Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 982 Retreat

The internal strife between the Han and Hu coalition forces lasted for a day and a night.

Of the 20,000 Xianbei Hu people, nearly 10,000 were killed or injured in this battle, and thousands were missing. Only three or four thousand people managed to escape in the end.

Knowing that the way back to the north would be cut off, Yu Zhuge Jian decided to flee south to seek refuge with the Wei people.

In the end, he was intercepted by the people from the Dark Night Battalion.

Yu Zhugejian, who was in a state of embarrassment, was escorted in front of Governor Feng. He stared at his blood-red eyes and hissed:


It was agreed to go to Xiaguan together, why did it become like this halfway?

Faced with Yu Zhugejian's staring gaze, Feng Cishi sighed:

"Because you want too much."

Restoring the Han Dynasty and returning to the old capital is the prime minister's unwavering dream in his life.

I really wanted to let the barbarians rob Chang'an, and then the prime minister ran over excitedly to take a look, and saw a broken dream.

At that time, the prime minister would be so angry that he would hang himself on the flagpole of the Chang'an city wall to dry out his hatred.

"I'm to blame for this. Over the years, Liangzhou has given you too many things, and it has raised your appetite too much."

It really makes sense for Hu Yi to be afraid of authority but not to be virtuous.

Yu Zhugejian couldn't understand Feng Yong's words.

Governor Feng thought for a while, and had no choice but to say something that the other party could understand:

"Actually, I want to borrow some horses from you."

"Borrow a horse?"

You call this borrowing a horse?

Isn't it burning, killing and looting?

Anyway, when we Da Xianbei robbed the frontier fortress, we never thought of calling it a loan.

You Han people are so shameless!

Governor Feng waved his hand, he was too lazy to talk to him, so he was detained.

Then he took another look at the bald-haired Tianli and asked:

"How many horses did you get?"

The bald-haired Tianli quickly replied, "About 10,000 horses."

Governor Feng smacked his lips: "Barely enough..."

With 20,000 Hu Qi, he only got about 10,000 horses. I have to say that the battle was a bit chaotic, and the property could not be preserved in time.

This batch of war horses was stored in another valley by Xianbei Hu'er, so it was not affected.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't even get ten thousand horses.

"Brother, now that we have fallen out with the barbarians, Kebi will definitely not be reconciled when he finds out. Do you want me to lead the cavalry battalion back to support General Guan?"

As soon as the war ended, Zhao Guang raised this question with some anxiety.

The corner of Jiang Wei's mouth twitched and he didn't speak.

Li Qiu's lips moved, but he didn't speak.

Yang Wanwan coughed.

General Guan still needs support?

When starting from Jiuyuan, Governor Feng divided the army into two parts.

General Guan led more than 20,000 people to stay in Wuyuan County, while he personally led 30,000 people to Qiaoshan.

Now the number of Hu Qi that Kebi can take out is only 20,000.

He alone is worthy of fighting against General Guan?

To put it bluntly, when it comes to the duel between the two teams, not to mention Ke Bineng, even the generals of Liangzhou, in front of General Guan, there is no one who can fight!

Including Jiang Boyue who has not yet fully grown up.

After all, Governor Feng not only has the military book and art of war taught by the prime minister, but also the military thought brought over from later generations.

General Guan and Feng Cishi are married together, and they are also the half daughter of the prime minister's wife.

There are only things in Feng's house that she doesn't want to know, and there is nothing she can't know. His knowledge and vision have long been beyond the reach of others.

And Jiang Boyue... At most, he just learned part of the prime minister's art of war.

No matter how powerful the operation is, it can't compare to the krypton gold one, and no matter how much krypton gold is, it can't compare to the cheater.

What's more, General Guan has micro-manipulation, krypton gold, and a humanoid hang...

It can be seen from this that General Guan Guan personally defended the back road, which was definitely premeditated by Governor Feng for a long time.

So it can be easily seen that Zhao Erha is not worried about the way out at all, he is simply panicking here and wants to go to the grassland to relax.

It's just that people didn't expect that Governor Feng nodded his head:

"Yiwen thought well, and Kebi had to guard against it, so I plan to lead the army back to the north and wipe out Kebi Neng."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Your Majesty, this..."

This time, even Jiang Wei couldn't bear it anymore.

If the prince intends to destroy Ke Bineng, why not just do it in Yinshan?

If he really wanted to use Ke Bineng, why did he rush to kill Pu Heyu now?

Now that Xianbeihu is not allowed to consume Wei thieves, but also wants to return to the north to destroy Hu, how can there be such a toss?

Isn't the purpose of this trip to go south to Guanzhong?

Why does it seem that Junhou wants to make trouble with Xianbei Hu?

Originally, he said that Governor Feng killed Puhe, so he had another plan. Now it seems that he really wants to kill Ke Bineng.

Mie Kebi can need to go back and forth so many things?

This really doesn't look like a gentleman's style!

But when he saw Governor Feng, he said as a matter of course:

"I said before that Ke Bineng must die, so he must keep his word."

His eyes fell on Jiang Wei:

"Bo Yue, if I leave Wudang Camp and Modao Camp to you, can you stop the Wei thief?"

Jiang Weizheng was puzzled, but when he heard this, he subconsciously stood up.

Although the Wudang camp is only half a battalion, but with the addition of the Modao camp and the tiger infantry army he personally led, there are nearly ten thousand people.

"Don't worry, Junhou, if the Wei thieves dare to come, the general will definitely make them come and go!"

Although I can't figure out what Junhou's intention is for the time being, but since Junhou has orders, he will naturally obey them.

Governor Feng nodded and looked at Li Qiu:

"Xinhou, you take Eshun to assist Boyue."


In other words, this time, brother, he wants to keep all the pawns to stop the Wei thief.

And he himself returned north with all the cavalry.

When the troops were divided, General Guan had more than 20,000 men, but he had three riders per man.

And at least half of the 30,000 people in my brother's hands are one person and one rider.

Now that there are more than 10,000 horses, and the infantry has to stay at Qiaoshan, the cavalry in the hands of my brother can once again meet the minimum standard of one man and two cavalry in the Liangzhou army.



Li Qiu's eyes widened suddenly.

So... what my brother said to Yu Zhugejian is true?

Just want to borrow a horse?

Thinking of this, Li Qiu was a little confused.

Of course, Governor Feng didn't just want to "borrow a horse".

Incarnate as a ghost king and sacrifice more than 10,000 Xianbei Hu people.

Not only can you save food, but you can also borrow a batch of grain and grass from them.

With one decrease and one increase, it is equivalent to adding a batch of food and grass that 40,000 people consume daily.

Is Nanxiang's mathematics learning in vain?

After arranging the matter, Governor Feng immediately reorganized the army and left all the grain, grass, cattle and sheep looted from the Xianbei Hu people to Jiang Wei.

I took all the dry food, turned around and headed north.

This time, many people in the Liangzhou Army were caught off guard and did not react at all.

Not to mention Wei Jun who just wants to shrink back.

After Guo Huai received the news from the Wei army ahead, he immediately rushed to the camp closest to the Han army.

Although he missed the fire at night, the billowing black smoke during the day was obviously more conspicuous than the fire at night.

Throughout the day, the shouting and killing on the opposite side never subsided.

Obviously, the Shu captives are very likely to have civil strife.

If the opponent changed to someone else, Guo Huai might have already started thinking about taking the initiative to attack and go to test it out.

It's just that the terrain of Qiaoshan is too complicated.

More importantly, Guo Huai knew that Feng Thief was extremely cunning, and if he was not careful, he might fall into the other party's schemes.

So he didn't act rashly, but sent scouts to try his best to find out what happened to the Shu captives.

Taking advantage of the chaos, many scouts of the Wei army witnessed the brutal fighting in the valley, or half-killing.

This extremely weird situation made Guo Huai even more suspicious.

As more and more Hu people fled to the south, some noble Hu people even ran to the mountains under the escort of their personal guards to ask Wei Jun for help.

Guo Huai was finally sure: the Shu captives had really fallen out with the Hu people.

The subsequent large-scale abnormal mobilization of the Han army naturally had no way to hide from the Wei army who had been paying close attention to the opponent.

"General, after this civil strife, the Shu captives are afraid that they will not be able to attack Qiaoshan again, so they take the initiative to retreat."

"I think the morale of the Shu prisoners must be low at this time. If we take this opportunity to attack, we will be able to defeat the thieves."

Someone made a suggestion right away.

When Guo Huai heard this, his heart was greatly moved.

However, this thought was only fleeting, and in the end he rejected the huge temptation in front of him, shaking his head and saying:

"Even if the Shu captives are in conflict with the Hu people, Feng Thief still has nearly 30,000 horses in his hands, so don't be careless."

"Before I came to Qiaoshan, Da Sima repeatedly told me to stick to it and not take the initiative to attack. How could I disobey Da Sima's order?"

"It's better to report this matter to Da Sima first, and see how Da Sima arranges it."

This remark is reasonable and no one can fault it.

Because Da Sima did have this order.

It's just that the battle situation is changing rapidly in front of the two armies.

It is not the way to lead an army if you are a general who does not think about the opportunity to destroy the thief, but obeys the order of the superior officer hundreds of miles away.

Some generals in the army who had not fought against Xiaoguan felt dissatisfied.

General Jia Xu even referred to Sima Guo Mo in private, saying:

"This can be said to fear Shu like a tiger?"

When Feng Shishi led all the troops to withdraw from the Qiaoshan Mountains, Jiang Wei sent someone from behind to send the first military report after the division of troops.

After reading the military situation, Governor Feng gave a "tsk" and murmured:

"It seems that Guo Huai has won Sima Yi's patience, so he is unwilling to attack."

He took a deep look at Qiaoshan behind him, and ordered:

"Pass the order, the whole army speeds up!"

"Your Majesty has a life, speed up!"

20,000 fine riders stepped on billows of smoke and dust, sweeping away to the north.


At the same time, the news of Wang Ping finally reached Deng Zhi in the Jingshui River Valley more than 400 miles west of Qiaoshan Mountain.

Knowing that Wei's thieves had a large army heading north along Huizhong Road, Deng Zhi couldn't help but turn pale with shock:

"I also said that after the first battle at Xiaoguan, Wei's thieves no longer dared to go northward from Huizhong Road. I didn't expect the thieves to still have the courage to act like this."

He didn't dare to hesitate at the moment, he quickly ordered Liu Yin to keep quiet, to prevent the Wei bandits from going up the Jing River.

Then he and Ma Dai led ten thousand people and hurried back to Xiaoguan.

At this time, Deng Ai had already crossed several water streams at the foot of Longshan Mountain, and quickly headed towards Xiaoguan.

Deng Ai forced Deng Zhi to return to the army, which not only relieved the pressure in Guanzhong, but even in an emergency, Xian Yufu was able to mobilize part of his troops to Qiaoshan to support Guo Huai.

The military information sent by Xian Yufu and Guo Huai arrived at Mei City one after the other, and Sima Yi was very excited after reading it.

He deliberately passed the military report to the generals in the army, and said with a smile:

"Shu captives came in three ways, two ways are no longer to be feared, but Zhuge Liang's way is left, how can they last for a long time? I think they will have to retreat soon after coming!"

Immediately wrote a memorial and sent it to Luoyang.

Then he sent someone to send a letter to Qiaoshan, praising Guo Huai's prudence, and once again strictly ordered the generals to completely obey Guo Huai's command.

At the same time, it was authorized to Guo Huai, and anyone who disobeyed his orders could be dealt with by military law.

Just when the situation in Guanzhong was developing in a favorable direction for Wei, the banks of the big river in Wuyuan County were peaceful and peaceful.

This is a land of grazing given by God.

The sergeants in charge of grazing either cut the grass for forage, or drove the horses to the place with abundant water and grass.

"The sky is dark, the wild is vast, the wind blows the grass and the cattle and sheep appear..."

General Guan stood by the river, watched all this, and couldn't help but read a few sentences that Governor Feng once read.

No wonder A Lang always likes to live in seclusion outside the Great Wall in the end in the chivalrous novels written by A Lang.

At this time, a rush of horseshoes broke General Guan's leisurely elegance.

"General, I will report something at the end."

General Guan glanced at Liu Hun, who was stopped by his personal guards, and signaled to let him in.

Liu Hun hurried over and said in a low voice:

"General, we intercepted a barbarian's biography."

"Hu people's biography?" General Guan was taken aback, "Is it to deliver news to Gao Que?"


"It's okay to stop him for what?"

Liu Hun hesitated for a moment before continuing:

"General, the general found out that the number of Hu Ren cavalry going to Gaoque in the past two days has suddenly increased, and those cavalry are not like before. When they pass by our camp, they will ask for some food."

"They are avoiding our camp on purpose now. When General Mo saw them twice, they turned around and fled in fright. Therefore General Mo thought that there must be something weird here."

"Huh?" General Guan's eyes narrowed, "So you deliberately intercepted a barbarian biography?"

Liu Hun quickly said:

"Don't worry, the general, the last general just accidentally shot his horse while hunting, and then brought him to the camp."

General Guan glanced at him, no wonder Alang always valued this man.

When the words are spoken, it is as real as it is.

"What did you ask?"

Liu Hun frowned: "He only said that he was ordered by Yu Zhugejian to go to Gaoque and inform the coalition forces that they had captured the two hills of the Wei bandits."

General Guan said "Oh", "Do you think there is something weird about it?"

"Yes! If it's really such a good thing, why is the Huren Chuanqi avoiding snakes and scorpions towards our camp? And I see that Huren Chuanqi's words are flashing, and it seems that there is something to hide from us..."

Seeing Liu Hun so suspicious, General Guan laughed and said:

"If something really happens, can Junhou not give us news? Forget it, give him a horse and let him go."

Seeing General Guan's indifferent appearance, Liu Hun opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything more, and turned around with a sigh.

Ever since Junhou divided his troops in Wuyuan County, he found that he could not see through this Guanzhong battle more and more.

Originally, he thought that Junhou asked General Guan to guard Wuyuan County in order to surprise Ke Bineng at any time.

Unexpectedly, looking at it now, General Guan doesn't seem to have any intentions in this regard.

But if it wasn't for Ke Bineng, what's the point of the army staying here?

Liu Hun let out a long sigh, feeling a little depressed.

He was planning to walk around the camp when he suddenly saw a familiar figure sneaking into a certain tent.

Liu Hun's heart skipped a beat, and he followed.

"You are not allowed to drink alcohol without authorization in the army. If you violated the military law, see if I don't tell General Guan!"

The two people in the tent were taken aback. Seeing the person coming, one of them laughed and said:

"Brother Polu, if you also want to drink, just say so, why scare people?"

Another urged:

"Put down the tent quickly, don't be seen by others."

It turns out that there is no one else in the account, but Liu Hanzi Liu Liang.

And the other one is Ke Bineng's younger brother, Ruoluo Aliu.

It is true that alcohol is not allowed in the army, but there is an exception in one corner.

That is the small camp specially set up for the six tribes of Ruoloa.

Obviously, Liu Liang took advantage of this loophole.

Seeing Ruo Luo A Liu, Liu Hun's heart moved, so he also sat down and asked:

"I've noticed that something is wrong with you, how did you get this wine?"

Liu Liang smiled proudly: "I am not a member of the army, so I have some ways to get wine."

These words can be pretended in front of others, but they can't scare Liu Hun.

Without the acquiescence of General Guan, you might not even dare to take horse urine.

Unexpectedly, Ruo Luo A Liu nodded repeatedly, and praised:

"Liu Langjun has always had a lot of friends, even with Feng Langjun, he also has friendship, so he can get good things that others can't get."

"Since arriving in Yinshan Mountain, not only has Ke Bineng been the honored guest of Lord Ke Bineng, but Qu Shuai of many tribes also likes to deal with Mr. Lang!"

Liu Hanzi said modestly:

"Thank you, thank you. It's just that everyone is willing to give a little bit of noodles. Come, come, drink!"

After a few glasses of wine, Ruo Luo A Liu's face flushed.

These days, I drink wine and eat tea, and I don't need to stay by Ke Bineng's side to watch his face.

In a slight drunkenness, he only felt that this kind of life really couldn't be happier.

So he became a little outspoken, and began to talk about some tribal rumors.

But at the end of the drink, Ruo Luo A Liu was very drunk and didn't say anything unusual.

Disappointed, Liu Hun excused himself and left.

On the second day, on Qin Zhidao in the south, a cavalry of the Han army suddenly appeared with a red flag on his back, rushed straight to the camp, and shouted loudly:

"Urgent military situation!"

"General, urgent military situation!"

After Chuanqi was helped down to rest, the personal guard sent the letter and talisman that Chuanqi was carrying into the commander's tent as quickly as possible.

General Guan hurried forward, and after confirming that the talisman was true, he quickly opened the letter.

The content of the letter was very simple, and it even used clear codes instead of code words commonly used in the military.

There are two big characters written on it: fast hair.

Then it was written in a slightly smaller font below: Be careful.

Large characters and small characters are two completely different shapes.

The big characters are written with a brush, crooked, ghost-like, and horrible to look at.

The small characters are written in charcoal, with a square shape and straight strokes, which can be a model.

The six characters are all in simplified Chinese.

In this world, there is no one else except Governor Feng who can write this kind of font that combines various characteristics.

No wonder he dared to directly invent code military information, because no one can forge it.

There was a faint smile on the corner of General Guan's mouth.

However, the smile was quickly subdued, and General Guan shouted:

"Handling orders, beating drums, gathering generals!"

Just these six words suddenly broke the peace of the camp for more than a month.

The cavalry who had been waiting for the battle began to rush out of the camp, their iron hooves roared like thunder, and they swept towards their destination in a dark mass.

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