"General Liu wait a moment, according to Bao, the general should send out hundreds of soldiers, and still follow this road to the south, with more banners and drums, with a strong momentum, so as to confuse the thieves' eyes and ears, and cover our whereabouts."

Liu Hun nodded repeatedly when he heard the words:

"This plan is great."

Act according to plan now.

Sure enough, when the guard of the Wei army at the mountain pass saw the suspicious soldiers sent by Liu Hun, he strengthened his defense and sent a fast horse to inform the prefect of Pingyang County.

When the prefect of Pingyang County learned that the Shu captives really made a detour, he couldn't help but rejoice in his heart:

Luckily, I had expected this a long time ago, otherwise Yong'an City would be in danger!

Just as General Guan thought, the two counties of Pingyang and Hedong belonged to Sizhou, and there was Bingzhou as a barrier in the north, which already belonged to the rear of the Wei State.

In addition, the battle in Guanzhong was tight, so most of the troops and food in these two counties were transferred to Guanzhong.

At this time, the troops assembled by the two counties, plus the local county soldiers, totaled about 3,000 people.

The prefect of Pingyang County ordered 2,000 people to guard the south entrance of Guanjuejin Valley, and another 1,000 people to guard the east mountain pass.

After these days of fierce fighting, the Huns in the south suffered heavy losses, and were no longer able to resist the desperate attacks of the Shu captives, so they had to withdraw from the valley.

There is no way to give up and retreat.

If you don't give in and push these barely obedient Xiongnu Hu'er into a hurry, they directly throw themselves at the Shu captives on the opposite side, and turn around to attack the mountain pass, that is not worth the loss.

Hu'er, who was holding a wooden and bone weapon, was able to block the Shu captives in Jin Valley for so long, which is already very rare.

But when the Shu soldiers approached the mouth of the valley, they didn't rush over immediately.

Probably because of the hard fight these days, he needs to take a rest.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the Shu captives in the valley, the prefect of Pingyang County has sufficient confidence in himself to stick to it until the reinforcements arrive.

Hu'er the Hun has been able to block the opponent for so long in the valley, there is no reason why he is worse than Hu'er the Hun.

In contrast, Liu Meng was a little worried:

"General, logically speaking, no matter how slow you are on the mountain road to the east, you should come out at this time."

"A brother has no news so far, will he encounter any trouble?"

General Guan, who was holding up his binoculars to look at the Wei army camp on the mountain ahead, put down the binoculars and said flatly:

"No problem."

After driving the Hu people in the south of the Xiongnu out of the river valley, the arrangement of the Wei army at the mountain pass can be clearly seen under the spying of the telescope.

"Even if Liu Hun didn't make it to the rear, the bandit Wei can't stop us."

"You two troops have suffered a lot of casualties in the past few days, and then you will go to the rear to rest. This time, let the Yi Congjun go first."

Jinyang is the state government of Bingzhou, and there are still some weapons in the arsenal.

Although the Liangzhou Army looked down upon them, the Yi Cong Army really made a fortune.

Some even fell into the hands of Liu Meng and Liu Bao.

This is one of the reasons why they were able to force the southern Huns out of the valley.

Originally, everyone was equally poor, and most of their hands were made of wood and bones. How could they have expected that this time, the left and right would have a batch of standard weapons?

This is not about Wude!

It was also the Liangzhou army that let the two Huns on the left and right stand in front of them and rushed all the way, and they also had several days of rest.

Soon, the rebel army, who had rested, began to gather in front one after another, ready to attack the Wei army camp on the mountain.

The place where Wei Jun was stationed was extremely tricky, just at the corner of Fenshui.

There is a mountain protruding from the east bank, and the distance between Fenshui and the mountain is only a few feet wide. The Wei army has set up a camp on the mountain.

At the same time, a barrier was built between the hilltop and Fenshui.

On the west bank of Fenshui, after the river turns, it is full of cliffs.

If you want to keep going, unless you cross back to the east bank again, which is behind the hill.

Judging from this terrain, if the Han army did not forcibly capture the mountain, they would not be able to pass through here safely.

"Drink, drink, drink!"

In the front row of the Yi Congjun Army, they started to move forward, holding their big poles, drinking loudly.

Some of the Wei army guarding the mountain were local county soldiers. They saw the banners of the Han army in the valley to the north covering the sun, stretching endlessly, and the edge could not be seen at a glance.

Many people can't help but feel a little bit drummed.

Uncle Wei Jun and other generals on the mountain kept cheering them up:

"Don't be afraid! Listen to the military order and throw stones down!"

Others are threats:

"Those who dare to retreat in front of the formation, beheaded!"

The Yi Congjun, holding a big pole, had come to the foot of the mountain and began to attack.

There was only a bang, and the rolling stones on the mountain were thrown down one after another.

For a while, Yi Congjun couldn't dodge in time, and those who were hit were screaming.

In the past few days, they also said that they were Liu Bao and Liu Meng who had made great efforts, and built a pergola with their hands. Seeing this scene, they immediately smacked their lips.

It seems that General Guan knows how much his tribe is worth.

If you really want to let yourself attack these mountains, I am afraid that the morale of the tribe will collapse after only a few attacks.

If you really let yourself encounter this kind of thing alone, you can either take a detour or retreat directly.

It's not like this righteous army, it's too strong.

There is no need for the Han army to follow behind and supervise. After one wave retreats, the other wave will take the initiative to push up.

Not to mention that it is very different from those sloppy Hu people, even it is different from the Yi Congjun in the two people's impressions.

When did the Yi Congjun of the Hu people become so organized and willing to give their all to the Han people?

This idea went round in the stomachs of the two of them for a long time, and finally they only came to one conclusion:

This General Guan... has a good command of the army!

"Senior Brother Jiang, this won't work, it's too difficult!"

A young man in the Yi Cong Army, wearing leggings, and a cowhide belt around his waist, which was uniformly distributed when he graduated from the martial arts hall, now has a lot of wear marks.

Don't look at the soft black down on his lips, but he is already the Sima of the Rebel Army.

The same senior brother who was also neatly dressed, looked at the Yi Congjun who was forced to retreat again, and nodded with a gloomy expression:

"What did General Guan say?"

"Nothing, just let's take this hill."

"That's for us to figure it out for ourselves."

The martial arts student who was called Senior Brother Jiang turned his head and glanced behind him.

Although he couldn't see where General Guan was, he knew that every move of Yi Congjun must be under the observation of General Guan.

"This is the first time that our Jiangwu Hall went out with the army. It was a sneak attack on Yinshan, and it was already lost once."

"This time, if we can let the Yi Congjun take this mountain independently, at least we can save some face."

The young man scratched his head a little irritably:

"The key is what to do now?"

"Call everyone over and discuss together to see if there is a better way."


About 20 young people dressed in the same attire quickly gathered together and discussed together.

Someone soon came up with a plan:

"How about crossing the water? First cross the cliff on the west bank, and then cross back to the east bank from there. You can go around to the back of this mountain."

"The thief is not a fool, how could he let you go ashore?"

"You know what an egg! This call hits the east and west..."

"Stupid! Doesn't Thief Wei know that guarding the top of the mountain is the key? You have traveled such a long way, and you can't get to the shore. What's the use of this sound?"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"The thieves already know where you want to hit, no matter how loud they are, it's useless!"

"Not necessarily." The brother who had been squatting on the ground and using stones as a deduction suddenly said, "According to General Guan, there are only two thousand Wei thieves on the mountain."

"If we send people to pretend to be behind the mountain, the Wei thief will send people to take precautions. In this way, it can be regarded as mobilizing the thieves and reducing the defenders on the mountain."

This senior was in the same class as Zhang Yuan, and also the youngest student in that class, but now he is already a veteran among these students.

He was sent to the righteous army, which also meant to be the leader.

Since he opened his mouth, everyone stopped making a sound.

The senior brother stood up and clapped his hands:

"I'm going to ask General Guan for instructions now. You assign tasks yourself first. If General Guan agrees, I will execute them immediately when I come back."

"I lead the army across the water!"

Immediately, a thick and dark young man patted his chest, "I know how to use water, this Fen water can't drown me."

Someone immediately said:

"Then I will cover. When the time comes, I will personally lead an attack to attract the attention of the thieves on the mountain. The acting must be more realistic."

"Okay! You two go to prepare right away, remember, be careful!"

When General Guan listened to the student's request for instructions, she gave him a surprised look.

To be able to come up with this method in such a short period of time, this young army Sima, at least in terms of planning before the battle, is better than ordinary generals.

"Go ahead, do whatever you want, if you really can't, the Liangzhou Army will support you!"

As General Guan spoke, he handed him the telescope in his hand, "I will lend you this temporarily, remember to return it after the war."

It's just volunteering in the army, isn't it just for these students in the martial arts hall to practice their hands?

If they can really be trained, even if all these rebels are disabled, it will be worth it.

Otherwise, how could they be qualified to join the tiger and wolf divisions of the Liangzhou Army as grassroots school officials?

Thinking of this, she said again:

"The army built some water rafts a few days ago, and I will send someone to deliver them to you."

Brother Jiang got General Guan's approval, and with such great support, how could he not understand the meaning of this?

I saw him say excitedly:

"General, let's see how the general will perform at the end!"

Then after a hasty salute, he immediately turned and ran away.

Looking at the figure who seemed to be too young, General Guan showed a faint smile on his face.

Knowing that General Guan agreed to the plan, the twenty or so young men were all very excited.

Someone muttered: "I see, General Guan has also considered this plan, otherwise why would he have set up the water raft in advance?"

Senior Brother Jiang couldn't help being taken aback when he heard that, "It's possible!"

Well, everyone who was already excited, took another injection of stimulants all at once.

Who is General Guan?

In the Liangzhou army, the first person under the head of the mountain, General Guan, did his part.

Even General Zhao had to take a backseat.

"Hurry up! Let go, be careful!"


The huge water raft was put into the water, causing a big wave.

The leading student was the first to jump up.

This time to cross the water, you have to cross to the opposite bank first, then follow the bank to the bottom of the cliff, and then cross back to the east bank from there, you can go around to the side and rear of the mountain.

The reason why you can't go directly down the river is that not only will you be intercepted by the Wei thieves guarding the bank below the mountain, but you may also be hit by arrows and crossbows on the mountain from a distance.

Although crossing the water this time can be regarded as attracting the troops of the Wei thieves, they may try to forcefully cross back to the east bank.

But to minimize casualties, it is still necessary to minimize as much as possible.

The Wei army on the top of the mountain saw the Han army crossing the water from the very beginning, and they quickly understood.

From the binoculars, he saw the figure of Wei thief on the top of the mountain swaying for a while, and senior brother Jiang understood that the goal of mobilizing the enemy to divide the troops had been achieved.

He couldn't help clenching his fist and waved it in the air.

At the time of the fierce battle, the bandit Wei mobilized and let Yi Congjun rush across the foot of the mountain in one breath.

Although he was forced to retreat down the mountain, it was enough to make him laugh out loud.


The Yi Congjun who had reached the bottom of the cliff jumped onto the raft again and prepared to paddle back to the east bank.

Wei Jun, who had been waiting on the shore for a long time, began to raise his crossbow and bow.

When the raft passed the middle of the water, "Puff!"

The crossbow came straight to the surface of the water with the sound of howling wind.

The leading student lowered his body and lay on the raft, hearing the continuous sound of piercing through the air, which was shocking.


With a scream, someone stood too high beside him, accidentally shot an arrow, turned over and was about to fall into the water.

The young student had sharp eyesight and quick hands, quickly grabbed the oar in his hand, and continued rowing instead of him.

As for people... they fell into the water after being hit by an arrow, and they had no chance of living. Even if they wanted to be rescued by force, there was no way to save them right now.

Brother Jiang, who was holding up the binoculars, finally noticed something was wrong on this side.

He stomped his feet resentfully and cursed: "This madman, is he really crazy!"

Didn't you promise to attract the attention of thieves, why did you rush to the front line yourself?

If you really can't rush up, most of the possibilities are to go down the water, wherever you go...

"I shouldn't have let him go!"

Senior Brother Jiang regretted it too much, but right now, the battle was fierce, and he had no way to stop Crazy Wang.

"It's coming, it's coming!"

Crazy Wang seemed to be really crazy. His eyes turned red at some point, and he was staring at Thief Wei on the bank. He only knew how to paddle mechanically.

The arrow feathers became more and more dense, and several times, they all brushed against his body.

In order to facilitate wading through the water, his body was covered with a leather armor. At such a short distance, he would have been hit by arrow feathers, and he would have been seriously injured even if he was not dead.


General Wei, who was commanding the Wei army to prevent the Yicong army from going ashore, seemed to hear thunder.

He subconsciously looked towards the south, and saw behind the mountain pass, a river valley that suddenly became wider, and a cavalry army was galloping up against the water and galloping towards this side.

"Where's the cavalry? Are the reinforcements here?"

Before he could figure it out, the cavalry was getting closer. The red flag was dazzling red!

"Shu captive!"

"The Shu captives are coming from behind!"

"It's the cavalry of the Shu captives!"


Crazy Wang's raft has rushed to the shore, he jumped up, a tall and strong dark young man, holding a long knife, shouted:

"Kill the thief!"


The strange thing is that after he shouted loudly, the Wei thief on the bank seemed to be frightened, and immediately ran away!

At this time, he saw not far from his right, the familiar iron cavalry was sweeping towards him.

The fleeing Wei thief only hated his parents for losing two legs, and wanted to escape back to the mountain before the cavalry rushed over. Who would care about him who rushed to the shore?

Feeling the vibration of the ground, Crazy Wang held up his knife blankly, watching his cavalry roaring towards him, and began to harvest those Wei thieves who hadn't escaped.

Thinking of how hard he had been wading through the water for so long, but it was nothing but ashes in the end, he suddenly jumped up and cursed:

"Your mother's! Give me a chance?"

What responded to him was the dust kicked up by the horse's hooves, billowing and flying...

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