The gully will always be filled, and the road will always be completed.

The mighty army followed the Qin Zhidao and finally came to the nearest hill to the Wei army camp.

Although Governor Feng had already been mentally prepared, he still took a breath when he saw Wei Jun's arrangement in Qiaoshan.


"Turtle shell, this is it?"

Large and small camps and fortresses are all over the hills in this area.

Whenever there is a dangerous place, there must be a Wei thief flag.

It can be said that the only disadvantage of Qiaoshan as a barrier in Guanzhong is that it is too close to Chang'an. When an enemy invades from the north, it will cause tremors in Guanzhong.

The rest are nearly perfect.

Feng Yongzheng held up his binoculars to observe the opposite mountain, and kept sighing in his heart that the turtle shell was indeed hard enough.

Zhao Guang came over and asked eagerly:

"Brother, when shall we attack the camp?"

Governor Feng put down his binoculars and gave Zhao Guang a strange look.

What does it matter to you when I attack the camp?

You don't know what type of arms you are carrying?

Or do you want to take the heavy cavalry to the camp on the other side of the mountain?

Inspector Feng thought for a while, then called out, "Bo Yue?"

Standing not far away, Jiang Wei, who was also holding a telescope to observe the enemy's situation, hurried over:

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

Inspector Feng gestured to the hill ahead and asked:

"Bo Yue thinks, how should we capture Wei's first camp?"

In fact, the main mountains of Qiaoshan are not too high above sea level, basically between 1,500 and 2,000 meters, but the terrain is too complicated.

With Xinglongguan as the center, Wei State built layers of defense lines on the key points of the surrounding hills.

From the perspective of Governor Feng, it really is not much different from a turtle shell.

Not to mention that this time, because they had to cross the desert and couldn't bring siege equipment, most of the engineering battalion had already been sent to the prime minister's side.

Just brought some technical soldiers from the engineering battalion.

Even if the entire engineering battalion is pulled over, the effect of the engineering battalion's siege will be greatly reduced.

Judging from the arrangement of the Wei army in front of him, Sima Yi's arrangement in Qiaoshan is definitely not temporary, but a long-term operation.

It seemed that he had expected that he might come from here.

Governor Feng was thinking about it when he heard Jiang Wei say:

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, the mountain runs from north to south, and the east and west sides are steep and difficult to walk. Most of them can only be attacked from the front."

Having said that, he hesitated for a moment, "However, Wei Yihui has deployed heavy troops in the north."

"It would be a good idea if there are strange soldiers who can climb up from the east and west sides..."

Inspector Feng glanced at Jiang Wei approvingly:

"Bo Yue was able to see the weakness of the thief in such a short period of time. He really deserves to be valued by the prime minister."

Jiang Wei was a little embarrassed when he heard this: "Your Majesty has won the prize."

As he spoke, he subconsciously squeezed the telescope in his hand.

When he was in Hanzhong before, Jiang Wei only felt that the Tiger Infantry Army was worthy of being the elite soldiers trained by the prime minister himself, and the rate of wearing armor in the army was extremely high.

Even among the 5,000 people he personally led, 3,000 of them were in armor.

He couldn't help but marvel at the richness of the big man's money and food.

Later, when I arrived in Liangzhou, I went out with Feng Shishi, not to mention the horses, mules and donkeys in the army, and not to mention the weapons and armor on the soldiers.

In the Liangzhou army alone, the generals of each battalion had a telescope worth half a million yuan. This kind of arrogance stunned Jiang Wei.

He thought about it several times quietly in his heart, and then found sadly that his whole body might not be able to buy half a telescope.

After several calculations, he realized that his eyelids were too shallow.

In the past, if you want to find out the enemy's weaknesses at such a distance, you not only need to send out scouts, but you also have to go around the enemy camp to investigate in person.

Even some soldiers had to be sacrificed to test the attack.

It's not like now, just find a mountain top at random, take a look with a telescope, and everything around the enemy camp will be clear to your chest.

This is simply an artifact before the battle.

How do you fight this battle if you know what the culprit is going to do from afar, but the culprit doesn't know that his opponent has already mastered his plans?

It's just bullying people!

That is to say, in the current situation, if you stick to the key points and force yourself to attack the camp by force, there is a little possibility of turning around.

Governor Feng certainly didn't know what Jiang Wei was thinking. He raised his binoculars again and looked at the opposite mountain:

"Bo Yue doesn't need to be humble, I can still see if he has the ability, let alone the prime minister."

As he spoke, according to Jiang Wei's statement, he carefully observed both sides of the enemy's camp, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

Then he put down the binoculars and glanced at Zhao Guang:

did you see it? Do you know what a real general is?

People know how to fight at a glance, but you only ask me how to fight.

If you are half as strong as Boyue, I don't know how easy it will be all these years.

Zhao Guang was unhappy: Brother doesn't love me anymore...

Inspector Feng ignored him, and just called out: "Xinhou."

Li Qiu hurried over: "Your Majesty."

"West side." Feng Inspector pointed to the opposite mountain and said, "I will hand over the Dark Night Camp to you, and then you can pick out good climbers from the Wudang Camp and lay down on the west side."

"Just wait for my signal, and start trying to go up from the west."

The foundation of the Wudang camp was first brought out by Wang Ping. From the beginning to the present, the main composition of soldiers has always been the barbarians who competed from Yuejuan County.

There is no way, military merit is the best way to leapfrog the class.

And Feng Langjun's command is the place where the treatment is the best, so the competition has always been fierce.

One of the main things that Wang Ping's son Wang Xun has done in Yuexie over the years is to send qualified soldiers for Feng Shishi's Wudang camp.

Wudangying can be regarded as half a mountain combat force.

But this time Wudang Camp only had half of the camp, and half of the camp remained with Guan Ji.

As for the Dark Night Camp, let alone the Special Forces of this era, it has always been in the hands of Governor Feng.

Governor Feng's eyes fell on Jiang Wei:

"Bo Yue, you are in charge of attacking the camp this time, how about it?"

Jiang Weishi did not expect that Junhou would entrust this task to himself. He was surprised and overjoyed:

"Your Majesty, the final general is afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? It's just a camp. Could it be that Boyue still can't take it down? I'll let someone cooperate with you."

Governor Feng interrupted him directly:



"Tomorrow you will take the rest of the Wudang Camp and Modao Camp, and only follow General Jiang's command."


The Modao Battalion has developed to the present, and it has become much more mature than it was at the beginning. It is a battalion based on Modao and a variety of weapons.

Thanks to the figurine, the Qin Zhidao on the ridge is more than ten meters at its narrowest point, and with the slopes on both sides of the straight road, it is barely able to deploy troops.

"The baldness stands on end."

"The end is here!"

"You lead the Yi Cong cavalry army, and you are optimistic about Pu Heyu those people, I don't trust them."

Although in this kind of mountainous terrain, the Xianbei Hu people couldn't make any big waves, but when they should be careful, they should be careful.


Zhao Guang saw that everyone had plans, but he was the only one left out, and he was even more depressed at the moment.

He thought about it, and finally he couldn't help leaning forward to be a licking dog:

"Brother, what should I do?"

Governor Feng looked at him, and said in a rambling voice:

"You and I look at the scenery on the mountain together, and admire the heroic appearance of the generals by the way."


Zhao Guang began to struggle again:

Brother doesn't let me go to battle, but let me stay by his side, does this mean he loves me, or doesn't he love me?

With an order, the whole army, under the guidance of the technical soldiers of the engineering battalion, began to cut wood and make equipment.

Unlike the severe soil erosion in later generations, the current Qiaoshan mountain range has lush forests, so there is no need to worry about the lack of wood.

The big truss was covered with cowhide, and then placed on the siege vehicle, making it as slope-like as possible. The soldiers hid behind the truss, and slowly pushed the car towards the mountain along the Qin Zhi Road.

At the same time, on both sides of Qin Zhidao, because they couldn't walk the siege vehicles, the soldiers could only climb up without cover.

The Wei army camp on the mountain had already prepared a large number of rolling stones and trees.

When the Han army reached halfway up the hillside, there was a bang, and many stones and logs rolled down one after another.

When stones or logs hit the truss, because the truss is oblique, the stones and logs rolled away along the truss, most of which did not hurt the soldiers behind the chariot.

It's just that some rolled to the side and hit the soldiers behind the car next to them.

There was only a "click" sound, and the unlucky soldier screamed and fell to the ground clutching his twisted legs.

But he forgot that he was halfway up the hillside, and when he lost his balance, he rolled down the hill with a grunt.

What was even more unlucky was that the soldiers on both sides were not covered by siege engines. As long as they were rubbed by the roaring stones and trees, they would be dripping with blood and lack arms and legs.

If you really want to be hit right, your whole body will be turned into a bloody mess.

Inspector Feng was expressionless when he heard the screams from the opposite hillside.

The telescope was held tightly in his hand, but he didn't lift it up to look at the opposite side.

If you look closely, the muscles on his face twitch slightly from time to time.

Obviously, it is a very distressing and helpless thing to watch the soldiers who have been carefully trained by themselves take their lives to fill the Wei army camp in front of them.

The sound of Jiang Wei's jingling sounded from the foot of the mountain, and the soldiers who attacked halfway up the mountain retreated one after another.

Obviously, this wave is just a trial.

But the trial didn't work very well.

The camp on Wei Jun Mountain not only kept rolling stones and trees, but also dug a trench on the road in front of the camp, and there were deer antlers behind the trench.

In the first wave of offensive, the troops had to retreat before they could even touch the trenches.

After a short rest, the second batch of soldiers continued to attack.


When the sun turned to the west, a total of four attacks were made in one day, but the best result was just pushing the siege engine into the trench.

After the last call for gold, Jiang Wei came to Shuaiying with an ugly expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, there will be a heavy trust in the end..."

He bowed his hands to Feng Shishi who was sitting in the commander-in-chief, and was about to plead guilty.

Governor Feng waved his hands and asked in a steady voice:

"How many casualties are there today?"

When Jiang Wei heard this, his face was even more ashamed: "Five hundred injuries, half and half, two hundred and sixty-two people died..."

From the Nanxiang Army to the current Liangzhou Army, in the past ten years, the casualty ratio between Feng Cishi and the enemy has never been so tragic.

There were nearly 800 casualties, but they couldn't get even a single casualty from the enemy.

Governor Feng let out a long breath:

"I was careless. I didn't expect Sima Yi to be so well prepared."

Sure enough, he was an old tortoise worthy of killing the old Zhuge demon.

"Your Majesty, tomorrow..."

Governor Feng's eyes fell on Jiang Wei, his face was calm:

"According to your ideas, don't worry about my ideas, don't worry about the casualties of soldiers, I only want one result, that is, the camp opposite must be taken by me."

Gritting her teeth secretly, her gaze became heavy:

"I don't believe that a small camp on the top of a mountain can have an endless supply of rolling stones and wood!"

No one dares to say that he is not afraid of the rocks and trees rolling down the mountain.

His soldiers are not emotionless machines, so of course they will be frightened.

This is really demoralizing.

Jiang Wei nodded, then hesitated.

Feng Yong noticed his expression:

"Bo Yue said what he had to say."

"Junhou, since we already know that there are rocks and trees on the mountain, why not let the barbarians go up and consume them first?"

Feng Yong shook his head:

"This, I have my own arrangements. The first camp can only be taken down by our soldiers first, and then I have a reason to let the Xianbei people go up."

Jiang Wei originally wanted to say that there were Yi Cong Hu people.

It's just that seeing that the Junhou is useless even for the Xianbei Huren, then he will not use Yi Cong.

He buried the question in his heart, nodded and said:

"Today's last attack on the camp, I think the stones and trees of the thieves seem to be sparse. I think it is just as Junhou expected, there will not be too many stones and trees in a camp on a mountain. It will be easier to attack the camp tomorrow."

Governor Feng looked outside. On the opposite mountain, the lights could be seen flickering. He said in a low tone:

"I said before that I only want the result, regardless of the process. Boyue just let go and do it."

Feng Cishi was blocked on the north side of Qiaoshan, and the main force of Zhuge Liang's army also did not cross the Wugong River.

Under the cover of the strong crossbow on the west bank, Meng Yan finally gained a firm foothold on the east bank.

However, it is not enough to expand the frontier.

Because Sima Yi has too many troops in his hands.

As long as it is beyond the cover of the West Bank crossbow, the Wei army will continue to attack the Han army in turn.

Meng Yan was forced to shrink back to the bank, handing over his two wings to the east bank, while he concentrated on dealing with the frontal Wei army.

After several days of stalemate, Wei Yanda was impatient and went to find the prime minister to challenge:

"Prime Minister, let me lead the army across the water! I will surely break through the bandits and clear the way for the army!"

Zhuge Liang glanced at Wei Yan expressionlessly.

Seeing the prime minister's appearance, Wei Yan's heart sank, thinking that he was about to be refrigerated by the prime minister again.

Unexpectedly, the prime minister suddenly said:

"What if you can't get away?"

Wei Yan almost thought he heard it wrong, and in surprise, he hurriedly said loudly:

"The final general wishes to issue a military order!"

"Okay, I'll give you 10,000 people. If you can defeat the frontal thieves, it will be considered a great achievement for you; if you can't break through, you will be dealt with according to military law!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Wei Yan took the military talisman from the prime minister, turned around and left with big strides.

Wei thief, I, Wei Yanlai!

Although Meng Yan did not advance further, he held the crossing point. Behind him, several pontoon bridges had already been laid.

Soon, after notifying Meng Yan on the other side to pay attention to cooperation, Wei Yanqin led 10,000 horses and began to cross the Wugong River eastward along the pontoon bridge.

The Wei Jun Tanma on the two wings saw this situation from a distance, and reported it to Sima Yi as quickly as possible.

When Sima Yi learned about it, he said happily:

"Zhuge Liang couldn't stand it anymore! Let's see how I hit halfway!"

Ask the left and right now:

"Who wants to be a pioneer?"

Niu Jin, Fei Yao, Dai Ling and others all stood up to challenge:

"The general wishes to go!"

"General Niu, I leave this battle to you, don't let me down!"


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