Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 978 Retreat

It stands to reason that there has just been a heavy rainstorm. Although the ground in front of the formation is not completely unsuitable for horses to charge, it is not considered good to charge with fine horses at this time.

But Sima Yi, who is as stable as a tortoise, managed to seize such a rare opportunity at this time.

At this time, nearly ten thousand elite soldiers on the east bank were cut off from the west bank, not to mention annihilating them all, or driving them into the water...

If you think about it better, maybe you can force Zhuge Liang to retreat.

Even if Zhuge Liang insisted on not leaving, it would seriously damage the Han army, making it impossible to launch an attack in a short time.

As long as it can be delayed, Zhuge Liang's logistics will definitely not be able to delay himself.

And Feng thief was blocked in the north of Qiaoshan.

After a long time, don't they all have to retreat obediently in the end?

With such a big temptation, even Sima Yi couldn't help but use Jingqi for a try in advance.

In the battle of Xiaoguan, although Governor Feng killed Cao Zhen in a hurry to cross the water, he also exposed his own trump card at the same time.

Whoever uses the stirrup will know.

At this time, the fine cavalry of the Wei army who were charging at this time were naturally equipped with stirrups, and when they charged, they were completely different from before.

This was the first time that the Han army encountered the charge of cavalry equipped with stirrups head-on.


The Jingqi who rushed past the arrow net at the fastest speed, stepped on the muddy water, and rushed towards the Han army camp like a whirlwind.

Facing the fine cavalry who were much faster than the infantry, Meng Yan's tiger infantry archers had to retreat into the infantry formation ahead of time after firing two rounds of arrows, grabbing their spears and spears, and preparing to meet the enemy.

Jingqi slammed into the infantry formation hard.

Many people in the front row of pawns vomited blood on the spot.

These days, Wei Jun has been pressing very hard.

The Han army was not allowed to arrange antlers and trenches at all.

Now it can only be blocked with human life in the first place.

But at the same time, the spears pierced out like a forest of spears, and the cavalry who rushed to the front were either dismounted or pierced through.

Seeing that the first wave of Jingqi's tentative attack was easily resolved by the Han army, Sima Yi frowned, and immediately realized that he was a little too anxious.

But he quickly adjusted his mentality:

"General Niu, I will entrust you with three thousand armored warriors, and follow my orders, and lead the attack!"


Fighting bad battles in the mud, I have the advantage.

The fine cavalry is temporarily useless, as long as the Han army on the west bank cannot support it in time, even if it is ground with infantry, it can grind this elite Han army to death.

The third wave of Wei Jun soon hit.

Compared with yesterday, the pace is much faster.

Wei Yan knew that the traitor Wei on the opposite side wanted to keep himself on the east bank forever.

The speed of building bridges is much slower than expected.

It is much slower to build a pontoon bridge by standing bridge piles in the water than simply building a pontoon bridge on the water surface.

Simple pontoon bridges can be erected several times a day, and if the materials are sufficient, even dozens of them are easy.

However, it is much more troublesome to build a pontoon bridge with standing bridge piles. In addition, the time is too hasty and the preparation is insufficient, so one cannot be built in a day.

Night fell quickly, and Wei Yan and Meng Yan finally defended the camp under the successive attacks of the Wei army.

In front of the formation of the two armies, a lot of mud has turned into red mud.

Some blood, because there is nowhere to go, can only stay in the depression, attracting some blood-thirsty insects.

Some tired Meng Yan approached Wei Yan and suggested:

"General Wei, in my opinion, the prime minister will be able to build a bridge tomorrow, and then you will lead the army and retreat first, and I will cut off the rear for the general."

Unexpectedly, Wei Yan shook his head, expressionless:

"General Meng led the army here earlier than me. The soldiers under him must have been exhausted after fighting for days. This time, General Meng led the army to retreat first, and I will stop the rear."

When Meng Yan heard that Wei Yan was willing to cooperate and return to the east bank, he was secretly relieved.

As for who comes first, it doesn't matter.

He nodded:

"Then it's settled."

On a June day, the face of a child.

On the second day, the fire-like morning glow supported a huge golden-red wheel, which was spitting out from a distant ridge, scattering thousands of rays of light into the light blue sky.

The sun has just risen, and people can already feel the heat.

The bloody mud water on the ground began to evaporate at the fastest speed, and at noon, when the sun was at its maximum, they would dry up.

In addition to the dark red soil, there will still be evidence of yesterday's fight.

But Sima Yi seemed to be unable to wait until noon.

When the sun rises, it is a favorable time for Wei Jun, who is carrying the sun behind his back.

This is a small time.

When the two armies are facing each other, a qualified commander cannot let go of any opportunity that is beneficial to his own side.

"Hurry up!"

Although the rain has stopped, the water level in Wugong has not dropped at all except that it is more turbid than yesterday.

If there is no more rain in the next three days, maybe Wugong Water will return to normal.

But who can guarantee?

Not to mention how long the soldiers on the east bank can survive under the intensive attack of the Wei army is still a question.

So Zhang Bao was very anxious and kept urging him repeatedly.

Because people were rushing to work all night, they finally made enough bamboo betels.

The speed of bridge building today is much faster than yesterday.


The sergeants struggled to push the bamboo beetle loaded with big stones into the water as an anchor, and then fixed it to the bamboo raft with the anchor rope that was tied to the bamboo beetle in advance.

Coupled with the pile ropes across the two banks and the bamboo rafts connected to each other, such a pontoon bridge is much stronger.

Soon, the pontoon bridge extended to the opposite bank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the last bamboo raft was fixed to the bridge pile, the soldiers of the engineering battalion couldn't help cheering:

"It's done!"

Zhang Bao was the first to run up and jumped twice.

It was found that even with the current conditions under Wugong Water Eye, this floating bridge did not shake like ordinary floating bridges.

He was immediately overjoyed:

"Quick, quick, tell the prime minister that the pontoon bridge has been completed!"

He looked at Wen Shi and thought to himself:

My brother-in-law... Bah, I mean, it really makes sense for Feng Wenhe to set up an engineering battalion alone.

Before the expedition, the queen secretly told Zhang Bao in private that her little sister was pregnant by someone.

If it weren't for the upcoming Northern Expedition, Zhang Bao might have rushed to Liangzhou with a gun and rode a horse, and poked six transparent holes for someone Feng.

Why six?

Because the Zhang family counts from the adults, there are adults and mother on the top, a younger brother, two younger sisters, and myself, isn't it exactly six?

Although the Zhang family has acquiesced to the little sister's affairs over the years.

Although it has long been expected that such a day may come.

But when it really happened, Zhang Bao found that he still couldn't accept it.

It's just that Feng Wenhe was of great use to His Majesty and the Queen, and also saved his own life, so three were subtracted from six, and there were still three transparent holes to poke.

Right now, the engineering battalion has done a good deed, which is equivalent to saving the lives of many soldiers, so... add another transparent hole?

Regardless of Zhang Bao's wild thoughts, Wuzhangyuan learned that the two sides of the strait were connected, and sent additional cavalry officials to urgently order Wei Yan and Meng Yan to retreat.

"General, the pontoon bridge has been built, and the prime minister has sent someone to order us to find an opportunity to retreat immediately!"

Taking advantage of the time when Wei Jun retreated, Meng Yan found Wei Yan in person, and conveyed the prime minister's military order again.

Wei Yan didn't look at Meng Yan, his eyes kept looking at Wei Jun opposite:

"What I'm afraid of is that Bandit Wei may not let us retreat easily."

"What is the general's plan?"

Wei Yan's eyes became more and more indifferent:

"Don't worry, just follow what we agreed last night. General Meng, you lead the people to retreat first, and I will finish the rest. Make arrangements quickly!"

Meng Yan gritted her teeth:

"Okay, take care, General!"

At this time, the sun was already in the middle of the sky. According to the experience of the past few days, the most violent attack of Wei thief was about to come.

Because after the sun is westward, it is not good for Wei thieves.

At that time, they will basically switch to harassment, and try to prevent their side from getting a rest.

The so-called long-term defense is bound to lose, because it has lost the initiative to attack, so it can only be long-term defense.

It's just that retreating doesn't mean retreating immediately, and arrangements must be made in advance.

At least until after the sun goes west.

On the Wuzhang Plain, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty was sitting in a four-wheeled cart, as if he was observing the battlefield.

But in fact, he even took out the binoculars, just sat there quietly, with a strange light in his eyes.

Yang Yi felt that since the prime minister went to Wuzhangyuan, it became more and more strange.

If you want to say that the prime minister is in a hurry to cross the martial arts water, but after arriving at Wuzhangyuan, he has always been in a leisurely manner.

If you want to say that the prime minister is not in a hurry, that's not like it, otherwise he wouldn't have sent Meng Yan and Wei Yan to the east.

Just thinking of the prime minister's laughter the night before, and looking at the prime minister's half-smile expression now, Yang Yi always felt a faint sense of strangeness.

"Prime Minister, I'm afraid that Bandit Wei may not allow General Meng to return as they wish. Shouldn't we make more preparations?"

Hearing Yang Yi's words, the statue-like prime minister moved a little, showing that he was a living person:

"I've already done what needs to be done, and the rest depends on God's will. What preparations do I need?"

The bridge has been built, and the military order to retreat has long been passed on. The strong crossbow team here has been doing their best to cover the two wings on the other side.

The rest is up to Wei Yan and Meng Yan.

As the head coach, since he sent his generals to the front, it meant that he had to fully trust them.



After sacrificing many of their comrades, the Tiger Army, who finally crossed to the east bank, stepped on the pontoon bridge again and retreated to the west bank.

"Big Sima!"

"It's now."

Sima Yi looked up at the sun, it had already started to go west, which meant that he couldn't wait any longer.

Shu Lu's performance these days has far exceeded his expectations.

Even when it rained heavily and the martial arts water soared, the morale of the Shu captives by the water did not drop at all.

Such elite soldiers are truly terrifying.

This strengthened Sima Yi's determination to keep them on the east bank.

"General Niu, this time, you will personally lead the army! Then I will send people to cover you on both sides."

Niu Jin, who couldn't wait for a long time, said loudly: "No!"

This time, Sima Yi learned his lesson and did not send Jingqi into battle immediately.

Three thousand armored soldiers, under the leadership of Niu Jin, began to march forward.

On the two wings, fine cavalry were arranged to keep wandering back and forth, waiting for the Shu captives to show their flaws, they would swarm up.

Looking at the gleaming armor on Wei thief's body, Meng Yan's face changed drastically, and he said to Wei Yan anxiously: "General Wei..."

"Never mind, let's go!"

Wei Yan stared closely at the man in armor who was yelling and yelling, and shouted without looking back.

Meng Yan clenched his fists heavily, turned around and walked towards the pontoon bridge behind.

"The whole army retreats and defends the stronghold!"

Wei Yan had already seen Wei cavalry in front of him, without the cover of the tiger infantry, no matter how arrogant he was, he would not expose his flank to the enemy's cavalry.

When Niu Jin saw the actions of the Han army, he was overjoyed:

"The Shu captives are timid and ready to retreat, the whole army advances!"

"Drink, drink, drink!"

Three thousand armored soldiers quickened their pace.

Entering the range of the crossbow arrows, the soldiers at the front raised their maces, and the rest subconsciously lowered their heads slightly, trying to protect themselves as much as possible.

It's just that the imagined arrow feathers didn't come.

Sima Yi quickly sent messengers from the rear:

"General, the Shu captives are retreating to the west bank!"

Hearing this, Niu Jin laughed loudly: "This is the occasion of making great contributions!"

The elite soldiers of the Wei army began to quicken their pace.

Heavy infantry marched in formation, slower than almost all arms.

In addition to the heavy armor on their bodies that consumes a lot of energy, it is also because their formation cannot be easily messed up.

Seeing that the enemy had already entered within a hundred steps, Wei Chang was a little anxious: "My lord?"

"Wait!" Wei Yan spit out two words indifferently, and then asked, "How many members of the Tiger Army have not crossed the water?"

Hearing this, Wei Chang quickly turned around and ran back, and came back after a while: "My lord, there are more than a thousand people left."

Wei Yan nodded: "It seems that after they finish crossing, it will be our turn."

When Wei Chang heard this, he was a little stunned. How could the bandit Wei allow us to cross west safely?

"If you defeat them, you will be able to cross the water and go back safely!"

Wei Yan straightened up abruptly, drew his sword and shouted:

"The whole army is ready!"


Wei Jun was only fifty steps away from the camp.

At this time, the archers guarding the gate of the village fired the first wave of arrows sparsely.

But this time, the Wei army was all armored, and the damage of the arrow feathers was greatly weakened, not to mention that the arrow feathers were not dense enough.

Ten steps further forward, all the archers of the Han army shouted, turned around and ran back to the camp, closing the gate of the camp tightly.

This phenomenon made Niu Jin's heart beat immediately!

At this time, the Shu captives were probably already thinking about crossing back to the west, and the army had no heart to fight.

As a general respected by Sima Yi, Niu Jin naturally knew how much Sima wanted to trap the Han army to death.

Since he took over the post of pioneer from Da Sima, he couldn't let Da Sima down.

At this thought, Niu Jin shouted loudly: "Kill!"


The sound of shouting and killing shook the sky.


The wall of the Han army camp fell down, revealing the strict queue hidden behind.

"Wei Yan is here, the thief will take his life!"

Wei Yan took the lead and personally led the army to rush out.

Generals personally go into battle to kill the enemy, although it is very dangerous, but it can greatly boost morale.

Under the leadership of Wei Yan, the Han army marched forward bravely.

Niu Jin never expected that the Shu captives had already crossed the water to the east, and the rest were not guarding the stronghold, but they dared to turn around and fight back.

Originally, in order to strive forward for merit, the original formation was already a bit chaotic.

Now that he was caught off guard again, and Wei Yan brandished a long knife like cutting the wind and thundering waves, he broke through the front ranks of the Wei army all at once.


This is a contest between the elite infantry of the Han and Wei dynasties.

Although the Han army led by Wei Yan did not have a high armor rate due to crossing the water, the victory lies in its suddenness and large number of people.

Niu Jin's heavy infantry, on the other hand, has a high armor.

Although breaking through the front ranks of Wei thieves, Wei Yan knew that this was far from enough.

If you can't defeat the pawns in front of you in time, and wait for Wei thief's elite cavalry to react, then you will be in danger!

He stared closely at the Shuai Banner where Niu Jin was, and there was a loud clang in the direction of the long knife.

Even under strong sunlight, Mars can still be seen shining.

That was the result of the long knife hacking on the Wei thief's weapon or armor.

Niu Jin can also be regarded as a fierce general, seeing Wei Yan like this, how could he back down?

Immediately shouted: "Kill the prisoner!"

Under the protection of their personal guards, the two began to meet with short knives.

It's just that when Niu Jin saw the ambiguous smile on Wei Yan's face, his heart skipped a beat!


A cavalry army of less than 200 suddenly rushed out from the Han army camp. The leader was Wei Chang, who began to look for opportunities to enter the battlefield.

Niu Jin, who thought it was a bad battle, realized that he had been tricked.

The formation is already messy, and the commander can't get away from him. What fate will happen to the infantry who is suddenly attacked by the cavalry?

Wei Chang led this small group of cavalry to clash back and forth, and the Wei army's formation became more and more chaotic.

Wei Qi on the two wings in the distance wanted to rush over, but was shot back by the crossbow on the other side.

Only the elite cavalry in front of the side can rush over.

But what happened so suddenly, by the time they realized it, Niu Jin's handsome flag had already been knocked down by Wei Chang, who rushed into the rear!

"General Wei is dead! General Wei is dead!"

The fall of Shuai Qi became the last straw that overwhelmed Wei Jun.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and Niu Jin wanted to shout that he was not dead, but in the end he could only retreat back under the menace of the people below.

The Jingqi of the Wei army who had just rushed over did not dare to step forward easily in the face of their own defeated army, and watched the Han army retreat back to the village again.


Wei Yan was holding a big knife, laughing loudly.

Blood dripped onto his body along the handle of the knife, but he didn't care.

"Command, prepare to cross the water!"

Although the retreat this time makes people feel very angry, although it is extremely reluctant to retreat.

Wei Yan dared to say that the prime minister was wrong in private, and it was normal to express his dissatisfaction with the retreat in a fit of anger.

It's just that he has led the army for many years after all, and he has seen the repeated attacks of the Wei army who are unwilling to stop for a moment in the past two days.

How could Wei Yan not understand in his heart that in this case, retreating is indeed the most correct choice.

After all, no one knows whether the martial arts level will skyrocket again.

Since the first pontoon can be washed away, the second pontoon may naturally also be washed away.

After defeating three thousand armored warriors of the Wei army, Wei Yan finally understood his thoughts and began to lead the retreat.

The prime minister who was far away on the Wuzhang Plain put down the binoculars in his hand and smiled slightly:

"Wei Wenchang is so brave!"

Then he remembered something and sighed inaudibly.


Many people thought that Zhuge Liang knew how to observe the sky, so it was impossible for him to be trapped by the heavy rain. They thought that the author Ruo deliberately belittled the prime minister in order to elevate the protagonist.

But he didn't even think about it. In the novel, he didn't expect that it would rain in the upper valley and Sima Yi narrowly escaped death.

In the historical facts, it is true that the Wugong water soared due to heavy rain, and Meng Yan was trapped on the east bank of the Wugong water.

Even in modern times, everyone has no idea how accurate the weather forecast is?

Some people think that the prime minister can perfectly solve the problems that modern technology can't solve?

You have to be considerate of the author's shame, right? This really can't be blown.

So when Cheng Lian said "God's Will", he was speaking from his heart, but no one believed it.

Haotian: Do you think I don't want face?

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