At the beginning of Cao Rui's ascension to the throne, it's not that he didn't think about weakening the aristocratic family.

Divide up the four auxiliary ministers, restore the five baht coins, strengthen the imperial court's control over the local area, appoint the stern and selfless Sima Zhi to attack the rich and powerful in Luoyang, and even go so far as to investigate the "flashy case" and so on.

It's just that for so many years, I don't know whether it was a coincidence or intentional by the Shu captives. Whenever Cao Rui's imperial power shows signs of being stable, there will always be problems on the border between Shu and Wei.

It forced him to rely on the power of the aristocratic family to maintain the stability of Wei.

As time went on, he could only watch helplessly as Shi Jiahao's influence in the court grew stronger and stronger.

Internal and external difficulties, many difficulties, Cao Rui gradually felt a sense of powerlessness.

The ambitions of his early years have also been constantly worn down. In the past few years, he has become more and more fond of indulging in female sex, so as to numb himself.

Not only additional guards were sent to guard the gate of the palace, but other ministers had no chance to enter the palace to meet the emperor except for his confidantes.

Even female officials were set up in the harem, and different grades were set up like the outer court, so that they could sort out official documents and assist in handling official affairs.

In other words, in the words of later generations, Cao Rui has become somewhat autistic.

Ting Wei Gao Rou also advised Cao Rui to dismiss the extra women in the palace, but Cao Rui just talked about him.

On the second day after Cao Rui fainted, there was news from the palace that His Majesty had woken up.

Many courtiers in the court wanted to enter the palace to see them, but they were all blocked.

Only Cao Zhao, the son of Cao Xiu, who was the captain of Tunqi at that time, Cao Shuang, the son of Cao Zhen, who was the general of Wuwei, and Cao Yu, the king of Yan, could enter.

When Liu Fang and Sun Zi heard about it, they were even more worried.

After being on duty, Sun Zi found an excuse and came to Liu Fang's house.

When Cao Cao became the Duke of Wei, the two had already been Secretary Lang together.

After Cao Pi usurped the throne, he was also in charge of the province.

Up to now, the official titles of the two have been constantly promoted, but the positions of Zhongshujian and Zhongshuling have always been held by them, and they have never changed.

It can be said that the two have been in charge of Wei Guoji for more than 20 years, which can be regarded as sharing honor and disgrace.

Over the years, there has been a gap in the talents of the clan, and Cao Rui has become more and more dependent on the veterans left behind by Cao Cao.

Liu Fang and Sun Zi are not only in charge of daily government affairs, dispatching troops and other major matters.

Even when the imperial court decides on major events, they have the right to decide right from wrong and act according to their decision.

Nowadays, many officials hear the name of "Zhongshu", and they dare not violate it, which shows the great power of Zhongshu Province.

But the faces of the two people who made the officials of the Wei State change their expressions were ugly at this time.

The reason is that someone quietly sent a message to the two of them from the palace:

Today, after Cao Zhao came out of His Majesty's bedroom, he saw a chicken perched on a branch of a tree in the hall, so he pointed at the chicken and blurted out:

"It's been a long time, how much can it recover?"

It means this thing has stayed for too long, I want to see how many days it can still dance?

Cao Zhao's words were inexplicable, and others could not understand what he wanted to express.

But who are Liu Fang and Sun Zi?

After three dynasties, the old man who has not only stood still, but has even become more and more powerful, will it be a fuel-efficient lamp?

Not to mention that Liu Fang and Sun Zi have mastered the secrets of Wei State for more than 20 years. Among other things, they are the top of Wei State in terms of analyzing intelligence.

Since Cao Rui came to the throne, Cao Yu, Cao Shuang, Cao Zhao, Qin Lang and others can be said to be emerging favorites.

Originally there was another Xiahouxian, but after the Xiahou clan fell out of favor, Xiahouxian also dismissed from office and went home.

There is only so little space around the emperor, if you occupy more, others will naturally occupy less.

Cao Zhao and Qin Lang have long been dissatisfied with Liu Fang and Sun Zi, thinking that they serve the emperor every day, and hold important powers. They have monopolized power for more than 20 years - occupying key positions for too long.

It was precisely because of the conflict between the two parties that Liu Fang and Sun Zi took advantage of the loss of Longyou to transfer Qin Lang away from Cao Rui and let him guard the county when Cao Rui drove to Chang'an.

It's just that Qin Lang's talent is really outstanding. In the end, he not only protected Cao Da Sima from the battle of Xiaoguan, but also defeated Ke Bineng.

Now Cao Zhao is serving inside, Qin Lang is leading the army outside, echoing inside and outside, has faintly overwhelmed Liu Fang and Sun Zi.

Coupled with the fact that His Majesty's physical condition is unknown, what Cao Zhao said in the hall immediately made Liu Fang and Sun Zi tremble with fear.

"Your Majesty's health may not be optimistic."

In the secret room of the Liu Mansion, Sun Zi had no scruples, and said such a sentence directly with a gloomy face.

Because if His Majesty is in good health, then the status of the two of them will not be shaken.

In appointing people, although His Majesty is suspected of trusting his confidants a little too much, but in terms of the overall situation, he still knows who can be used and who cannot be used.

Since Cao Zhao said such words, it means that His Majesty probably already has the intention of choosing a minister for the auxiliary government.

Liu Fang's face was even more gloomy than Sun Zi's, and his tone was like ice scum scraping the ground:

"It is very likely that His Majesty intends to let Cao Zhao assist the government."

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the worry in the other's eyes, as well as the hidden... a trace of fear.

"Qin Lang and Cao Zhao both hated us and the others, and Jiang Ji also wrote to His Majesty, saying that the Ministry of Education has the evil of evil officials' monopoly."

When Sun Zi said this, his face began to tremble a little.

Qin Lang and Jiang Ji are both leading the army now, if Cao Zhao is appointed by His Majesty as Assistant Minister, what will happen in the future, the two of them no longer dare to think about it.

"No, Cao Zhao can't be allowed to take power so easily, otherwise, I'm afraid we just want to have a burial place and can't get it!"

Sun Zi's eyes showed evil, "We must find a way to stop His Majesty."

Liu Fang was also a little annoyed:

"Now Your Majesty lives in the deep palace, we are not allowed to enter, but Cao Zhao can come in and out at will, there is nothing we can do."

As veterans of the three dynasties, it wasn't that they were unwilling to be loyal to Wei, but insisted on infighting at such a critical moment.

But the situation is too critical.

According to the conflict between himself and Cao Zhao and others, if he really let the other party come to power, not to mention the lives of the two of them, I am afraid that the family will be implicated.

To be loyal to Wei, one has to have one's life before one can be said to be loyal, right?

How can you be loyal when your life is gone?

The two of them have grasped too many secrets. Even if they want to retreat bravely now, others cannot rest assured-in fact, they have no way out.

Liu Zi stood up and took two steps back and forth:

"Although we cannot enter the palace, it does not mean that others cannot enter."

Having said that, he stood still and looked at Liu Fang.

After a moment of silence, two voices sounded at the same time:

"King Yan?"

"Cao Shuang?"

"Cao Shuang is the son of Cao Zhen. He is from the same royal family as Cao Zhao. How could he be partial to us?"

"At least Cao Shuang has no prejudice against us now." Liu Fang glanced at Sun Zi, "According to the practice of the Great Wei, there must be a clan among the auxiliary ministers."

"Since this is the case, instead of letting Cao Zhao go, it is better to let Cao Shuang go. Moreover, Cao Shuang is weak and seldom plans. Even if he takes power in the future, he will have to ask us for advice."

The harm between the two powers is the lesser, Cao Zhao and himself are sworn enemies, but Cao Shuang may not.

"What about King Yan?"

"King Yan?" Liu Fang sneered, "Leaving aside the status of King Yan, the King of Yan should know what he should do in accordance with the laws of the Great Wei Dynasty and the rules set by Emperor Wen."

The so-called King Yan is Cao Yu, the son of Cao Cao and Mrs. Huan, the uncle of Cao Rui, and the uncle of the future prince.

With the uncle and grandfather as the auxiliary minister, assisting the emperor's great-nephew?

Your Majesty is confused about this kind of thing, so is King Yan also confused?

Even if King Yan is confused, he and others, as the veteran ministers of the Great Wei Dynasty, cannot be confused.

"The King of Yan has always been respectful and gentle, so he should know what to do." Sun Zi said something nice for Cao Yu, "If it doesn't work, let me test it out and see what his plan is."

In all fairness, although Jiang Ji said that the Ministry of Education was suspected of "evil officials monopolizing power", Liu Fang and Sun Zi have always done a good job in handling confidential matters.

General Zhengdong Manchong offended many people because of his strict law enforcement. In addition, he was at odds with Wang Ling, who was born in a noble family, so he was often slandered.

After a lot of slander, Cao Rui also had doubts about Man Chong, and even called him back to Beijing.

Sun Zi often argues for Man Chong's reasons, and speaks out his interests in front of Cao Rui, so as to protect his reputation and prevent him from being framed.

On the contrary, when Sun Zi was slandered by others, he did not defend himself. Later, after the other party asked for reconciliation, he was still willing to marry the other party.

This kind of character, in the eyes of many people in the court, can be regarded as very strong.

So if Sun Zi came to find Cao Yu in person, I believe Cao Yu would not miss him.

As for whether Cao Yu will tell the truth, he always has to try to know, and if he doesn't try, he can only rely on guesswork forever.

Hearing that Sun Zi was willing to take the initiative to find Cao Yu, Liu Fang nodded: "That's fine, let's see what King Yan thinks, so we can deal with it."

"Since Yanlong is looking for King Yan, then I will look for Cao Shuang."

Liu Fang's eyes flickered, "If the King of Yan really knows how to advance and retreat, and we continue to drive a wedge between Cao Shuang and Cao Zhao, the matter will be mostly settled."

"Who doesn't want the assistant government position? I don't believe that Cao Shuang will be willing to give it up to Cao Zhao." Sun Zi also nodded in agreement, "Even if they are both assistant ministers, there is a priority."

Compared to sharing power with Cao Zhao, Sun Zi believes that Cao Shuang is more willing to hold power alone.

Even if it is impossible to monopolize power, at least the number of people should be as small as possible.

As long as someone can help Cao Shuang realize this, they believe that Cao Shuang will make the right choice.

The discussion has come to this point, and it is almost settled.

The two were silent for a while, but neither of them got up to leave.

After a while, Sun Zi said hesitantly:

"The most prestigious person in Wei today is none other than Da Sima. I think Da Sima should be told what happened in Luoyang these days. What does Ziqi think?"

Hearing this, Liu Fang let out a breath suddenly: "It is true."

After reaching an agreement, the two heaved a sigh of relief, and then smiled at each other.

Man Chong was originally favored by Sun Zi, if he could get the support of Da Sima again, even if Jiang Ji and Qin Lang, who were leading the army, were at odds with him, so what?

"After Sikong (Chen Qun) left, only Da Sima was left as the auxiliary minister of His Majesty. Of course, Da Sima should be notified of such a big event."

"That's right."

In Luoyang, the undercurrent began to surge.

Governor Feng, who had been staying in Linfen to accumulate strength and wanted to hit Jiang Ji head-on at any time, naturally did not know what happened in Luoyang.

One day, he suddenly discovered that after some hesitation, Jiang Ji turned around and retreated as the leader.

It seems that he really wants to guard against the gate.

Although Inspector Feng was ready to pounce, Jiang Ji's resolute withdrawal still made him a little depressed, like a punch in the air.

"Brother, what shall we do now?"

Zhao Guang asked sullenly.

"Cold salad!"

As the commander-in-chief, Governor Feng naturally couldn't let himself fall into emotions for too long. After complaining, he quickly re-examined the current situation and responded at the same time:

"In this way, I will lead 3,000 troops to find General Guan, and you will continue to lead the army and stay in Linfen."

"Ah, brother, are you going to leave little brother behind?"

Governor Feng clicked his tongue: "Just do what I say, I have my own plan, you just stay in Linfen, don't worry about the rest."

Zhao Guang and Yang Wanwan had no choice but to nod in response.

If they really want to lead the army into battle, the two of them may not be able to completely convince the arrogant soldiers of the Liangzhou Army.

But let them lead the army to defend Linfen, this prestige is still there.

Yang Wanwan can be regarded as the younger brother who called Feng Cishi "elder brother" earlier.

Not to mention Zhao Guang, the number one hardcore kid.

In the Liangzhou Army, many grassroots backbones are still children of Nanxiang or Yuexuan.

The most elite group of veterans, if they don't give face to anyone, they should also give face to both of them.

These veterans even came out of the Nanxiang Workshop Guard at the earliest, and the one with the worst luck is now the head of the centurion.

When Zhao Guang was in Nanxiang, he personally participated in the "Military Exercise Code" training, and it would not be too much to say that he was their old boss.

And right now, the only threat to Linfen is the army led by Jiang Ji in Zhiguanxing.

It's just that after waiting for so long, if Jiang Ji really dared to come out, he would have come out a long time ago, so he wouldn't wait until now.

So Governor Feng was not worried at all.

After the arrangement was completed, Governor Feng really led 3,000 cavalry troops through Wenxi County in a big way.

There was no movement at Zhiguanxing in the east of Wenxi County.

So Governor Feng didn't hesitate any more, led the army around Anyi County, and swept towards Pubanjin along the Sushui River.

Hedong has completely become a battlefield for the Han cavalry.

Knowing that Governor Feng was going to come over, General Guan, who was stationed at Pubanjin, was not in a hurry to cross the river.

Anyway, according to the current situation, even if she wanted to cross by force, most of the people on hand would be filled into the big river.

Years of planning, thousands of miles of raids, smacking east and west, concealing the sky and crossing the sea, secretly hiding the old warehouse, falsely attacking the country...

All that can be used have been used.

All that can be done has been done.

The rest is up to God.

General Guan, who was standing by the river, was meditating when he suddenly heard hooves churning like thunder.

She turned her head to look, but saw an iron horse rumbling towards in the distance.

Seeing the banner clearly, General Guan, who had been extremely cold all along, had a smile on his face.

Although she was dressed like a man, her smile actually gave people the illusion of a bright spring in this autumnal weather.

"Raise the flag!"

"Your Majesty has orders, raise the banner!"

The huge Feng character banner is slowly rising, facing the autumn wind blowing across the river, making a loud noise.

Under the banner, General Guan's eyebrows are like sharp swords, his eyes are like autumn water, looking at Feng Junhou, who is busy in the world, his lips parted lightly:


Feng Junhou looked at General Guan in front of him, his eyes and face were full of smiles, and at the same time there was unresolved joy, but he nodded: "Here we come."

PS: The map of the situation in Hedong, please click on the comment, the first floor is not simple since ancient times.

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