On the evening of the first day, Xian Yufu received the first military report from Longmen Ferry.

However, the military newspaper only said that the Shu captives attacked the ferry.

As for the final situation of the battle, it was not mentioned.

This sudden situation made Xian Yufu almost unable to bear it and immediately sent reinforcements.

It's just that when he looked to the other side, he had no choice but to resist the urge.

The reason is simple, according to the spies' report, Feng Lingdu's thief Feng seems to have changed and his disappearance is uncertain.

Looking at these two news together, Xian Yufu couldn't help but sneer in his heart:

The plan of the Shu captives was just to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, intending to attack Pubanjin and attack Longmendu, how could I be fooled?

No matter what the Shu captives do, just keep an eye on Feng thief, there will be no mistakes!

The truth is that's right.

It's just that Xian Yufu didn't know that now Feng, unless he had to, seldom leads the battle in person.

After all, he now has to consider issues from the perspective of the overall situation, and is a strategist, not a tactic executor.

Not to mention, in the battle of Xiao Guan, which made someone Feng a famous general, he just stood on the commanding platform and became a mascot.

The real operator who fought against Cao Da Sima with a disadvantaged force without losing the wind, and finally lured Cao Da Sima to show his flaws, and then suddenly dealt a fatal blow to Cao Da Sima was General Guan who was at the Longmen Ferry.

It can be said that Xian Yufu stared at Feng thief, did not send reinforcements to Longmen Ferry in time, and let the defenders of Longmen Ferry face General Guan alone, which made him miss the last chance to save the situation in Guanzhong.

After spending the night with some anxiety, Xian Yufu breathed a sigh of relief when he received the military report from Longmen Ferry again early the next morning.

The military newspaper made it very clear that although the ferry was attacked by thieves, it did not let the Shu captives succeed. At the same time, it also promised that the Shu captives on the river beach would be driven into the river today.

The only thing that made him a little uneasy was that the Shu captives occupied a small area in Hexi.

In order to avoid accidents, Xian Yufu finally decided to send 3,000 reinforcements to Longmen Ferry.

He also dispatched fast horses and told the guard at Longmen Ferry to find a way to drive the Shu captives back into the river as soon as possible.

In fact, without Xian Yufu's orders, the guard at Longmendu wanted to do it yesterday - but he couldn't do it.

The reason is also very simple.

The surprise attack by the Shu captives caught the defenders at the ferry a little off guard. After a period of confusion, the Shu captives had already occupied a river beach.

By the time he organized defense first, stabilized the morale of the army, then reorganized the entire army, and finally prepared to organize a counterattack, it was already too late.

Although the last two impromptu counterattacks did not drive the more than 1,000 Shu captives on the river beach into the river.

But in his opinion, this small number of troops is not enough to pose too much threat to the ferry, at most they are just taking advantage of the sneak attack.

After all, I have nearly ten thousand people in my hands, with such a big advantage, and occupying a geographical advantage, can the Shu captives fight ten of them one at a time?

This is not a flat land, but a river beach. The rumored armored ghost of the Shu captives rode here, that is to die.

So that night, the ferry guard who slept in his clothes slept peacefully.

Then at dawn the next day, he was shaken awake by a terrified guard:

"General, it's not good, something big happened outside!"

"What happened?"

The guard had just been shaken awake, and he didn't react for a while, so he grunted.

"Shu captives..."

"What happened to Shu captives!"

The word "Shu captive" is the best stimulus, and the ferry guard suddenly jumped up.

The guard's face was a little pale:

"The general should go and have a look."

The guard at the ferry suddenly felt something was wrong. He picked up his sword and hurried out, rushing up to the observation tower.

Three pontoon bridges spanning the big river suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The pontoon bridge undulates with the waves of the river, like three roaring dragons.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The ferry guard was trembling all over, his face was pale, without a trace of blood, subconsciously he refused to believe what his eyes saw.

Overnight, just overnight, the Shu captives built three pontoon bridges for war horses to travel. How did they do it?

"How do they work at night? Can they all see at night?"

As we all know, soldiers who can fight at night can be regarded as the most elite and powerful soldiers in the army.

Without him, because there are many soldiers in the army, their eyes cannot see at night, commonly known as blindfolded.

Therefore, whenever there is a big battle or any unexpected incident, the soldiers are under too much pressure, so they must pay special attention to the camp whistle at night.

Once the battalion screams or even bombs the battalion, the soldiers are like headless chickens, running around with their heads covered and being slaughtered.

A very important reason is that they cannot see things with their eyes and are prone to panic.

"Crazy, the Shu prisoner must be crazy!"

The ferry guard murmured.

A strong soldier who can see at night can be regarded as a valuable force in the army wherever he is placed.

In addition to training on weekdays, they would not be willing to let them expend a little more energy.

It doesn't matter if the other soldiers don't have enough to eat, they must ensure that they have enough to eat.

Not only do they have to be full, but they also eat much better than ordinary soldiers.

The Shu captives on the opposite side actually let them work at night. Isn't this crazy?

Thinking of this, the guard at the ferry crossed suddenly:

How many elite soldiers must there be in the Shu army who can see things at night if they built three such large pontoon bridges overnight?

So... the opposite side is actually the main force of the Shu captives?

"Come on, come on!"


"Hurry up, send someone to send a letter to General Xianyu, telling him to send reinforcements immediately, telling the general that Longmendu is the main force of the Shu captives' army! Go!"

"Woo woo woo..."

The guard at the Wei Army's ferry had just finished his orders, when the sound of horns suddenly sounded in the simple camp of the Han Army on the river beach.

An elite soldier of the Han army carefully poured the last piece of sugar into his mouth, squinted his eyes, chewed several times carefully, and then swallowed it.

Then stand up and stretch your arms out.

The soldiers who had been waiting at the side quickly took the armor and began to help the elite soldiers put on the armor.

"Daihui will follow me, don't rush to the front, pay attention to my movements, and listen to my orders clearly."

Jing Zu looked only in his thirties, and the war was about to start, his eyes were extremely dull.

Obviously, this is the calmness that has been cultivated through countless times of life and death.


The young soldier who helped put on the armor quickly responded.

He might be a little nervous, and his fingers trembled a little. He had to buckle the buttons of the armor several times before he could fasten them.

The elite soldiers seemed to feel the emotions of the young soldiers, he didn't look back, and said softly:

"Don't be nervous, the thieves on the opposite side can't beat us. Back then, when Feng Junhou took me out of Nanxiang, I was younger than you are now!"

As he said that, he seemed to be a little bit embarrassed, "It's just a blink of an eye, and I have been fighting south and north with the Lord for more than ten years."

Patting the fine iron armor on his body, he laughed again, "We didn't have such good armor back then, wouldn't we beat Wei thief like a coward?"

"Woo woo woo..."

The horn sounded for the second time.


The fine soldier patted the saber on his waist, picked up the halberd, and led his men towards the assembly point.

The "Guan" flag fluttered in the wind at the highest point of the camp.

General Guan stood at the highest point with a calm face.

The soldiers below began to run in small steps, and at the front of the queue, the tall and big cockroaches had already been lined up.

The Wei Jun ferry guard who had been staring at the pontoon bridge, only then noticed that the Shu captives had already started to form on the river beach, as if they were about to attack.

Looking at the big flag with the word "Guan" by the river, he swallowed hard.

Ever since the fall of Bingzhou, I don't know where the news came out, saying that Feng Linhuo was under Feng Linhuo's command, and there were four thugs.

In the battle of Jieting, he was as immovable as a mountain, blocking Old General Zhang.

In the first battle of Xiaoguan, the aggression was like fire, and Cao Dasima was defeated.

In the first battle of Guanzhong, it was as fast as the wind and swept the two states of Bingsi.

Obviously there are nearly 10,000 horses on hand, but Wei Jun's guard is still beating drums in his heart.

Without him, the handsome flag of the Shu captives put too much pressure on people.

It's as fast as the wind...

In my own army, before they even had time to eat breakfast, the Shu captives had already attacked, and it really was as fast as the wind.

The horn sounded in the third pass, but seeing the Han army drinking and drinking, they began to move forward.

Unlike crossing the river in a hurry yesterday, today's Han army marched in formation.

Although the siege equipment such as ladders and carts are somewhat crude, the defenders of the Wei army at the ferry are nothing more than camps, not real cities.

However, the Wei army has a good location, and the high and low crossbow formations, especially the crossbowmen on the archery tower, are condescending, and even the big pole can't stop the rain-like arrows.

In the process of rushing towards the Wei army camp, soldiers of the Han army kept falling down screaming.


The big rod hit the antlers.

"Step aside!"

The car was pushed out and hit hard.


The antlers wobbled, but did not fall.

On the contrary, Wei Jun, who was guarding behind the antlers, shouted in unison, stabbing with long spears and halberds, so that the Han army could not let go of their hands and feet to destroy.

There were even soldiers of the Han army who got too close, and one of them was stabbed directly on the facade without guarding against it.

There was only a cry of misery, and the soldiers of the Han army covered their faces, staggered back and fell down.


However, because the antlers and fences that were destroyed by the Han army yesterday, even if they were repaired in a hurry, they were not as strong as other places.

And these places happened to be the direction where the Han army focused on attacking.

The car slammed into it again, and the antlers made a teeth-stinging sound.

A strong Han soldier shouted:

"follow me!"

Several people held up the big pole and rushed forward with all their strength.


The antlers finally fell apart.


Following behind, the elite soldiers in fine iron armor couldn't hold back for a long time, shouted in unison, and rushed in from this corner.

The spear stabbed over.

After the dull impact, the thick armor blocked the sharp spear point.

The elite soldier of the Han army hiding in the armor also let out a muffled grunt.

The powerful impact made him feel a bit sweet in his throat, and he felt dizzy, and the halberd in his hand fell to the ground.

He bit his tongue, trying to keep himself awake, and at the same time subconsciously pulled out the saber at his waist, and slashed forward fiercely.

The soldiers of the Wei army on the opposite side only felt light in their hands, and the spear was cut off by the opponent.

Looking up, a pair of blood-red eyes stared at him closely, making his heart tremble.

Relying on the protection of the armor on their bodies, the elite soldiers of the Han army rushed up with their swords in spite of everything.

Someone in the Wei army wanted to cover his companions, so he raised his spear and stabbed him, wanting to drive back the elite soldiers of the Han army.

There is also a long halberd coming from the diagonal...


Slashing down with the saber cut through the armor of the soldiers of the Wei army, and blood gushed like a spring.

The Bailian Zhanmadao, regarded as a precious sword by the Wei people, was actually a standing weapon for the elite soldiers of the Han army.

The crushing of weapons is so unreasonable.

It's just that the elite soldiers of the Han army were too aggressive and did not have the cover of their comrades. Several long spears stabbed him again and set him up.

The Han soldier spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, his life and death unknown.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing the soldiers of the Wei army rushing over, trying to block the gap, the soldiers of the Han army behind who couldn't squeeze in suddenly pulled out their hand crossbows.


Compared with the strong crossbow in the army, the hand crossbow is like a small toy.

But shooting at such a short distance, the lethality cannot be underestimated, and with such a dense crowd, someone was shot over on the spot.

"Come into your mother!"

Many Wei soldiers cursed in their hearts.

I don't know where the Shu captives got so many weird things.

Fighting face to face, but still shooting crossbow arrows?

is a person?

Is this what people do?

Do you understand the rules?

Do you want to talk about martial arts?

Relying on the hand crossbow to forcibly widen the gap, more and more elite soldiers poured in.

"Three three formations!"

With enough people, small formations can be formed.

The strong grassroots organizational capabilities of the Liangzhou Army are perfectly reflected in this small group battle.

Let the Wei army continue to rush up, and the elite soldiers of the Han army who rushed out of the gap formed a small formation on their own, like rocks in a stormy sea, standing still and guarding the gap.

There was no interference from the Wei army around the gap, and more and more Han troops worked together to start destroying the antlers.

More importantly, General Guan sent the crossbowmen over as quickly as possible, trying to suppress the rescue speed of the Wei army.

The guard at Wei Jun Ferry had noticed this scene a long time ago. The weather was quite cool, and his forehead was sweating.

"It's as fast as the wind...it's as fast as the wind..."

In the hands of the thief Guan is indeed the elite main force of the Shu captives!

"Come on, send another battalion!"


A soldier rushed over with his men in a hurry, and personally led the army to rush up.

Unexpectedly, he had just crossed the fence, and several crossbow arrows shot at him together as if they had eyes.

Although before rushing up, he had already noticed that this was the coverage area of ​​Shulu's crossbow arrows, which was intended to cover the opponent's flank.

But relying on the armor on his body, he was not afraid at all.




After rushing a few steps, Zubo's body shook, and he only felt that the strength in his body was suddenly drained.

His eyes widened in disbelief, and he wanted to look down, but he fell down.

"Do you not believe in evil?"

A certain sniper crossbowman not far away, taking advantage of the confusion, retreated to the rear, muttered, and then put the heavy crossbow in his hand on the ground.

Then stepping on the ring on the crossbow, using both hands and feet, cooperating with the strength of the waist, and exhausting all the strength of the whole body, he pulled the heavy crossbow, took a long and heavy armor-piercing crossbow and loaded it.

Armor-piercing crossbow arrows can penetrate the armor of the thief—at least a considerable part of the armor.

The disadvantage is that it is far from the range of ordinary crossbow bolts.

Developed by Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau and manufactured by Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation, it needs a special heavy crossbow to exert its greatest power, and the two can be combined into a suit.

Very expensive, belonging to the equipment of local tyrants.

Bows and crossbows are proficient and exclusive, and ordinary people are not qualified to use them.

The sniper crossbowman took a lot of effort to install the crossbow, and then wandered again, his sharp eyes scanning the battlefield again, looking for valuable targets.

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