Farmer of Shu Han

A Discussion on the Discussion of Dividing Ding Ding into Mu and Small Peasant Economy Hindering the

In the previous chapter, some readers said that the small-scale farmers’ economy would be consolidated, which would hinder the development of emerging industries. Here I would like to express my personal opinion.

It's personal opinion, not bullshit.

Because this topic is already relatively in-depth, it needs to be explored.

There is simply no room for the more than one hundred words mentioned in this chapter, so a separate chapter must be opened to talk about it.

The smallholder economy will hinder the development of emerging industries, and this statement is true to a certain extent.

But it has prerequisites.

One is food and the other is population.

Let's talk about food first.

Agriculture is the primary industry and the foundation of all emerging industries because they require large quantities of commodity grains.

However, the small-scale peasant economy occupies arable land, making it impossible to centralize the supply of commodity grain.


But has anyone ever thought about how many acres of land each self-cultivator would get if the population of the Three Kingdoms were to be divided up?

What's more, the ancients were not as stupid as everyone imagined. It was impossible to sell all the land in their hands at once at the beginning of the founding of the country, and then let it go.

this is not right.

Take a chestnut.

In the Tang Dynasty, the distribution of land to individuals was divided into two types, one called Yongye Tian and the other called Kou Fen Tian.

As for Yongyetian, it literally means a field that can be cultivated forever.

It’s different when you divide the land, it’s just for you to cultivate, and the country will take it back after you die.

At the same time, in the early Tang Dynasty, the government still kept a large amount of land in its hands.

Why do you want to do this?

This is all in preparation for the new population coming later.

The land equalization system and rent adjustment are based on this foundation.

It wasn't until the Tang Dynasty court divided the land in the country's hands that the land equalization system and rent-yong modulation began to go bankrupt.

Taking a more recent matter as an example, readers with more experience should know that the agricultural tax in our country has only been abolished for a few years (equivalent to the ancient land tax).

Why has the supply of commodity staple grains in our country been stable when farmers have not paid public grains?

The reason is that the country has integrated the grain-producing areas and at the same time released a part of the reserved cultivated land to transform it into a commercial grain supply base.

In the same way, after Ji Han unifies the world, unless the emerging industries do not develop within 50 years, let the newly added population divide up the reserved cultivated land in the hands of the country.

Otherwise, the upstarts will inevitably strongly demand to increase the supply of commodity grains, raw materials and other materials when emerging industries need to expand.

(This is still under the premise of not discussing the improvement of agricultural cultivation technology)

The food problem in emerging industries, in the final analysis, is:

Emerging industry interest groups, have the ability to mobilize enough commodity grain to support the development of emerging industries.

The answer is self-evident.

As mentioned many times in the previous article, every time the soil turtle stimulates the expansion of emerging industries, it is based on the basis of sufficient food supply.

It doesn't make sense that the local turtles knew these truths before, but they won't after they set up a stall and enter the mu. This doesn't make sense.

When Ji Han unifies the world, the upstarts must be one of Ji Han's best interest groups, saying that they have no ability to mobilize food, do you believe this?

When the prime minister went south, did you forget what happened?

That was only the first joint action of the Xinghanhui, and it couldn't be compared with the rich and powerful club chaebols behind.

The second question is population.

The increase in food production will increase the population, but the burden on farmers will be reduced by dividing the land into acres, causing farmers to voluntarily stay on the land and are unwilling to participate in emerging industries.

This is also conditional.

That is: the continuous increase of self-cultivating farmers is based on the state's redistribution of land and the maintenance of the number of self-cultivating farmers.

But what if after Ji Han unified the world, the land was allocated only once, and the second generation of self-cultivating farmers did not get the land?

The land at home is still the same, and the self-cultivator who does not have enough arable land is still called a self-cultivator?

Also taking our own experience as an example, the contract system was fully promoted in 1982.

In the 1990s and the millennium, even 20 years have passed, but there has been a wave of migrant workers in rural areas?


A little closer, have you thought about the wave of urbanization that everyone has experienced in recent years?

Such things as "surplus rural labor force" are not unique to us, but have existed in all dynasties.

The solution of the past dynasties is to continuously distribute the reserved cultivated land, or to simply reform and re-measure the land.

One day when these methods can no longer be played, it will "bang"!

As for us, benefiting from the process of industrialization, we can solve it better.

In the same way, after Ji Han unifies the world, as long as no land is allocated to the increased population, within 20 years, it will be enough to double the pressure on the families of the self-cultivating farmers.

Where will the extra population go?

Do they have a place to go other than emerging industries?

Don't say that farmers are unwilling to leave the land.

If you have a family of five, you need to work hard every day in order to barely maintain food and clothing.

And when you go out to work, one person can support two, or even three people. Do you see if they are willing to leave?

Referring to Yuejuan County, what if a little bit of policy preference is added?

Let’s take the present as an example, not to mention the poll tax, even the agricultural tax has been cancelled, and the state even provides subsidies to allow you to grow your own land, would you like it?

The only problem here is that if Ji Han can really unify the world, then the twenty years of recuperation will happen to be the biggest dividend period for emerging industries.

So where are their growth nutrients?

The answer is also very simple: if Ji Han really wants to be able to swallow the two countries of Wei and Wu, it will take at least 20 or 30 years to digest the dividends of unifying the world.

If the old aristocratic families in the Central Plains represented by Cao Wei and the rich families in Jiangdong represented by Wu Guo are fat, then the foreign races in the frontier grasslands are lean.

You don't eat fat or lean meat, but you have to go back and eat the bone dregs of Cangtou Guishou. The taste of the upstarts is not so unique.

Not to mention the life and death struggle between the old and the new.

The third issue is the potential conflict between the smallholder economy represented by owner farmers and emerging industries.

This problem can also be seen in the development process of our country.

my country's regional development is unbalanced, with developed coastal areas and backward central and western regions.

For so many years, we have been trying to transfer the remaining coastal production capacity to the Midwest, but what about the capital?

Transferred directly to the Indochina Peninsula.

In the same way, where are the places where there are enough self-cultivating farmers in Jihan to form a small-scale peasant economy?

That must be the inland plains.

Where are the emerging industries?

Liangzhou, Longyou, Nanzhong.

All frontier areas.

Taking the most typical Liangzhou as an example, it has a large land area and a sparse population. It has enough arable land to produce food, enough raw materials to supply, and enough geographical trading advantages.

What else does the mainland have besides food?

So why should emerging industries develop inland?

What if it thinks the outside world is wonderful?

How can Ji Han do things that the most powerful organization in the world can't do?

Taking a ten thousand step back, Ji Han's upstart brain circuit is relatively fresh, and he wants to involve.

But if the emerging industry has expanded to the point where it needs to destroy the small peasant economy in the interior, how far must it be developed?

The commodity grain produced by the state reserves cultivated land, as well as the grain that the state can regulate in various ways, and the grain that can be mobilized by interest groups.

The combination of the three can no longer satisfy the appetite for the development of emerging industries.

That means that the development of productive forces represented by emerging industries has expanded to the point where it is necessary to change the production relations of the entire society.

This is at least the eve of the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution.

In that case, even if the soil beetle is dug out of the grave, he will not be able to stop the historical trend of the bourgeoisie replacing the feudal society in an all-round way.

Whether it be beheading, hanging on the gallows, or even hanging a street lamp, whatever should be done.

This is no longer a question that needs to be considered by local turtles.

The fourth point is that the upstarts support the issue of sharing the land into the mu.

This question is the easiest.

But for now, emerging industries are still in the stage of mutual promotion with each other, so why can't they coexist?

The essence of capital is to pursue profits, and there are two means to achieve this goal, one is to increase product prices, and the other is to reduce production costs.

We all know that emerging industries need a large amount of commercial rations, so canceling the poll tax and lowering the agricultural tax will reduce the cost of food supply?

Why can't the upstarts support the reduction of production costs?

They must support it!

As for the remaining issues, for example, the products produced by the small-scale peasant economy do not flow into emerging industries, or have little effect on emerging industries.

I don't want to expand on that.

Agricultural products are always the younger brother in front of industrial products.

Whether it flows in or not, or whether it has any effect, is up to the leaders of Guizhou represented by the owner-cultivators, but upstarts represented by emerging industries.

The difference is that it is regulated by the state as a whole, and the process of control is carried out smoothly.

Or let emerging industries over-inflate and use drastic means to seize what they want.

Still the same sentence, productivity determines the relationship of production, at which stage of development, we must concentrate our efforts to solve the main contradiction at that stage.

Ji Han's current main contradiction is how to unify the world.

Whether it's emerging industries, whether it's a small business, it's all Ji Han's help in unifying the world.

As far as the current stage is concerned, the contradiction between the two is not the main contradiction, and it is not irreconcilable.

The main purpose of dividing Ding Ding into mu is to solve the problem of hidden population, and at the same time stimulate the enthusiasm of farmers, resume production as soon as possible, and increase the population (refer to the population explosion after Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty)

It is to better reserve human resources for emerging industries in the future, rather than allowing it to provide population for emerging industries right now.

Some of the resources needed by emerging industries are provided by the upstarts themselves, and some are provided by foreigners.

A considerable part of it was taken from Wei and Wu, as well as those old-fashioned aristocratic families in Shu itself.

This is also the reason why Tubie wants to sell the workshop quota and let the female president organize a trade association:

Control the development speed of emerging industries within a certain range, and prevent disorderly and barbaric development.

One generation solves the problems of one generation, and try not to leave the problems to future generations.

But don't try to solve problems once and for all for future generations, because you can't solve problems that haven't come yet.

How to disintegrate family politics and change the direction of history is the most important problem that the local turtle must solve.

As for whether emerging industries will trigger an industrial revolution, if so, will the emerging class decide whether to involve or expand, and where will history go...

This is no longer something that the local turtle can decide.

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