In fact, from Longyou to Liangzhou, and even in Jiuyuan area, Governor Feng has always had a good reputation among the Hu people.

From the chieftains at the top, to the small nobles at the middle level, to the sheep slaves at the bottom, as long as they were Hu tribes who were willing to cooperate with the big man, Governor Feng tried his best to make arrangements properly.

Those who are willing to farm will take them to cultivate wasteland, rent tools for farming cattle at low interest rates, lend grain, and help them tide over difficulties.

Those who are willing to herd sheep will allocate pastures for them, send officials and technicians to help build green grass towers, and even promote high-quality feed such as alfalfa on the pastures.

In order to protect the interests of the Hu people and prevent them from being exploited by the rightists like before, they often use the influence of the Xinghan Society or the government to help them establish a tripartite agreement.

Even those leaders who were the first to be whitewashed can accept the outsourcing of the Xinghan Club to set up a caravan to help transport goods and so on.

Bit by bit, counting it this way, Feng Langjun does not know how many barbarian people are alive.

That's how the mountain god's reputation came from.

Even the tribes that opposed the Han, after being defeated, were only subjected to punitive forced labor reforms, instead of the entire tribe being slaughtered as before.

In the process of labor reform, although many head people were "hide and seek", most of the barbarians often suddenly came to their senses.

Because they found that although it was forced labor, the employers would try their best to ensure their survival.

Not only is there food and housing, but two sets of work clothes are distributed for free a year.

Even when sick, there will be some students from Nanxiang Medical College to help see the doctor.

Although these students' techniques are a little rusty, they are finally able to see the disease, right?

Such a good thing, how could it be their turn before?

As for how much rent the government receives from employers every year by using them, what does that matter to them?

Anyway, after five years, they can get personal freedom.

At that time, someone will stand up to show kindness and take them in.

Then sign a contract under the witness of the government, become a free labor force, and contribute to the development of Dahan.

Although it is not like the tribes that take the initiative to seek refuge in fields or pastures, they are more prosperous than the grasslands.

Whoever wants to live the days of starvation and cold from time to time, anyway, I think Feng Langjun is a benevolent and kind person!

As for those barbarians who died in the process...

Not worth mentioning at all!

Because the annual white disaster on the grassland in winter is a big test of life and death.

The 100-acre field in Han can already feed a family of five.

But in the 100-acre grassland where there is no improvement of high-quality forage, and the implementation of animal husbandry and green feed towers, even five sheep cannot be raised.

In order to fight natural disasters and rob survival resources, an unknown number of people die on the grassland every year.

Besides, dead people can't speak anyway, right?

Like Xianbei in the west in recent years, it belongs to the latter category.

Lin Lin finally figured it out, basically the barbarians who scolded Governor Feng were all stubborn anti-Han leaders and nobles, and they would all go to "hide and hide" in the end.

Therefore, thanks to the good reputation Feng Cishi had built up with the Hu people over the years, even a hero like Ke Bineng was willing to give him some face and help him go south.

As for someone like Pu Heyu with a relatively simple mind, he probably never thought that Feng would suddenly become murderous before he died.

Not only Pu Heyu didn't think about it, but Yu Zhugejian, who had a somewhat flexible mind, was still buzzing at this moment.

Was Pu Heyu's death deliberately designed by someone, or was he killed by mistake in the chaos?

"My lord, my lord, it's not good! The Chinese, the Han army is coming!"

Before Yu Zhugejian could figure out the issue of Puheyu's murder, another Xianbei Hu'er rolled in and shouted in shock.

Yu Zhugejian felt like he was going crazy!

All right, why did Feng Langjun suddenly turn his back on him?

Who can tell him what happened between Pu Heyu and Feng Langjun during this half day?

Trembling, Yu Zhugejian rushed out of his tent, because he was so nervous that he almost tripped over a small stone on the ground.

Looking up, the mountains and valleys are densely packed, full of Han troops, advancing in darkness.

"There must be some misunderstanding!"

Yu Zhugejian yelled a little hoarsely.

In the mountains and forests, the Xianbei warriors who dismounted from their horses seemed to have lost their legs.

Even if there is not much difference in the number of people, in this environment, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Han army.

What's more, the Han army now has nearly ten thousand righteous followers from the Hu people to assist.

"Misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding! I want to see Feng Langjun!"

Although the sun has begun to westerly, but the heat is still scorching hot.

It's just that Yu Zhugejian's whole body is trembling now, as if he has fallen into an ice hole, his hands and feet are cold.

"There must be some misunderstanding, it must be..."

Yu Zhugejian forced himself to calm down, nervously repeating words like "misunderstanding".

The ultimate goal of the Han people is to go south and enter Guanzhong, that's for sure.

But even if the two armies united, it would still be difficult to capture Qiaoshan.

If the two armies fought each other, even if the Han army won in the end, they would never be able to attack Qiaoshan.

"So there must be some misunderstanding!"

Yu Zhugejian must have made a conclusion.

"Come on!"

"grown ups?"

"Go, send someone to the opposite side, and tell me that I have something to see Feng Langjun!"



Yu Zhuge Jian roared angrily, his eyes turned blood red.

When the two armies are at war, they will not be beheaded.

The most important thing is that in the current situation, the Han army has already occupied a favorable terrain, while on its own side, 20,000 horses are squeezed into several valleys.

This is a dead end.

And the only one who can stop this fight is Feng Langjun.

At the same time, this is also the best solution that Yu Zhugejian can choose at present.

Fortunately, the Han army did not rush over directly, and Feng Langjun quickly agreed to meet him.

"Feng Langjun, this is, why is this?"

On the way here, full of thousands of words, Yu Zhugejian finally only asked this question.

At this moment, Governor Feng, how can he still be calm in the cottage?

But seeing his gloomy face, the gloomyness was full of rage:

"How the hell do I know? I just wanted to go up and have a look, and then Pu Heyu drew his sword at me for a piece of armor worn by Wei thief!"

"Draw out your sword at me and want to kill me, you know?" Governor Feng waved his hands and shouted angrily, "Just for a mere piece of armor!"

As he spoke, he kicked a piece of armor thrown on the ground fiercely, "Just for this broken armor!"

Then he sat down heavily on the chair, panting heavily:

"Leader Ke Bineng is still a character after all, why did he give birth to such a useless son!"

Yu Zhugejian twitched, he wanted to agree with Feng Langjun's words.

In his eyes, Pu Heyu is really useless except for his brute strength.

But he must first understand the specific process of the matter.

It can be seen that Feng Langjun is also furious about what is happening now.

Obviously, this matter is also beyond his control.

Yu Zhugejian swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked cautiously:

"This... this, is there some misunderstanding?"

"There is no misunderstanding." Governor Feng closed his eyes, sighed deeply, opened them again, and finally shook his head:

"After breaking through the stronghold of the Wei thief, the Yi Congjun saw this armor while cleaning the battlefield."

"Then Pu Heyu's people wanted to take over, and a dispute broke out between the two sides. Pu Heyu wanted to favor his people, and I happened to go up at this time."

"Yu Zhu, the leader of the revolution, broke through the camp of the bandits of Wei, and the Yi Cong army died. If they can't pick up something on the battlefield, how will you let me lead the army in the future?"

When Governor Feng said this, the look of anger appeared on his face again:

"But Pu Heyu felt that his people should pick first, and after the selection, it was Yi Congjun's turn."

Yu Zhugejian knew that this was something Pu Heyu would probably do.

I couldn't help scolding short-sightedness in my heart.

It's just why he drew the knife to you, you still didn't say it!

"I just said a few fair words, and he felt that I deliberately made things difficult for him in public, and wanted to draw a sword against me."

Governor Feng looked at Yu Zhugejian with a gloomy gaze:

"Leader Yu Zhuge, you know, Yi Congjun has always treated me like a parent, seeing Pu Heyu like this, he is naturally very angry."

"And they also heard the news from nowhere that Pu Heyu had attacked them..."

Yu Zhuge Jian trembled on the spot!

He just felt that his back was soaked.

He suddenly regretted coming to see Feng Yong.

His throat was a little dry, Yu Zhugejian laughed dryly, but the smile was uglier than crying.

To be honest, in his opinion, Ke Bineng's previous actions were indeed correct.

After all, hearing is deception, who would know what kind of person Feng Langjun is?

So make sure in the early stage and try it out, and at the same time it is easy to strive for the greatest benefit for yourself.

It's just that now, part of Pu Heyu's death was because of this, which made him want to cry again.

What is this called?

"Feng, Feng Langjun, it's nothing, there must be a thief spreading rumors..."

Governor Feng smiled wryly:

"I also know that this is impossible. It was only at that time that everyone broke Wei thief, and the murderous intent was still there. In a fit of anger, Puhe drew his sword and wanted to kill."

As he spoke, he spread his hands, "So things have become like this."

Although there are still some doubts, such as why Feng Langjun didn't stop the chaos in time.

But Yu Zhugejian no longer intends to ask further questions.

He came alone, not to reason, let alone to question.

Mainly to express goodwill, mainly to stabilize Governor Feng.

As long as Feng Langjun knows that he has no intention of fighting against the Han army, as long as the warriors of the tribe can escape this disaster, what the other party says will be what it is.

Just because the situation is stronger than people.

He lowered his posture again and asked for Pu Heyu's body to be returned to him.

Inspector Feng was not in any trouble, and asked people to carry out the corpses that had been sorted out—the key was that the heavy armor-piercing arrows on Pu Heyu's body could not appear.

Waiting for Yu Zhugejian to bring Puheyu's body back, the tribal nobles who had gathered earlier were mostly humiliated and angry:

"The Han people bully people too much!"

"My lord, why should we be afraid of him, let's fight!"

"Master Puheyu is dead, how will we explain to Chief Ke Bineng?"


"Shut up!" Yu Zhuge Jian yelled with a gloomy face, contrary to his humility towards the Han people:

"Do you want everyone to die together? Do you want all the warriors of the clan to be buried in this forest?"

"The great Xianbei warriors who can't gallop on horses are like eagles with broken wings. Now if you want to bring the warriors of the tribe back to the grassland, just shut your mouths obediently!"

Yu Zhu Gejian temporarily took over Pu Heyu's tribe, and also ordered the nobles of the clan not to act rashly.

Then he sent dozens of riders, intending to quietly send a message to the north.

"Your Majesty, let's intercept a few cavalry sent by Yu Zhu Ge Jian to deliver letters to Ke Bineng."

After the sun went down, Tianli, who was bald, came to report.

Inspector Feng, who was reading a book, gave a "hmm" without looking up, and asked in a rambling voice:

"What's the content?"

"It was Puheyu who was killed today."

Governor Feng finally put down his book, walked to the door of the tent, and looked at the Xianbei camp.

After a long time, he suddenly said:

"I'm bald, I want to give you something."

"Your Majesty has an order, and the last general will die."

"It's not that serious." Inspector Feng looked to the west, and the mountain had swallowed up the last ray of light.

He raised his thumb, stroked his throat lightly, and looked at the bald head meaningfully:


The muscles on the back of the bald man immediately tensed up!

"The Yi Cong Army is at your command, and you can also borrow manpower from the Tiger Army and the Wudang Camp. They can see a lot at night. Especially Eshun, he has more experience in how to work in the mountains."

The bald man swallowed his saliva hard, gritted his teeth and nodded:

"I will understand in the end."

After speaking, he clasped his fist heavily, turned and left.

And at this moment, in the handsome camp of the Xianbei Hu people, several dignitaries who were secretly called by Yu Zhugejian were discussing matters.

"We have to turn back. It is impossible for the warriors to sacrifice their lives for the Han people!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone immediately agreed.

Yu Zhugejian's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water:

"Feng Yong can't let us go easily! Just look at the arrangement of the Han army. They haven't relaxed their vigilance against us at all."

"Damn the Han dog!"

"Fight with them!"

"If you fight hard, you will completely tear your skin apart. I am afraid that the warriors will never be able to return to the grassland."

Yu Zhugejian shook his head again.

"Then what shall we do!"

Someone said impatiently.

Yu Zhugejian's eyes flickered, and he said slowly:

"Master Puhe Yu will be buried tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow I will ask the Han people to lead the warriors to attack the next camp of the Wei bandits."

As he said that, a cruel smile appeared on his face, "Don't the Han people just want us to sacrifice our lives for them? I have fulfilled their wish!"

"What? Yu Zhu Ge Jian, at this time, you still want to work for the Han people, are you really going to be the dog of the Han people?"

Those who are short-tempered will curse out at once.

Yu Zhugejian stared at the other party coldly:

"Feng Yong can't make us turn back. As long as we move forward, we will still have a chance, and even have a chance to avenge Mr. Pu Heyu."

"Or, be buried in this valley by the Han people, which one do you choose?"

"Revenge for Mr. Puheyu?" Everyone was immediately attracted by the words, "How?"

Yu Zhugejian smiled coldly:

"Of course I ask the Wei people to help!"

It is the Han people who want to compete with the Wei people in Guanzhong, not the Da Xianbei.

Since we can help the Han people to beat the Guanzhong, naturally we can also help the Wei people to beat the Han people.

Yu Zhugejian even believed that as long as he fought back, the Wei people would only get what they wanted.

This can be described as survival.

Yu Zhugejian glanced across all the dignitaries and leaders, and said without a doubt:

"We want to get out of the current predicament, this is the best way!"

Just when the leaders of the nobles were hesitating, there was a sudden shout of killing from a certain direction.

"What happened?"

At the most sensitive moment, Yu Zhugejian rushed out of the tent, and what came into view were dots of torches.

That direction was exactly where Puhe Yuyuan's tribe was stationed.

Yu Zhuge felt bad!

"Go! See what happened!"

It's so hard to deliver a message at night.

The unrest continued to expand and showed no signs of stopping.

Just when Yu Zhuge Jian's heart was on fire, a message finally came:

"My lord, I heard that it was the Yi Congjun of the Han who clashed with the tribal warriors!"

"I clashed with his mother!"

Yu Zhugejian yelled in an extremely groggy manner: "Feng Bandit can't wait all night, he's going to kill us!"

He thought he had stabilized Thief Feng, but he had been tricked by the other party!

"My lord, what shall we do?"

"Taking advantage of the night, rush out! How much do you rush out!"

Yu Zhugejian didn't want to think about why Feng thief suddenly wanted to be so cruel to his tribe.

He drew his sword in his hand and shouted sharply: "Everyone obeys my order, kill!"


In the Battle of Guanzhong, when the Han and Wei were at a stalemate, the Han army in the North Road had internal strife with the Hu people, and the two armies fought wantonly in the valley in front of the Wei army.

It was night, the flames were blazing into the sky, and the sound of killing was so loud that all the nearby Wei camps could hear it. The Wei army was in shock and didn't know what happened.

It was night, facing the fierce mountain wind, Governor Feng ordered:

"Make the isolation zone wider, and don't burn your own house."

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