Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 979 Cracks

These days, the two armies are fighting each other on the east coast, and each has its own losses.

But in general, the big man still has the upper hand.

After all, Sima Yi led an army of more than 100,000, and there was nothing he could do to let more than 10,000 Han troops come and go on both sides of the Wugong River.

It can be seen from this that the prime minister has been training soldiers and lectures in Hanzhong these years, and a certain soil turtle has opened some weird cheats.

For example, the weapon is harder and sharper, or the armor is thicker and has a higher armor penetration rate.

As a result, the Han army is no longer the same.

Therefore, although the prime minister only brought more than 60,000 soldiers to the Northern Expedition this time, he left 30,000 soldiers in Hanzhong to defend the emperor, in case the Wei State made another sneak attack from the upstream of the Han River.

But these 60,000 soldiers are enough to reach more than 100,000 Wei troops.

Although this battle of crossing the water was not a decisive battle between the main forces of the two sides, Sima Yi had already keenly seen the gap between the Wei army and the Han army.

After this battle, he completely extinguished his intention of attacking Zhuge Liang, and only wanted to stick to it.

The surge in water flow in Guanzhong is not only good news for Sima Yi, but also seems to be good news for the rest of Wei Jun.

"Qin... General Qin, this, this is the best opportunity!"

When Deng Ai came to Qian County, the Wei River immediately rose. He was overjoyed and hurried to find Qin Lang:

"Once the flood comes, it will be even more impossible for the army of Shu captives in Wuzhangyuan to cross the Wei River. This is the time for General Cheng to make meritorious deeds!"

Both are the fake sons favored by Cao Cao, Qin Lang and He Yan are two extremes.

He Yan likes to show off, eager to get rich, but he doesn't know how to restrain himself.

When Cao Pi was the eldest son, He Yan's clothes were similar to those of the eldest son, which caused Cao Pi to hate him very much.

So after Cao Pi became emperor, He Yan didn't even get a small official.

In Cao Rui's era, He Yan was one of the leaders in the vanity case, and he was also disgusted by Cao Rui.

Unlike He Yan, Qin Lang was low-key and cautious, and he was kind to others. During Cao Pi's time, he traveled around. After Cao Rui ascended the throne, he was immediately called into the court as an official.

Not only did he often accompany him on trips, but he even affectionately called him by his nickname "Asu" in private.

Therefore, although Deng Ai came from a humble background, because he was sent by Da Sima, Qin Lang never underestimated him.

Hearing Deng Ai's suggestion at this time, he hesitated and asked:

"Why did General Deng teach me?"

Deng Ai quickly replied:

"General Qin led the army to guard the county this time, in order to prevent Feng thief from coming from the pass. Now that Feng thief is blocked at Qiaoshan, the general holds the 50,000 heavy troops entrusted by His Majesty, isn't it unintentional?"

Qin Lang was silent for a while before he said:

"I first received the kindness of Emperor Wu, and now I am trusted by His Majesty. I only wish I could kill all the thieves in order to repay the country's kindness. How dare I say it was unintentional?"

Having said that, he sighed:

"However, the thief is fierce and cunning, and I am stupid in nature. I am ashamed to disappoint the king!" He looked at Deng Ai, "If General Deng has something to teach me, Lang Ming will feel deeply."

"Don't dare dare!" Deng Ai hastily returned the salute, and then continued, "The people who rely on the commander of the Shu captives are nothing more than Ge thief and Feng thief, even Wei Yan, in my opinion, is nothing more than a brave man. "

"So now Ge thief is being dragged to Wuzhangyuan by Da Sima, and Feng thief is blocked by General Guo at Qiaoshan Mountain. These two command most of the Shu captives' forces. The rest are mediocre, so there is nothing to worry about."

As Deng Ai said, he raised his left and right hands and clenched them into fists, making a confrontational collision, "This time the Shu captives wanted to attack from the north and the south, but they were defeated by Da Sima!"

"Ge Bandit and Feng Bandit are like fists advancing side by side, but they are entangled by Da Sima. Now they are both in a dilemma, but they don't know that the vitals of their chests have been exposed before our eyes."

The more Deng Ai said, the more excited he was, and he said with gestures:

"And the general's 50,000 heavy troops are like sharp knives, which can stab at the heart of Shu captives!"

Qin Lang is not a fool, he heard his heart move, and asked tentatively:


"Exactly!" Deng Ai said excitedly with his fists and palms, "Feng Bandit led the army across the desert, Liangzhou must be empty, and most of the troops in Longyou are confronting General Fuguo in Jingshui."

"The general's best strategy is to take 50,000 troops and break through Longguan. At that time, not only Longyou will be able to go down, but Liangzhou will also be at your fingertips! What is the greatest achievement in the world, but the general?"

When Qin Lang heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

He just thought about it, and finally shook his head:

"If Longguan could be taken down easily, then General Zhang (Zhang He) would not have been defeated by Jieting."

When Qin Lang was in danger, he was ordered to guard Lixian County with Wang Shuang for several years to prevent Shu captives from coming down from Longguan. How could he not know the situation in Longguan?

Not to mention the defenders of Longguan, but bandits brought out by Thief Feng himself.

There are several mountain trails near Longguan, all of which have beacon towers.

Whether it's a large army attacking Longguan head-on, or a partial division sneaking around the mountain road, it's all difficult!

Hearing that Qin Lang talked about the situation in Longguan, Deng Ai, who was intending to lead the army to sneak across Longshan, suddenly lost half of his enthusiasm.

He thought about it, but he was not discouraged, and continued:

"Since this is the case, then there will be another plan."

"General Deng, please come."

"Look, General Qin, this is Xiaoguan, this is Anding County, and the Longyou bandit army led by Deng Zhi is at the easternmost point of Anding, far away from Xiaoguan."

"If I can go back to the middle way..."

Before Deng Ai finished speaking, Qin Lang turned pale with shock:

"Isn't this the story of the battle between Da Sima Cao and Thief Feng at Xiaoguan?"

This time Qin Lang took the initiative to come to Qian County, he really bit the bullet.

After all, Xiao Guan's battle was truly like a nightmare to him.

When he heard that Feng Thief was not in Longyou, but in Qiaoshan, he was actually secretly relieved and at the same time rejoiced.

Now that Deng Ai suggested to follow the path that Cao Zhen had walked, he subconsciously felt palpitations.

Deng Ai didn't expect that Qin Lang's reaction would be so great when he heard that he was walking back to the middle path.

Seeing the look on Qin Lang's face again, I was puzzled:

Even if Feng Thief defeated 20,000 troops of Cao Da Sima's 100,000 troops in the battle of Xiaoguan, it wouldn't make people feel so pale after hearing about it, right?

Why is General Guo like this, and so is General Qin?

So what did Feng thief do back then?

Deng Ai's thoughts are still spinning, Qin Lang has flatly rejected his suggestion:

"Qian County is the gateway to the west of Guanzhong, and there is absolutely nothing to lose. What's more, Xiaoguan is a critical pass. How can the thieves be unprepared? If Xiaoguan does not go down, Qian County is taken advantage of by the thieves. What should I do?"

Apart from being somewhat taboo about returning to the middle way, Qin Lang actually had the same thoughts as Sima Yi:

Ge thief wanted to cross the water but couldn't, Feng thief wanted to cross the mountain but couldn't, as long as they dragged on, they had no other way but to retreat.

As for the stable bandit army, there is nothing to be afraid of.

This can be described as perfectly safe, why take risks?

If he advances rashly, if he loses and Guanzhong becomes an unmanageable situation, who can take responsibility?

When Deng Ai heard that Qin Lang rejected his suggestion again, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious:

"The general has a large army, but sits and watches the thieves rampant and defeats the enemy's opportunity. This is probably not the way of a general!"

Qin Lang was not angry either, he knew that Deng Ai had some truths.

The main force of the Shu army's army is clear, if he still sits and guards the county, he will be a little timid.

But Qian County is an important place, and it must not be lost, and it is impossible for him to leave it lightly.

He looked at Deng Ai, and said softly:

"Don't worry, General Deng. I only said that we must guard against robbers taking advantage of Qianxian County. I didn't say that we might not be able to follow General Deng's suggestion."

Deng Ai is proud and has a bad temper. He uttered bad words just now, and he regretted it. Seeing that Qin Lang didn't care about it, he felt ashamed:

"What does General Qin mean by this?"

"If I want to guard Qian County, I must not leave it lightly, but as General Deng said, it is very likely that Longyou is empty of troops at this time, and Qian County does not need so many troops at this time."

Qin Lang said here, pretending to ponder, "If someone is willing to lead the army to the north..."

He glanced at Deng Ai.

Deng Ai understood, and hurriedly said loudly:

"If the general does not give up, Ai is willing to give it a try!"

Qin Lang smiled slightly:

"This plan was originally proposed by General Deng. It is the best that General Deng can take the initiative to invite Ying."

"However, General Deng's qualifications are insufficient, and I'm afraid he won't be able to convince the crowd. I will send another strong general to the general to assist the general."

Deng Ai naturally knew his own shortcomings, so he said quickly:

"General Qin, please tell me."

"Wang Shuang, the former guard general of Si County, is extremely brave. He has gone through three dynasties and has a lot of seniority. With his help, General Deng will have nothing to worry about!"

Qin Lang and Wang Shuang have been guarding the county together for several years, and he has a friendship. He believes that if he comes forward in person, Wang Shuang will definitely give him this face.

Deng Ai was overjoyed: "Thank you, General."

"But I don't know how many people General Deng wants to lead northward?"

"Ten thousand is enough. As long as you can lure the captives from Shu in Anding County back to the army and dare not move lightly, it will be considered a success."

Of the three armies of the Shu captives, the most important thing is the one in Anding County.

It's not scary to be afraid, but it's annoying like a mosquito buzzing.

Even if you can't kill it, it's good to drive it away and leave it alone.

In that case, he could concentrate on dealing with Ge Bandit in Wuzhangyuan.

At that time, it would be impossible to go in the direction of Chencang, echoing Da Sima.

But Qin Lang said decisively: "Then I will give you 20,000."

He brought over 50,000 Chinese troops from Luoyang, and together with the original guards in Qian County, there were nearly 70,000.

It doesn't matter at all that 20,000 yuan is allocated.

Deng Ai was overjoyed!

The discussion has been decided, but Qin Lang acted vigorously and immediately mobilized people.

Deng Ai and Wang Shuang led the soldiers and horses, and rushed towards Xiao Guan along the Huizhong Road.

Wang Ping, who had been paying close attention to the movement in Qian County, immediately sent someone down the mountain to inform Xiao Guan after receiving the news of Xi Zuo.

Just go down the mountain from Longguan, go north again, and finally have to climb Longshan to the west before reaching Xiaoguan.

This detour is much farther than going back to the middle.

And Longyou was indeed as Deng Ai expected, except for guarding the important pass, there was no extra troops.

The function of Wang Ping's notification of the enemy's situation is to let Xiao Guan strengthen his defenses.

The other is to let Deng Zhi of Anding County know that the road ahead may be dangerous, and if there is any disagreement, return to the teacher immediately.

Just when the Han and Wei sides in Guanzhong were attacking and defending each other, Governor Feng, who was far to the north, finally made a small progress.

After several days of hard work, the Wei army camp on the first hill was finally breached.

Soldiers from the Wudang Camp and the Dark Night Camp took advantage of the fierce battle ahead, and climbed up from the dangerous place in the west.

Wei Jun couldn't react for a while, and couldn't get enough manpower, so he was blown up by the Han Jun, and he was in chaos.

After the gate of the village fell, Wei Jun in the village became lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The refined cowhide boots stepped hard on the fallen village gate, making a "click" sound.

Accompanied by Jiang Wei and Zhao Guang, Governor Feng came to Wuzhai, which had given him a headache for several days.

There is no living enemy in sight in the village.

Less than one out of ten Wei soldiers escaped, and all Wei soldiers who were injured and failed to escape were picked out by red-eyed Han soldiers and stabbed to death.

Wei Jun's corpses were lying all over the ground, like fish poured out of a net by a fisherman.

The soldiers are moving these corpses to one place, ready to throw them into the valley together.

Several burning logs were still smoking, and there was a suffocating strange smell in the air.

"This is the elite soldier of Wei!"

Governor Feng murmured.

Until the last moment, he will not surrender.

He raised his head, crossed many mountains, layers of docks, and looked at the main peak in the distance.

There is Xinglong Pass.

If there is this kind of camp from here to there, I am afraid that the blood of the soldiers will be shed.

Jiang Wei was silent.

For the first time, he felt a little shaken in his heart: Could it be that this time, he is really going to return without success?

"Call Pu Heyu over!"

As the commander-in-chief, Governor Feng has no time to think about these things, and even if he has time, he can't think about them.

If the commander-in-chief has no confidence, then this battle will be lost.

Ke Bineng's son Pu Heyu was soon brought here, along with Ke Bineng's son-in-law Yu Zhugejian.

"Feng Junhou, did you call me for something?"

When Pu Heyu was talking to Governor Feng, he quietly glanced at Jiang Wei and Zhao Guang who were standing beside Governor Feng.

Although my lord had told me before I came here, don't underestimate this Feng Langjun.

But along the way, Puhe often saw Feng Cishi and these two handsome men inseparable, and he always felt a bit of contempt in his heart.

Han women are fair-skinned, beautiful, and gentle, but this Feng Langjun doesn't like them, and instead looks masculine, which is really incomprehensible.

Governor Feng turned his back to several people, and kept looking at the mountains in front of him, so that no one could see the expression on his face:

"Our army has captured the first camp, and the next camp will be handed over to Chief Puheyu, how about it?"

Pu Heyu didn't even turn his body when he saw Feng Cishi talking to him. This superior posture made him very upset:

"Feng Langjun, we Xianbei people are good at handling horses but not good at attacking cities. It's not that we are afraid of death. We Xianbei are not afraid of death."

"But I'm afraid I won't be able to attack, and I'll miss Feng Langjun's important event."

Fuck you granny!

Are you a heifer handstand and a horse fucker?

Governor Feng finally turned around, with a kind smile on his face:

"I have always known that the Xianbei warriors are brave and good at fighting, so I swore an oath with the leader Ke Bineng to go south to attack Guanzhong together."

"Of course, although I agreed to Chief Ke Bineng's request to Chang'an, the premise is that the Xianbei warriors must contribute their strength."

"To tell you the truth, our army fought hard for several days this time, and there were a lot of casualties. We must take a rest. If the leader Pu Heyu can't attack, we will go up again at that time."

The sentimental and reasonable words immediately blocked Pu Heyu's mouth.

The capture of Chang'an was an agreement between Ke Bineng and Governor Feng.

If Pu Heyu wants to work and doesn't work hard, then don't blame someone Feng and said to Chief Ke Bineng, I'm afraid I can't give you the children of gold and silk in Chang'an.

Besides, since your great Xianbei warriors are not afraid of death, why can't they attack a small camp?

It's just that in the past few days, Pu Heyu didn't just enjoy the cool under the shade of the tree, but he saw the Han army's attacking camp in his eyes.

It's not that they have no confidence that they won't be able to attack. After all, a camp on the top of a mountain is estimated to have only a few hundred people. Even if it is larger, it will probably not exceed a thousand people.

It's really cruel to fill it with human life, and it can be filled no matter what.

But how many lives to fill is a question.

Not to mention that the Hu people are indeed not as good at attacking cities as the Han people.

Seeing Pu Heyu's blushing face, Zhao Guang couldn't help but smile in his heart:

"A mere Hu'er, you still want to argue with your brother, I'm afraid you don't know what sly talk is?"

Pu Heyu was so squeezed by Feng Cishi, he had no choice but to nod in agreement:

"Okay, the next camp will be attacked by my great Xianbei warriors!"

Inspector Feng smiled:

"There is Lao Pu to congratulate the leader."

Pu Heyu didn't know what a skinny smile meant, but when he looked at this person's smiling face, for some reason, he always felt extremely disgusting, and wished he could punch him in the face a few times!

He glanced at Jiang Wei and Zhao Guang again, couldn't help but feel even more contemptuous, snorted coldly, turned and left.

Looking at his back, Governor Feng's eyes were dim.

PS: Guanzhong situation map, click on the comment, the first floor is not simple since ancient times.

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