That Sakyamuni smiled and said: "After thousands of kalpas away from the Three Realms, there is still a karma to become a Buddha. In my dream yesterday, I heard that the Three Realms reappeared, so I came back to have a look. I didn't expect that it was Chen Jiaozhu from another world. Body, to seize the Three Realms. I am also trapped in the emptiness of non-perception, non-perception, and my karmic dharmakaya.”

"Wukong! You sat down for me to fight against the fate of Buddha, but now you have realized your previous life, would you like to return to my seat?"

In Wukong's primordial spirit, as if he was shocked by an electric shock, he suddenly saw another self, on the Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai, walked to another road, worshiped the teacher Bodhi, made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, at the foot of Five Fingers Mountain, met a destined person, learned scriptures from the west, and consummated his merits... In the end, he becomes a Buddha and becomes a patriarch, and enjoys bliss.

For some reason, the apparently perfect life made him feel unwilling, so with a little obsession, he returned to the Three Realms.

The combination of karma and fate turned into a fairy stone on Huaguo Mountain.

Obviously as long as he takes a step forward, he can realize himself, return to his position and defeat the Buddha, and get rid of Chen Ang's various persecution and calculations, but Chen Ang just smiled, as if he didn't want to stop him at all.

Wukong smiled suddenly, pointed to the Tathagata and said: "My old grandson's karma is not broken, how can I get the Buddha to sit down, why not calculate the karma of this obsession today, and tell me to come and go clean."

The World Honored One only sighed and said: "Sun Wukong, after you became a Buddha, you only have a little obsession, that is, you were not free at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain in the past, and cut off another possibility of being carefree and free. Now you are obsessed with that little bit. Nian, invite me to fight again, to return to the moment at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain in the past."

"It's needless to say that I lost, and I suppressed it. After five hundred years, I will go to learn the scriptures again."

"If you win, a little bit of obsession will dissipate, and the karma will disappear, but it will be wiped out from now on. The karma will be combined, and the karma will be scattered. Good, good!"

Wukong kowtowed to Chen Ang and said: "It turns out that the master has already seen the reason for me. I bid farewell to the past before I can be free. If I jump out of the three realms and take that step, I will be a real individual with infinite possibilities. Now the World Honored One returns In this position, the Three Realms cannot be destroyed, and I will eventually be trapped in the past, and it is rare to be free, and I will eventually go back to become the Fighting and Conquering Buddha."

"If a disciple loses, after five hundred years, he will obtain the true scriptures and achieve the true fruit, and it will be nothing more than the past of defeating the Buddha!"

"If the disciple wins, all kinds of causes and conditions will combine and be wiped out!"

"No wonder Master always said that there are always mistakes in the two paths, it is better to start a new path!"

Wukong finally laughed and said: "But the disciple finally knows who to swing the stick at!" So he took out the star-fixing iron gift from Chen Ang, and said to the World Honored One:

"Tathagata Buddha! Take a stick from my grandson!"

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