Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 996: Master Wang Arrives

Although it is said that the Yi Cong Army who can follow General Guan to get here can basically be regarded as the first reserve of the Liangzhou Army.

But they are still far behind the regular army in Liangzhou.

For example, the cooperation of the cavalry when charging, the efficiency when chasing and killing...

Although he didn't know why the cavalry of the Han army came out from behind, the Wei army on the mountain knew that his back had been cut off.

The barriers built under the mountain only cared about the front, but failed to defend the back.

The Han army drove the rout soldiers, and rushed back from the rear to the temporary camp at the foot of the mountain.

The Wei soldiers who originally hid behind the barrier are now standing in front of the barrier. How can they withstand the impact of the cavalry?

Liu Hun took the lead and rushed into the village, his extremely sharp spear head flew up and down, no Wei soldiers dared to stand in the way.

Up and down the mountain originally echoed each other, but at this time, the students from the martial arts hall gathered their energy and led the Yi Cong army to attack.

For a while, the Wei army on the mountain was so entangled that they couldn't free their hands at all, and could only watch helplessly as the Han army took advantage of the gap to enter the camp at the foot of the mountain.

How could Liu Hun's cavalry be the opponent of the camp with 300 people?

In less than an hour, the Wei army camp was declared broken.

The Wei army on the top of the mountain was surrounded by groups and became a lone army, and their morale plummeted.

At night, the Han army guarding the foot of the mountain intercepted a dozen Wei Guojun soldiers who had sneaked down the mountain.

At this time, a more serious problem was placed in front of Wei Jun on the top of the mountain: the source of water.

At the time when the autumn tiger was showing its power, Wei Jun, who had been fighting for a day, was thirsty and tired.

On the second day, although the Han army stopped attacking the mountain, under the scorching sun, all the Wei soldiers had dry mouths and throats, burning lips and noses.

Looking at the Fenshui River at the foot of the mountain, everyone is eager to jump into the water and have a drink.

Under such circumstances, the prefect of Pingyang County gathered his last strength and personally led the Wei army to rush down the mountain.

It's just that General Guan is holding the plug-in, and she has already noticed the movement on the mountain.

Wei Jun rushed two or three times, but not only failed to break through the encirclement, but even exhausted what little courage and strength he had.

In the afternoon, General Guan just ordered someone to charge, and the Han army easily broke through the stronghold.

In the chaos, the prefect of Pingyang County went into battle in person and was beheaded in the chaos.

The remaining more than a thousand Wei soldiers all surrendered.

So far, there is no obstacle in front of the Han army.

Yong'an City behind the mountain pass surrendered after learning that the Han army had broken through the mountain pass.

General Guan sent 500 Liangzhou troops to lead 2,000 Yi Congjun troops, and they all guarded Yong'an City, an important mountain pass.

At the same time, the young and strong were selected among the surrendered troops of the Wei army, and more than 600 people were collected, and they were incorporated into a prison camp to defend the city together.

The rest, old and weak, were sent home.

Then he led the army down the Fen River, Pingyang (later Linfen) heard the wind and surrendered, and Linfen (later Xinjiang North) surrendered without a fight.

At this time, an autumn rain is coming.

General Guan, who marched so fast, had to take a rest in Linfen.

After the heavy rain, Qiuhu's prestige was finally wiped away.

In the morning after the rain, the breeze blows with a little dampness, which makes people feel cool.

This coolness even makes people feel a little bit of autumn.

At this time, the sky is clear, and the red sun reflects the morning glow, which is suddenly bright and then disappears.

Guan Ji, dressed in refined fine armor, stood by the Fen River with a solemn face, watching the turbid water wrapped in sand, the back waves pushing the front waves, rushing westward, her eyes thoughtful.


"How is it going?"

"General, the last general walked along the Fen River for nearly ten miles. At the same time, he also asked the natives. Although the Fen River has risen, it does not affect the journey."

Guan Ji nodded slightly and said nothing more, her gaze was looking towards the southeast.

In that direction, the mountains are all washed away, and the sky is green like drops, arranged in layers, without any dust.

After a while, she suddenly asked:

"General Shi, do you think we should continue to follow Fenshui or go south?"

After arriving in Linfen, there were two roads ahead of General Guan.

Hedong County and Pingyang County are bounded by Fenshui, so if the army continues to advance along Fenshui, it can quickly reach Longmen Ferry without going deep into the hinterland of Hedong.

The other way is to leave Fenshui, continue southward, and formally enter Hedong, an important county of Wei State.

In the east of the river, there is a river. As long as you go down the river, you can finally reach another crossing of the river, Pubanjin.

Whether to go to Longmen Ferry or to Pubanjin, General Guan, who has always been decisive, actually hesitated at this time.

"Soldiers are precious and fast..." As soon as Shi Bao said this, General Guan gave him a blank look.

Shi Bao stuttered immediately:

"This...the general understands this truth, and there is no reason why Sima Yi doesn't understand it."

General Guan's expression eased, he nodded and said: "Sima Yi is an old man who served Cao Thief when Cao Cao was. He is resourceful and cannot be underestimated."

Shi Bao coughed:

"Yes, it can be seen from the battle of Guanjue Jingu that the thieves in Pingyang East have already responded to us."

"How could Sima Yi in Guanzhong be indifferent? From the point of view of the general, at this time, Sima Yi did not send reinforcements to cross the river and enter Hedong."

"At least we have prepared well on the west side of the river. No matter which way we go, the ferry on the west side may have already been taken by thieves."

"Therefore, instead of going west and trying to grab the ferry, it is better to abandon the Fenshui River and continue southward to enter the Hedong River, which has two advantages."

General Guan's eyes flashed: "What's the benefit?"

"One, if Sima Yi's reinforcements have already crossed the river, we can compete with them on the flat ground in the east of the river. As long as the reinforcements from Guanzhong are defeated, the army will have no problem crossing the river."

"Both, if Sima Yi knew that the east side of the river was not guarded, and didn't send a large army to cross the river, but just guarded the ferry, then we would make a big fuss in the east side of the river."

"In this way, Cao Rui in Luoyang may have trouble sleeping and eating. At that time, Sima Yi will be forced by the prime minister's army in front of him, and Cao Rui will urge him in the back. The general will wait for the opportunity to move."

"Even if Sima Yi has the ability to reach the sky, there is nothing he can do!"

Although Pubanjin is far away, it is very likely that Sima Yi has already occupied the west ferry.

By taking the Yanshui instead of the Fenshui, the army can sweep the Hedong by the way, and even take this opportunity to greatly deter Cao Rui, the false emperor of Luoyang.

A smile appeared on General Guan's face: "What General Shi said is true."

Shi Bao hurriedly said modestly: "The general is overwhelmed."

For the commanding general, pinning his hopes on things like Sima Yi's unresponsiveness is extremely irresponsible.

In addition, the stone smuggler has never let go of the idea of ​​showing the big dog in the east of the river what it means to not bully the young and poor.

As for General Guan, he actually has some selfish intentions: it’s already here, wouldn’t it be a pity if we don’t go back to our ancestral home to take a look?

So General Guan first ordered Liu Meng to lead the tribe and continue to follow the Fenshui River to the big river.

She led the army, crossed the Fenshui River in Linfen, crossed a mountain pass between Pingyang and Hedong, and headed towards Wenxi.

The State of Wei set up two villages in Hedong, one in Wenxi County, which was led by Nong Duwei.

One is Anyi, the prefecture of Hedong County, led by General Diannong Zhonglang.

If it were changed at the beginning of Cao Cao's establishment of Tuntian, Nong Duwei and Dian Nong Zhonglang would probably be able to manage to organize Tuntian customers, and reluctantly resist through Wubao or the city.

But at this time Cao Cao has been dead for many years, and the village is no longer what it was in the beginning.

When Cao Pi proclaimed himself emperor, especially after the establishment of the Jiupin Zhongzheng System, "the counties and counties were garrisoning fields, and the people's faces looked hungry, and their clothes were endlessly short and brown."

As for Cao Rui's period, the income from farming has changed from six officials and four people in Cao Cao's time to seven officials and three people.

Compared with the extremely heavy taxes, the corvee levied by the Tuntian Hakka Mansion is even more miserable.

Governing granaries and bridges, transporting and renting taxes, removing the beams and plastering houses, so there is no day for leisure throughout the year.

Who told Emperor Wei to like to build palaces?

In addition, over the years, Wei State has experienced several major defeats. In order to send supplies to the front and consolidate the border defense, the Tuntian Hakka Mansion has intensified.

As a result, the life of the villagers in the fields became more and more difficult, and civil unrest broke out in many places one after another.

The rich and powerful everywhere took the opportunity to invade and occupy the fields. Even if there were no civil disturbances in the fields, most of the farmers fled and hid in the aristocratic families, becoming a hidden population.

After all, in many cases, Haoyou only needs five tithes, and at the same time, it can help the tenants avoid the heavy corvee that makes people breathless.

In this case, Nong Duwei and Dian Nong Zhonglang in Hedong will be able to barely maintain the scale of farming, that is, because they are close to Guanzhong and belong to Sizhou, they are valued by the State of Wei.

Now if they really want to force the farmer to resist the Han army, they have to worry that they are ordered to organize and have no order to supervise the battle.

It is very likely that those field guests will turn back immediately before the battle - at least Wenxi's Nong Duwei thinks so.

Especially these days, there have been children clapping their hands and singing nursery rhymes on the streets of Wenxi City:

"The court seeks promotion, and the evening seeks harmony. It is difficult for the poor to survive in the farmland. Welcome the king's teacher, restore the Han family, and the people of the Han family pay a tithe, and it is joyful not to pay."

(Calculation, that is, head tax)

"Fu Han Dynasty, divide the fields, Wang Shi came to have enough food and clothing."


The reason why nursery rhymes are nursery rhymes is that they are different from those elegant Yangchun Baixue, and they are sung for lower Liba people.

Cangtou Guishou, don't know what Yangchun Baixue is, but the words "one tax, no tax, land, enough food and clothing" are still understandable.

Not only can I understand it, but I also like to listen to it.

Under the impetus of caring people, within a few days, not only the streets and alleys of Xiwen City were sung, but even the Wuzhai villages in Tuntian began to spread the song.

Under such circumstances, before the king of the Han Dynasty arrived at Wenxi County, Lieutenant Nong opened the gate of the city early, and sent people to meet the king on his own initiative, and devoted himself to righteousness.

For such an act of abandoning the dark and turning to the bright, General Guan naturally praised it greatly.

Under the protection of his personal guards, General Guan rode a tall horse into Wenxi County.

On both sides of the street, the old gentry greeted with drinks, and when they saw General Guan, they all shouted:

"Welcome Master Wang!"

Although General Guan knew that this was the arrangement of Lieutenant Nong, he couldn't stop smiling, but when he saw her get off the horse, he cupped his hands and said to everyone:

"Guan was sent by the emperor of the Han family to lead the righteous army to fight against the rebels and restore the Han family. I am really grateful for your help."

"General Guan is very polite. We look forward to Master Wang like rain after a long drought. Now that Master Wang is here, we can only be happy!"

"Yes, yes, the thief usurped us, and we have suffered for a long time!"

General Guan smiled slightly:

"I also know that the world has been suffering thieves for a long time, so I make an appointment with you here: wherever the master of the king is, and those who have land and land in their homes, they will only be taxed at eleven, and no additional tax will be collected."

Everyone was in an uproar.

In the former Han Dynasty, the tax was light, first it was 15 taxes, and then 30 taxes were 1, which was admired by later generations.

Compared with this, the tithe tax can be described as a heavy tax.

But this tithe is a tax levied on the basis of not paying taxes.

If you really want to calculate it, it is not much different from the 15th tax of the former Han Dynasty.

At that moment, an old man said repeatedly: "Master Wang, it really is Master Wang!"

Guan Ji pressed her hand to silence everyone, and continued:

"I have always known that Wenxi is the place where thieves garrison fields, but for so many years, thieves have used the name of garrison fields to practice tyrannical government."

"The people in the farmland have no food to cover their stomachs, no clothes to cover their bodies, and they are overwhelmed. The emperor of the Han family is very pitiful."

"Therefore, I hereby promise that as long as the bandits are defeated and Hedong is recovered, the imperial court will redistribute the land so that those who cultivate it will have their own land."

As soon as these words came out, the officials, officials, and village elders suddenly fell silent.

The smile on Guan Ji's face did not diminish, but her eyes were already slightly narrowed, looking at everyone.

The old man who called "Master Wang" just now, his forehead was sweating for some reason, and he said with a dry smile:

"The Son of Heaven is benevolent... benevolent!"

"Be kind to his mother!"

In a dock outside Wenxi City, someone was yelling and cursing viciously:

"What does it mean that those who have land and land at home are only taxed at eleven? What do you mean by not paying tax?"

From ancient times to the present, land tax and counting tax have been the most important income of the imperial court.

Now that the Shu captives are clamoring loudly that they don't collect taxes, and only let those who have land pay the eleventh tax, don't they raise officials or soldiers?

However, the fact is that the captives of Shu not only spent more money on raising soldiers, but also spent more money on raising soldiers than Wei.

Otherwise, how did Wei Jingqi lose to Shu captives all these years?

Where does their money come from?

Isn't it the people who "have land and land"?

It's not clear, whoever owns the most land will suffer the most?

So the question is, who will occupy the most fields?

These implicated problems are beyond the imagination of the mud legs, don't people from the aristocratic family still understand?

So once the news of Xiwen County spread, many people have already cursed "Master Wang" behind their backs and go back to Shu.

Someone said hesitantly:

"If this is the case, wouldn't the Shu captives have lost their hearts before entering the pass?"

With a sneer:

"Do you know who the surname Guan is?"

"I heard that he is the son of Guan Yu, isn't he from Hedong? Then it shouldn't be, how can you treat your elders like this?"

"Bah! That's the number one general under Feng Thief's command! Do you know what reputation that Feng Thief has in Sichuan? Human nature is cruel and merciless, Xiao Wenhe!"

"Where do you think that ruthlessness comes from? That's the reputation that was earned by repeated poisonous tricks and cruelty to aristocratic families in Shu."

"If it's someone else, I only know that it's just talk, but if it's Feng Wenhe, I'm afraid he's going to keep his word!"

Someone gritted his teeth and said:

"We have worked so hard for so many years to save such a little family property. If the Shu captives do what they say, let alone how much meat we have to cut out, even those peasants below will flee..."

The tax is one, and there is no need to pay and calculate the tax. No matter how you look at it, it is a benevolent government.

But this benevolence is the greatest evil to the aristocratic family.

"Then what shall we do?"

"What should I do? In this world, it has always been heard that those who win the hearts of the people win the world, and the Shu captives are against the law. How can there be no defeat?"

The Shu captives did not make good friends with the aristocratic families that have stood for hundreds of years or even hundreds of years. Instead, they went to please those mud legs. Isn't it retrograde?

Clay-legged...does he deserve to be called Min?

Just when everyone was full of anger and discussing countermeasures, a servant came to report urgently:

"My lord, someone is calling outside the fort, saying they want to requisition food."


What kind of grain?

We have always been the only ones who ask for food from others, who dares to ask for food from us?

"Listen, people in the village, the king's division is attacking the bandits, and the army is short of food, so we are specially sent here to raise some food and grass from the village..."

Outside the village, Shi Bao was riding on a horse, watching the soldiers shouting to the inside of the village, he couldn't help feeling elated.

The big dog in the east of the river, I didn't expect it, my Shi Zhongrong is back again!

This time, I'm not going north to do business, but I'm here to do some business with you, for nothing!

(A hundred years of change, a hundred years of birthday, I wish you greatness forever, and may you always maintain your original intention and lead the Chinese nation to achieve great rejuvenation)

PS: Map of the situation in Hedong: Open the comments, the first floor has not been simple since ancient times.

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