From Wei's point of view, from the very beginning of the Battle of Guanzhong, the whereabouts of the most cunning thief Feng was erratic.

Therefore, the monarch and ministers of the Wei Kingdom naturally had to do their best to strengthen the defenses in Guanzhong, so as not to let the thief Feng, who was the best at attacking, take advantage of the loopholes.

On the south side of Bingzhou is Hedong County, across the river from Guanzhong, which is very convenient for support.

Therefore, while Cao Rui asked Qin Lang to lead Wanluo's 50,000 Chinese troops to Guanzhong, he also issued an edict to Bigui, the governor of Bingzhou, to immediately support Guanzhong.

In the past few years, Bigui persecuted the barbarians of Bingzhou too much, which led to Budugen's rebellion, and then lost his troops outside the Great Wall.

If it weren't for his son marrying the princess, he could be regarded as a relative of the clan.

Moreover, Cao Rui just needs clan relatives and relatives to balance the family. I am afraid that Bi Gui has long been dismissed from the position of governor of Bingzhou.

Bi Gui also knew that Cao Rui was dissatisfied with him.

So when Qin Lang led the army to Bingzhou, he kept his posture very low.

He even wanted to give up his own car and drive Qin Lang into Bingzhou Governor's Mansion.

Fortunately, Li Xi, who was in charge of Bingzhou Biejia at that time, firmly advised him, so he avoided the flattery that made the world ridicule.

It can be seen from this that in order to regain Cao Rui's trust, Bi Gui tried his best.

At this time, he finally waited for His Majesty's edict, how could he dare to be negligent?

The Bingzhou frontier fortress has been peaceful all these years.

Moreover, Bi Gui had been governor of Bingzhou for many years, so he knew that Yanmen Fortress had no troops at all to guard it at the beginning.

So in order to gather enough troops, he even took out two thousand of the three thousand Wei troops in Yanmen, leaving only one thousand for a show. The leader was just an ordinary school lieutenant.

The captain of the Wei Army learned that there was an enemy attack in Pingcheng from the mouths of the Hu people who fled back one after another.

However, Pingcheng was suddenly attacked by General Guan's army. If Xie Guini hadn't been arrested, he would not have known where this enemy came from.

Not to mention these Hu people who escaped, they don't even know how many enemies they have.

Some say 20,000 to 30,000, some say 50,000 to 60,000, and some even say hundreds of thousands.

For a while, people in Yanmen Fortress were panicked.

The leading lieutenant of the Yanmen Fortress couldn't piece together the details of the enemy's surprise attack on Pingcheng from the mouths of the barbarians.

The only unified caliber is that the enemy is at least in tens of thousands.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly sent people to Jinyang to report the news, only hoping that the governor would send people to come to reinforce him as soon as possible.

At the same time, he hoped that the enemies in the north were just Hu tribes fighting against Xieguini, and had no intention of going south.

In this kind of anxiety, the sun just passed the mid-heaven the next day, and a cavalry force of more than a thousand people appeared in front of the fortress.

The cavalry was in a panic and shouted under the barrier in a mess:

"Open the city gate, open the city gate quickly!"

"Which tribe are you from?"

Wei Jun, who was guarding the gate, poked his head out, looked at the barbarians below, and asked.

"it's me!"

Xie Guini stood up with an unlucky face, lifted his felt hat, and raised his head so that the person who closed it could see clearly.

"Oh, it's the leader of Xieguini, wait a moment."

Colonel Wei Jun on Guancheng saw that the Hu Qi led by Xie Guini were in a state of disarray, and thought that he was defeated.

Looking at the rear again, after confirming that there were no pursuers, he immediately sent someone to open the city gate.

Xie Guini's status is quite special, he is also the King of Gui Yi, and his status is much higher than that of the captain in name.

Moreover, letting Xianbei Hu people guard Yanmen is also an established policy of the imperial court.

It doesn't matter if Xie Guini dies or not, but if it causes Yanmen County to lose its barrier, he can't bear the crime.

What's more, Wei Jun Xiaowei at this time urgently needs to know the specific situation of the enemy in the north so that he can report clearly to Jinyang in Taiyuan County.

But with so few people on hand, there is no way to send more people out to investigate the situation.

Now that Xie Guini fled back to Sai Nei, it just happened to solve the immediate urgent need of Captain Wei.

Compared with those nonsense barbarians, Xieguini must know more about the real situation of the enemy.

As soon as the city gate was opened, the barbarians rushed into the narrow passage.

In this chaos, an old pawn who was guarding behind the closed door seemed to have discovered something, and he snorted and leaned forward.

A young man who was following Xie Guini's eyes flashed, and he subconsciously clenched the knife at his waist.

As soon as the old soldier got close to him, seeing the flash of the knife, the unsuspecting old soldier had half of his head chopped off.

The white brains immediately spilled all over the floor.

Poor him, he saw that these horses not only had stirrups on their bellies, but also were made of iron, so he wanted to go up and take a closer look.

Huo Yi, who was impatient, never thought that he would be stabbed in the head.

The changes in the elbow and armpit caught Wei Jun off guard.


Huo Yi pulled out the saber, no longer kept his hand, raised the saber forward, and gave orders loudly.


After receiving the order, Hu Qi, who had been pouring into the fortress, suddenly drew their swords and rushed forward impatiently.

Hurriedly down from the top of the city, Colonel Wei Jun, who was anxious to ask Xie Guini for clarification, never thought that he would face such a situation.

"Enemy attack!"

The captain let out a mournful cry, without thinking about it for a moment, he subconsciously turned around and ran towards the Guansai ramp.

It's just that it's okay if he didn't yell, but when he yelled, he revealed his identity.

"Shoot him!"

Huo Yi shouted sharply.

Several guards and soldiers who were sent to Huo Yi's side quickly got off their horses, lifted the oilcloth used to cover them, and untied the heavy crossbow on the horse's back.

Step on the crossbow ring with your feet, use both hands, and use your waist strength to string the crossbow, shoot the arrow, and aim!


A few long arrows chased after the captain who ran dozens of steps like lightning.

One hit the back of the center, the captain swayed, and the armor on his body seemed to block the arrow.

It's just that another one that came after him shot right through the calf.

Only the calves wrapped in leather armor can't block this kind of demonic weapon at all.

The powerful momentum of the crossbow led him to run up a few steps, then fell over, and then rolled down the ramp.

Yanmen Fortress does not have only one pass, in fact it has two main passes, plus some large and small mountain passes and valleys, stretching for more than ten miles.

The Wei army only had a thousand troops, and each main pass was divided into five hundred people to guard it. As for those mountain passes and valleys, no one was guarding them at all.

According to Governor Feng's calculations, it must be impossible for 3,000 people to defend the ten li.

So as long as you move fast enough and find an unguarded valley, in the worst case, the Yanmen Fortress can only block your wife for four days at most.

It took one day to cross the mountain pass, and three days of flanking to capture the Yanmen Fortress—this was still when the defenders desperately resisted and the Han army could not break through the pass.

Guangwu County behind the Yanmen Fortress is the most important support point of the Guansai.

If Guangwu County is not heavily guarded, then General Guan can easily attack the Yanmen Fort front and back, and easily cut off the water source for the defenders on the mountain.

After three days without drinking water, most people start to become dehydrated.

Obviously, the worst-case scenario did not happen in this sneak attack on Yanmen Fortress.

Even close to the ideal situation.

Those who stayed at Yanmen Fortress were basically old and weak, and the elite soldiers were all sent to Guanzhong by Bi Gui.

Before the lieutenant rolled down the ramp, he was stabbed several times before he could stand up.

Once the captain died, the defenders in the fortress surrendered and fled, with no intention of resisting at all.

Guangwu County, which had only a few hundred local soldiers behind Yanmen Fortress, learned that the Han army had passed Gouzhu Mountain, and they surrendered upon hearing the wind, without even using the internal response they had prepared long ago.

One day later, General Guan led an army into Guangwu County (that is, Dai County in later generations, which is not the same place as Dai County in Youzhou).

"I need someone to help me defend Guangwu County, in case the Wei thieves from Youzhou come from the east and cut off the army's retreat."

General Guan occupied the official office of Guangwu County, took the throne, cast his cold eyes on everyone, and said:

"After all, going south this time is not a small risk. Guangwu is the key back route for the army. As long as Guangwu County is in hand, even if going south is unfavorable, you can return in time."

After scanning the crowd, her eyes finally fell on Huo Yi.

Huo Yi understood that it was time for him to be a tool man again.

Now take the initiative to stand up and ask for a job:

"The final general is willing to guard this place!"

General Guan nodded in satisfaction. A tool man must have the consciousness of a tool man. Wasn't it just for now that he brought Huo Yi out this time?

After all, Huo Jun blocked the attack of tens of thousands of people with hundreds of people at Jiameng Pass, and made great contributions to the late emperor's capture of Shu.

After Huo Jun's death, the first emperor led all his ministers to pay homage to the funeral, and stayed overnight in front of the tomb.

Huo Yi's performance over the years has proved that he is indeed worthy of General Huo's successor.

General Guan is assured that Guangwu County will be handed over to him.

As for Huo Yi, he also has self-knowledge, and this trip to the south is a sudden attack.

General Guan must rely entirely on the speed of the cavalry, and he is not a cavalry general himself, so if he follows him, he may not be able to make much effort.

It's better to learn from your own adults and guard the back of the army. The credit is not small.

Anyway, he was in Liangzhou, and he was backed by Mrs. Zhang...

"How many people does General Huo plan to have to guard this place?"

Huo Yi pondered, he didn't dare to ask too much about this question:

"Three thousand people are enough. If there are less than 10,000 people in Youzhou, the general will not let the Wei thieves go further west; if there are more than 10,000 people, the general must send people back to help within fifteen days."

Guan Ji glanced at Han Long, and said with great confidence:

"General Huo can rest assured that even if Youzhou dares to send reinforcements, there will be no more than 10,000 troops in all likelihood."

Han Long is from Youzhou, and has a little friendship with Wang Xiong, the governor of Youzhou.

According to the information he provided, even when Tian Yu, who advocated the conquest of the Hu people, was still in Youzhou, the number of Wei troops who went out of the fortress would basically not exceed 10,000.

Of course, Han Long's information is only one aspect.

The most important thing is that General Guan still has a doll, so she has information that others don't know.

The main forces of Wei State are basically concentrated in four places:

The first one is the Wanluo area, which is the elite Chinese army controlled by the puppet emperor of Wei.

The second is the direction of Wei Guo's key defense, Guanzhong.

The remaining two places, Yangzhou and Jingzhou, both faced Wu State to the south.

In addition to these four places, the troops in Jizhou, Youzhou and Bingzhou in Hebei are basically limited to self-protection.

Over the years, my family, Alang, has tried every means, even if it is crowded, he has to squeeze out supplies, just to attract Ke Bineng to settle down in the Gaoque area of ​​Yinshan Mountain.

Everyone thought it was to support Ke Bineng so as to put pressure on Guanzhong.

Even Sima Yi was bewitched by A Lang's actions, so he sent troops to wipe out the barbarians in the old land of Beidi County, just in case.

However, General Guan, as Feng Cishi's bedside person, knows that his Alang's ultimate goal is not here at all.

He was to prevent Ke Bineng from becoming angry after being defeated by Qin Lang, and intensified his efforts to harass the frontier fortress of Youbin Erzhou.

So he tried to transfer Ke Bi Neng away from the Youbing border, in fact, he was deliberately relieving the pressure on Wei's northern border.

The big man has exerted great pressure on Guanzhong in recent years, and Wei Guo has been trying to strengthen the defense of Guanzhong.

Xian Yufu, who was originally stationed in Youzhou, stayed in Guanzhong all these years and did not go back. This is the best example.

Therefore, when there is nothing wrong with the frontier fortress and there are police in Guanzhong, Wei Guo has no reason to deploy too many troops in Hebei.

If the prime minister of the Han Dynasty led the army out of Hanzhong and made an appearance of vowing to seize Guanzhong, Cao Rui would only intensify his efforts to recruit troops from Hebei.

Coincidentally, Bi Gui, the governor of Bingzhou, did not understand military strategy.

Wang Xiong, the governor of Youzhou, tried his best to appease the Hu people in order to save money and food to support the court, so he did not hesitate to squeeze Tian Yu away.

This further exacerbated the emptiness of Youbing Erzhou.

Use the general trend to induce the enemy country to carry out strategic mobilization according to its own ideas without knowing it, and the enemy country will fall into the calculation without knowing it.

Such calculations can only be done by a true commander who takes the world as a chessboard.

This national-level strategy was mainly formulated by the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty and the Marquis of Jiequanting.

The secondary participants were General Guan and Zhang Xiaosi.

One is Feng's specific tactics provider, and the other is Feng's political intelligence supplement...

Under this level of strategic operations, no matter how powerful the two armies are against the generals, they will fall behind.

The commander-in-chief has already made strategic preparations, and what General Guan has to do now is to break through the empty Bingzhou with the fastest speed in terms of tactics.

This tactic looks risky, but it is actually a great deal:

Bi Gui, the governor of Bingzhou, did not understand military strategy and was not the enemy of the Liangzhou Army;

There were not many troops in Youzhou, even if Wang Xiong wanted to support them, but the reinforcements would have to travel long distances across the Taihang Mountains, and his family Alang had almost arrived at that time.

So as long as you keep the back road of Guangwu County, and be careful, you can exit Bingzhou safely at worst.

As the saying goes, if you want to take it, you must first give it.

The big man has indirectly helped Wei to maintain the stability of the northern border all these years, and now it is finally time to collect bonuses from Wei's thieves!

How can the benefits of Feng Guiwang be taken for nothing?

Naturally, Huo Yi didn't have the overall information about General Guan. After hearing General Guan's words, he quickly assured:

"If it is true as the general said, then Yi can guarantee that Guangwu will not be lost!"

"Okay!" General Guan nodded, "I will hand over the half battalion of the Wudang Army to you. There are more than a thousand soldiers in Pingcheng who are too tired to rest in the city."

"They will rush over in a few days, and the soldiers who are lagging behind will catch up slowly if they think about it. Then you just need to gather them together."

Huo Yi was overjoyed:

"In this way, everything will be worry-free!"

After the arrangements were made, General Guan gave the whole army a full meal, and collected as many horses as possible from the Ni tribe to replenish their horsepower.

On the second day, they couldn't wait to lead the only 12,000 people, and rushed south angrily without stopping.

After passing the Yanmen Fortress, you have entered the scope of Xinxing County.

Xinxing County was established by Cao Cao in the 20th year of Jian'an (ie 215).

The reason is that Cao Cao gave up the four prefectures of Yunzhong, Dingxiang, Wuyuan, and Shuofang, which were occupied by the Hu people, and reduced them into counties and placed them in the northern part of Taiyuan County.

At the same time, the northern part of Taiyuan County was divided and a new Xinxing County was established separately.

The names of counties such as Dingxiang Jiuyuan in Gujun came from this.

Cao Cao's newly established Xinxing County was originally intended to resettle the people in the four counties of Yunzhong, Dingxiang, Wuyuan, and Shuofang outside the Great Wall.

But in fact, most of these so-called common people are the attached Huns.

Among the five Huns, the northern part of the Xiongnu was placed by Cao Cao in the area of ​​Jiuyuan County, the prefecture of Xinxing County, guarding the northern throat of Taiyuan County.

If General Guan wanted to lead his army south to Jinyang, he would have to pass through Jiuyuan County (later Xinzhou City) where the Huns were located in the north.

When General Guan led the army across the Hutuo River (that is, the later Hutuo River), the front of the soldiers pointed directly at Jiuyuan County.

At this time, Bigui, the governor of Bingzhou in Jinyang City, learned that the Han army was less than three hundred miles to the north.


Guan Ji's marching picture, please click on the comment, the first floor is not easy since ancient times.

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