Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 988 Tieling

After receiving the alarm from Yanmen Fort, Bigui, the governor of Bingzhou who had just sent his only 5,000 troops to Yanmen Fort, suddenly received another alarm from Jiuyuan County:

An unknown number of Han troops appeared north of Jinyang.

This news made Bi Gui feel like being struck by lightning.

"Shu captives... how could... how could they be there? How could they be there?"

Bi Gui was considered a handsome man when he was young, and he was always elegant and refined.

Even though he is over middle age now, he still gives people a personable feeling.

But at this time, his demeanor was completely gone.

After the shock, it was replaced by fear, panic, and bewilderment.

But seeing him sitting on the ground, his face was pale, his eyes were dull, and he muttered repeatedly:

"Why are the Shu captives there?"

A few days ago, news came from Guanzhong that two of the three armies of Shu captives had retreated.

Especially Feng thief, who should be in Yinshan now, and he can fight more than Kebi!

Why is there still a way of Shu captives emerging from Yanmen?

Did they fall from the sky?

"Mr. Shi!" Seeing Bi Gui's appearance, Li Xun immediately wanted to slap him twice to wake him up:

"The urgent matter now is not where the Shu captives came from, but how to guard Jinyang! If the king is responsible for the safety of the state, but behaves like a woman when things happen, isn't it worthy of His Majesty's entrustment?"

After being drunk by Li Xun, Bi Gui recovered a little bit of consciousness, rolled his eyes like a dead fish twice, and said tremblingly:

"Yes, yes! What is urgent now is to find a way to defend Jinyang..."

Just thinking that there are only a few hundred soldiers in Jinyang now, he suddenly felt weak again, like falling into an ice cave:

"It's just...just how to guard now..."

Li Xi finally couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward and grabbed Bi Gui's skirt, pulled him up, and said anxiously:

"The Lord should immediately send people out of the city to catch up with the five thousand soldiers and make them turn back immediately, so that at least there will be a defense force in the city."

"If the Shu captives want to go south to Jinyang, they must pass through Jiuyuan County. The Xiongnu in Jiuyuan County should do their best to stop them!"

"In the past, Emperor Wu divided the Xiongnu into five tribes. Except for the northern Xiongnu in Jiuyuan County and the southern Xiongnu in Puzi County, there were three left, right, and middle tribes, all in the counties south of Jinyang."

"You can send people to the counties to summon them. Even in an emergency, at least ten thousand people can be gathered under the city of Jinyang to keep out the Shu captives."

Cao Cao divided the Xiongnu into five tribes in the north, middle, left, and south. Needless to say, the north was placed in Jiuyuan.

The central part is in Daling County (the northeast of Wenshui County in later generations), and the right part is in Qixian County (later Qi County). These two parts are both in Taiyuan County, not far from Jinyang.

The left part is Zishi County in Xihe County (south of Fenyang in later generations), which is also close to the border of Taiyuan County.

Only the south, Puzi County (later Xi County) in Pingyang County, is far away.

The commanders of the five Huns were all surnamed Liu, and there was also Sima Jianzhi of the Han army in the tribe.

What he did this time was to dismember the Xiongnu so that they could no longer cause disasters in Bingzhou Hedong and other places.

The second is to use the Huns to defend Bingzhou to prevent the northern Xianbei Hu from going south.

Although this time, it was not the Xianbei people who came from the north but the Shu captives, but the way to deal with it was the same as that.

It's just that plans are not as fast as changes after all.

Shu captives came too fast, too fast, Yanmen blocked the front foot to send the military situation, and Shu captives were already not far from Jiuyuan County on the back foot.

More importantly, most of the soldiers originally stationed in Jinyang were transferred away from the beginning of the Battle of Guanzhong, and now only 5,000 people stay behind.

Moreover, under the urgency of time, it is definitely impossible to gather all the Huns.

But fortunately, every Xiongnu has an army Sima placed by the court, and I believe many of them will be recruited.

The current strategy is to find a way to hold back the Shu captives and wait for reinforcements from Guanzhong or Luoyang to arrive.

As long as Jinyang is not lost, then everything can be saved.

"Yes! Order, order!"

When Bi Gui heard Li Xi's words, he was like a drowning man grasping the last straw, and said again and again:

"Let the soldiers turn around and defend Jinyang, and let the Huns in the north..."

Li Xi couldn't bear it any longer, and sprayed his saliva directly on Bi Gui's face:

"Emissary! I want you to send someone out of the city immediately!"

It's not for you to learn how to speak from me!

I am your mother!

He was going crazy with this incompetent guy.

On weekdays, few people can talk about classics and classics, and they also said that he is a talented person, but he didn't expect to be like this when things happen.

Li Xun regretted it very much at this time.

At the beginning, the imperial court recruited me many times, but I didn't agree to become an official, so I was blind, and I would agree to this guy and take up the post of Bingzhou.

"Yes, yes, come, come! Pass my order..."

Bi Gui in Jinyang was panic-stricken, and the northern commander of the Xiongnu, who had already been approached by troops, was even more caught off guard.

The day before, many Xianbei Hunan fled and were intercepted by him, and he was still thinking happily that he had hundreds more Xianbei slaves in his hands.

Unexpectedly, I got a report today that a large army holding high the banner of the Han family has approached Jiuyuan County.

Only then did Bei Shuai understand: these Xianbei slaves were simply driven southward.

Although the commanders of the five Huns are all surnamed Liu, there are some differences between the Huns in the north and the four tribes in the left, right, south, and south of Jinyang.

The main tribe in the northern part of the Xiongnu is the Xiutu tribe. They are not the Southern Huns, but the Northern Huns.

The reason why the surname was changed to Liu was that in the former Han Dynasty, Mao Dun Shanyu was commensurate with the brother of the Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, so after he was attached, he thought he had the same surname as the emperor of the Han family.

The remaining four are all Southern Huns.

Since the first division of the Xiongnu, Hu Hanxie Shanyu first entered the Han territory to ask for surrender, and then asked himself to be his son-in-law. Only then did Wang Zhaojun go out of the fortress.

It is precisely because of this origin that when the Southern Huns arrived in the Later Han Dynasty, most of them who were attached to them called themselves the son-in-law of the Han family, and often took the character Liu as their Han surname.

The more radical ones, like King Youxian of the Southern Huns, even claimed to be a descendant of Emperor Guangwu after General Du Liao of the Later Han Dynasty.

When Dong Zhuo was in trouble, the Southern Huns once sent troops to Chang'an, Luoyang and other places to rescue the Han Emperor.

It can be seen from this that the watchdogs raised by the Han Dynasty for two or three hundred years are still very effective.

But it was when the Han Emperor was rescued, the Huns saw with their own eyes that the prestige of the emperor of the Han family was trampled on at will.

Many Xiongnu lost their sense of awe, and took advantage of the chaos in the world to plunder the land along the river east of Bingzhou.

Therefore, it is not without reason that Cao Cao placed the Southern Huns in the south of Jinyang, but placed the Xiutu tribe in the north to guard the gate.

Obviously, no matter how unrighteous the Hu people were, the Southern Xiongnu, who had been tamed by the Han Dynasty for more than two hundred years, had already been branded with the imprint of the Han family.

These imprints will not disappear easily for no reason.

Compared with the southern Xiongnu who claimed to be the son-in-law of the Han family, the Xiutu tribe, who were first defeated by the big Han and then forced to move inland, did not have so many complicated feelings for the emperor of the Han family.

And because of the split between the northern and southern Huns in history, the Xiutu tribe who came from the northern Huns would not be so close to the southern Huns.

These historical reasons are enough to make it easier for the Xiutu Department to choose to listen to Cao Wei's words.

So when the Northern Commander of the Huns saw the banner of the Han family, his first reaction was not the Han army, but where did the bandit army come from?

It's just that the thief army came a little too much, and the speed was extremely fast.

It took less than half a day from the discovery of the enemy to the arrival of the bandits at Jiuyuan.

As the rolling iron cavalry approached Jiuyuan County, the northern commander of the Xiongnu found himself facing an embarrassing situation.

Although their own tribe still retains the living habit of grazing, they also had to start learning farming.

To put it bluntly, it is half-farming and half-grazing, but to put it bluntly, it is neither a man nor a barbarian.

Although there is Jiuyuan County, he can't defend it...

After all, where in this world are there any barbarians who are good at defending the city?

Not to mention that for hundreds of years, the Huns have rarely had the habit of building cities.


What it is?

Isn't it delicious to use it for cattle and sheep?

But how many string-controllers can the Xiongnu who planted the land raise?

It's just that it's too late to escape now.

The northern commander had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead the army out of the city to fight.

Looking at the two or three thousand cavalry troops improvised by the Huns under Jiuyuan City, even inferior to the Xianbei Hu, the corners of General Guan's mouth twitched slightly.

The reason why he has to stop all the way is to achieve this effect, so that the opponent does not have enough time to prepare.

Either abandon the city and flee to the south, or improvise troops to fight.

Now it seems that this so-called Northern Huns are loyal to the Wei thieves...

Just as the Huns in the north were trying to stop the Han army from going south with their own efforts, the five thousand Wei troops who had just left the city were called back to Jinyang in time.

Some inexplicable General Wei Jun immediately suggested to Bi Gui after learning about the situation he was facing:

"My lord, there is a mountain in the north of Jinyang. The locals call it Tieling. It is the only way to go south from Jiuyuan County to Jinyang."

"The terrain is dangerous there, with mountains on the left and valleys on the right. Thousands of people guard it, and tens of thousands of people are not allowed to pass."

"The thieves are powerful today, and I have few soldiers. Besides, Jinyang is a big city. It can be said that the city is big but the soldiers are few. This is a big taboo for defending the city!"

"So instead of defending the city, it is better to resist the enemy based on the mountain pass."

When Bi Gui heard this, he subconsciously looked at Li Xi.

Li Xi pondered, but looked at General Wei Jun:

"General Sima, as far as I know, there is a river valley to the west of Tieling, which can bypass Tieling and go straight to Jinyang. What if the Shu captives don't attack Tieling, but bypass the valley instead?"

"This is easy!" General Wei Jun, surnamed Sima and named Huan, is from Hanoi, and it is said that he has some relationship with the Sima family in Hanoi.

But seeing that he seemed to be prepared, he replied, "Didn't the envoy already order the Xiongnu to come to Jinyang?"

"Hu'er doesn't know how to guard the city. Instead of letting them stay outside the city, let them guard the river valley. The river valley is not very wide."

"No matter how powerful the Shu captives were, it would be difficult for them to spread their troops in the valley, and Hu'er has a large number of people, so it happened to take turns to fight."

"I don't want to block the Shu captives, but I want to drag them until the imperial court sends reinforcements, that's enough!"

It didn't sound like a problem, Li Xi nodded subconsciously.

But Bi Gui only said that he had already agreed, and immediately clapped his hands happily and said:

"It's all about the mountains and rivers inside and outside the state, so what if the Shu captives took advantage of my surprise and captured Yanmen, let's see how he breaks through Tieling."

Immediately arrange it.

Sima Huan led five thousand Wei troops to reach Tieling, and the camp had not yet been settled.

Hu people from the north flocked here, all wanting to go south from Tieling to Jinyang.

Sima Huan immediately had someone block the passage, preventing anyone from passing through.

The Hu people who fled south had no choice but to gather under Tieling. There were those who clamored, those who cursed, and those who begged, and only asked the defenders to let go of the passage.

Sima Huan was unmoved in the slightest, and even ordered that anyone who dared to cross the line should be shot with arrows and crossbows.

Only a small number of Hu people bypassed the river valley.

When the Hu people under Tieling learned of this passage and were about to turn away from the valley, the vanguard of the Central Huns closest to Jinyang had already reached the mouth of the valley to the south and blocked the gap.

The four tribes of the Southern Xiongnu, no matter whether it was with the Xiutu tribe or the Xianbei Hu, could not have had any deadly friendship, so how dare they violate Bi Gui's order and let people go south without permission?

At the moment, these Hu people who fled south were forced to withdraw from the valley.

After listening to the report from the spies who were among the Hu people fleeing south, Shi Bao said with some concern:

"General, it seems that Bandit Wei is already prepared!"

He didn't understand why General Guan let the army rest in Jiuyuan County, which resulted in not taking this dangerous place in time, what a pity, what a pity!

General Guan had no expression on his face. He said "hmm" and fixed his eyes on the mountains in front of him.

Suddenly ordered:

"Let go of that northern commander, and those barbarian generals, let them go to Tieling to call the pass, and try the attitude of Wei thief."

"Huh? General, let them all go? The general doesn't intend to borrow their names anymore?"

Shi Bao was a little surprised.

Just like that Nigui Ni, no matter whether he wants to or not, at least on the surface he is surrendering to the big man.

Now Huo Yi can use the name of Master Xianbei to appease the Xianbei barbarians in Yanmen County, and at the same time collect some supplies.

However, during the First World War in Jiuyuan County, the improvised Huns were not enough.

Even war horses are no match for the Xianbei people of Yanmen. How can they be the opponent of the iron cavalry led by General Guan?

After less than half a day, the Huns in Jiuyuan County were defeated across the board. Even the commander-in-chief was unable to escape and was captured by the army on the spot.

As for the horses, cattle and sheep discarded by the Huns, many of them were sent to the stomachs of the lieutenants.

Shi Bao thought that General Guan would borrow the name of the commander of the Huns as he did in Yanmen.

"Yes, let them all go, it's useless to keep them."

General Guan nodded, "His clan is all in Jiuyuan County, so there is nothing to be afraid of if they flee or disperse."


After the Northern Commander of the Xiongnu was captured, he had been detained in the army. He only thought that he was going to be used by the Han army to sacrifice the flag, but he did not expect to escape from death.

After the Han soldier untied the hemp rope on his body, he just raised his chin, not bothering to say anything, and signaled him to get out.

The commander-in-chief didn't even dare to say anything, he was afraid that the other party would repent, and without even looking at the direction carefully, he ran away with a few of his generals in a panic.

I don't know how long I ran, but I met some tribesmen fleeing south one after another on the road, and then I realized the direction I was going.

At the moment, he and several generals gathered some clansmen, and then got some food, and then continued to flee south until the foot of Tieling.

Knowing that the Commander-in-Chief had returned, all the Xiongnu and Hu people around Tieling gathered here on their own initiative, hoping that the Commander-in-Chief would lead them through Tieling.

After re-gathering the commanders of many clansmen, this is considered to have some confidence.

Immediately went to Lingxia in person, and after reporting his identity, he shouted:

"I beg the general to let me wait for the sake of me and my clan defending the court against enemies..."

Before the words fell, there was a faint thunder in the distance.

Sima Huan on Tieling didn't have time to answer Bei Shuai's words, his gaze was already firmly attracted by Bei Bei.

The black cavalry is rushing from all directions, constantly driving the barbarians around Tieling, squeezing them to this side.

"Lead your people out of here!"

Sima Huan's complexion changed drastically, and he suddenly sternly said to Bei Shuai at the foot of the mountain.

Standing under the mountain, Zuo Bushuai naturally couldn't see what was happening in the distance.

He still wanted to continue shouting, but Sima Huan had no time to entangle with him, so he directly asked someone to shoot with a bow:

"If you don't get out, I'll kill you on the spot!"

Seeing Sima Huan's inhumanity, Bei Shuai, even if he was a clay figurine, was very angry:

I led the clansmen and tried my best to help you stop the enemy in the north, but in the end I got such treatment?

Just looking at the arrows shining coldly on the ridge, he had to grit his teeth and turn around angrily. He didn't take a few steps before he noticed the sound of thunder.

No, it's the sound of hooves!

Sima Huan on the mountain looked at the barbarians who had nowhere to escape, and squeezed towards him in a dazed and ignorant way, like ripples starting to appear on the surface of a lake.

He was trembling all over, and it took him a long time to squeeze out two words:

"So ruthless!"

Ps: Where did the northern Xiongnu come from? There is still no clear conclusion in the historian circle. The conclusion accepted by most people is used here, which comes from the Xiutu tribe of the Northern Xiongnu.

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