Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 984 Surprise

Ke Bineng was beheaded before the battle, and the Xianbei Huqi, who were already a little broken, were defeated in an instant.

Yi Cong Hu Qi chased them to the north, and many Xianbei Hu people were driven into the big river, where they drowned countless people and their corpses drifted away.

After the war, Feng Shiguo, as he said before the war, collected enough horses and selected 5,000 meritorious men from among the Hu cavalry.

Promise that they can continue westward on their own, go to Gaoque, and plunder the tribe of the Xianbei Hu people.

After this battle, tribes with more than a thousand riders were temporarily organized in a short period of time in the area south of Yinshan Mountain, and they were wiped out.

Five thousand righteous horsemen are enough to run wild.

Time is running out, after defeating Ke Bineng, Governor Feng has no time to slowly clean up the mess.

He called the people together and commanded:

"Which tribes originally attached to Ke Bineng can be used by the big man, and how to gather them up is up to you, Liu Liang."

Liu Liang was overjoyed when he heard this:

"Liangding lives up to the expectations of kings and lords!"

I have been a grandson here in Yinshan for so long, now the feng shui turns, let's see how I can flex my muscles.

Governor Feng looked at Xu Xun again:

"Xu Xun, you will be in command of these five thousand horsemen, stay at Yinshan Mountain, and see if you can raise some more food and grass, just in case."

Xu Xun quickly responded, and then asked with a little hesitation:

"Your Majesty is planning to leave these five thousand Huqi alone in Yinshan Mountain?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"Your Majesty, the Hu people have never been trustworthy. They are still obedient when they are restrained by the Marquis on weekdays. If the Marquis leads the army to leave, Yinshan is the place where the Hu people gather. What if..."

Upon hearing this, Inspector Feng smiled slightly:

"Yuan De can rest assured that Yi Congjun's relatives are far away in Liangzhou, and every branch of the army has a military commander. Who dares to have two hearts among those leaders?"

"Even if they want to rebel, who will support them?"

Leaving the good life in Liangzhou, how about going to the desert to eat the wind and sand?

Some leaders may have such thoughts, but who would be willing to do so?

Besides, even if they rebel, where can they find a tribe that supports them?

You can't count on the Xianbei Hu people in Yinshan, right?

First there was the massacre in Qiaoshan, and then there was the battle in Wuyuan County. The hatred between the two sides was in full swing.

Liu Liang appeased Ke Bineng's old troops, Xu Xun looked at Yi Cong and Hu Qi, as long as the two sides could maintain a balance for two or three months, it would be enough, and Guanzhong would almost be able to tell the winner.

Although Xu Xun had been the logistics staff officer of the Liangzhou Army for a long time, he had never led an army, so he was a little worried.

At this time, I was relieved to hear Feng Cishi's explanation:

"It turns out that Junhou had planned for a long time ago, but I was too careful."

Just when Feng Cishi led the army back to the north and swept the Hu people in Yinshan, the court in Luoyang was full of joy.

Cao Rui circulated the memorial sent back by Sima Yi to all the ministers, and said with a smile:

"It is said that Bandit Feng is cunning and has never been defeated. Hearing about it in Guanzhong, his countenance changed. I didn't expect to meet Da Sima this time, but he came back without success. It's really very satisfying."

Cao Rui's health has never been very good, and in the past few years, he has been indulging in alcohol and sex, causing his body to become weaker and weaker.

Especially when they heard that the Shu captives had invaded Guanzhong with all the strength of the whole country, the people of Wei State were panicked.

For more than two months, Cao Rui's mood was really bad.

After all, after the first battle in Longyou, the Great Wei lost Longyou first, and then Liangzhou.

In the battle of Xiaoguan, Feng Zei was famous all over the world for winning more with less, which can be regarded as a turning point in the strategic situation of Shu Wei.

After Liu Bei's defeat at Yiling, during the ten years when Shu and Wei fought again, Great Wei fought and failed repeatedly.

Not to mention that many people in Guanzhong fear Sichuan like a tiger, even in Luoyang there are many people muttering in their hearts:

Over the years, the military forces of the Shu captives have become more and more sharp, and Feng Zei has dominated the world's literary spirit. In addition, I heard that Hanzhong is also prosperous in literary affairs. Could it be that Liu Han is really full of energy?

Nanxiang paper was brought into Luoyang by caravans in the early years, and has been sought after from the very beginning.

It has the reputation of "smooth and smooth, far surpassing Cai paper".

Shu has both civil and military equipment, so it's no wonder that some people have such thoughts.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that many people are worried about the fact that Shu Kingdom is bound to win Guanzhong this time.

It is probably because the kidney qi is too weak, which makes the virtual fire more likely to rise. These days, Cao Rui's temper has become more and more irritable.

Fortunately, there is a goddess in the harem, who can bring relaxation and joy to His Majesty, and often turn His Majesty's anger into joy.

Only in this way, the already frail emperor looked even paler.

But at this time Cao Rui's pale face showed a rare rosy color, showing the joy in his heart.

"General Xiaoqi (Qin Lang) strategized and forced the Anding bandit army to retreat without fighting, quite like a general."

"Feng thief is tyrannical, and the barbarians are ungrateful. They met to go south, but they fought halfway. Now that Feng thief has withdrawn from Qiaoshan, it must be because he is afraid that Ke Bineng will cut off his back road, so he is eager to lead the army back north."

Cao Rui said excitedly, "The Shu captives came in three routes, and the two routes will be defeated without a fight. I believe that Ge Bandit will also have to retreat south to Hanzhong soon."

Seeing this, Jiang Ji, the Central Guard, stepped forward and said:

"Your Majesty, although Bandit Feng led the army back to the north, he still ordered people to stay at Qiaoshan and capture the generals of Shu. This bandit is the most cunning."

"Thus, the bandits haven't all evacuated from the front of Qiaoshan Mountain, so we can't conclude that Bandit Feng has retreated. We still need to be more careful."

Cao Rui laughed and said:

"In my opinion, Feng Thief's move is cunning. If he leads all the troops out of Qiaoshan at once, it will reveal the unstable morale of the army."

"At that time, there is Kebi in the north who can prevent it from returning. If the Great Wei follows behind, Feng thief will be attacked by the enemy, and then he will become a trapped beast?"

"That's why some thieves are left to guard Qiaoshan, so that they can return to the north with peace of mind and open up an escape route. Then let the Qiaoshan thieves retreat slowly. This is the best policy."

Seeing that Jiang Ji had something to say, he knew what he was thinking, so he explained:

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that there is a Grand Sima in Guanzhong now, and the main purpose is to force the enemy back. He will not let the soldiers attack easily, so as not to fall into the trap of the thieves."

Only then did Jiang Ji retreat.

Cao Rui sighed inwardly.

If it had been ten years ago, even if Guo Huai didn't want to pursue him, he would personally order Dawei Jingqi to pursue him.



Bandit Feng came from the north through the desert, and he must have brought his cavalry with him.

Even if it is the fine cavalry of the Great Wei, now facing the cavalry led by Feng thief, he has to avoid its edge.

Dawei Jingqi is really going to chase out of Qiaoshan and meet Feng thief in the desert. It is not certain who will chase who.

Yang Ji, the leader of the army, came out and played:

"His Majesty previously ordered the recruitment of Hebei soldiers, and the army has arrived in Hanoi County. Now the situation has changed. I don't know whether to continue to reinforce Guanzhong, or to make other arrangements?"

Cao Rui pondered for a moment and said:

"Although the Shu captives have retreated two ways, the Ge bandits still have 100,000 people stationed in Wuzhangyuan. Don't be careless."

Speaking of this, he paused, "It's just that if the Hebei soldiers continue to reinforce Guanzhong, it will be a waste of money and food."

"If you don't want to be stationed in Hanoi for the time being, if there is a change in Guanzhong later, you can reinforce it at any time."

"Secondly, you don't have to work too hard and mobilize the crowd. You can also save some money and food, and wait until Ge Bandit is defeated before stopping the army."

Although it was easy to say in front of everyone, Cao Rui knew in his heart that Jiang Ji's reminder just now was indeed very reasonable.

Feng thief seems to have left Qiaoshan and headed north to open his way back, but as long as the Shu captives do not completely withdraw from Qiaoshan for a day, they cannot be taken lightly.

More importantly, last year, Jingzhou also seized a letter from Sun Quan sent to Ge Bandit, which contained an agreement between the two parties to jointly send troops to invade Xinjiang.

Now the captives from Shu have come as promised, but Wu Kou has not seen any movement, so we must guard against it.

The only thing that can be comforted in this battle of Guanzhong is that Feng Zei and Ke can compete with each other, no matter which side wins, it will be a good thing for Wei.

It would be best if Thief Feng was defeated, and tens of thousands of elite Shu captives would be buried in the desert. In this way, God would really bless Wei.

However, Cao Rui has no hope for this.

After all, even Wei's fine cavalry was defeated miserably by Feng Thief, and how could Ke Bineng beat the iron cavalry led by Feng Thief?

However, if Ke Bineng is broken by Feng thief, it will also help Wei solve a potential threat in the north.

Cao Rui thought quite well this time.

If it were someone else, things would really develop as he thought.

It's a pity that what he met was a soil turtle who crossed illegally, a soil turtle with 1,800 years of experience.

For example, Tubie knew that defending the river must defend the Huaihe River, but Sun Quan didn't think of this at the beginning.

In other words, he underestimated the importance of JAC at the beginning.

By the time he realized it, the 100,000 achievement had already been achieved.

For another example, everyone in the world knows that "the one who wins the Central Plains wins the world".

But only those with outstanding eyesight know that before winning the Central Plains, it is best to occupy Guanzhong in the west, or Hebei, and at least the South must be the next level.

After you have no worries about the future, and then compete in the Central Plains, it will be easy to win the world.

But no matter how brilliant his vision is, it is impossible to break through the limitations of the times and see things thousands of years later.

Before Li Tang took over the world from Taiyuan, even if some people paid attention to Bingzhou, probably no one could realize how important the external and internal mountains and rivers are.

In the pre-Han period, since the Huns were divided into northern and southern parts for the first time, the area from Yinshan to Yanmen has been the place where Han people raised watchdogs for hundreds of years.

It's just that during the Han Dynasty, the Southern Huns were raised.

At the end of the Han Dynasty and the Cao Wei period, the gatekeepers became Xianbei people.

Although the guard dogs sometimes want to turn their heads to bite their masters, they are always knocked down by the master with a stick, and then drive them to bite the enemy in the north.

When Ke Bi Neng was the strongest, Bu Dugen shrank in the Yanmen area, relying on guarding the door for the Wei people in exchange for the support of the Wei State, so that he could not be annexed by Ke Bi Neng.

In later generations, Yanmen was one of the most important barriers in the north. During the two or three hundred years of the Han Dynasty, it was not fortified against the Hu people all the year round. This kind of thing is unimaginable in later generations.

The practice of two or three hundred years has deeply imprisoned the thinking of most people in this era.

In fact, twenty or thirty years is enough to change people's impression of history.

Take the impression of later generations on World War II as an example. In the 1960s and 1970s, the West still admitted that the Soviet Union defeated Germany.

In the 1980s and 1990s, it became the United States and the Soviet Union to defeat the Axis powers.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, some blockbusters began to vigorously promote the United States as the savior of the world.

Ten years after the millennium, some have begun to claim that the Soviet Union is an accomplice of the Axis of Evil...

A few decades can distort history to such an extent, not to mention the practice of the Han Dynasty using Yanmen to bring Hu people to guard the gate, which has lasted for hundreds of years.

No one in Wei State can see more than a thousand years later, so they don't know the pain of a certain Song after losing Youyun Sixteen States.

The so-called Youyun refers to the area around Youzhou and Yanmen.

Even Cao Cao would not have imagined that he had dismembered the Huns into five parts, and that the Huns would come back a hundred years later.

Therefore, according to the practice of the Han Dynasty, Wei Guo raised Xianbei Hu people to guard the gate in Yanmen County, which is not wrong.

The mistake is that they forgot that they are not a unified Han Dynasty, and their main energy is to face the south and the west.

Instead of mobilizing the whole country's troops to the north like the Han Dynasty.

So they would not have thought that Feng Guiwang sacrificed 20,000 Xianbei Hu people in Qiaoshan in front of all the Wei troops.

Then he pretended to return to the north in a hurry, fighting to the death with Ke Bineng, but it was just to cover up an ultimate goal: Yanmen County.

At this time in Yanmen County, the watchdog for Wei Guo was Xie Guini.

Budugen, the first Xianbei janitor in Yanmen, had an elder brother named Fuluohan.

Xieguini is the son of Fuluohan.

Back then, Fu Luo Han and Ke Bineng made an oath, but Ke Bineng hacked him to death in public.

My lord was hacked to death in front of me, Xie Guini not only didn't think about revenge, but instead led tens of thousands of cavalry to join Ke Bineng, who killed his father and enemy.

A few years later, he was persuaded by Bu Dugen who was stationed in Yanmen again, so he led his followers to sneak away to join his uncle.

Unexpectedly, there is a governor in Bingzhou, who is arrogant and extravagant. He often plunders the barbarians, making the barbarians of Bingzhou miserable.

In a fit of rage, Bu Dugen would rather raise his family to seek refuge with his mortal enemy, Ke Bineng, than be bullied by Bi Gui.

Bi Gui led his troops out of the pass to pursue Bu Dugen without authorization, but was defeated by Ke Bineng at the building west of Yanmen Fort, and almost wiped out his entire army.

Then there was Qin Lang who led the Chinese army to go north to Bingzhou, breaking the coalition forces of Ke Bineng and Budugen.

After this defeat, Ke Bi Neng was seriously injured, so he simply killed Bu Dugen, annexed his remaining troops, and ran to Yinshan to lick his wounds.

As for Xie Guini, it was another double defection, and he led the remnants back to Yanmen to surrender to Wei.

Cao Rui didn't care about his past, and even named him King Guiyi, and let him continue to lead his troops to guard Yanmen County.

Xie Guini could be said to be a veritable house slave of the three surnames, and judging from his actions, he was as cowardly as a mouse.

But it was precisely because Xieguini was stationed at Yanmen that Governor Feng never thought of breaking through Qiaoshan from the very beginning.

Instead, he made a set of fancy moves to confuse Wei Guo, and then sent Guan Suo to raid Yanmen at a critical moment.

Just when Cao Rui was dreaming of Feng Yong and Ke Bineng's dream of fighting against each other and hurting both sides.

Guan Suo had already led 20,000 cavalry, and they were galloping eastward day and night.

Then turn south again, and finally take a rest in the north of Yanmen County, under the fortress built by the former Han Dynasty.

When the Han Dynasty was strong, a fortress was built on the northern border of Yanmen County.

It's just that the Guansai is already in ruins like the Guansai in Juyan County.

The border actually controlled by the state of Wei now is bounded by the Juzhu Mountains in the south of Yanmen County (that is, the Hengshan Mountains in later generations).

To the north of the Hengshan Mountains, there is a basin, which is later known as the Datong Basin, and this is the core area of ​​Yanmen County.

Xiegui Nisuo's department is stationed in this basin.

Ever since Qin Lang defeated the coalition forces of Ke Bineng and Du Bugen, the north of the two prefectures had been peaceful for a rare long time.

Over the years, the Datong Basin has become the exclusive grassland of the Xieguini tribe.

It's almost August, which is the best time for grassland grazing.

The yurts are lit, the smoke is curling up, the sheep are bleating, and the horses are neighing.

The tribe of Xieguini has lived a comfortable life in the past few years.

You can exchange food and cloth with the Han people when you return to the Great Wall, and there are fertile lands outside the Great Wall to graze sheep and horses.

There are even occasional caravans who come to exchange some rare and rare things.

Xie Guini even felt that such a good life would last forever.

What he didn't know was that under the fortress of the former Han Dynasty, a pair of extremely deep eyes seemed to be staring coldly at this peaceful and peaceful land through the mountains in the north of Yanmen County.


Guan Ji's raid route map: Click on the comment, the first floor is not easy since ancient times.

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