Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 989: After the Han Dynasty

It is indeed very ruthless.

The desperate Xiongnu and Xianbei, driven by iron cavalry, kept crying and rushing towards Tieling.

"Those who cross the border will be killed without mercy!"

Although Wei Jun on the ridge was shouting angrily, the turbulent crowd seemed to have lost their reason.

Even if the people in front are unwilling to cross the line, the people behind will push them forward.

Sima Huan could see clearly that the Shu captives were planning to use these barbarians to consume him!

But even if he knew the other party's poisonous plan, he had nothing to do.

Soon, someone crossed the line.


After hesitating for a while, the arrow feathers all over the sky finally shot down from the mountain.

The first group of barbarians fell to the ground with arrows.

What happened to them didn't stop the people behind them from stopping their steps, they still rushed to the ditch below the mountain regardless.

The ditch has long been blocked by the Wei army, and at the same time barriers were temporarily built to serve as checkpoints.

Seeing that the barbarian is still regardless of life and death, he wants to break through the checkpoint.

The Wei army on the mountains on both sides of the ditch finally stopped holding back, and arrows rained down like rain.

At the same time, Wei Jun inside the checkpoint barrier also started to attack.

For a moment, there was a rain of arrows in front of him, making it difficult for people to move an inch.

The Hu people didn't know how many fell down in an instant.

Under the mountains and in the ravines, there were moans, screams, cries for help, cries, and so on.

Such a tragic situation made the handsome eyes of the Huns in the north tear apart.

At this time, he finally understood why the thief would let himself back.

They just want to use themselves to gather the tribe for them, and then drive the tribe to break through for them.

Now the tribe is trapped between the thieves and the mountains, with obstacles in front and iron hooves in the back, so they cannot advance or retreat.

If one side does not retreat, the tribe will continue to be killed and injured.

This is to drive your tribe to a dead end!

"So ruthless, so poisonous!"

The northern commander of the Xiongnu shouted again and again, kneeling on the ground, crying, "God, save your people!"

Compared to the commander of the Huns who could only pray to the sky helplessly, General Guan, the instigator of all this, had a calm face and was not at all moved by the tragic situation of the Hu people.

This is a battle between two armies, either enemy or friend, there is no third party.

These Hu people chose to serve the Wei thieves and prevent them from going south, so they are enemies.

Now that they have lost, they must have the consciousness of being a loser.

The winner has everything, including controlling the fate of the loser.

They should now ask the other side, why their master did not accept them.

Instead of counting on the mercy of the enemy at such times.

After the first batch of barbarians dropped dead bodies and wounded on the ground, they finally retreated.

Sima Huan's face was livid, and he didn't relax at all.

Because he knew that this was just the first wave.

But to his surprise, as soon as the Hu people retreated, a part of the cavalry of the Shu captives in the rear immediately started running again.

The eyes of the leader of Shulu seem to be able to see through the distant battlefield and accurately control the battle situation at the front.

Sima Huan frowned, feeling a little more pressure in his heart.

It's just that he didn't have time to think too much, because the second wave of barbarians was caught up again...

For a whole day, General Guan did nothing other than force the barbarians to break through the pass.

This made Shi Bao feel anxious.

"General, by tomorrow, the news of the Wei bandits in Jinyang may spread to Luoyang and Chang'an, and everyone will know that we intend to cross the river from the east."

"At that time, the bandits Wei will definitely send reinforcements. We have to find a way to capture the pass as soon as possible."

At that time, he first stayed in Yecheng, and later, because of the pressure of life, he went to Chang'an from Yecheng to sell iron.

He is very familiar with this area of ​​Hebei.

Know how long it will take for these places to communicate, exchange news, and then respond.

Therefore, in his opinion, he did not control this dangerous place before the Jinyang Wei thieves reacted.

Instead, he was resting in Jiuyuan County, so that Wei thief could reach Tieling half a day earlier than himself, which is really inappropriate.

From here to Jiuyuan, it is closer than Jinyang, and our side is full of cavalry, so the time can be at least one day earlier than that of the Jinyang Wei bandits.

Guan Ji's face was calm, and she just let out a "huh".

At this time, only the guard came to report:

"General, the Huns ask to see you."

How can General Guan be in the mood to meet Hun Hu'er?

"not see!"

The personal guard had just turned around when he suddenly heard the general change his tone:

"Bring him here."


As soon as the Northern Huns entered the tent, he immediately knelt down, walked in front of General Guan, prostrated himself on the ground, and begged:

"My lord, I beg you, for the sake of my tribe, who used to be big men, please give us a way to survive!"

General Guan looked at him with a blank expression on his face:

"When I led the army to the south, I didn't see that your tribe had the consciousness of being a big man."

"My lord was wrong, really I was wrong, we shouldn't listen to Wei thief, we shouldn't stop lord..."

The Northern Commander of the Xiongnu raised his head, his face was covered with mud and grass clippings because of tears streaming down his face, and he knelt and walked two more steps, trying to pull off General Guan's shirt.

Who knew that General Guan's eyes flashed coldly, and he said angrily, "Bold!"

The right leg subconsciously kicked out like lightning, and hit the chest of Shuai Xiongnu.

Bei Shuai was caught off guard, and rolled out of the tent without breathing.

He only felt that his eyes turned black, and he struggled a few times, but he was like a dying fish on the shore, unable to turn over.

That is to say, when General Guan was kicking out, he withdrew some of his strength in time, otherwise he might have vomited blood and passed out on the spot.

Someone came out of the commander's tent and commanded condescendingly:

"The general said, after you go back, gather your clansmen and obey orders at any time. Then the general will consider letting your clansmen die."

Hearing this, the Northern Shuai of the Xiongnu didn't know where the strength came from. He immediately turned over and thanked again and again:

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord!"

What the commander of the Xiongnu did not expect was that the military order issued by General Guan the next day was to let Hu'er, the Hun, continue to rush through the pass.

This order completely shattered the hopes of the Hu people.

Obviously, it is impossible for the Han people to spare their own people if they don't rush down the mountain pass in front of them.

The only difference from yesterday is that taking the initiative to break through the level is a little bit better than being forced by others, at least you can have a time to breathe.

Sima Huan, who was guarding the mountain pass, naturally felt the change.

He quickly understood that it seemed that the commander of the Hu people had already taken refuge in the Shu captives.

But he doesn't care, because it doesn't make much difference whether it's the barbarians breaking through in an organized way or in an unorganized way.

It is also impossible for him to let these barbarians pass the pass at this critical moment.

When he saw that one or two times, the Hu people just rushed to the pass and shouted a few times, then turned around and ran back immediately, he even wanted to laugh at the generals of the Shu captives:

Instead of joining forces with the Hu people, it is better to drive them directly to break through the barrier like yesterday!

General Guan on the opposite side put down his binoculars, his face became more and more indifferent:

"Let the commander of the Huns come to see me!"

The commander of the Xiongnu army, who was thinking carefully, was sweating coldly on his forehead when he learned that the general of the Han army wanted to see him.

He came to a small slope that was regarded as a temporary coaching platform, and saluted tremblingly:

"General...general, you call me?"

General Guan didn't even look at him, and said coldly:

"Starting tomorrow, I will send people to collect all the food of your tribe. If you have food, you will starve to death."

The voice of the commander-in-chief of the Huns trembled a little:


"Or, just like yesterday, I personally sent someone to drive you through the customs, so I won't bother you?"

The commander of the Xiongnu only felt that he was tightly entangled in fear. At this moment, he thought of the legends of the old people in the clan about the Han army.

He said harshly:

"Little man, the villain knows, and dare not again."

"Go down, organize your manpower immediately, and obey my military orders."

"Yes Yes."

The sun was westward, and the hottest time of the day had just passed, and the Huns broke through again.

This time, it was much more violent than the previous few times.

Not only were there more people, but they even roughly lined up and rushed forward in a decent manner.

It's just that all of this is in vain, these beards holding wooden sticks and bone sticks can't possibly pose too much threat to the pass.

The biggest breakthrough failed, and the Shu captives finally seemed to know that this would not work.

So they began to drive the Huns to try to walk the valley to the west.

Seeing this, Sima Huan couldn't help laughing, and said to the left and right:

"The river valley is narrow. If the Shu captives went to battle in person, they might be a little threatening. Letting these frightened beards go would be nothing more than death."

Sure enough, when the sun moved above the top of the mountain, the Hu people who were driven into the valley retreated back in a state of embarrassment.

When the generals of the Wei army saw that everything was as the general expected, they couldn't help being greatly encouraged and their morale was greatly boosted.

The Han army at the foot of the mountain began to send cavalry troops, bypassing the mountains again, and heading south through the river valley, apparently wanting to go into battle in person.

Sima Huan could see clearly from the mountain, and quickly sent people down the mountain to the valley to remind Sima, the army who supervised the Xiongnu tribe, to be careful.

At this time, the left, middle and right three tribes of the Xiongnu had reached the mouth of the river valley, and there were nearly 10,000 people.

The Sima of the Wei army of the three tribes restrained the Hu people separately and camped separately.

The right guards the east, the left guards the west, and the central guards in the valley.

The three Huns happened to block the valley tightly.

Three thousand fine cavalry of the Han army followed the river valley to the important place guarded by the Huns, but saw that there was only room for a few cavalry in front of them, and there were camps on high slopes on both sides.

It is as dangerous as the eastern pass.

Sima of the Wei army on the mountain in the east, seeing the Shu captives lingering in the valley ahead, did not dare to rush forward easily, and could not help but proudly said to Liu Meng, the commander-in-chief of the Huns:

"The Shu captives came in a hurry. They were all cavalry, and there were no infantry. How could they break through the mouth of the valley?"

Liu Meng is the son of Liu Qubei, and his expression was a little anxious, but when he heard Jun Sima's words, he quickly said with a smile:

"My lord is wise."

While speaking, he stretched his neck uncontrollably and looked towards the river valley, as if he wanted to take a closer look at the approaching Han army.

Jun Sima only thought that he was nervous, and thought to himself that Liu Meng would not be able to compare with Liu Qubei in the end.

I think back then, after Dong thief hijacked Emperor Han to go to Chang'an, Liu Qubei led the army to go south and refused to attack Li Jue, Guo Si and other thieves.

Unexpectedly, his son was timid in front of the battle.

Liu Meng didn't know what Jun Sima was thinking, he felt the other party's gaze, and seemed to be more hasty, so he withdrew his gaze, not daring to meet Jun Sima's gaze.

Instead, he glanced at his younger brother Liu Gaosheng'ai beside him.

Jun Sima's eyes also fell on Liu Gaosheng'ai.

Different from Liu Meng's embarrassment, although Liu Gaosheng's body is not tall, for some reason, he is missing an ear.

But this does not affect the high spirit of this person, he is holding a long spear that is taller than himself, his face is full of excitement, as if he is eager to try.

Two brothers standing together are two extremes.

The army Sima has long had a heart of love for talents, and he has the heart to take this man into the army and let him lead Hu Qi to fight for the country.

But Liu Gaosheng'ai just came back from traveling outside a few days ago, Jun Sima is not familiar with him yet, so he can only put down his thoughts for the time being.

Army Sima is now thinking, just wait for this battle to find an opportunity to give Liu Gaosheng some credit for his love so as to win people's hearts.

Later, when the time is ripe, I immediately put forward my request, thinking that I will be able to subdue this person.

Thinking of this, Jun Sima smiled:

"What does the commander-in-chief think?"

Liu Gaosheng loved to hear Jun Sima's question, so he quickly withdrew his gaze from He Gu, and said loudly:

"Back to my lord, the villain has traveled abroad these years, learned martial arts, and is about to serve the country. He only hates the few thieves, and is not afraid of the many thieves!"

Hearing this, Army Sima was very satisfied, and laughed:

"I remember, when the commander-in-chief left the tribe, he was not a weak crown, right? He has traveled abroad for many years, but he doesn't know where to learn from?"

Liu Gaosheng scratched his head, a little embarrassed:

"I'm afraid that adults will laugh at me if I say it. My teacher is a hero of Youzhou. He went up to Han and down to the dragon. He is not an expert, but he also went to the residence of the governor of Youzhou King and has a little reputation in Youzhou."

When the military commander heard it, he immediately said in awe:

"It turns out that the honorable master met the governor Wang?"

Liu Gaosheng said modestly:

"Don't dare, the governor of Chengwang will not give up, and try to be the servant of the governor's house."

There is no place in the world where there are the most rangers, and there is no other place in the world than the three prefectures of Pingliang, followed by Guanzhong.

It's just that they rely on their bravery, value loyalty over life, and often use force to disrupt the law.

Or they are taken in by Hao You as a guest and do some dirty things for the master's house, so they are not liked by the world.

Until two people appeared in the world:

One is Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng, who wrote all about chivalry in one stroke; the other is Feng Langjun, who sang true chivalry in one article.

This can be regarded as guiding the ranger in the right direction.

It's just that these influences are mostly in the Han land, and the Wei land still retains its previous views on You Xiaer.

Liu Gaosheng loves to be a barbarian at first, and he worships You Xiaer as his teacher, which is not as expected by Jun Sima.

After all, who would accept a Hu'er as a disciple of any decent family?

But no matter how much Jun Sima looked down on You Xiaer, he was slightly surprised to hear that Liu Gaosheng's favorite teacher was Wang Cishi's disciple.

From this point of view, this person's martial arts skills should not be low, otherwise he would not have caught the eyes of Wang Cishi.

After all, how many governors are there in the world?

Thinking in this way, Jun Sima's opinion of Liu Gaosheng's love has slightly increased.

The two were talking, but when they saw the sky above the river valley, there was a sudden "beep", and a gorgeous firework bloomed in midair.

At this time, the sun was already half-set on the mountain, and the fireworks under the afterglow and the half-covered fiery red sun complemented each other, making them look extremely beautiful.

Army Sima had never seen such a thing before, and he was surprised and admired at the same time:

"How can there be a star drop at this time?"

Liu Gaosheng grinned and explained:

"This kind of star drop, I can also make it."


Jun Sima suspected that he had heard it wrong, and looked at Liu Gaosheng'ai in a daze.

But I saw that Liu Gaosheng liked to stick the long spear into the ground, and then took out a tube of bamboo-like things from his bosom, lit it, and put it into the sky.

Another beautiful firework bloomed in the sky.

After setting off the fireworks, Liu Gaosheng pulled out his spear and grinned at the military commander.

At this moment, Liu Meng's body trembled for some reason, and he yelled in horror: "Brother!"

Liu Gaosheng didn't look at him, just shouted: "Brother, what are you waiting for!"

But while he was talking, he raised his spear and stabbed at Jun Sima's face like lightning!

The accident happened suddenly!

Jun Sima never thought that Hu'er in front of him would dare to attack him.

He subconsciously fell back, but he was half a beat too late, and his entire nose was cut off.

Liu Gaosheng liked to see Jun Sima fell to the ground, he turned his hands over, and then raised his spear to thrust in.

It's just that Liu Gaosheng's favorite horse is too long, which is suitable for use on a horse, but it is somewhat inconvenient to stand on the ground.

Jun Sima had already taken advantage of the situation to roll away and avoided it again.

He was surprised and angry: "You want to rebel!"

"The descendant of Emperor Guangwu, Liu Hun, the Marquis of the Great Han Guiyi, is here, killing the bandits and restoring the Han, how can there be a rebellion!"

Liu Hun's voice was like thunder, and he raised his spear again to stab him.

The guards around Jun Sima finally came to their senses and rushed over with their swords drawn, trying to save Shangguan.

Liu Meng heard what his younger brother said, and knew that he had no way out, so he gritted his teeth and drew his sword: "Kill the thief and restore the Han!"

Jun Sima was escorted to the rear by his personal guards, covered his face, and yelled loudly: "When the imperial army arrives, you will destroy the clan!"

Liu Meng's eyes showed a fierce look, "My father refused to retreat the remnants of the Dong thief for Cao Cao and escorted the emperor. Afterwards, not only was he abandoned by Cao Cao like a shoe, but even the tribe was divided."

"Over the years, Bi Gui has bullied my people, kidnapped my wife and daughter, plundered my cattle and sheep, and treated my family like pigs and dogs. I am a descendant of the Han family. How can I allow thieves to bully me at will!"

Liu Hun shouted:

"Brother, what are you talking about with the thieves? Killing them and welcoming Master Wang, the clansmen are afraid that they will not have a good life?"

The military commander was so angry that he shouted angrily again and again:

"Kill them, kill him...uh!"

Before he finished speaking, a heavy armor-piercing crossbow shot from nowhere, piercing through his armor.


Shouts of killing suddenly sounded around, and there was chaos around the handsome tent.

This was a premeditated assassination.

The Southern Xiongnu who were trapped in counties such as Taiyuan and Xihe had Xiutu and Xianbeihu in the north, and the army of Wei State in the south.

Unless you want to be wiped out, even if the army Sima is alone, the commander of the Huns must obey his words.

Over the years, Jun Sima was used to dominating the Xiongnu tribe, and only thought that these southern Xiongnu had been tamed by him.

But it never occurred to them that the two Hans raised the Southern Huns for hundreds of years, how could their mere twenty years be compared?

Not to mention that since Bi Gui became the governor of Bingzhou, he has bullied the barbarians so much that even Bu Dugen, who was guarding the Yanmen Gate, was forced to defect.

That is to say, the Southern Huns had nowhere to go and could only swallow their anger.

However, Liu Qubei, the commander of the right side of the Xiongnu, was originally the Youxian King and Guli King of the Southern Xiongnu. After he recognized himself as Emperor Guangwu, he also rescued the Han Emperor, which was even more taboo by the Wei people.

A few days ago, Liu Gaoshengai quietly returned to the clan with Feng Langjun's promise, gave Liu Meng some brown sugar and tea, and described a bright future, which made Liu Meng's heart skip a beat.

After admitting to the Han Dynasty, being bullied by the Wei people, rebelling against the thieves and returning to the Han Dynasty, Feng Langjun will bring a better life...

When Liu Meng saw the big Han flag in the valley, he finally made his final decision!

This time, Bi Gui hastily summoned the Southern Huns to go north, and the ministries were already a little chaotic, which gave Liu Hun the best chance.

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