Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 998 It's Me, Not the Enemy



"General, the former army broke down a stronghold and captured more than five hundred rioters. How dare you ask the general how to deal with it?"

"Huh? Chaotic people?"

Jiang Jihun, who was standing on the mountain road watching the terrain, said nonchalantly, "Enroll it in the Minfu, and then..."

Just when he was halfway through speaking, he suddenly stopped, and turned his head suddenly: "The rioters?"

Where did the rioters come from in Zhiguanxing?

Ziguanxing has been the most convenient passage from Hanoi to Hadong since ancient times.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, why did the Qin and Zhao countries use the power of the whole country to fight the battle of Changping?

It was because Qin State controlled Zhiguanxing, and then through Zhiguanxing, attacked the land of Hanoi, cutting off the connection between Shangdang and South Korea.

If Shangdang falls into the hands of Qin, Handan, the capital of Zhao (north of Yecheng), will be directly exposed to the threat of Qin's army.

It can be said that the control of Zhiguanxing can not only control the connection between Hanoi and Hedong, but also affect the Weihan Ancient Road—that is, the connection between Luoyang and Chang'an.

The importance of this mountain road can be imagined.

Although the east of Hanoi has not been threatened by foreign enemies in recent years, there are a little bit of civil unrest in the Great Wei Dynasty—especially in the heavy farming counties like the land of three rivers.

Therefore, there were originally garrisons at both ends of Zhiguanxing to ensure the smooth passage of the pass.

Now I don't see the garrison on the east side of Zhiguan Road, probably they were transferred to guard against the Shu captives.

The key question is, how long did it take for the defenders to leave before rioters appeared on the pass?

As soon as Jiang Ji thought of this, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Have someone bring the leader of the rioters here."

"Go back to the general, the leader... has been killed."

"Killed?" Jiang Ji was slightly taken aback, but there was no surprise on his face, and he nodded, "Then pick a few rioters who are familiar with the situation."

It doesn't matter to Jiang Ji whether the leader of the rebellion was killed before or after the rebellion was quelled.

Anyway, sooner or later he will be killed.

After a while, a few ragged people with yellow mud all over their bodies were brought to Jiang Ji.

Seeing Jiang Ji glanced at these timid rioters, he asked:

"Where are you from?"

Several people dare not speak.

Wei Bing next to him made a "clang" sound, and drew his knife halfway out of its sheath:

"Why didn't you answer the general's question!"

While talking, he took the scabbard and hit one person's back heavily.

The man staggered a step, with a frightened look on his face:

"Villain, villain, villain is Hedong Wenxi County..."

"Wenxi?" Jiang Ji's eyes flashed, "Then why do you occupy the mountains here to cause chaos?"

"Yes, it's Master Wang..." As soon as the man said it, his face turned pale, his legs softened, and he fell to his knees, "No, the villain was wrong, he was a Shu captive."

"Shu captives?" Jiang Ji's face changed, "Shu captives have heard the news?"

He hurried all the way, led the elite soldiers to double the road, and left the army behind, just wanting to pass through Zhiguanxing quickly.

The best, of course, is to block the Guanjuejin Valley before the Shu captives enter Pingyang County.

As long as the Shu captives can't pass through Guanjuejingu, they will have to withdraw from Bingzhou sooner or later.

At that time, there is no need to pursue them. It is still a question whether the Shu captives can return to Liangzhou from the desert.

In the worst case, I have to reach Jiangyi one step earlier than the Shu captives, and reject the Shu captives by the Weishui River, preventing them from entering Hedong.

I never thought that I would hear the news of the Shu captives before I left Guanxing.

"It's over, it's over for Wenxi, and I'm going to Anyi."

"What!" Jiang Ji lost his voice, "How could it be so fast? The Shu captives broke through Wenxi City?"

Are the guards in the two counties east of Pingyang dead?

"No, it was Wen Xi who surrendered the Shu captives, and the Shu captives forced the farmer to harvest grain from the fields."

"Some rebels took the opportunity to attack Wuzhai everywhere, and now Wenxi is full of rebels..."

The rambling words of the rioters made Jiang Ji pale with shock, and his face suddenly turned pale.

But seeing his body sway, he couldn't help but said: "I knew Feng Thief's subordinates were good at running and attacking, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. I miscalculated this time!"

From Taiyuan to Wenxi, there are strong cities and dangerous passes.

And from Hanoi to Hedong, it's just Zheguanxing.

Unexpectedly, Shu Lu's speed was much faster than himself.

Recalling that Wen Xi had actually opened the city gate and surrendered the Shu captives, Jiang Ji couldn't help being shocked and angry.

how come?

how come?

How dare!

"Anyone descending from the Pingyang River will be beheaded!"

Once the Shu captives passed Wenxi County, their own support army would no longer have any meaning for reinforcements.

I even have to consider the possibility of the Shu captives waiting for work in Hedong and laying an ambush against my support army.

As soon as he thought about it, Jiang Ji's body was dripping with cold sweat, and he subconsciously ordered loudly:

"Let the former army stop immediately!"


"Also, ask them to send out more scouts, especially in the direction of Wenxi, and report back immediately if there is any news!"

I was busy leading the army on this journey, because the marching speed was too fast, and because I was walking in the valley, sometimes it was too late to find out the situation.

Unexpectedly, Wen Xi had already fallen into the hands of Shu captives. If it wasn't for these disorderly people, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ji couldn't help being both grateful and afraid.

In addition to being afraid, lingering doubts arose in his heart:

It stands to reason that Guanzhong should react faster than Luoyang. Now that the Shu captives have entered Hedong so easily, could it be that even the reinforcements in Guanzhong have already been defeated?

Or... didn't come at all?

With all kinds of doubts, Jiang Ji didn't dare to enter Hedong easily before he found out the situation.

Governor Feng, who quietly led the army to stay in Linfen for three days, learned that Wei Jun, who had already emerged from Zhiguanxing, actually shrank back.

He couldn't help but smacked his lips, a little disappointed and said:

"I thought I could eat up the reinforcements from Hanoi, but I didn't expect that this leader is not only cautious in using troops, but also looks quite old-fashioned."

At this time, General Guan had already led the army through Anyi, and his own army stayed in Linfen again.

The large area from Linfen to Anyi was in turmoil, and it was very difficult to find out the news.

Feng Yong didn't believe that the other party could accurately detect his position just after he came out of Guanxing.

More importantly, as long as the opponent leaves Zhiguanxing and reoccupyes Wenxi County, he can cut off General Guan's retreat.

If General Guan can't cross the river in a short time, he can only go up the river to Pingyang County.

For the generals of Wei State, regaining Hedong means ensuring the connection between Guanzhong and Kanto, which can be said to be a great contribution to reversing the situation in Guanzhong.

Faced with such a huge temptation, the other party did not advance but retreated, and directly retreated to the gate, which showed his keenness.

"Your Majesty, what shall we do?"

Yang Wanwan, who was following Feng Cishi, couldn't help asking a bit depressed when he heard the words.

If you can't catch the army of Wei thieves in Zhiguanxing, it means that you have wasted three days here.

"Don't worry, I'm here, not there." Governor Feng smiled calmly, "If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. I want to see whether he wants to go out of Zhiguan or stay at Zhiguan."

Judging from the current intelligence, Sima Yi most likely intends to guard the west of the river and prevent himself from crossing the river.

And in the same way, if this Wei army retreated to Zhiguan and defended it, it would be a good response-this is from a military point of view.

But don’t forget that military is the continuation of politics—even the best military actions must serve politics.

If the strategic failure in politics cannot be reversed, no matter how successful the military operation is, it will also fail.

Abandoning Bingzhou, Sizhou Pingyang County and Hedong County means that Hebei and Luoyang are always under the threat of the big man.

Not to mention that Guanzhong has nothing to defend in this situation.

It is said that Guanzhong is a land of four fortresses, and the golden city is thousands of miles away.

Now Xiaoguan in Longshan has been lost, and one hundred thousand Han troops have left Hanzhong. If the Han army can gain a firm foothold in the east of the river, the four-block land will become a leak on all sides.

That means that sooner or later Guanzhong will be abandoned.

As long as Cao Rui is not "wise", he cannot allow this to happen.

So Governor Feng was not in a hurry.

Even if he wants to spend the new year in Hedong, he doesn't have to be afraid - there are big dogs everywhere in Hedong, so why worry about food and grass?

Anyi City, the largest land in the east of the river, is just a granary that he temporarily lets those wealthy households keep.

Anyway, the current economic foundation of the big man has become more and more incompatible with the aristocratic families in the Central Plains.

The aristocratic families in the Central Plains who control a huge population and land are not only a thorn in the eyes of the big Han upstarts, but also a big piece of fat.

As the leader of the upstarts, Feng Huishou couldn't possibly care about what the chaos in Hedong would be like in the end—maybe the worse the mess, the better.

Governor Feng was protecting General Guan's retreat in Linfen, and at the same time wanted to eat Wei Jun who had emerged from Zhiguanxing.

General Guan, on the other hand, led the army straight to Pubanjin without any scruples.

Knowing that General Guan came to the riverside to check the enemy's situation in person without stopping, Liu Hun, who went to the riverside to reconnaissance one step earlier, hurriedly went to pay homage: "General."

Holding up the binoculars to observe General Guan opposite, he asked indifferently, "How is the situation now?"

Liu Hun has been along the river these days, constantly inquiring and collecting information about the enemy, and when he heard General Guan's question, he quickly replied:

"Back to the general, the last general has inquired. The Wei thief in Guanzhong has been guarding the west bank, and has never tried to cross the river to rescue the east."

"Longmendu from above, is there any news?"

"Not yet, but the end general has sent a team and asked them to go north along the river to investigate and see if they can get in touch."

General Guan nodded.

Liu Hun's ability is indeed good.

In other words, a general who is capable of leading a battalion in the Liangzhou Army alone is not too bad.

"Try crossing the river?"

"I've tried it." Liu Hun shook his head, "The thief on the other side is not a simple person, and there are rangers patrolling up and down the ferry."

"At the same time, beacon towers are built every few miles. Once there are policemen, they will light up beacon fires. The defense is extremely strict."

Hearing this, General Guan couldn't help frowning and muttering: "Sima Yi..."

"Why didn't Sima Yi send reinforcements to cross the river, why! Why didn't he go to save Hedong?"

In the west hall of the Tai Chi Hall, Cao Rui ruthlessly smashed the military newspaper sent by Jiang Jigang down the steps, his face full of anger:

"There are more than 200,000 troops in Guanzhong, and the thief Ge is only 100,000, which is twice the size of the Shu captives. It's fine if they don't dare to take the initiative to attack."

"Sit back and watch the Shu captives enter Hedong, what is he trying to do?"

Probably because he was too angry, Cao Rui's face was flushed with unhealthy blood, and his chest was obviously heaving violently:

"I have issued three edicts, but I can't order him. What does he want to do, what does he want to do!"

Shangshulang Lianzhao, who was standing beside him, turned pale with fright. He didn't care about presumptuousness at the moment, and repeatedly advised in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, be careful with your words, Your Majesty!"

When Cao Rui heard the words, it was like adding fuel to the fire, and he jumped into a rage:

"The captives of Shu have already ridden on my head, and I can't order him. Does he have to look at Guan Zhong's face when he curses in his own palace?"

His name is Cao Rui, not Cao Chi!

In fact, after the Shu captives arrived at the city of Jinyang, Guanzhong got the news a little faster than Luoyang.

But now, the army led by Jiang Ji has almost finished passing through Guanxing, and the reinforcements in Guanzhong can't reach Hedong. Doesn't this mean that he is being fooled?

In order to defend Guanzhong, he has given Sima Yi great autonomy over the years, he can conscript troops and raise food independently.

And here in Luoyang, I am dispatching troops and sending food.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a situation...

Cao Rui gritted his teeth loudly, and the blood in his whole body seemed to rush to his head, making him feel that his eyes were going black for a while.

At this time, hurried footsteps came from outside the hall, and a small yellow door trotted in:

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Liu Zhongshu and Sun Zhongshu have urgent matters to see His Majesty."

Cao Rui sat down beside the table, closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before saying:

"Let them in."

Liu Fang and Sun Zide, who were in charge of the Central Secretariat, were summoned, and when they came in, they didn't care about their manners, and they said anxiously:

"Your Majesty, something is wrong. There are urgent reports from Hefei and Jingzhou that Wu Kou sent troops to the north to commit crimes!"

"What!" Although he had expected that Sun Quan would commit crimes in the north sooner or later, Cao Rui was still shocked and angry when he got the news at this moment, "Wu thief dare!"

He pressed down on the table, trying to use his strength to stand up, but unexpectedly there was another flash of gold stars in front of him, he swayed a few times, and had to fall back down:

"How strong is Wu Kou's army? Where did they come from?"

"Sun Quan has led an army into the mouth of Chaohu Lake, and came to Hefei New City, with a number of 100,000; Generals Lu Xun and Zhuge Jin were sent west to Jiangxia, with a number of 50,000; Sun Shao and Zhang Cheng were sent east to Huai to invade Xuzhou, with a number of 50,000. "

"The total number of Shu captives in the Guanzhong this time is no less than 150,000, and the number of Wu Kou is 200,000. It can be said that they all came from the whole country, ho ho..."

Cao Rui laughed miserably, "The Great Wei Kong has an army of 500,000 troops, but it was defeated by the two thieves and exhausted. I am ashamed of Emperor Wu and Emperor Wen!"

Cao Rui was talking and laughing, his voice was howling like a night owl, tears were pouring down like a fountain, and he coughed a few times suddenly.

Probably because his weak body couldn't bear such a big mood swing, he suddenly fell headfirst on the desk.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"It's not good, Your Majesty has fainted!"

"Hurry up, pass it on to the doctor!"

After a while of confusion, Cao Rui was carried into the palace, while Liu Fang and Sun Zi were blocked outside the palace gate.

The two had no choice but to turn back to Zhongshu Province when they suddenly saw Cao Zhao, Captain of the Dunqi School, walking in a hurry, and was directly put into the palace by the guards at the palace gate.

Both Liu Fang and Sun Zi were shocked, and they all looked at each other.

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