Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 140 Equaling Heaven Emperor, Fighting...Victorious Buddha! (The Final Chapter of Journey to

The old Taoist priest Qingchen boarded the hill in front of the Lingshan Mountain. He looked up and saw that on the Lingshan Mountain, thousands of rays of light bloomed, surrounded by countless immortals and Buddhas, and a big Buddha smiled peacefully, about the same size as Mount Sumeru.

In front of that giant Buddha, a giant golden monkey with a size of ten thousand feet looked extremely thin and short. Holding a sky-supporting golden cudgel, he stood stubbornly in front of the big Buddha, with his stick facing the sky, and swung the stick towards the face of the big Buddha.

Its feet stepped out of the deep cracks in the ground. Facing the light of perfection, wisdom, and peace behind the Buddha's head, its solitary crutches stood upright, as if it had the strength of the sky on its shoulders and refused to kneel down. .

"Wukong, are you still unwilling to realize?" Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva couldn't bear to ask.

"Enlighten it! Monkey!" Nezha also persuaded.

"What's wrong with being a Fighting and Conquering Buddha?" Erlangshen said with emotion, seeming to be melancholy or regretful, asking Wukong and himself.

Looking at the disdainful, dignified, or downcast eyes of the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, Wukong just looked up to the sky and smiled. Three figures suddenly appeared in his mind, one was a stubborn stone monkey, and he jumped deeply while playing in Huaguo Mountain. A water curtain hole was protruded, and all the monkeys supported him, what a beautiful monkey king.

One is an armored ape, who drank the Peach Immortal Wine, stole the Laojun's Golden Elixir, wore a golden chain mail, and wore a purple gold crown with phoenix wings.

The last one sits on the lotus platform, with countless golden hairs fluttering in the wind, tall and tall, with a straight face, but with a little compassion in his eyes, bright wisdom, and great supernatural powers... The treasure is solemn, and a dark golden cassock is draped on his body, looking upright. It is a god of great compassion and prajna wisdom.

"If you are willing... why do you have me?" Wukong asked sadly.

"If I let go of this unwillingness and realize myself, I will definitely defeat the Buddha... But, if I wish to become a Buddha, how can I be reincarnated thousands of times, and you will not be able to achieve consummation in the end?"

Fighting the Buddha in its heart said: "Let it go!"

Chen Ang's phantom in midair slowly dissipated, leaving only a faint sigh...

The call in my heart is always lingering!

Cloud in the wind, it came to me.

That person in the distance is still waiting

The familiar voice is gone.

Wukong bowed his head and roared,

The pressure from the Buddha in front of him is getting heavier and heavier, like thousands of Mount Sumeru, and the high-strength skills he relied on in the past, at this moment, it seems that he does not exist at this moment. The straight crutches bent little by little, and the straight spine made a sound that did not bear the weight.

Wukong bared his teeth and roared, but his voice was already hoarse.

The Tathagata Buddha on the opposite side sighed: "Idiot!"

He raised his right palm in vain, and slowly pressed it down towards Wukong. With a bang, the spiritual mountain under Wukong's feet collapsed, his legs were pierced like stones, trembling slightly, and its arms were no longer as stable as Mount Tai, but also moved along with it. His legs were trembling, and the huge pressure, which was as powerful as the sky, caused Wukong's eyes to burst, and a line of blood and tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

dripping on the ground.

The old Taoist priest Qingchen opened his mouth, not knowing how to describe the scene in front of him.

"You said you were leaving and would come back tomorrow? You couldn't forget it once, but do you still remember it now? Turning around is not a farewell, but separation is inseparable..."

On Lingshan, the Immortal Buddha was silent, and amidst Wukong's unwilling roar, there seemed to be a voice singing. The old Taoist priest Qingchen looked back, only to see Chen Ang leading the horse and leaving Lingshan in the setting sun.

"If you meet the old me... please bring him back!"

"Master..." Wukong's voice was muffled, he couldn't breathe under the pressure, and he was still struggling to ask, "When you named me, was it because he was called Sun Wukong?"

Chen Ang didn't turn his head back and said: "There may be this reason, but in my heart, you have long been the unique Monkey King!"

The old scene appeared in Wukong's mind. At that time, Master Taiqing said with a smile: "Since you don't want to be named Lao, but also want to live forever, then let's take the surname Sun!"

Chen Ang also said: "You seem to be a talented person, but inside you have an unruly temperament. You would rather bend than bend, and you will definitely cause disaster in the future. This is your natural fierceness, a stubbornness. self-willedness, as well as the demonic nature I learned here as a teacher."

"You look like an ape, and as a teacher I don't expect you to become a real person with morality, and you won't become empty if you break the stubborn stone..."

"From now on, you will be called Sun Wukong!"

At this time, its waist has been pressed into a tight bow, and its spine seems to be broken at any time. All the immortals and Buddhas in the sky raised their hearts, worrying that when it will break its tendons and bones, it will be crushed to the ground .

But Wukong faced the pressure of Tathagata's palm inch by inch, and straightened up!

His eyes were red, and he almost spewed blood mist. He roared word by word: "Break the stubborn stone...don't Wukong! I...don't...get it!"

The star-defining iron gifted by Chen Ang, made of extraterrestrial cores, cracked inch by inch after being bent to the limit!

The Tathagata palm supported by it pressed down on Wukong in amazement, Nezha couldn't help but exclaimed, Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun couldn't help but stepped forward, clenched his fists, and the Bull Demon King who was watching from a distance stared even bigger. Eyes, frightened.

"I said it! I...don't...enlightenment!" Wukong raised his head to the sky and screamed, waving the broken golden cudgel, and hitting the palm of the Tathagata. In the shattered precious iron, countless divine brilliance gathered into a golden hoop The stick broke the divine palm that was like falling to the sky, and struck out countless time and space collapses, and countless universes were born and died.

Hearing this, Chen Ang turned his head and saw the golden cudgel rejuvenated in the broken iron of the fixed star god, and suddenly showed a smile.

"Apocalypse... I need a golden cudgel that is unparalleled in the world!"

"What do you want in exchange?"

"How about the key data of an experiment?"

"What experiment?"

"Will that golden cudgel smash Shakyamuni's head?"


The golden cudgel smashed into the palm of the Tathagata God who was coming from the sky. It included the entire universe of the Three Realms and turned it upside down. With all the materials in the four continents and the four seas and the four oceans, it was a blow that turned and crushed. It was completely torn apart by a golden hoop, and the palm of the Tathagata God was smashed by a stick.

The golden god ape jumped out of it.

Tathagata suddenly retracted his palm and stopped, looked at his broken palm silently, and sighed: "You have won!"

In all directions, countless gods froze together, suddenly Nezha exclaimed: "Fight, fight, win, Buddha!" ​​Avalokitesvara also solemnly praised: "Fight, fight, win, Buddha!" They all praised: "Emperor Qitian, fighting...Victorious Buddha!"

Amidst the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, Wukong stared at the golden cudgel in his palm, suddenly smiled softly, and finally looked back.

Turned into ashes and gone...

The golden cudgel fell into the dust, smashed the plaque of the Daxiong Hall, and inserted it in front of the mountain gate of the Daleiyin Temple.

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