Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 990 Rebellion

The chaos around the Huns' right camp did not spread to the Hu people below, and it didn't take long for it to subside.

How could the defenseless army Sima and a group of personal guards stop the many Huns led by Liu Meng and Liu Hun?

Jun Sima and others only resisted for a while, and most of them were shot into a hornet's nest.

Those who escaped the arrow feathers by chance were chopped into meat paste by the swarming Huns.

Under the last rays of the setting sun, the banner of the state of Wei, where the right of the Huns was located, fell down.


Liu Hun didn't stop, and led the clansmen, personally took the lead in the charge, and rushed down the mountain.

The sudden rebellion of the Huns on the right caught Sima, the Wei army in the middle and left, by surprise.

A huge gap suddenly appeared in the originally well-defended river valley.

In just a short while, the central part of the Xiongnu right in front of the river valley began to become chaotic.

Guan Ji drew out her long sword. Behind her, the sun happened to be completely hidden in the mountains.

Let her be like a messenger coming out of the darkness.

"what happened?"

The only left side of the Xiongnu that could hold steady, Jun Sima looked at the Xiongnu on the opposite mountain, and kept rushing down the mountain, and at the same time, some people tried to shoot arrows towards him.

Just relying on the little afterglow shot from behind the hill, he could see that the Shu captives had started to charge towards this side on horseback.

Someone colluded with the Shu captives!

He made this judgment immediately.

"Liu Bao, hurry up, immediately let your people guard the top of the mountain and make no mistakes, otherwise they will be dealt with by military law!"

Liu Bao, commander of the left side of the Xiongnu subconsciously responded, moved his feet, and then stopped with some hesitation, his eyes flickering.

Seeing this, Jun Sima immediately urged: "Hurry up!"

Liu Bao looked at the opposite hill.

Obviously, his nephew has already rebelled (Liu Bao is the Zuoxian King of the Southern Huns, and he is a brother of the Youxian King Liu Qubei).

In other words, he has taken refuge in the Han army.

Han army?

Liu Bao was shocked immediately.

"Stay away any longer, as if I dare not kill you!"

Seeing Liu Bao's hesitation, Jun Sima drew his sword in a rage.

Liu Bao didn't dare to neglect any longer, and went down in a hurry.

Only then did Jun Sima secretly heave a sigh of relief, he only felt that his back was a little wet.

Compared with the army Sima on the right of the Huns, he is much more sober.

In other words, the rebellion on the right side of the Huns has made him vigilant.

It's just that the current situation leaves him with no choice.

Only by relying on the majesty of the past, Liu Bao was forced to submit.

Fortunately, I finally succeeded...

Just when Jun Sima was secretly rejoicing, shouts of killing suddenly sounded around the handsome tent.

"Kill the thief!"

He turned his head abruptly, only to see that not far away, Liu Bao was leading his clansmen to kill him.

The left part of the Huns also rebelled.


The rebellion of the left part of the Xiongnu not only surprised Wei, but also surprised Guan Ji.

Originally the main character, the Jingqi of the Han army, was finally squeezed out by the three Huns fighting in the melee and became a bystander.

This chaos lasted until dark, and finally ended with the left and right Xiongnu joining forces to kill the central part and flee.

After the chaos ended, the two brothers Liu Meng and Liu Hun couldn't wait to find Liu Bao, and expressed their sincere thanks:

"Thank you uncle for your help!"

When Liu Bao saw the two brothers, his face became a little foul.

Because he helped the right this time, at least half of it was out of necessity.

In other words, he was forcibly dragged into the water by these two brothers.

If it is said that among the five Huns in Bingzhou, the Wei people trust the north most.

Then the most wary thing is the left and right parts.

The commanders of these two departments were formerly known as King Zuoxian and King Youxian of the Southern Huns.

Needless to say, Liu Qu, the former right sage king, humbled himself.

The former Zuoxian King Yu Fuluo went south with Liu Qubei, and he was also the one who rescued Emperor Han.

What's more, after Yu Fuluo rescued Emperor Han, he traveled to the Central Plains, and had been right with Cao Cao for many years.

And Liu Bao, Yu Fuluo's son, succeeds him as Zuo Xianwang.

Because of this special historical reason, coupled with the unclear relationship between Liu Meng and Liu Bao's nephew and uncle.

So Liu Bao figured out a problem in a very short time:

This time the rebellion on the right will implicate me in all likelihood in the future.

After all, Liu Bao knew the Wei people's attitude towards the Xiongnu in Bingzhou for so many years.

So my best end is very likely to be like my uncle (Hu Chuquan).

Called to the mainland, he was called to accompany the emperor, but he was actually placed under house arrest.

It was precisely because of this thought that Liu Bao gritted his teeth and followed suit—who isn't surnamed Liu?

As for the other half of the reason for Liu Bao's rebellion, it was naturally that, like Liu Meng, he was extremely dissatisfied with Bi Gui's bullying of the tribe over the years.

Liu Bao looked at Liu Hun, frowned and said:

"Are you brother's youngest son, Gao Shengai?"

When Liu Hun left the tribe, he was not too young, and Liu Bao could still vaguely recognize him.

"Go back to uncle, that's right."

Liu Hun nodded.

Liu Bao stared at Liu Hun with a gloomy expression:

"You have been away from the clan for so many years, and you never thought that you would do great things once you came back."

In the chaos just now, he saw that the soldiers guarding Liu Hun were obviously not members of the tribe, and their weapons and armor were much stronger than those of his own tribe.

In this case, if Liu Bao still can't see the clue, then he will be the commander of the left department in vain.

Liu Hun smiled slightly, and said neither humble nor overbearing:

"Uncle won the award, but he returned to the Han family and was named the Marquis of Guiyi by the emperor of the Han family."

"Huh? Guiyihou!"

Liu Bao was a little surprised this time, "Is it granted by the emperor of the Han family?"

For a long time, with the continuous Sinicization of the southern Xiongnu, they subconsciously believed that the title conferred by the emperor of the Han family contained much more gold than the self-proclaimed title of the Xiongnu.

It is a pity that since the rise of the Xianbei people in the grasslands, most of the Hu people who have been named princes are Xianbei people.

The Huns basically bear the original name of the Huns.

Unexpectedly, Liu Hun would have such a chance when he went out to travel.

So Liu Bao couldn't help being surprised to learn that Liu Hun actually had the title of Marquis of Guiyi.

Liu Hun raised his head: "That's natural. This time I came back for no other reason than to let the clansman get rid of the bullying of the Wei thief and live a good life."

Liu Hun has stayed in Hanzhong and Liangzhou for so many years, and he deeply understands a truth:

The tribes that took the initiative to seek refuge with the Han and the tribes that were forced to seek refuge with the Han had the same treatment as heaven and earth.

For so many years, everyone has been claiming to be the son-in-law of the Han family. What is the plan?

Isn't it just that you want to get rid of Hu Yi's identity, hope to become a real Han Chinese, and no longer be discriminated against and oppressed by others?

As a Hun nobleman, who doesn't want to be the second Jin Ridun?

For Liu Hun, the current situation is the best opportunity.

Liu Bao didn't know what Liu Hun was thinking, so he frowned a little: "What do you mean?"

Liu Hun smiled indifferently: "If uncle believes me, follow me to see General Guan first, and I will talk to uncle in detail later."

Now that the matter has come to this point, what is the difference between Liu Bao's belief and his non-belief?

So he followed Liu Hun and went to the Han army camp to meet General Guan.

General Guan did not expect that Liu Hun not only completed the task brilliantly, but even won over the left part of the Xiongnu.

It's useless to ask her to prepare for it.

At the moment, not only did he not hesitate to praise himself, but even his serious face had a smile on his face.

For Liu Meng and Liu Bao, the uncles and nephews, General Guan didn't have much time to win them over, because the road to Hedong County had only gone half way up to now.

So the way she comforted the two was very simple and rude.

On the spot, he threw out a lot of banknotes, plus three catties of brown sugar and one catty of tea leaves.

To put it bluntly, if the two of them can help the big man, after the capture of Chang'an, they can exchange tickets for anything they want.

Of course, it would be embarrassing if Chang'an was not captured - the tickets are just a pile of waste paper.

As for the affairs of their clansmen, it is even simpler.

Liu Gaosheng loves to use his own experience to tell them what a Han-Yi family is - a national policy set by the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty himself.

If you don't believe me, there are still a group of naturalized Hu in the Liangzhou Army.

Even Yi Congjun can prove that under the rule of the Han Dynasty, their life is much better than that of the oppressed Huns in Bingzhou.

What is food and clothing worth?

There is no problem for the children of the clan to enter the school to study.

If you can really read the grades, it is not a dream to recommend to the Royal Academy.

What, I don't know what is the Royal Academy?

With the word "royal", how could it be worse?

As soon as he heard it, he knew that he was under the emperor of the Han family.

Entering the academy means that half of one foot has stepped into the official career.

This is not called future, what is future?

In the past, this was the treatment only available to the children of the aristocratic and powerful families.

General Guan's promise is very grand, and she doesn't need to fulfill it anyway, who calls her a successful woman, there must be a good A Lang standing behind her!

The bright banknotes, the heavy brown sugar and tea, can be called the brightest future in hundreds of years, directly smashing Liu Meng and Liu Bao almost fainted.

Even the knowledgeable Liu Hun, who traveled to the Han area, couldn't resist such temptations, let alone two barbarians from Bingzhou who had never seen the world?

This is the dream that the nobles of the Huns have pursued for more than two hundred years!

But seeing the legs of the two of them involuntarily softened, they bowed to General Guan.

The two most noble men of the Southern Xiongnu knelt in front of General Guan, drew blood on their faces with a knife, and swore in tears that they would not be at odds with the Wei thief.

This made General Guan smile with satisfaction, and her eyes fell on the mountains to the east.

The loss of the river valley mouth exposed the rear of the Wei army at the mountain pass to the east in front of General Guan.

Just when General Guan was about to cut off Sima Huan's retreat, the Han army broke through Yanmen Saijiuyuan County, Yanmen County, and wanted to go south to get news of Jinyang, and finally reached Luoyang and Chang'an.

This news, like a huge thunderbolt, almost overturned the Tai Chi Hall in Luoyang.

Cao Rui was sitting on the throne, and his hands were shaking constantly from the moment he took the emergency military report sent by Bingzhou.

It's not fear, it's disbelief.

After reading the military newspaper, Cao Rui's face began to swell purple with shock and anger, and he was panting heavily.

He only felt that the roots of his hair were standing on end, and his forehead was cold.

The more than 200,000 troops in Guanzhong are asking for people, money for money, and food for food.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he was led by the nose by the captives of Shu, Sima Yi was simply incompetent!

Thinking that if Bingzhou is lost, not to mention Guanzhong, even Luoyang, I am afraid that it will be under the threat of Shu captives all the time.

Cao Rui finally had a surge of fear in his heart, and his face quickly turned from blood red with anger to pale white.

The military newspaper was smashed to the bottom of the steps, Cao Rui began to tremble all over, and screamed:

"How did the Shu captives come from Yanmen? Did they fly here?"

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