A piece of bodhi leaf slowly fell in front of his eyes, a pair of hairy palms, holding the gold-plated double-hooped golden cudgel on his knees, and the dark gold cassock with dark patterns was draped over his left shoulder. With a natural bearing, the bodhi leaf was blown by the wind in front of his eyes, and the golden hair all over his body was also dancing with the wind.

Looking at the Buddha from the front, he was exactly the same as Wukong, except that his face was less angry and lively, and more peaceful and detached.

The six-foot hozen sat facing the bodhi tree, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, which was extremely peaceful. A monk stepped forward and put his palms together and said, "The Buddha's Enlightenment has been completed, and the World Honored One has a decree!"

Dou Zhanfo, however, stared at the golden cudgel brought back from the Daleiyin Temple, remained silent for a long time, and then said: "Have you consummated?"

The bhikkhu said with a smile: "If the obsession is gone, how can it be incomplete?"

Dou defeated the Buddha and said sadly: "Why do you need to be consummated?"

"The World-Honored One re-entered the Three Realms for me, and helped me eliminate my obsessions, so that I would not fall into the fruit position. Finally, I brought this stick back to me, but obsessions are obsessions. Why force myself to eliminate them?"

The bhikkhu was a little puzzled. He didn't know why he didn't see joy when he achieved enlightenment after defeating the Buddha, so he could only reply: "When all the causes and conditions are gone, you can get the right fruit. Only when you get rid of your troubles can you realize Bodhi. Why don't you see joy after defeating the Buddha?"

"The World Honored One showed me to prove the Buddha, which is called fighting and defeating. It is only because the world is on the way to enlightenment, selfishness is hard to get rid of, and self-attachment is very deep. In the process of practice, we must constantly uphold the correct view of 'no self', and fight against 'I want, I think, and I hate. , I fear 'struggle until all selfish preferences are overcome, and no longer indulge in all kinds of obsessions and troubles, only then can we enter into the non-contradictory and prove the right result."

Fighting Victory Buddha sighed: "But today, after seeing my little obsession, I understand why there is no possibility besides the positive result. I am obsessed with what I want, want what I want, think what I think, and hate what I want." Hate, fear what I fear, live out another world? Three thousand afflictions, nameless origins. Why seek the right fruit? Why prove the right fruit? "

"At the beginning, when I achieved the right result, I was unwilling to reconcile it. I cut out that bit of obsession and pinned it on the past. He was already a brand new 'I'. Why bother to correct the 'I'. Why bother to have no 'I'?"

The bhikkhu was puzzled when he heard this, and was about to say the decree of the World Honored One, but Dou Victory Buddha stretched out his hand to stop him. Fighting the Buddha put it in the palm of his hand, smiled slightly, and then blew it down. The vellus hair went away with the wind, and the golden cudgel on Dou Zhan Buddha's knee turned into a golden light, falling on the vellus hair, like the flowing light floating on the hair, falling into the darkness.

Seeing the vellus go away, Dou Zhan Buddha smiled and signaled to the bhikkhu, "Don't preach the decree, the World Honored One decreed, just let me understand my heart before you speak it!"

The bhikkhu watched the hair go away,

Dazed in place, watching Dou defeating Buddha again, but the circle of light was gone, and he fell out of enlightenment.

Fighting the Buddha fell to the fruition position, and his face showed joy instead. This is the great joy and peace of the thought. He watched the hair go away, but his body seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden...

The moment Chen Ang fell at the end of the hair, he raised his head if he felt something, looked into the distance, but just smiled.

Wukong opened his eyes, but he saw all kinds of colors coming from the sky and the earth, turning them into vivid colors. Suddenly, the sky and the earth seemed to have changed, and even the smell of mud coming from his mouth and nose was extremely vivid. It scratched its head, but it didn't feel surprised. Looking around, it saw that its body was earth-colored and full of mud marks.

Although he still looked like a hozen, it was as if he had been rolling in the dirt for three or four years without taking a bath.

When it looked up, it saw only a piece of sky the size of a washbasin on top of it, which was half blocked by a lotus plant. The rest of the place was thick rock walls covered with creeping vines. It was about the size of two rooms. The cave, but the opening of the cave is on the top, which is the small piece of sky blocked by the lotus.

Wukong got up from the ground and saw a stone tablet beside him, writing: Om Mani Padme Hum.

Wukong looked at it carefully for a while, went up to pick up the stone tablet and said with a smile: "Whose handwriting is this guy? I see that the six-character mantra has weak skeleton, weak writing power, no aesthetic feeling in structure, and extremely rigid structure. It can be said that apart from correctness, there is no Nothing extraordinary. Apparently too mediocre... mediocre!"

"No matter who stays here, my old grandson will write a new one for you!"

After saying that, he took off the stone tablet, and when the surrounding vines just floated up and were about to whip him, Wukong grinned, and with a single pointing finger, he fixed them all, stiffened from the inside to the outside, and stuck It's like petrified on the rock wall.

Wukong erased the six-character mantra on the stone tablet, and re-drawn it in calligraphy with his finger and pen.

Putting it on again, the bones and muscles are really strong, the structure is strict, and the writing is extraordinary. It is no loss to him and Zilu to learn how to carve bamboo slips and hundreds of years of hard work.

After Wukong finished drawing, he looked left and right, and found that there was really nothing in the cave, and it didn't care about the poverty. It scratched and touched a few lotus pods, then lay on the protruding rock, enjoying the bright moonlight, nibbling the lotus pods and pushing aside the lotus seeds to eat.

During these few days, Wukong sometimes roamed around the surrounding mountains and forests, picked wild peaches and wild fruits, and traveled among the mountains, and sometimes lay down in the empty cave, reviewing what he had learned, and ending his experience, he was at ease.

It doesn't think about why it is here, but it doesn't leave here until the opportunity prepared by its master has not arrived, but it gives it a taste of the days in Huaguo Mountain in the past, the feeling of being carefree and unrestrained.

Far away from the mountains, in the glorious city, a fat man with big ears is explaining to a new exorcist, Chen Xuanzang: "This monster, whose original name is Zhu Gangli, is as ugly as a pig. , is a lover, very infatuated with his wife, but his wife despised him for being ugly, and committed adultery with a beautiful man, and even conspired to beat him to death with a nine-toothed rake..."

"He should love so much, accumulate grievances and become demons, vowing to kill all the women in the world who love beautiful men."

Chen Xuanzang said with emotion: "It turns out that he is also a poor person."

Not far from them, there was a group of people watching them coldly, watching them.

One of the alluring women said to the man behind him: "Is this world too dangerous? That Zhu Gangli is just a wronged soul killed by mortals. Because of his resentment, he can become such a powerful monster. In this world Zhu Ganglu is not the reincarnation of Marshal Tianpeng, and we six seniors can't deal with it, so how powerful will Sun Wukong be?"

"With Chen Xuanzang around, we can't kill those three monsters." The man took a deep puff of cigarette, exhaled the smoke ring slowly, and said, "I suspect that the master Chen Xuanzang is the Tathagata Buddha... With this appearance, people can't help but doubt it. ah!"

"Therefore, Chen Xuanzang must not move. He comprehends the great love in the world, and the main plot of his journey to the west to learn scriptures must not be messed up. Otherwise, I am afraid that an overwhelming Tathagata palm will be slapped on us."

"The main task for us to enter the plot world with the hunter exam invitation letter is to be an exorcist, get the approval of the three great exorcists, and transfer to a mercenary (exorcists, hunters, witch hunters, green, etc. are all hired Soldiers category), in the future, you will be friendly to the mercenary camp when you do Western fantasy plot missions."

"Don't think about participating in Chen Xuanzang's main mission. If my guess is correct, we can only get in touch with Chen Xuanzang and participate in his mission to subdue the three demons if we get the approval of the Great Exorcist and become an exorcist. "

"The last time we helped him deal with the fish monster, didn't we get interrupted by Miss Duan? The favorability didn't increase at all... If you want to participate in the main plot, you must be approved by the exorcist camp."

"Speaking of which, the timing of the release of this batch of mercenary professional certification is a bit bizarre!" A young man dressed as a scholar in a scholar's uniform rubbed his chin and said, "There are so many tasks for mercenary professional certification. Exam missions, hunter exam missions, and even the Holy See exorcist certification in the Van Helsing series are not difficult, so why are there so many mercenary certification items just in time for the mission of Journey to the West: Conquering Demons?"

"The difficulty of Journey to the West Conquering the Demons is completely too much!"

"This kind of high-difficulty mission props are either extremely cheap or expensive. Generally, when they are cheap, someone deliberately releases them to trick some cannon fodder to come and die. But there are quite a few people who come in. Monk Sha and Zhu There is no one to disturb the staunch mission."

"Who said there is no one, aren't those reincarnated people who competed with us for monk Yuyaosha not human?" A naughty young man retorted.

The young man dressed as a scribe shook his head and said, "This kind of intense competition cannot be called interference at all."

"There must be quite a powerful force that suppressed those reincarnations who were ready to move and wanted to interfere with the main line." He concluded: "Then what is their purpose?"

"Attracting a lot of cannon fodder, but suppressing them from interfering in the first two plots, so as to ensure that the progress of the plot will not be disturbed... Could it be that they want to attack Monkey King?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

"Monkey King?"

"Impossible, impossible. The Monkey King in Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons is probably stronger than the original version. That kind of pervert, who has no time to hide, who dares to attack it. Don't die. That is Monkey King, the king of demons."

"It seems that the space does not have the plot world of the original work at all!"

"Although Sun Wukong is strong, it might not be impossible if those perverted teams in the space join in!" Become as strong as a pervert in one leap."

"You mean the Great Tang world where the world of divine soldiers, Yuan Shi, and Heavenly Demons invaded?" The young man dressed as a scribe sneered, "Lu Li, the unicorn war god of the Windchaser team, used the small Holy Grail to create the Heshibi War, and sacrificed the bloody battle of the Nine Regiments , completely changed the whole world, and triggered the hidden magical background of the Tang world, which created the two god-level powerhouses, the female devil and the unicorn warrior."

"The War with Choi is known as one of the three classic cases in which a wise man used props to create a trend in the plot. How could I not study it..." The young man dressed as a scribe had a spark of wisdom in his eyes, and he was thinking intensely , while sorting out his thoughts casually: "Speaking of it... this world also seems to have a hidden background. And obviously, the clue is the plot of Journey to the West."

"However, the plot power of Journey to the West and Conquer the Demons is obviously stronger than the original Journey to the West, so what is the purpose of causing such a hidden background? Journey to the West and Conquer the Demons is very special. Monkey King is the ultimate villain and one of the protagonists. You can’t move it. Otherwise, the palm of the Tathagata might be imprinted on you!”

"However, if you just want to trigger the plot of the second demon-hunting chapter in advance and attack the real person in Jiugong, it seems a little wrong."

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