Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 980: A Murder Case Caused by an Armor

Knowing that the first cottage in Qiaoshan was destroyed, Guo Huai was not angry but happy after questioning the escaped soldiers in detail:

"Feng Thief wanted to come from the north, and Da Sima had already expected it. If it was similar to the speed of attacking the cities of Anding back then, I would still be a little worried."

"Looking at it now, he crossed the desert without much luggage. Let's see how he captured Qiaoshan!"

In front of Xinglong Pass, there are thirteen strongholds and twenty-six small docks on the surrounding hills.

Feng thief is really going to attack all the way, I don't know when?

Thinking of this, Guo Huai couldn't help laughing out loud:

"As Da Sima said, Bandit Feng didn't cross Longshan Mountain, but crossed the desert like Huo Qubing. He really abandoned his strengths, and he is learning to walk in Handan!"

When bandit Feng entered Anding County from Xiaoguan, how quickly did he destroy the city?

If he came from Longshan with a large army this time and swooped down on Si County, wouldn't it be much better than attacking Qiaoshan now?

Isn't this giving up on one's own strengths?

After laughing, Guo Huai thought for a while, and suddenly ordered:

"Come on."


"Let's get ready, I'm going to look ahead."

Hearing is false, seeing is believing.

Although he was confident in Qiaoshan's defenses, Feng Zei was too cunning, Guo Huai felt a little worried if he didn't go and see it with his own eyes.

Just taking advantage of this opportunity, he inspected the camps on various hills again to see if there were any omissions.

Before General Guo came to the battle in person, he even deliberately stopped for a day in the frontline village. This practice was enough to boost the morale of the Wei army guarding the village.

The camp that Pu Heyu attacked this time was originally a large camp.

At this time, Guo Huai came over to add a persistence halo, Pu Heyu's game difficulty immediately fell from the hard mode to the hell mode, and Xianbei Hu'er suffered for three consecutive days.

Xianbei Hu'er learned a few moves from the Han people, and he was rampant outside the Great Wall.

At this time, after dismounting from the horse, I realized that the attack on the camp was several times more difficult than I had imagined.

There seemed to be an endless stream of rolling stones and trees on the mountain, causing the warriors in the clan to scream.

After three consecutive days of attack, hundreds of people were killed and injured, but they failed to cross the trench in front of Wei Junzhai.

Puheyu was so angry that he jumped like a thunder at the foot of the mountain, unlucky and helpless.

"Then Feng Yongding did it on purpose! He knew that this stronghold would be difficult to attack, so he deliberately asked us to die!"

At night, Pu Heyu threw several precious porcelain bowls in his tent and roared.

Things are now obvious.

This cottage is much more difficult to fight than the last one.

If Feng Yong didn't do it on purpose...

Anyway, in Pu Heyu's heart, he was extremely suspicious of Feng's motives.

He secretly swore in his heart that he was really going to capture Chang'an, and after the plundering was over, he would burn down the city of Chang'an.

Anyway, it only said to leave the city and land to the Han people, but didn't say what kind of left.

Yu Zhugejian next to him also had an ugly expression on his face.

However, compared to Pu Heyu's rage, he was calmer.

After all, it is the Han people who are most eager to enter Guanzhong, not their own tribe.

But seeing his eyes flicker, he suggested to Pu Heyu:

"Whether the Han people did this intentionally or not, you just need to try it out."

Pu Heyu knew that his brother-in-law was quite clever, so he immediately asked, "How do you try?"

"Yi Cong Huren!" Yu Zhugejian said, "Feng Langjun only said that the Han people need to rest, but he didn't say that the dogs who listen to them also need to rest."

After hearing this, Pu Heyu subconsciously objected fiercely:

"Let me ask the Han people for help? Impossible! Not to mention those barbarians who treat the Han people like dogs!"

Along the way, the Yicong Hu people even had a little friction with their own tribe.

Although the matter didn't cause much trouble, Pu Heyu had attacked Yi Cong Hu Qi before.

The combination of these two things was enough to make him feel conflicted.

After hearing Pu Heyu's words, Yu Zhugejian was a little annoyed at Pu Heyu's stupidity.

He really couldn't understand why a hero like Master Ke Bineng would have such a son.

"As I said, it was a test. The Han people have seen our attack on the camp in the past few days. It's not that we don't want to take it down, but it's a bit difficult."

"If the Han people really want to take Qiaoshan, they should at least agree to help us build some big rods and siege engines for them."

When Yu Zhugejian said this, he glanced at Puheyu, and his tone became a little harsh:

"We have only regained some vitality in the past few years. The lives of warriors are not wasted like this!"

Although Mr. Ke Bineng has learned a lot from the Han people, it is far from enough.

At least in terms of siege, the tribe still needs to learn.

Han craftsmen are a good thing.

This time, Pu Heyu understood.

He naturally knew why his lord sent Yu Zhugejian to follow him.

After hearing Yu Zhugejian's suggestion, he was still a little reluctant.

Because I said big things in front of Feng Yong, and now I beg him again, I can't save face.

Yu Zhugejian stared at Pu Heyu, of course he knew what Pu Heyu was thinking.

Finally he finally sighed:

"Okay, I'll talk to Feng Langjun myself."

Puheyu grumbled something that was inaudible, and he reluctantly agreed.

Without further ado, Yu Zhuge built Pu Heyu's tent, and immediately turned around and headed towards Feng Cishi's handsome camp.

After waiting for Zhiyu Zhugejian's visit, Feng Shishi, who was studying "The Twenty-Four Art of War", couldn't help being a little surprised, and then smiled meaningfully:

"Is it finally here?"

As he spoke, he flipped the military book onto the case and said, "Let him in."

After Yu Zhugejian came in, he didn't beat around the bush, but sincerely and directly put forward his request.

Pu Heyu might despise Feng Langjun, but he won't.

Because he has always kept in mind what Mr. Ke Bineng explained.

Whether he is a good woman or a good man, this does not affect the fact that Feng Langjun once defeated the Wei people.

"Would you like to borrow some big poles and siege engines from us? Let the Yi Congjun assist in attacking the camp?"

Inspector Feng said "oh" just right, and at the same time, there was a little surprise on his face.

Seeing Governor Feng's expression, Yu Zhugejian's heart sank slightly.

Are the Han people really planning to send their tribal warriors to death?

"No problem!" Feng Inspector patted his thigh, "Since our two armies have vowed to go south to fight Wei thieves together, we should cooperate closely and communicate with each other."

"Feng Langjun, our two armies...huh? Huh!"

Yu Zhugejian subconsciously wanted to explain his reasons, but he didn't expect the other party to agree to his request so readily:

"Feng Langjun agrees?"

"Of course I agree. Isn't it what our two armies want to defeat the Wei thief as soon as possible?"

As a matter of course, Governor Feng asked back.

"Yes, yes, yes! It's all to defeat Wei thief as soon as possible!"

Yu Zhugejian nodded repeatedly.

At the same time, I was secretly ashamed in my heart:

Originally, I suspected that Feng Langjun was deliberately consuming the lives of the tribal warriors, but I didn't expect to blame him.

Thinking of this, Yu Zhugejian thanked him again and again.

You respect me one foot, I respect you one foot.

Governor Feng became even more kind, and actually gave Yu Zhugejian three liang of high-quality tea.

This great gift made Yu Zhugejian a little apprehensive.

Seeing Yu Zhugejian leave contentedly, Governor Feng smiled, and picked up the military book on the case again to read it.

At the beginning, the prime minister just let himself read the art of war written by his predecessors.

Now people have sent me the book of war written by myself.

Although there are some things that are not stated clearly, they should be understood.

Faced with the prime minister's painstaking efforts, as a half-son-in-law, Feng Cishi certainly couldn't pretend that he didn't know anything.

So you still need to read more, not only more, but also familiar.

Governor Feng continued to keep his hands on the book in the army, and Yu Zhugejian who returned to his camp brought good news to Puheyu.

"What? The Han people are willing to help?"

Pu Heyu asked back with some disbelief.

"Feng Langjun is still very talkative. It seems that he really wants to conquer Guanzhong."

It was very rare for Yu Zhugejian to say a fair word, "It seems that we have wrongly blamed him."

Hearing that Yu Zhugejian actually spoke for the other party, Pu Heyu felt even more strange. He always felt that something was wrong.

So he stared at Yu Zhuge Jian.

Yu Zhugejian looked normal, of course he would not explain that he had two or three ounces of high-quality tea in his bosom.

Because he didn't intend to divide the three liang of tea leaves in half.

Pu Heyu couldn't see the abnormality on Yu Zhugejian's face, so he could only nod his head:

"Okay, since that's the case, let's intensify our attack on the city tomorrow."

With the siege equipment supported by the Han army and the assistance of the Yi Cong army, no matter how much Guo Huai gave the Wei army a halo of persistence.

But under the desperate urging of Pu Heyu and Yu Zhugejian, the Xianbei Hu people attacked desperately, and the Wei army on the cottage finally couldn't stand it anymore.


Exhausted the rolling stones and trees in the village, filled up the trenches in front of the village, pushed down the antlers in front of the village, and knocked open the gate of the village...

Every step forward, warriors of the Xianbei tribe fell.

Pu Heyu had been jealous for a long time, and after the gate of the village fell down, he personally led the army into the village regardless of Yu Zhugejian's obstruction.

The Wei army remaining in the village still tried to resist, but the continuous fighting these days had already overdrawn their strength and energy, making them exhausted.

At this time, how can they compare with the barbarians who take turns to rest?

Soon, the Wei army in the village was slaughtered.

The Xianbei people, who had been aggrieved for many days, finally cheered.

It's just that amidst the cheers, there was such a discordant voice.

"What are you doing? This is our thing!"

"What is your stuff, don't we have to contribute?"

"That's right, without our help, can you take it down? Whoever grabs it will get it!"

"you wanna die?!"

"Hey? Want to do it? Afraid of you?"



The sound of a weapon unsheathed.

"What are you doing?"

After Puheyu massacred several injured Wei soldiers, he felt a bad breath in his heart. At this time, he saw some people fighting in the village and shouted loudly.

"My lord, they are robbing us!"

Seeing Pu Heyu walking over, the tribal warriors were overjoyed, and quickly pointed to the other side to complain.

Pu Heyu's eyes followed the tribal warrior's pointing, and fell on Yi Cong Hu who was holding a saber against him.

The Yicong Hu people were not afraid at all, met Pu Heyu's gaze, and even sneered:

"Pu congratulations to the leader, we also contributed to taking down this camp, why? Don't you even have the qualifications to collect some spoils?"

The Wei army guarding the village are all elite soldiers.

Elite soldiers mean good weapons and good armor.

These are the things that all barbarians covet.

Even in these years, due to the continuous upgrading of the Han army's standard weapons, Liangzhou Yicong got a lot of good weapons from the Hu people from the big man.

But things like armor can never fall into their hands.

Not to mention them, even if it is a big man who can't control weapons, the two things that can be used by a single person are absolutely forbidden.

One is a heavy crossbow and the other is armor.

Anyone who dares to hide it privately is directly accused of treason.

What the two groups of people are robbing right now is the corpse of a Wei soldier in armor.

To be precise, it was the armor on the corpse.

Seeing the armor on the corpse, Pu Heyu immediately understood, and he said to the Yicong Hu people in a righteous manner:

"This battle was won by the warriors of my tribe who were not afraid of life and death, and exchanged many lives. You are just helping out. Even if you want spoils, you have to wait until we choose them..."

"Fart! Without our siege engines, you don't know how many people will die!"

They were all from the ranks of fighters, and Yi Congjun was Feng Langjun's dog, not Pu Heyu's dog, and even had some feuds with Pu Heyu.

Seeing that Pu Heyu was about to sideline him as soon as he opened his mouth, Yi Cong, the leader, scolded the barbarians directly:

"Who doesn't know that you are poor ghosts? Waiting for you to pick first, I'm afraid you will only leave us with an obscenity (underwear), and even the obscenity will be removed by you!"

Hearing this, Pu Heyu's face changed slightly.

In fact, he did have this plan.

Some of Wei Bing's clothes, the fabric looks good, even if it is stained with blood, if you take it back and wash it, isn't it a good item?

It's just that he was called out at this time, and he suddenly became a little annoyed:

"You want to court death? How dare you insult me!"

We just finished beating Wei thief, and everyone's anger has not dissipated, and internal strife is about to start.

At this critical moment, only one voice was heard:

"Why is everyone lighting up their weapons? Could it be that there are Wei thieves?"

Everyone turned around and saw that two handsome men were walking into the village with a tall man.

The high-quality cowhide boots stepped on the fallen gate of the village, making a "click" sound...

The same situation occurs, who is it not Feng Langjun?

Seeing Governor Feng, Pu Heyu frowned.

When Yi Congjun saw Feng Cishi, he straightened up immediately.

After learning about the dispute between the two parties, Governor Feng looked at Pu Heyu:

"Boss Pu Heyu, when Yu Zhuge Jian came to ask me for help, it wasn't your current attitude."

Governor Feng's voice was not loud, but what Pu Heyu just said was unfair.

Now it is so public that people point out the matter of asking for nothing.

Pu Heyu felt his face was on fire, ashamed and angry.

He even saw the disdain that Feng Cishi tried his best to hide.

With blood rushing straight to his forehead, Pu Heyu finally couldn't hold back his impulse, and stretched out his hand to press the handle of the knife:

"What do you mean?!"


Jiang Wei and Zhao Guang all stepped forward half a step forward, with their sabers half out of their sheaths!


The crowd who were still cheering just now suddenly divided into two camps, and their swords were on the verge of breaking out.

Governor Feng stared at Pu Heyu, and said lightly:

"Are you sure you want to fight with me?"

At this time, I only heard someone say in the corner:

"These Xianbei beards are the most unrighteous! I heard that they were the ones who attacked our Yi Cong army earlier?"


This sentence is like a drop of water falling into a boiling oil pan.

Pu Heyu's face, which began to distort due to rage, was blood red even though it was too dark.

Like a wild beast, he turned his head abruptly and shouted fiercely in a hoarse voice: "Who said that?"

Someone stood up with a look of contempt on his face: "Do you dare to do it but dare not admit it? You bastard! Bah!"

"I am going to kill you!"

Pu Heyu has lost his mind.

"Stop him!"

Governor Feng shouted sharply.

Facing Feng Yong, Pu Heyu may have to think more about it.

But when did these guys who treat the Han people as dogs dare to provoke themselves in public?

If he really had to hold back his breath, then in the eyes of the tribe, he might not even be as good as a woman, so don't expect to have the prestige to lead the tribe in the future.

Because it is impossible for the warriors of the Great Xianbei to take orders from a worthless waste.

Pu Heyu's action and Feng's governor's order sent a clear signal to the two sides who were at war.

The cottage suddenly fell into chaos.

"My lord, my lord, it's not good!"

At the tent at the foot of the mountain, a Xianbei Huer rushed in scrambling, startling Yu Zhugejian who was about to secretly drink tea.

He was about to yell, only to hear Xianbei Hu'er yelling in a mournful voice:

"My lord, Puhe Yu my lord, was killed!"


The precious porcelain bowl fell to the ground, and the best tea was splashed all over the floor.

Yu Zhugejian grabbed Hu'er's collar suddenly, and said sharply: "What did you say? Say it again? Who was killed? How could he be killed? Isn't the bandit Wei already defeated?"

"It's Han people, no, it's those bulldogs, it's not right, I don't know who killed them, it was very chaotic at that time, it was too chaotic..."

Xianbei Hu'er spoke incoherently, still in shock.


In the cottage, Governor Feng looked at Pu Heyu who had been stabbed seven or eight times and shot five or six arrows. He died with regret, and touched his chin:

"It's a bit unfair to die!"

You say it's fine if you get seven or eight knives, and you don't know where the Liangzhou Army's unique armor-piercing heavy arrows came from, so you just greet him.

Strange, so strange!

In the chaos just now, Xianbei Hu'er died and fled.

Now the cottage has been taken over by a large number of Wudang Camp and Dark Night Camp soldiers who appeared from nowhere.

At the foot of the mountain, Yang Wanwan and Tufa Tianli had begun to mobilize their troops to advance towards the camp of the Xianbei Hu people.

Untied the outer armor, and then untied the robe under the armor. There was actually a layer of thin armor and soft armor inside the robe. Feng Cishi let out a long breath:

"It's so hot!"

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