As soon as General Guan left, Governor Feng led the returning soldiers to Wuyuan County and took over the entire camp.

"What about Kebineng?"

As soon as Feng Cishi got off his horse, he immediately asked Liu Liang who was welcoming him.

Liu Liang, who stayed at the camp, saw Feng Cishi's familiar face, and finally relaxed his tense nerves.

Although people have been sending him information about Ke Bineng, but General Guan is not around, he lacks a sense of security.

I was afraid that Kebi would take advantage of this gap and suddenly appear and set fire to the camp.

"Some old friends of Gao Que sent me news that Ke Bineng's troops have been assembled and are heading east."

"According to the current speed, if it is the fastest, it will arrive tomorrow, and if it is the slowest, it will not exceed the day after tomorrow. Ke Bineng will reach Wuyuan County."

After Liu Hanzi finished speaking in one breath, he couldn't help wiping the sweat off his face.

It was too hot and too excited, Liu Hanzi was sweating a little.

Governor Feng just smiled when he heard the words:

"You seem to have quite a lot of old friends."

Liu Hanzi laughed dryly:

"It's all thanks to the Lord..."

This sentence is the subconscious truth.

After traveling all over the world for so many years, Liu Liang can be regarded as having seen clearly the ways of the world.

So he understood one thing, without the resources of the Xinghanhui system, there would be no Hanzi Liu in this world.

The so-called hero rises while taking advantage of the situation, this sentence only tells half of the truth, or in other words, deliberately conceals half of the content.

That is, before taking advantage of the situation and becoming a hero, you must first have money, food, and people.

Of course, it would be even better if there are some unique resources that others do not have.

Those who don't have these things, but still feel that they can be heroes, or they have been beaten by society until they realize the reality.

Or most of them became rangers.

If you can't even do a ranger, you are a green-skinned rascal.

On the contrary, with enough resources and a little bit of luck, it is easier to become a hero than others.

For example, Zhang Yuan, who is now closely following Feng Junhou, is like a shadow.

It stands to reason that this kind of son of the head of Guizhou, when he enters the army, basically rushes to the front to die.

Unless you have the luck of a narrow escape, it is possible to get a little chance to rise.

It's not like now, not only has the status of the chief senior brother of the students of the martial arts hall, but also has been promoted all the way by Feng Shishi.

Now he is the Sima of the Liangzhou Army, responsible for monitoring the Liangzhou camps.

How many people who were more talented than him died in obscurity on the battlefield because they did not have the resources of the martial arts hall and did not become Governor Feng's students.

When others were picking up the corpses, they didn't even know what their names were...

Another example is Ke Bineng, who grew up as a Xianbei to become the overlord of the grassland, isn't he enough of a hero?

But he didn't follow the general trend, and he didn't have enough resources to fight against the Liangzhou army.

So Liu Liang believed that he would be a dead man soon.

When Liu Hanzi spoke the truth, Governor Feng seemed to be just being polite. He smiled, then turned around, and ordered:

"Zhang Yuan, you take the people from the staff department to arrange for the camps to set up camps. You are in charge of the security around the camp, especially the west side, and see if you can find news about Ke Bineng."

Then he said to Liu Liang:

"Go, take me to see the supplies."

"Your Majesty, this way please."

Next to the original tent of the camp, there was a heavily guarded place, and trenches were dug around it, forming an independent village.

General Guan led the army away, and the camp was emptied, except for this small village, which was still guarded by soldiers.

Liu Langjun led Feng Junhou into the small village and came to a tent.

Lifting up the thing covered with linoleum, there are all jars wrapped in straw ropes.

Governor Feng randomly picked up a jar, cut off the grass rope with his dagger, and cut open the tarpaulin at the mouth of the jar.

Under the oilcloth, there is still wax mud sealing the mouth of the altar. When you remove the wax mud, there is another layer of oilcloth. Lift the oilcloth, reach in, and take out a piece of dry food.

Put it in your mouth and took a bite.


A little powder splashed out of the mouth, the sweetness of brown sugar with a fishy milky smell immediately filled the mouth, making Feng Cishi frown.

It's so unpalatable!

He chewed hard, tried to secrete saliva, and soaked the powder in his mouth before he could swallow it.

It is much more unpalatable than the early military dry rations of later generations.

But this is already the highest-grade toffee dry ration of the Liangzhou Army.

What can be compared with it is the special jerky.

Liu Liang has been in Yinshan for so long, and in the name of a caravan, he built a warehouse in Gaoque to store goods.

But few people know that the real function of the warehouse is to store the materials for making dry food for the Liangzhou Army in advance.

After the army camped in Wuyuan County, all the inventory in the warehouse was naturally moved over.

For more than a month when General Guan was stationed in Wuyuan County, he spent most of his time making dry food.

Feng Yong threw the jar to Zhao Guang behind him.

Zhao Guang couldn't wait to reach in, took out a piece, opened his mouth to bite, most of it was gone.

Everyone is in a hurry these days, and the dry food they often eat is a powder that is mixed with soybean powder and flour in proportion, and fried with oil and salt in advance.

There is no way that thing can compare with such a good thing.

No, Zhao Guang ate too fast and started to roll his eyes from choking.

"Before General Guan left, he took half of it with him."

Liu Liang explained, "The remaining half is reserved for the princes."

As he spoke, he took out a letter from his pocket, "General Guan also left a letter for Junhou."

Governor Feng opened the letter and glanced at it, only two lines were written on it:

I am waiting for you in front, you should be careful.

The handwriting is iron painted with silver hooks, which is firm but soft, and Feng Cishi sighed that it was not as good.

"Xu Xun!"

Xu Xun, the logistics staff officer who was gnawing on toffee dry food, quickly closed his eyes and swallowed desperately, his throat hurting from scratching.

"The end is here!"

"Take an inventory and distribute them to each battalion."


Putting it in jars is to extend the shelf life.

In order to be convenient to carry when marching in a hurry, basically it can only be wrapped in oilcloth and kept as dry as possible.

Seeing that he was well prepared, Governor Feng could finally relax.

Even Feng Cishi, who was used to the life in the army, felt a little overwhelmed physically after rushing on the road for several days.

After confirming that the camps were set up, they slept soundly in the handsome tent left by General Guan.

It wasn't until the sun was high on the second day that I woke up and drank a bowl of crisp milk tea, two bowls of broth, and three meat buns refreshedly, so that my stomach felt full.

The bald-haired Tianli, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried over to report the situation after learning that Governor Feng had gotten up:

"Your Majesty, I found Ke Bineng's former army a hundred miles away."

"Hey, it came very quickly." Thinking of what Liu Liang said yesterday, Governor Feng smiled, "It seems that he came here at the fastest speed."

"Let the army distribute some meat to Yi Cong and Hu Qi, so that they will be full. In this battle, they will fight in the front."


The reason why nomads are difficult to deal with is because they have no fixed place and live by water and grass.

In the vast desert, you must first fight against nature and identify the direction.

Then fight with the logistics to ensure the food and grass for the soldiers.

The last thing is to fight against the barbarians in the grassland. Not only must you beat them, but you must also outrun them.

In the several battles between the former Han and the Huns, the horses dispatched were often in the tens of thousands, which ensured the mobility of the Han army.

At the same time, every victory in the war was either finding the main force of the Huns and defeating them.

Either find the royal court of the Huns and break it.

Generals like Li Guang who lead the army out of the fortress to fight the Xiongnu are either lost or disappointed, or they are typical partial generals who are excellent in internal battles and amateurish in external battles.

Governor Feng naturally wouldn't try to imitate him.

So just to explore the way, Governor Feng prepared for three years.

Furthermore, the combat strength of the cavalry in his hands is not only at least two levels ahead of Xianbei.

At the same time, due to the improvement of war horses, the mobility of the Liangzhou Army is also better than that of Xianbei Huqi.

More importantly, he also understands Ke Bineng's court affairs clearly.

Faced with this situation, Ke Bineng has only two options.

One is to give up the painstakingly managed Hetao area and lead the tribe to Mobei.

It's just that how many Qu Shuai are willing to go with him at this time is a big question.

Even if it was Ke Bineng, he might not be willing to leave Hetao.

Because he is old and has no chance to do it all over again.

So Ke Bi Neng chose the second path, which is to fight to the death.

As long as Feng thief is defeated, he can not only avenge his son, but also show his favor to the Wei people.

The news of his son's death came from his son-in-law, which made Ke Bineng, who was still a bit of a hero, seem to have aged ten years all of a sudden.

In him, there finally appeared an old look suitable for his age.

One of his younger brothers, Ju Luohou, was killed by Bu Dugen and Xie Guini a few years ago.

The remaining younger brother, Ruoluo Aliu, was tricked by the Han people into the army, and it probably didn't end well.

His son Puheyu died, and the only remaining son-in-law, Yu Zhugejian, doesn't know what to do now.

Ke Bi Neng feels more lonely.

He felt as if he had lived his whole life in vain.

Approaching Wuyuan County, Ke Bi Neng wrote "Do you want to hunt with the old man in the Yin Mountains, or do you want to hunt in Guanzhong?" and exclaimed:

"Come on."

"My lord, what are your orders?"

"Send someone to deliver this letter to the Han people."

After the letter was delivered, Ke Bineng just sat there blankly.

His hair was messy, and some of the braids on his head were unraveled at some point, and some of them were only half undone.

In some places, the gray hair roots were exposed, making the hair even more messy.

If people who don't know the details, what they see is a real bad old man, how can they have the aura of a prairie overlord?

Of course Ke Bineng knew that he was old.

This was what he said to Feng thief himself at that time.

Who would have expected Feng Thief to be so ignorant of martial arts, he would first cheat, and then sneak attack...

Ke Bi Neng muttered to himself, his eyes seemed to be lifeless, but he was staring at a certain place, with madness in despair.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a rush of footsteps:

"grown ups."

"Come in."

"My lord, Feng thief... the messenger we sent over saw Feng thief with his own eyes!"

Ke Bineng, who was originally a bit rickety, seemed to have been touched by a switch somewhere.

I saw him standing up suddenly, like an old lion defending his territory, exuding an astonishing aura.

"Tie Feng is really here? Good, good!" Ke Bi Neng squeezed out three good words from between his teeth with hatred, "What did he say?"

"Tie Feng only asked the courier to bring back some things, saying that they were going to give to your lord..."

"Let him in quickly."

What the courier brought back were two boxes slightly bigger than his head.

Seeing these two boxes, for some reason, Ke Bineng felt as if someone had slammed his chest hard, and at the same time, his heart seemed to be torn apart.

"What is this? Quick, open it!"

Ke Bineng only felt a little dizzy and panted heavily.

The box was opened, and two heads appeared in front of Ke Bineng, who was it not Puheyu and Yu Zhugejian?

Staring at the heads of his son and son-in-law, Ke Bineng's eyeballs gradually turned blood red.


He suddenly screamed wildly, his voice full of shrillness and madness.

Then, if he went crazy, he drew his knife and slashed down violently.

The messenger standing in front of him couldn't dodge in time, and fell to the ground on the spot.

Seeing that Ke Bineng had gone mad, the rest of the people did not dare to speak out to persuade them, lest they be hacked to death in a daze, and one after another ran out of sweat.

"Come on, come on!"

"Send troops! Send troops immediately!"

"I want to kill Feng thief, I want to kill him with my own hands!"

"I want, I want to chop him into meat paste and feed it to the dogs!"

Ke Bineng, who had fallen into a half-mad state, couldn't wait for a moment, and led 20,000 Huqi to rush towards Wuyuan County.

He swore that he would slaughter Wuyuan County with blood!

"Your Majesty, Hu Qi is here!"

"Well, I see it."

There was a faint muffled thunder from the west, and then a long black line appeared on the horizon.

The black line gradually expanded, and through Governor Feng's binoculars, countless Hu Qi could already be seen coming on horseback.

"Could Kebi be crazy? So disrespectful of horsepower? Did he think I would be defenseless?"

Seeing Hu Qi's appearance, Governor Feng was a little confused.

What he didn't know was that when Kebi could see the Han army, his blood-red eyes were like a wounded beast, and he pointed his horsewhip to the opposite side:

"Anyone who can kill Feng thief should succeed me!"

"Hoo hoo!"

"Kill kill!~"

Xianbei Huqi yelled weird slogans and accelerated his horse.

Governor Feng felt even more weird. Is this what the army led by the prairie overlord looks like?

Doesn't it mean that Kebi knows how to use the banner and golden drum to command the troops?

Why does it look like those small tribes are fighting now, just swarming up in chaos?

Compared with the Hu cavalry led by Pu Heyu, Ke Bineng's tribe seems to be far behind...

The bald-haired Tianli who commanded the Yi Congjun didn't have as much thought as Governor Feng. Seeing the chaos of his opponent, he grinned:

"Your Majesty has said that those who defeat Ke Bi Neng and have great achievements can be allowed to plunder their clan. Except for horses and food, all the rest will belong to themselves!"


The surrounding Yi Cong Hu Qi all cheered.

No matter how bad the Yicong army is, it is still compared with the Liangzhou regular army.

After following Feng Langjun for so long, he still has eyesight.

The Xianbei Hu people in front of them are no different from those small tribes that let them hunt.

Except that there are more people.

A large number of people means more labor, more cattle and sheep, and more women...


"Boom boom boom!"

Although Yicong Huqi is not as well-organized as the Han army's military formation, he also knows the most basic coordinated operations.

The former army began to raise their bows, and at the same time lit up their weapons, and the two wings had already started to circle out, and the hunting began!

"Brother, why do you need to go to such trouble? There is no formation for these miscellaneous beards. I can pierce through them with a single charge..."

"Shut up, it's none of your business today, just watch carefully!"

Inspector Feng shouted impatiently.

It was the Yi Congjun who clashed with the Xianbei Hu people in Qiaoshan, and most of the people who slaughtered the Xianbei Hu people were also the Yi Congjun.

Back in Wuyuan County, the only ones who fought with the Xianbei were Yi Congjun.

If the two sides are not allowed to form a bloody feud, how can Governor Feng rest assured of his next move?

The menacing Xianbei Huqi was greeted by Yi from the front of Huqi, and the momentum was stagnant!

There are basically both sides of the saddle, although the shape is a little different.

But Yicong Huqi has all horse stirrups installed, and the weapon in his hand is much harder and sharper than Xianbei Huqi.

There was only a "dang" sound, and a flash of sparks shone, and a large piece of Xianbei Huqi's rusty knife was broken.

That's pretty good.

Some of those bone weapons were even cut off directly.

Yi Congjun's movements on the horse were extremely flexible. With his legs controlling the speed of the horse, he turned sideways and then chopped again.

The opponent who couldn't turn around in time was cut off on the spot.

At the same time, Yi Cong Huqi on the two wings began to harass by riding and shooting.

Although the number of Yicong Huqi was half that of Xianbei Huqi, they quickly gained the upper hand.

The battlefield continued to expand, and more and more Hu Qi began to fight together.

"There is no technical content."

Inspector Feng watched the group fight of 30,000 people with a telescope, and muttered.

"Kebi is only mediocre!" The bald man laughed.

Fighting this kind of chaotic war, none of the grassland tribes can compare with Yi Congjun.

He started to send all the Huqi in his hand.

Although the Yi Congjun had the upper hand, the opponent had twice as many people as himself.

If you want to finish the fight earlier, you have no way to spare energy, and judging from the current situation, there is no need to spare energy.

When Governor Feng saw this scene, he chuckled lightly:

"It's kind of interesting now."

As soon as the words fell, the Xianbei Huqi who had been retreating suddenly made a loud noise, and a fine horse rushed out from the middle!

Because the frontal battlefield was too wide and not thick enough, the Yi Cong Army was charged premeditatedly by this fine cavalry, and it was actually broken through at once.

The fine riders didn't stop, and rushed straight towards Feng Cishi's handsome flag.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the bald-haired Tianli was immediately stunned.

He was overwhelmed by Ke Bi Neng!

"Brother, let me go!"

Zhao Guang laughed happily, gearing up, eager to try.

Governor Feng has given up any hope of training this guy to become the coach of the first army.

"I said you can just watch today. Someone, go and call the bald man into the battle, don't be rushed to death by Ke Bi Neng."

The Yi Cong army has been completely entangled and cannot retreat at all, because Yiming Jin's retreat will only lead to a rout.

Moreover, once the entire army is released, it is impossible to take it back at once.

"Raise the spear!"

The Han army lined up in the rear, with big rods as high as shoulders, and spears and halberds like a forest, lined up in front of the formation, like hedgehogs.

The Han army was originally a volunteer army before the formation, so there was no bow and crossbow formation at the beginning.

Now Governor Feng is too lazy to mobilize.

This elite cavalry of hundreds of people rushed to the place where the Han army was shot, and someone shouted:

"Tie Feng, do you dare to fight me to the death?"

Governor Feng smiled lightly, "Leader Ke Bineng, you led the army here for this reason?"

Soon a personal guard ran to the front of the formation and spread the word of Governor Feng.

"Tie Feng, you are shameless, extremely despicable, not a son of man..."

Inspector Feng was not angry either, and waved his hand.


The shield soldiers and spears advanced ten steps together, and the momentum was astonishing.

Ke Bi Neng stared at the Han army in front of him with blood-red eyes, his teeth were about to be crushed.

"Ke Bi Neng is the leader. The so-called one who knows the practice is a hero. Now that your situation is gone, why send your clansmen into disaster for your own selfishness?"

"I hate that I can't kill you to relieve my hatred!"

Ke Bi Neng smiled sadly at the sky, raised his knife and shouted: "Kill!"


The Jingqi behind him ran again.

It was only halfway through the rush, but seeing a knight who had been closely following Ke Bineng, suddenly drew out a long knife, the blade was sharp!


Some people's eyes are tearing apart.

Some people have indifferent eyes.

Some people have hot eyes.


The blood mist drifted away.

The body that lost its head continued to rush forward for a while before falling off the horse's back.

The uncontrolled war horse finally neighed, turned around and galloped to the side, not daring to rush towards the waiting spear formation.

"Brother, this is..."

Zhao Guang was dumbfounded.

"Oh, it's Han Long, the head coach of the Personal Guard Battalion and the Dark Night Battalion."

Governor Feng looked at the rolling head in front of the battle, and said something calmly.

Then his expression changed, thoughtful.

Ke Bi Neng's seemingly death-like behavior should have been aware of some abnormalities:

After Puheyu's 20,000 elite riders were wiped out at Qiaoshan, he had lost the ability to control some tribes below.

Still the same sentence, he is already old, so he knows that he has no way out.

The hero is old and the relatives are dead. If he is humiliated, he would rather die.

Governor Feng looked at Hu Qi who was still fighting, and suddenly admired him:

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the hero of the grassland. Even if he dies, he will be buried with someone who is only likely to betray him.

"Your Majesty."

Han Long, who was dressed as a barbarian, quietly appeared beside Feng Cishi.

The bald man swallowed his saliva immediately, and quietly took two steps back.

He suddenly felt that it was very likely that he had passed by Huangquan Road before.

"Thank you sir."

Han Long smiled heartily: "Since then, from Liangzhou to Jiuyuan, the barbarians in the frontier region have no power to make trouble. What is the little man's hard work?"

"Mr. Dayi! In my opinion, a silver saddle shines on a white horse, rustles like a shooting star, kills a man in ten steps, and never stays behind for a thousand miles. These words are exactly what you say, sir!"

"Hahaha! Congratulations to the prince!"

A man in his forties, smiling like a cute child, his narrowed eyes are almost invisible.

Then Master Han smacked his lips again, and glanced at Zhao Guang: "It's a pity that there is no silver saddle and white horse..."

A man in his forties, do you want to be so flirtatious?

"As soon as the matter here is over, I will lead the army to support General Guan in a few days. At that time, Mr. Hardworking will go ahead and report to General Guan."

"It's easy to talk, easy to talk! I will set off immediately."

"No hurry, sir, you can rest for a night first, and it will not be too late to start tomorrow."

"The yellow sheep by the big river is tender and delicious. It would be a pity not to taste it."

"Drinking wine and eating meat, sitting by the river, admiring the night in the desert, dancing swords and singing songs, isn't it a beautiful thing?"

"Okay, okay!" Han Long clasped his palms and laughed loudly, "Junhou is worthy of being the confidant of a knight in the world, he knows me and knows me!"

Inspector Feng smiled slightly, "A few of my mounts have pretty good legs, and I will give them all to my husband, and I will be able to make it in time."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Guang's eyes lit up, then dimmed immediately, and muttered:

"Brother doesn't love me anymore!"

One of my elder brother's mounts is a Western Region Pegasus. It is said that it can travel hundreds of miles a day, but he would not be able to borrow a ride on weekdays.

Now it's generous, just give it away if you say it.

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