Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1006 Crossing to the West, Lucky to the East

At first, the general guarding the ferry of the Wei army thought he could repel the Han army and hold the ferry.

The next day, the two sides attacked and defended for a whole day. Looking at the obstacles such as the antler fence outside the camp, they were destroyed by the Han army a lot.

Coupled with the various teams sent out to rescue, some kind of confusion often occurs inexplicably, leading to problems such as ineffective rescue.

He realized that he had overestimated himself, and that the Shu captives were not just talking about being strong.

But he didn't panic, at least he had close to ten thousand people in his hands, plus depending on the location and the stronghold, he could defend it for five or six days, right?

At least they can wait until the arrival of reinforcements from General Fuguo.

With such thoughts in mind, the ferry guard didn't even take off his armor at night, let alone fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, at the third watch of the night, the battlefield that had been quiet for most of the night suddenly exploded with thunder on the flat ground.

Flames burst out at the gate of Wei Junzhai, and then sparks flew wildly.

At night, it is like a thousand trees and silver flowers blooming together, blown down by the wind, like falling stars...

The gate of the village was destroyed by something, and only half of the gate of the village was pushed open by some invisible thing, and fell to the ground.

A group of hideous-faced ghost soldiers with green faces and fangs swarmed in, shouting.

Wei soldiers who can be on duty at night can be regarded as elite soldiers in the army.

But what they saw in front of them frightened them into stupidity. Many people were stunned, as if they had been casted by a spell, unable to move.

Rumor has it that Feng Thief is called the King of Ghosts, and he can summon the ghosts of the underworld to help him. I didn't expect that I was "fortunate" to see it with my own eyes.

What is clear is that they never thought of having this kind of "luck".

It's just that everything in front of me is too shocking and weird, making it impossible to think of other explanations.

But can ghosts also summon thunder?

Or how could there be a sound of thunder, and the strong gate of the village would suddenly disappear?

Ghost soldiers like wolves and tigers rushed into the village, facing Wei Bing who hadn't recovered from the shock, it was really wolves joining sheep.

With the sword in hand and the sword in hand, without resistance, the credit will be at hand.

The half-awake, half-dream guard at the ferry did not dare to take off his clothes and go to sleep.

The sudden thunder and the noise behind made him get up immediately:

"what happened?"

Did a bombing happen?

The guards guarding the tent didn't need to order, they had already gone to find out the situation.

But before the personal guard came back, the captain on duty ran over, trembling and chattering teeth:

"General... General, ghost, there is a ghost..."

What the hell?

What the hell are you looking like?

"Shu Lu, Shu Lu took advantage of the night to summon the evil spirits, and the evil spirits can cause thunder. Now the village is in chaos, everything is in chaos..."

Seeing the lieutenant who was shaking like chaff all over and couldn't even speak clearly, the ferry guard almost couldn't help but drew his sword and chopped him down.

The camp is full of men, where is the ghost in a place with such a strong yang energy?

Is this being beaten stupid by Shu captives?

Afraid of becoming like this?

The guard at the ferry got up, pushed the captain away, and rushed out of the camp. Then he saw the direction of the river, and there was a flame rising into the sky.

Although he couldn't see the real situation there, he knew from experience that there must be chaos there.

The Shu captives have even entered the camp on a large scale.

"what happened?!"

"Ghost, the Shu captives have summoned evil spirits..."

The captain ran out after him, explaining without hesitation.


Turning around is just a slap in the face.

The old man has been fighting for more than ten years, and the number of lives in hand is unknown, so why didn't the devil come to find him?


The guard finally came back.

"How about it?"

"The Shu captives summoned evil spirits and charged in while they were in chaos. Now everything is in chaos!"

Guard: ...

The captain with a swollen face leaned over again:

"General, am I right? Shu captives really summoned evil spirits."

Guard: ...

"What about the other battalions?"


In the direction of the Zhaimen, the chaos seems to have not stopped, but has a tendency to expand.

There was also a commotion in the rear, the guard's face was gloomy, and his heart was burning with anxiety.

Night battle, this is night battle.

Because of being blindfolded, there was no way to give orders as comprehensively as in the daytime.

Only part of the soldiers can be transferred.

But some of these soldiers had already been dispersed by the Shu captives, and they didn't block them for a moment.


Although he was prepared for night attacks, there were a large number of soldiers in the Shu army who could see at night, but he himself did not adjust in time.

Or, even if there are some adjustments, I'm afraid...

"The soldiers in front can't stop it anymore, and those behind have already blown up the battalion. General, they can't hold it anymore!"

The personal guards and messengers kept passing on the news, which made the guard gradually turn from anxious to icy cold.

The front could not carry out the military order, and the rear began to bomb the camp. In this situation, there is no way for the soldiers to come.

He can even see now that the place where the fire is shining brightly, it seems that there are really evil spirits flashing by?

Seeing his general standing there blankly, his face was cloudy and cloudy under the light of the fire.


Several personal guards winked at each other, "General, right now, I'm afraid I really can't hold on, why not..."

no respond.

"General, offended."

Several people set up their own generals, and the remaining guards took cover and retreated to the rear.


The sky was getting bright, and General Guan, wearing cowhide boots, stepped on a piece of wood that was still smoking, and by the way stomped out the sparks on it.

The original gate of the Wei army camp has been demolished to pieces.

The soldiers were cleaning up the battlefield and planned to clean up the camp of the Wei army. In this way, they could finally sleep peacefully tonight.

Coupled with the supplies left by Wei Jun, you can still have a good meal before going to bed.

When the nearby soldiers saw the tall and straight General Guan approaching, they all saluted with respect—or perhaps it could be said to be in awe.

The huge thunder last night, not to mention the Wei army, even most of the soldiers of the Han army did not understand what happened.

Anyway, it must have something to do with General Guan.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that he directly opened the gate of Wei thief's village?

General Guan nodded slightly at them, and then set his eyes on the big hole that appeared out of thin air.

Zhao Guang, who was following General Guan, had his dog's eyes widened a long time ago, walked around the big pit a few times, and gestured with his hands, as if he was measuring the size of the pit.

Finally, he raised his head and looked at General Guan in fear.

"Ah, cough, general, this... this..."

He pointed to the big pit, then looked at General Guan, murmuring, not knowing what to say.

General Guan shook his head slightly, and spit out two words:

"Step aside."


Zhao Guang was a little confused.

"General Zhao, I'm sorry, please avoid."

Although the soldiers who followed were very polite, their tone was unquestionable.

A group of elite soldiers surrounded the pit and pushed Zhao Guang out without any regard for General Zhao's identity.

Several young people entered the guard circle, some with pens and paper, some with a tape measure, and some even jumped into the pit and began to measure the depth of the big pit.

Zhao Guang stretched his neck, wanting to see clearly what they were doing, but there were vague words such as "circumference, diameter, depth..." and so on.

"Is this a student from the academy?"

Zhao Guang was a little puzzled.

"The students who were selected by Junhou himself from the academy went directly to the Thunder God Camp."

General Guan, with his hands behind his back, quietly watched them busy, and rarely explained.

"Thunder God's Battalion?" Zhao Guang asked in surprise, "When was this new battalion established in the army? Why didn't I know?"

General Guan glanced at him and said meaningfully:

"The king has already started to build it when he became the governor of Liangzhou. Except for the soldiers of the Thunder God Battalion, Liangzhou and even the big men know that there is such a battalion, and they can count it on their fingers."

Don't look at Zhang Xiaosi who claims to be the steward of Liangzhou Governor's Mansion, she has no right to know.

In Liangzhou, there are only three people who can freely enter and leave the Leishen camp.

Governor Feng, General Guan, Amei.

So this time, it was the first time Thunder God Camp appeared in front of the world.

Zhao Guang was stunned.

After a while, he looked at the big pit that was surrounded and prevented him from approaching, with a sad expression on his face:

"Brother doesn't love me..."

The ghost mask was obviously the first one that my elder brother let me wear, but last night there were a group of people wearing ghost masks.

Worst of all, I wasn't in it.

Until today, I didn't know that the Liangzhou Army had such a Thunder God Battalion, and my brother actually kept it from himself.

General Guan, with his hands behind his back, subconsciously squeezed ten slender fingers behind him, his joints creaking.

She took a deep breath and forcibly resisted the urge to slap this guy to death.

In the backyard mansion, there is a little four who always wants to be superior.

While the leader was away, some men said that Alang didn't love him.

Can this world ever get better?

Why do you have so much malice towards your wife?

If he hadn't known that Alang was not a man, General Guan would probably have kicked this guy into the pit at this time, and ordered someone to bury him alive.

At this moment, Yang Wanwan hurried over:

"Meet the general."

General Guan was kind to Yang Wanwan:

"You don't need to be formal, you played very well last night."

Yang Wanwan was a little embarrassed:

"It's all under the command of the general."

There was some dust on his face, and he looked a little funny.

The ghost mask that was originally worn on the face was lifted to the head at this time, making it even more nondescript.

General Guan waved his hand:

"A meritorious service is a meritorious service. There is no need to be humble. Last night I was only in charge of helping you open the gate of the stronghold. The rest is all up to you to lead people to their lives. You are the first in this battle."

When Yang Wanwan heard this, he immediately beamed with joy:

"Thank you General!"

After General Guan successfully crossed the river, he immediately sent someone to send a letter to Governor Feng in the south as quickly as possible.

It's just that before her letter was delivered to Governor Feng, Cao Rui, who was far away in Luoyang, had already received the letter from Sima Yi from Guanzhong.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

Lian Zhao knelt in front of the couch, leaned close to Cao Rui's ear, and called softly.

Cao Rui, who was lying on the couch, slowly opened his eyes, his dull eyes froze for a moment, as if he was judging where he was.

Then he looked at the side of the couch: "What's the matter?"

Lian Zhao walked on his knees and moved closer to the couch:

"Your Majesty, the Supervisor of Zhongshu and Zhongshuling want to see His Majesty for something, and they say it's news from Guanzhong. Will Your Majesty see you or not?"

Hearing the news that it was Guan Zhong, Cao Rui's eyes lit up immediately, and the expression on his face also became richer.

Lian Zhao knew what he meant, and without waiting for Cao Rui's order, he quickly and carefully lifted him up and sat on the couch.

"Let them in."


Lian Zhao bowed and stepped back out of the bedroom in small steps.

"His Majesty."

"I've been feeling tired lately, and I always feel that I can't see things clearly. The two of you should talk closer."

Cao Rui ordered.

Liu Fang and Sun Zi took two steps closer when they heard the words.

"What news did Guan Zhong send?"

Cao Rui looked at the two with an ugly look on his face, and he didn't know if it was because he was in a bad mood or in a bad mood:

"Did Sima drive the Shu captives out of Guanzhong?"

Hearing this, Liu Fang and Sun Zi glanced at each other quietly, and finally Liu Fang answered:

"Your Majesty, Da Sima is still confronting the Shu captives in Guanzhong, but he sent someone to send a memorial."

Cao Rui said "heh":

"Big Sima is charged with guarding the country's gates. He is confronting the bandits in Guanzhong. What else can he do besides military affairs?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in his tone:

"Could it be that Da Sima is in the front, but his heart is on the back, and he still wants to speak to me?"

Hearing Cao Rui's words, Liu Fang and Sun Zi couldn't help being a little shocked.

Cao Rui was just talking casually, but he didn't expect to see the expressions of the two when he looked up, and he was startled on the spot.

"Your Majesty, Da Sima really wants to speak..."

Sun Zi said hesitantly.

"What did he say in the memorial?"

Cao Rui's chest heaved a little, he closed his eyes, he didn't want to read what Sima Yi wrote, and only let the two of them relay it.

"The Shu captives are powerful. Da Sima said that the war in Guanzhong may not be quelled in a short period of time. Now Wu Kou took the opportunity to invade the north again. It can be said that Wei is surrounded by enemies."

"The captives from Shu came to invade from the whole country. Wu Kou's invasion from the north this time may be different from the past, so Da Sima is a little worried about the war in the east."

"The Great Sima said, Your Majesty is very powerful. If you can tour Xuchang eastward and deter Xiaoxiao, the country will be lucky."

Hearing this, Cao Rui suddenly opened his eyes and shouted angrily:

"Sima Yi dare!"

It is said that he is visiting Xuchang in the east, but he is actually avoiding the edge of the Shu captives. In other words, Sima Yi actually made the dignified emperor abandon the city and flee?

Liu Fang and Sun Zi quickly bowed their heads, not daring to speak any more.

Cao Rui was already sick, but at this moment, he became angry and coughed violently.

After the cough stopped, he looked at Liu Fang and Sun Zi again:

"Tell me honestly, what's going on in Guanzhong? Can Sima Yi stop the Shu captives?"

Since he fainted last time, he has not had the energy to meet foreign ministers for a long time, let alone deal with government affairs.

Fortunately, a long time ago, Zhongshu Sheng and Shang Shutai had the power to divide government affairs.

So after falling ill this time, apart from some fluctuations in people's hearts in the first few days, nothing major happened.

The only change is that Cao Rui has to rely more on Liu Fang and Sun Zi who are in charge of Zhongshu Province.

After all, he has no extra energy to take care of other things.

Liu Fang and Sun Zi are veterans of the three dynasties and they are trustworthy.

Seeing that Cao Rui asked twice, the two who had always been trusted by the Cao family knew that His Majesty had become suspicious.

So the two whispered:

"Your Majesty, there is no major event in Guanzhong yet, but in the opinion of the two of us, even if Da Sima can stop Ge thief from the west, he may not be able to stop Feng thief from the east."

"Da Sima's speech this time is also taking precautions..."

When Cao Rui heard the words, he sat there for a while without saying a word.

After a long time, he quietly asked:

"What do you two think of Da Sima's words?"

Liu Fang and Sun Zi looked at each other again, this time it was Sun Zi who stood up and spoke:

"Since Your Majesty ascended the Great Treasure, the princes and princesses have suffered misfortunes one after another. The newly built palace either caught fire or collapsed inexplicably."

"Your Majesty is at the peak of spring and autumn, but in the past two years, you have been plagued by illnesses. Could it be that the heavens have warned you that Luoyang's Feng Shui is not compatible with your majesty's fate?"

A few days ago, His Majesty fell ill, and all foreign ministers were not allowed to enter. Only Cao Zhao and others were allowed to enter and leave the palace, which made the two of them almost lose their souls.

Seeing that His Majesty's health is getting worse day by day, even a blind person can see that His Majesty already has the idea of ​​arranging funeral arrangements.

After going to Xuchang, everything will start again, and many things will change.

Most importantly, as long as His Majesty is allowed to move out of the deep palace in Luoyang, Cao Zhao will lose one advantage.

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