Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 977: Providence

"Sun Tzu Marching Army Chapter" has a saying: When a guest comes without water, don't welcome him in the water. If you order him to hit him with a half-cheap, it will benefit you.

Greeting it in the water will only make the enemy retreat in the face of difficulties, and cannot effectively annihilate the enemy.

When half of the enemy is ashore and half is still wading through the water, it is in a dilemma, and when the head and the tail are not connected, they are most likely to be defeated.

Not only Zhuge Liang understands this truth, but Sima Yi also understands it.

The martial arts water wasn't wide enough, nor deep enough, and Sima Yi knew it was impossible to block Zhuge Liang from the opposite bank just by relying on martial arts water.

So he kept attacking Meng Yan's camp on the east bank, trying to press Meng Yan on the narrow strip of the river bank, just to create the most favorable conditions for the half-crossing attack later.

Zhuge Liang, on the other hand, has been unwilling to cross the water on a large scale when Meng Yan did not gain a firm foothold and did not expand enough frontier camps.

Let Wei Yan lead the troops across the water this time, in fact, it does not mean that Wei Yan will expand the frontier and consolidate the camp on the east bank.

Before half of the 10,000 elite soldiers had passed through, the camp on the east bank had become somewhat crowded.

In the midst of the noise, Meng Yan hurried over:

"General Wei, the thieves are coming!"

When Wei Yan heard this, he was not surprised but delighted:

"If the thieves shrink behind the barrier, I have no good solution. Now they dare to come, which is exactly what I want."

"General Meng will stop for a while, wait for me to gather the soldiers, and then I will arrive."

At the moment, they no longer wait for the remaining soldiers who have not crossed the water, but just ask people to gather more than 3,000 people who have already reached the shore and prepare to meet the enemy.

The battle drums sounded ahead.

The crossbow arrows of the Han army shot out like locusts, and the Wei army, who was holding a big pole, shouted and shouted loudly, and the speed was very fast, and he had already reached two hundred steps in front of the Han army.

The camp on the east bank was already a bit narrow, and the soldiers who had already crossed the water were about to form their formation in a hurry, and the soldiers who had not crossed the water had no choice but to postpone it.

Seeing this, Wei Yan yelled at the soldiers to assemble, while cursing: "Old thief Sima!"

Before he could finish assembling, there were already shouts of killing in front of him.

The first wave of the Wei army has already met Meng Yan's former army hand in hand.

Wei Yan was furious, straddling his horse and holding a knife:

"Follow me to kill the thief!"

Three thousand soldiers followed behind and rushed out of the camp gate like a whirlwind.

"My lord, let the child go to the battle, and the lord will organize the army in the rear, and we can defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!"

Wei Yan's son, Wei Chang, saw that his lord was going to fight in person, he was so frightened that he quickly grabbed Wei Yan's horse's head and called for a fight.

Wei Yan swept the front and found that Meng Yan could still hold on, so he nodded.

Looking around the battlefield again, he pointed to the right and said:

"You take hundreds of cavalry, attack from the flanks, and go to test it out. You must not go deep."


Wei Yan's timely reinforcements greatly boosted the morale of Meng Yan in front, and with one effort, he repelled the first wave of Wei Jun's offensive.

Then Wei Chang led more than a hundred cavalry to intercept and kill from the flank for a while. Wei Jun left more than two hundred wounded soldiers and corpses, and was defeated back to the main formation.

Sima Yi, who saw this scene from a distance, was not angry but happy, and laughed:

"I see that Ge Bandit's soldiers crossing the water are all rare elites. It seems that he is in a hurry to cross the water!"

Niu Jin said impatiently:

"Big Sima, the last general invites you to fight!"

Sima Yi twirled his beard and smiled:

"No hurry, no hurry!"

At present, they continued to send soldiers to attack from all sides in turn. Although they were all repelled by Meng Yan and Wei Yan, the Han army also had no time to consolidate the camp.

Zhuge Liang was sitting in a wheelchair, overlooking the battlefield on Wuzhang Plain, listening to the sound of war drums from the east bank, his face was calm.

On the contrary, Yang Yi was a little dissatisfied:

"Prime Minister, it's been almost half a day, and the 10,000 elite soldiers have only crossed halfway. Could it be that Wei Yan was frustrated at the front?"

Zhuge remained silent, looked up at the sky, and asked back:

"What time is it?"

"Return to Prime Minister, Shen Shi."

"Shen Shi? Why is it getting dark?"

Yang Yi was at a loss for words.

Prime Minister, I was talking to you about Wei Yan, what does it have to do with whether the sky is dark or not?

At this moment, a guard shouted loudly:

"Report to the Prime Minister, General Wei sent someone to report!"

"Have someone come over."

The orderly trotted over with a happy expression on his face:

"Prime Minister, General Wei killed nearly a thousand enemies, including three hundred armored bandits! General Wei said that only five thousand elite soldiers are enough to defeat the Wei bandits, not ten thousand!"

The word of the messenger slapped Yang Yi's face, making Yang Yi feel hot.

On the other hand, the prime minister, when he heard the good news, his face was calm and he just let out a "huh".

As long as 5,000 does not need 10,000, it means that even if Wei Yan won a small victory, he might not be able to achieve the goal of crossing the water.

Obviously, Sima Yi planned it beforehand.

Although Wei Jun seemed to have lost a little, he succeeded in dragging Wei Yan to the same place.

Thinking of this, a haze flashed across Zhuge Liang's eyes.

But when he saw the smile on the messenger's face and the longing in his eyes, he couldn't help but smile again, and said softly:

"Very well, go back and tell your generals that you have done meritorious service this time. Duke Wei, prepare some wine and meat and send them to the other side to reward the soldiers."

Hearing this, Yang Yi felt that her upper face was as hot as a fire.

He responded in a low voice, and hurried away.

There are rules for camping in the army. Since Wei Yan said that 10,000 people are not needed, it means that the camp on the other side has no way to accommodate the 5,000 people who have not yet crossed the water.

But today is Wei Yan's first day crossing the water, and it is a good sign to have a small victory. No matter how anxious you are, you have to wait a few days to see.

So Zhuge Liang asked the remaining soldiers to stand guard along the coast, and when Wei Yan made progress, he immediately crossed the water to support.

After arranging all this, the sky has already darkened.

Zhuge Liang lost his appetite after only eating half a bowl of rice.

Since the Northern Expedition, due to the numerous affairs in the army and the irregular work and rest, his old illness showed faint signs of recurrence.

Fortunately, I brought the medicine powder with me, so it was fine for a while.

After eating dinner, the Prime Minister did not stay up all night, but lay down early to rest.

It's just that people didn't expect that in the middle of the night, there was a red flash in the distance, as if a piece of dark night cloth was lifted, revealing a large amount of blood-like light.

After a few breaths, a huge thunder rumbled.

The thunder did not disappear, and several lightning bolts spread out in all directions in the shape of strange branches, cutting the entire sky to pieces.

Zhuge Liang was awakened by the thunder. He turned over, walked out of the handsome tent with his clothes on, and looked up.

At this time, lightning bolts came one after another, shining brightly on the sky and the earth.

The camp was suddenly bright as day in the lightning, and suddenly fell into the boundless night.

After a while, the strong wind and heavy rain poured down like a waterfall.

The prime minister returned to the handsome tent and lit the candles. At this time, his face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

"Come on!"

"Prime Minister!"

"Go, call General Guan."

After a while, Guan Xing in armor opened his tent and entered:

"Prime Minister, do you have an order?"

"Are you patrolling the camp tonight?"


Zhuge Liang saw that Guan Xing was wearing a sword and wearing armor, so he must have done his duty with all his heart, so he nodded and said:

"I think that the heavy rain will not stop for a while. Wuzhangyuan is a high ground, so nothing will happen."

"But there are nearly 10,000 soldiers by the martial arts water. Take my soldier talisman and go to check. If there are any camps in low-lying places, arrange to move the camp to prevent the soldiers from getting sick."


As Guan Xing left the tent door, a burst of cool water vapor floated in. The sudden clamminess made the prime minister cover his mouth and cough a few times.

After all this tossing, he could no longer fall asleep.

He fumbled out his reading glasses and began to look through military documents.

Just after a while, Zhuge Liang raised his head again, listening to the sound of rain outside.

Sometimes I stand up, go to the door, and look up at the sky where I can't see anything.

This night seemed endlessly long.

Because of the rain, even when it was dawn, the sky was still dark.

Zhuge Liang finally couldn't bear his temper, and was about to send someone out to inquire, when Guan Xing came in wet all over, "Prime Minister!"

When the prime minister saw it, he quickly walked two steps forward and asked anxiously, "How is it in the army?"

"Nothing happened in the army." Guan Xing was dripping with rain all over his body, his face was quite anxious: "But this rain is really heavy, I think the water in martial arts has increased a lot compared to the past."

"If the rain doesn't stop, I'm afraid the pontoon bridge won't be able to support it!"

When the prime minister heard it, his heart sank.

What he was most worried about still happened.

"No, I have to go and see for myself!"

"Prime Minister, no!" Guan Xing hurriedly dissuaded, "It's raining too much, and your health is not good. If there is an emergency, where should we put the whole army?"

Zhuge Liang was just impatient for a while, and he naturally knew his current physical condition clearly.

Hearing Guan Xing's words, he let out a breath to calm himself down.

Looking at the worried Guan Xing again, the prime minister smiled:

"An Guo, you were tired all night, go back early and have a good rest, remember to drink hot ginger water to drive away the cold, so as not to catch a cold."

"Also, let Xingwu (Zhang Bao) stay by the water today, and if there is any situation, you must notify me immediately."


After Guan Xing left, Zhuge Liang put away the smile on his face, walked to the door of the handsome tent, looked at the undiminished pouring rain, and murmured:

Haotian, if the Northern Expedition is successful and allows His Majesty to return to the old capital, I, Zhuge Kongming, are willing to reduce my lifespan...

A blinding astonishing flash broke through the rain, and then a thunderclap shook the ground.

As if angry at a certain prime minister's scoundrel: How can your life expectancy be reduced?

As soon as Haotian got angry, the rain became heavier.

The stagnant water flowing down from Taibai Mountain rushed into the Wugong Water, causing the Wugong Water to surge again.

The bridge piles that had been nailed to the shore had been submerged to the point where there was only a point left. A wave of water rushed over, and the crumbling pontoon bridge finally dispersed.

The bamboo raft was washed by the torrent and began to fall apart, and then crashed into another pontoon downstream.


I don't know which bamboo raft is the upstream pontoon, which bamboo raft is the downstream pontoon, they all rolled together and continued to rush down...

"Prime Minister, the pontoon can't hold up anymore!"

Zhuge Liang visibly shook when he got the news.

There was another lightning outside, and I found that the rain did not know when it started, but it had already become smaller.

Zhuge Liang looked at the sky sadly, with neither sadness nor joy on his face:

"Immediately ask the army to cut bamboo and wood to build rafts, and then see how many unused rafts there are in the army, and find a way to build a boat bridge immediately."


After arranging everything, Zhuge Liang looked at the gloomy sky, and suddenly laughed ho ho, and there seemed to be sadness in the laughter:

"God's will, God's will!"

Heaven has permanence, it does not exist for Yao, and does not perish for Jie.

This season is originally the rainy season in the Qinling Mountains.

Back then, it was at this time that Cao Zhen sent troops south to invade Hanzhong, and was trapped in the mountains by the rain for more than a month.

Unexpectedly, I was also trapped by the rain.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but sigh.

Compared to Zhuge Liang's sigh, Sima Yi was extremely excited.

Especially after learning from Tan Ma that the pontoon bridge on the Wugong Water was destroyed, he ran out of the camp barefoot regardless of the drizzle outside, stepped into the muddy water, looked up at the sky with his arms outstretched, and laughed loudly:

"God help me too, God help me too!"

Yesterday the Han army had no time to dig the camp at all, and now it has been raining for half a day and one night, and the ground is muddy, which makes camping even more difficult.

Not to mention that the whole army is crowded on the shore, and I don't know if the camp is flooded?

While thinking about it, Sima Yi immediately ordered, regardless of his own manners:

"Niu Jin!"

"The end is here!"

"You immediately take five thousand elite soldiers and prepare to attack the bandit camp. I will arrive soon with the elite cavalry."


What he could think of, Zhuge Liang could think of even more.

Now maybe Zhuge Liang has asked people to find a way to rebuild the pontoon bridge.

And Dawei wanted to take advantage of this good opportunity given by heaven to wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop!

Before the rain had completely stopped, Sima Yi couldn't wait to lead tens of thousands of cavalry and rush towards the Han army on the east bank.

The drizzle blocked the line of sight, but luckily the Han army had a secret artifact, and they saw the Wei army planning to attack from a distance.

"General, thieves are coming!"

The water surface surge caused by the heavy rain not only washed away the pontoon bridge, but also submerged part of the camp, putting the Han army at a disadvantage.

Wei Yan was on fire, and when he heard that Wei's bandits were attacking, he was furious:

"Beat the drums and meet the enemy!"



The gate of the village was opened wide, and the soldiers of the Han army stepped on the muddy water and began to line up.

This made Wei Jun, who originally wanted to take advantage of the poor sight to launch a surprise attack, had to stop and face the enemy head-on.

Naturally, Zhuge Liang on the west bank could clearly see Wei Jun's movements.

The strong crossbowmen lined up on the shore, ready to support the friendly forces on the other side.

Before the frontal attack started, the fine cavalry sent by Sima Yi to attack from the two wings were shot down by a wave.

"Zhuge Liang is really prepared! Attack!"

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

The first wave of Wei Jun's attack began.

At the same time, the Han army also seized the time to build a pontoon bridge.

It's just that the usual method of building bridges is not very easy to use at this time, the current is too fast, and the connected raft bridge cannot be directly placed on the opposite bank by using the current.

It is necessary to pull the thick rope to the opposite bank and fix it firmly before laying it.

"Put a few more rafts, be sure to pull the bridge rope over!"

Zhang Bao's face was full of anxiety, shouting loudly, wishing to do it himself.

The bridge rope is thick and heavy, and it becomes even heavier after being soaked in water. Coupled with the current, it takes a lot of strength to pull it over.

At this critical moment, someone ran over:

"General, there is still a bridge over there that has not been completely destroyed, and the bridge rope is still there!"

Received this good news, Zhang Bao was overjoyed:

"Excellent! Take me to see it!"

With the help of this broken bridge, the soldiers quickly re-reinforced the pile heads.

Just when laying the bridge, I soon encountered new difficulties:

The current is too fast, and the raft is not easy to fix, and if it is fixed like before, it may still be washed away by the flowing water.

"Call Wenshi from the engineering battalion over here!"

Zhang Bao shouted.

Wen Shi came trotting quickly.

"Find a way!" Zhang Bao pointed at the pontoon bridge being built, "How to fix it?"

I don't know if it's because of nervousness or too much rain on his head, Wen Shi wiped his face, but didn't speak for a while.

"I'll let you figure out a way!"

Zhang Bao said sharply.

There was already a faint cry of killing from the opposite side, which made Zhang Bao's heart burn.

"General, unless bridge piles are built in the water."

"how to spell?"

"Weaving bamboo lozenges, putting stones in them, and sinking them into the water, can be used as temporary bridge piles. It is impossible for this little water to wash away."

This bridging method is recorded in the special teaching materials of the engineering camp.

This bridging method is specially used for torrents and torrents.

However, the engineering battalion has only tested this method and has never used it in actual combat.

It stands to reason that the martial arts water flow is useless at all.

After all, this method is more troublesome than ordinary pontoon bridges, so Wenshi didn't think about using it at first.

And who would have expected that Wu Gong Shui would become like this overnight?

"Okay! Take the engineering battalion to do it right away. If it's done, I'll credit you!"


"General, the prime minister sent someone over, saying that they are going to retreat back to the west bank!"

Wei Yan, who was commanding to meet the enemy, heard the words, and suddenly said angrily: "Retreat the troops, retreat the troops, you have finally come here, and you are going to retreat again?"


The thunder sounded again.

But this time, it was not thunder from the sky, but thunder from the ground.

Wei Jun is riding finely and is speeding up.

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