Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 985 Take Pingcheng Lightly

Since ancient times, if you want to enter Yanmen County and close the Yanmen Fortress, you must first pass through Pingcheng County (that is, Datong in later generations).

And Pingcheng County is the first line of defense guarding the northern fortress.

There is Shitou Mountain in the west (that is, Hongtao Mountain in later generations), and Baideng Mountain in the east (that is, Cailiang Mountain in later generations).

Between the two mountains, there is a river coming from the north.

Pingcheng County, just beside the river in Shankou.

It can be said that there are mountains and water, grass and sheep.

In the early years of the former Han Dynasty, Han Wangxin was unfavorable in fighting the Xiongnu in Yanmen, so he asked the Xiongnu for peace many times in private, and was suspected by Emperor Gaozu.

Han Wangxin was afraid of being killed, so he rebelled directly and surrendered to the Huns.

At the same time, he also gave his capital Mayi (that is, Shuozhou in later generations) to the Xiongnu, and at the same time made an agreement with the Xiongnu to go south to attack Taiyuan together.

Emperor Gaozu personally led the army to the north to meet the attack. He was victorious in consecutive battles, so he underestimated the enemy.

This is the famous siege of Baideng Mountain in history.

Today, Bai Dengshan is still the same, and Pingcheng County, which has been operated for hundreds of years in the Han Dynasty, has long been a place where Hu people raise cattle and sheep.

Pingcheng is located in a dangerous location, and it guards the throat of the north-south communication, and the mud is released in summer and autumn, so everyone likes to stay here.

On the one hand, it can prevent people who don't have eyesight from sneaking in to graze.

It's okay to rely on him, but if you want to go south to graze without asking him to be an adult, that's not acceptable.

Secondly, whether it is smuggling salt from Hedong County, or smuggling ironware and food from somewhere to the caravan on the grassland, it basically passes through here.

Xieguini can get a lot of benefits from it-the middleman earns the difference, and it really makes money lying down.

In the early morning at the end of July, the sun had not yet risen, and the thin summer fog floated layer by layer on the grassland at the mountain pass north of Pingcheng, which had not yet dissipated.

The mist lay flat on the ground like wool.

The horseshoes wet by the mist stepped on the grass, accompanied by the sound of tinkling horse bells, breaking the tranquility of the mountain pass.

The barbarian guarding the mountain pass was awakened, got up and listened carefully, after making sure that he had heard correctly.

A small leader quickly ran forward a few steps, shouting first in nonsense, then in blunt Chinese:

"Who is in front?"

The jingling horse bells stopped, and then a voice came from the opposite side:

"Horse team, tea, brown sugar, spirits, soap."

Just ten words, concise and clear, made the little boss look happy, and quickly sent several people to check.

After a while, the barbarians came back with a Han man:

"It's the horse team, and they brought a lot of good things."

"Okay, okay! Hurry up, go and report to your lord immediately."

The little boss sent someone to report to Pingcheng, and at the same time personally led the horse team to a valley to wait.

Not all Han Chinese caravans came from the south.

In the past few years, every year there will be a special caravan, bringing the most precious tea and brown sugar, men's favorite spirits, and women's favorite soaps, coming from the north.

It is said that they set out from the distant Liangzhou, entered the grassland, and walked thousands of miles before arriving at Yanmen.

Whenever this time is the happiest time for the tribe, it is comparable to a festival.

This caravan only comes once a year, and each time it stays for as long as a month or as short as half a month, it has to leave in a hurry.

But that's enough.

At the very beginning, Xie Guini led the tens of thousands of string control men left by Fu Luohan to join Ke Bineng.

During this process, his strength was partially weakened by Ke Bi Neng.

When he fled to Budugen, he lost another part.

Then Qin Lang defeated Ke Bineng and Budugen's allied forces, and lost part of it.

For so many years, the tribe of Xieguini really celebrates the New Year with Wang Xiaoer, and every year is not as good as every year.

It wasn't until he was proclaimed King Guiyi by the State of Wei, led the tribe back to Yanmen, and gathered some small tribes, that the trend of population decline was slightly stopped.

Even so, there are only tens of thousands of warriors who can mount a horse and control the strings of the whole family.

This shows how much the tribal population has lost over the years.

But it was precisely because the population of the Xieguini tribe was not too large, so Wei Guo was relieved to let him graze in Yanmen.

The tribe has a small population, so the trading time doesn't take much.

After Xie Guini learned that there was a caravan coming from the north, she was a little surprised.

He immediately sent troops to the mountain pass to escort the caravan into Pingcheng.

When the size of this year's horse team seems to be much larger than in previous years, the goods brought are naturally much more.

Xie Guini couldn't help being curious:

"You came half a month earlier this year than in previous years, which is rare."

When the steward heard Gui Ni's question, there was a bit of helplessness on his face, and he sighed and said:

"The leader doesn't know. According to the habit of previous years, we will indeed stay at the foot of the Yin Mountain for at least half a month."

"It's just that this year is different. Feng Langjun from Liangzhou led an army across the desert from Liangzhou, and wanted to use the Yinshan Mountain to go south."

"At the beginning, Ke Bineng not only agreed, but even sent troops to help. Later, for some unknown reason, the two sides fell out again, and there was a big fight."

"Right now, the entire Yinshan army is in trouble, and there is chaos everywhere. Who dares to stay there?"

Speaking of this, the steward sighed again, "It's just that this cargo can't be taken back, right? So I had to come here to vent it to Chief Ni."

When Xie Guini heard it, he was first surprised, then delighted:

"A fight broke out at Yinshan Mountain?"

Han people and Wei people fought in Guanzhong, of course he knew about it.

Because last month, Bingzhou recruited a lot of troops and sent them to Guanzhong.

Bigui of Taiyuan in the south also sent people to Yanmen to let Xieguini bring out some horses, cattle and sheep to finance Guanzhong.

However, Xie Guini didn't know the specifics of what Guanzhong had become.

What can be inquired is basically some bits and pieces of news.

Some say that the Han people are powerful, and some say that the Wei people won.

But these are not what Xie Guini should care about.

Anyway, no matter who wins, people should watch Yanmen, right?

Now near Guansai, apart from myself, there is no decent tribe anymore.

Even counting Ke Bineng who is far away in Yinshan Mountain, he is not a character who is willing to submit to others.

So at this time, when I heard that Ke Bi Neng was fighting with the Han people, although Xie Guini was a little surprised, I felt it was reasonable.

Most importantly, Xieguini is happy to see it come to fruition.

Because the adult and uncle were killed by him one after another, he and Ke are more capable, and there is really a deep blood feud between him and Ke.

"How's the fight over Yinshan? Who won?"

Xie Guini asked anxiously.

The steward shook his head and smiled wryly:

"Leader Xieguini is embarrassing me. When encountering military chaos, we have no time to avoid it. How dare we inquire?"

"Anyway, when we left, we only heard that Feng Langjun and Ke Bineng were fighting fiercely, and both sides had casualties."

Xie Guini nodded and agreed after hearing the words:

"Yes, Ke Bineng can't be underestimated. The Han army came across the desert, and they can fight Ke Bineng in Yinshan, which is already considered very powerful."

"Yes, yes!" The steward nodded again and again, agreeing, "It is in Yinshan, if it is really in Liangzhou, hehe..."

"Hehe!" Xie Guini looked at the steward, also laughing:

"Speaking of which, you came early this time. How much of the fur in our hands was confiscated. As for the wool, we haven't started shearing yet..."

When the steward heard it, he immediately laughed and said:

"It's okay, it's okay, we can wait slowly."

Xie Guini had a good time and said slowly:

"What I mean is that you brought too many goods this year. If the price is the same as in previous years, we probably don't have enough fur and wool to exchange with you."

"So the price of goods this year, I hope it will be lower."

"Leader Xiguini, you are taking advantage of others' danger!" The steward immediately called out to Qu, "We didn't sell much of our goods in Yinshan."

"I originally wanted to come here to see if I could get my money back. If you do this, our trip will be wasted! Not only was it in vain, but it may even be paid back!"

Xie Guini shook his head and said:

"Except for me, I'm afraid no one else can buy so much of your goods, and you came here this time to avoid the chaos of war."

"Besides me, who can protect you now? Therefore, the price of your batch should be lower."

Every tribe on the steppe welcomes caravans to the steppe.

Even among some tribes, even if they were fighting to death, they would tacitly not move the caravans that came and went.

Because the caravan can bring them materials that are scarce in the grassland.

If you are in the mainland, if you encounter such natural and man-made disasters when doing business, I am afraid that you will suffer a blood loss.

Don't let the steward say loudly in front of Xie Guini that this trip was a waste of time, but he is clear in his heart that it is impossible to lose money.

It just depends on how much you earn.

Not to mention that this is already the furthest distance the caravan can go, even if there are other places to go, but it is going to be autumn, if you don't sell them out quickly, is it possible to keep it for the New Year?

The steward gritted his teeth and had to lower the price according to Xie Guini's statement.

"Let's return to the mud leader, other things can be lowered, but I have a novelty here, if you like it, then you have to exchange some more things for me."

"If it doesn't work, I'd rather take it back than sell it."

When Xie Guini heard this, he immediately asked curiously:

"What is it?"

"There's no benefit to this thing during the day, I'll show it to you only at night."

Seeing what the other party said, Xie Guini became more and more curious.

The steward smiled mysteriously, but he was only willing to take it out at night.

Finally at night, there was a sudden "beep" sound from the top of Pingcheng.

Then there is "whoosh"!

Then, a brilliant firework appeared over Pingcheng.

It looks extremely bright in the dark night.

Seeing this firework, Xie Guini was shocked and almost knelt down:

"Could it be that this is a gift from ghosts and gods? It can summon a star pendant!"


The caravan steward laughed.

In the night, General Guan was standing on a certain hill, staring at the south.

The mountain wind blew her cloak and made a loud noise, but her tall and straight body was like a stone sculpture, motionless.

When a bright firework bloomed in a certain direction, General Guan couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

After a while, the second flower rose into the sky and opened again...

This signal represented that the tent for Xie Guini was now set up in Pingcheng.

A smile finally broke out on General Guan's cold face, the smile was like bright fireworks in the night sky.

"Come here, pass the order down. Tonight, we will prepare meals at the third watch and set off at the fifth watch, so that the whole army will be ready."


"Let Shi Bao come to see me."

Shi Bao quickly climbed up from the bottom of the mountain:

"General, you are looking for me."

"How's it going in the army?"

"General, there are still 8,643 people in the army who have not followed up. Now there are 1,412 people in the army who are unable to go to battle due to overwork or illness."

At the time of departure, there were 26,000 people. Even with one person and three riders, the number of non-combat attrition reached 10,000.

"It's okay, let them follow behind and walk slowly, waiting for the soldiers who are behind. Tell the soldiers that they will enter Pingcheng tomorrow, and they will eat meat."

Shi Bao licked his lips, he swallowed a little when he heard General Guan's words.

These days, I have only eaten one hot meal in three days, and I have long been hungry, let alone meat.

"If you can't defeat Xie Gui Ni quickly, then wait to continue eating dry food."


Shi Bao puffed out her chest and responded loudly.

Among other things, even if it is for tomorrow's hot soup and meat, it will have to work hard!

It was still dark, the same mountain pass, the same morning, the same mist.

The little leader of the barbarians guarding the mountain pass is still sleeping.

The wine given to him by the steward of the caravan was very strong.

Although he only drank two bowls, it still made him a little dizzy last night.

There was a faint sound of horseshoes in the distance from the mountain pass.

The conscientious barbarian was awakened, and he muttered:

"Which tribe doesn't have eyes?"

No wonder he was so careless.

Because these past few years have been too comfortable.

Ever since Kebi Neng fled far away, there is no nearby tribe that dares to trouble Mr. Gui Ni.

So he never thought that this was an enemy attack.

The sound of hooves came closer, like thunder.

"No! This is... at least tens of thousands of horses!"

After all, he has lived on horseback since he was a child, and just hearing the sound of horse hoofs, the barbarians can react.

Thinking of this, he was so frightened that he lost all sleepiness and broke out in a cold sweat.

He quickly turned over and ran to find the leader without even tidying up his clothes.

"Someone is coming, many, many people!"

The leader was awakened by the shaking of death, opened some hazy eyes, got up very angry, and cursed:

"What are you doing in the morning?"

The little boy gestured repeatedly, pointing to the north tremblingly:

"Someone, someone, many, many..."


Before he finished speaking, the leader felt the ground shake.

"Where are there so many cavalry?"

"Enemy attack?"

The leader hurriedly got up, but the aftereffects of the hangover were a bit severe, making his head burst as if it had exploded.

He supported his head and groaned a few times before standing upright.

When he hurriedly gathered the people below, the sound of rumbling horseshoes was about to shake the top of the mountain down.

The sun rose, and the first ray of sunlight pierced through the mist, allowing the leader to finally see clearly the enemies rushing towards the mountain pass.

Like a long dragon, like a torrent, the darkness is overwhelming.


The leader let out a miserable scream.

This must be a dream!

It must be because of the wine he drank last night.

At this time, how could there be an enemy attacking?

The enemy has already begun to divert the flow and circle around towards various intersections.

Some people even rushed up the low hillside, ready to dive from a high position.

"I'll go back and tell the adults!"

The boss turned around and ran away.

Taking down the outpost with ease, Guan Ji didn't stop at all, and continued to lead the army out of the mountain pass, heading towards the real destination.

But at this time, Xie Guini was really hungover.

Last night, he saw something called fireworks, which was so beautiful that he couldn't hold his mind at all. He was so happy that he drank a lot of wine.

I was having a sweet dream, dreaming that the gods saw me setting off fireworks, and then let the extremely beautiful goddess send an invitation...

An hour later, Guan Ji led the army to the bank of the river outside Pingcheng.

Before the barbarians on this side understood what was going on, all kinds of tents had been washed to pieces.

Raising the binoculars, looking at the dilapidated city walls of Pingcheng, there are many places that can be passed by leaping horses. Guan Ji smiled slightly, and then gave an order:

"Crossing the water!"

On weekdays, the tribes who have returned to the mud have to travel between the two sides of the strait, so there is naturally a place to cross the water.

When the Han army was crossing the water in batches, the barbarians in the city finally came to their senses.

"My lord, enemy attack, enemy attack, my lord!"

The guard desperately woke up and vented to the mud.

Only after Xie Guini regained some sanity, there were already shouts of killing outside the city.

Some of the barbarians who did not have a unified command ran back, wanting to run back to the city.

Some tried to stop them beyond their limits, and the Han army who rushed up held up their sharp sabers and chopped down, directly chopping people off their horses.

Pingcheng, which has become a cattle and sheep pen, naturally has no way to block the cavalry of the Han army. Those who are skilled in riding directly found a low place and jumped over it.

Those who have no confidence will directly rush to the city gate that has not had time to close.

Someone wanted to close the gate of the city, but a group of people rushed out from inside and directly chopped down the barbarians at the gate of the city.

Then, the cavalry rushed directly into the city...

She didn't even have time to put on her clothes, and Xiegui Ni, who was only wrapped in a leather robe, was embraced by her personal guards, mounted her horse, and rushed to the street.

But there were cries and shouts everywhere, black smoke rose from some places, and many cattle and sheep even rushed to the street.

Seeing this chaos, even though Xie Guini was completely awake, he might not be able to organize a strong resistance.

He fled out of the city under the escort of his personal guards in a daze, and only then did he fully wake up.

He murmured sleepwalkingly:

"Who? Who is it?"

"I don't know! It looks like there are Han people and Hu people. They come from the north, but I don't know where the enemies are."

The little leader who originally ran back from the mountain pass to report the letter, followed the adults out of the city and provided some useful information.

"North? That's not a sneak attack by the Wei people."

Xie Guini shook his head, and at the same time glanced at Pingcheng behind him, his expression immediately became sluggish.

The enemy's cavalry has already come around from the east along the opposite bank.

"Let's go, go to Yanmen Fortress!"

The terrain of Yanmen Fortress is dangerous, and the enemy's cavalry cannot cross it. As long as they can delay for a while, Taiyuan in the south can come to support in time.

Xie Guini didn't dare to stay any longer, he slapped his horse's ass hard, and fled south for his life.

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