Cao Rui is neither a fool nor a fool.

It's not that the Shu captives have entered Sizhou now, but he must stand firm in Luoyang.

After all, when a certain surnamed Guan almost captured Xiangfan, Emperor Wu also thought about moving the capital.

It's just that Cao Rui can take the initiative to propose things like Dongxing Xuchang.

It can also be proposed by the princes in the court.

The only thing that can't be proposed by Sima Yi, who is in command of a heavy army outside.

Even Man Chong, the governor of Yangzhou, would have no problem bringing it up, but Sima Yi couldn't bring it up.

the reason is simple.

Sima Yi has a heavy army in his hands, and he can independently prepare money and food to support the army.

More importantly, behind him, there is the support of the aristocratic family in the Central Plains.

If it is not for the lack of the power to appoint officials independently, it will be no different from the princes and kings who have established their own countries.

Being on the front line, he didn't concentrate on thinking about the strategy of retreating the enemy, but advised the emperor in the rear to patrol the east.

Is this something he should be in charge of? !

I entrust you with everything in front of me, yet you still stretch your hands behind, what do you want to do?

What on earth do you want to do!

Cao Rui clenched his teeth tightly.

Due to the long illness and this special period, Cao Rui's mind is much more sensitive than before.

Not to mention Sima Yi's approach, there are too many things that can be interpreted.

It's just that Cao Rui can't talk about this kind of emperor's mind with Sun and Liu.

With a gloomy face, he spoke slowly after a long time:

"I'm too tired, let me rest first, and think about it later."

Liu and Sun are still loyal ministers of the Cao family at this time, but this loyal minister is not a foolish loyal minister, but a conditional loyal minister.

They contacted Sima Yi in private, the intention was to protect themselves, and they didn't want to be liquidated after Cao Rui.

Because at their stage, there is no way out at all.

Seeing that His Majesty is unwilling to talk about this matter, the two of them knew that His Majesty the Emperor might feel unhappy.

They didn't dare to persuade them too much, so they had no choice but to withdraw at the moment.

Cao Rui closed his eyes, half lying on the couch, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said:

"Go and invite the goddess over here."

Lian Zhao, who came in quietly at some point, responded softly, and then quietly backed out.

After a while, even to the people in the palace, the celestial girl, who had always been somewhat mysterious, entered Cao Rui's bedroom under the guidance of Lian Zhao, with a light veil on her face.

"His Majesty."

Cao Rui opened his eyes when he heard the voice of the goddess that he hadn't heard for a long time.

Noticing that His Majesty's eyes glanced at him inadvertently, Lian Zhao backed out knowingly, and at the same time closed the door smoothly.

"Heavenly girl, before you entered the palace, there was an epidemic in Luoyang, and you once used talisman water to save people and quell the epidemic."

"When you entered the palace, you also said that you should pray for the royal family to eradicate evil spirits. A few days ago, I sent someone to ask you to make some elixir to help me cure my illness. How is the progress?"

As Cao Rui spoke, he fixed his gaze on the heavenly girl standing beside the couch.

Although she couldn't see the face of the celestial girl hidden under the veil, her eyes were calm, and there seemed to be no waves.

She shook her head lightly and sighed:

"Your Majesty is the son of heaven, so you should know that you are different from ordinary people in the world. Ordinary talisman water can save a mortal's life, but when used on Your Majesty, it may be just a bowl of ordinary clear water."

"What did you say!" Cao Rui's eyes flashed a cold light, "Is there nothing you can do?"

You didn't say that when you first entered the palace.

Tiannv didn't seem to notice that something was wrong with Cao Rui's mood, and said in a regretful tone:

"I know His Majesty's physical condition, so I urge Your Majesty to transport the Chang'an bronze man and Chenglu plate to Luoyang as soon as possible."

"I didn't expect to see the bronze man and the Chenglu plate until now. How should I proceed?"

Cao Rui was startled: "Chang'an Tongren and Cheng Lupan?"

The goddess nodded:

"The rootless water received by the Chenglu plate is used to make medicine for the talisman water that His Majesty drinks. As long as time is given, Your Majesty will not only cure all diseases, but also strengthen your body and prolong your life. .”

As she spoke, she sighed again, and the veil fluctuated slightly:

"Even if there is no bearing plate, even if the bronze man is brought in, I can cast a spell to let His Majesty inherit the luck of Hanwu. After all, Hanwu is seventy years old..."

Hearing Tiannv's words, Cao Rui, who was originally sick, immediately propped up his body subconsciously, and asked in surprise:

"It turns out that the heavenly girl expected to have the current trend?"

The goddess is silent.

Seeing this, Cao Rui thought she was acquiescing, remembering when she ordered the Chang'an Tongren and Cheng Lupan to be transported to Luoyang.

Sima Yi first wrote a letter, urging himself not to do it suddenly on the pretext that the matter would consume too much energy, but to wait until the preparations in Guanzhong were completed, and then do it slowly.

When it was time to move it, it was said that the bronze figures were too heavy to be transported to Luoyang.

Later, it was said that the dew plate was too high and had been folded outside Chang'an City.

This matter, because of Sima Yi's interference, and because of the coming of the Guanzhong battle, he had to give up in the end.

Thinking of this, Cao Rui couldn't help but beat the couch with his hands, gritted his teeth and said:

"Sima Yi misled me!"

Only those who are suffering from illnesses are the ones most eager to be healthy.

It is incompetent and dereliction of duty to have a heavy army in the palm of your hand and not be able to retreat from the enemy.

To win the favor of all the ministers, but not to share the worries for the emperor, and to persuade the emperor to leave the capital because of his own incompetence, can be described as usurping the ministers of power.

Cao Rui's temper was a little impatient.

When Cao Pi didn't like him before, he could restrain himself a bit.

When he first came to the throne, he immediately found a way to take power from the four auxiliary ministers, and even dared to conquest himself in the second year.

It shows its strong side.

At this time, I learned that Fu Shui, who cured himself, might not be able to do it because of Sima Yi.

I was really angry and anxious at the moment, and my anger went straight to my forehead, and I cursed directly in front of the goddess:

"Every man, you must die!"

After he finished cursing, he leaned on the couch and took a few breaths, and then asked with some hope:

"Is there no other way?"

The goddess pondered:

"It's not impossible. If His Majesty can rebuild the Chenglu Plate, you can try it. However, the effect of the water runes may be a little worse."

"After all, the martial arts of the Han Dynasty at that time surpassed the ancients before, and it was rare to come later. His luck was so strong that it was beyond the reach of ordinary emperors."

Cao Rui's face darkened again when he thought of the current national fortune of Great Wei.

"It's better than nothing." He gritted his teeth and said, "The current plan is only in Luoyang..."

Before she finished speaking, Tiannv interrupted Cao Rui's words directly:

"Your Majesty, I suggest that it is better not to build in Luoyang."


"My concubine heard that there are Feng thieves haunting Hedong?"

When Cao Rui heard it, his face became even more ugly, and he nodded: "That's right."

Hedong has fallen for a long time, and everyone in the world probably knows about it, let alone Luoyang, which is only a few feet away?

"My concubine once heard that Feng Thief had a saying: Avoid fierce tigers in the morning, avoid long snakes in the evening, grind your teeth and suck blood, kill people like hemp, and then watch the other's evil deeds. I am afraid that this statement is not self-proclaimed?"

"In the time of Han Wu in the past, the most distant place in the world was also Han land. Now Sizhou is incomplete, and there are fierce tigers raging around. If it is built in Luoyang, it is hard to say how much luck it will have. "

When Cao Rui heard this, he became more and more irritable. Just when he felt impatient, he suddenly thought of something and couldn't help asking:

"How about building it in Xuchang?"

The goddess pondered again for a moment, finally nodded and said:

"There is a saying that 'Han died in Xu, Wei Jichang in Xu', and Xuchang was also one of the capitals of the Great Wei, and the surroundings are stable, which is fine."

When Cao Rui heard Tiannv's words, he suddenly remembered about Dongxing Xuchang, and couldn't help feeling a little shaken in his heart:

"Could it be God's will?"

From the beginning to the end, he never doubted the words of the goddess.

The reason is also very simple.

One is that the epidemic in Luoyang did subside after Tiannv arrived in Luoyang.

The second is that Tiannv asked herself to transport the Chang'an bronze man and Chenglu plate to Luoyang one year before the Shu captives invaded Guanzhong.

Once can be said to be a coincidence, but twice cannot be explained by coincidence.

As for this time, in Cao Rui's view, it is already the third time...

This made him a little suspicious, whether the goddess had known the secret long ago, so she was using this method to hint to himself.

However, the celestial girl's face was covered with a light veil, and her eyes were flat, so he couldn't see it.

I saw Cao Rui nodded:

"Since the goddess said so, then I will think about it carefully."

Cao Rui considered the east tour, Longmen Ferry, and Guan Ji by the river, but he didn't make a decision whether to go west or continue south.

"General, what are we waiting for?"

Zhao Guang couldn't hold back any longer. In his opinion, after successfully snatching the ferry, it should be the same as when he was in Bingzhou.

Taking advantage of Wei's thief not fully reacting, he immediately swept through Guanzhong without stopping.

General Guan didn't bother to care about this guy whose mind was full of leaders rushing forward.

In the words of his own Alang, after so many years of cultivation, the upper limit of Zhao Erlang's ability is basically here - known as Zhao Sanqian.

It seems impossible to become a general who stands alone.

Not to mention becoming a commander-in-chief.

Back then when he was guarding Xiaoguan, he was put on a par and lost Yuezhi City in the end, probably because of his lack of ability.

The talent is there, born, there is no way.

After all, not everyone has the ability to have their own Alangna.

If it is said that the battle at Jieting was Alang's first battle, he became famous.

Then the battle of Xiaoguan really had the style of a famous general.

As for the continuous infiltration of Liangzhou, let the big man regain the land of Hexi at the least cost, and win the hearts of Liangzhou officials and people, laying a solid foundation for governing Liangzhou.

This is considered to have broken away from the simple leadership category, and it can be called the beginning of handsome talent.

Now in the battle of Guanzhong, there have been three consecutive detours of thousands of miles, like a dragon swaying its tail, slamming east and west, setting up a ecstasy array, annexing prefectures, cutting off Sizhou, and encircling Yongzhou.

Such impressive achievements are the result of Alang's years of hard work, and it is not enough to justify his reputation without being handsome.

Don't look at Guan Ji's fight all the way, she is invincible, but she knows it like a mirror in her heart.

All these victories are based on the fact that Alang has spared no effort to establish a new army based on the Xinghanhui system over the past ten years, which is different from other new troops.

Without the entire system established by A Lang, it would be impossible for the Liangzhou army to accumulate such a large amount of energy, cross the desert in just a few years, and then move to Bingzhou.

The era of Emperor Xiaowu in which Champion Hou lived was a family property built by several generations.

On the other hand, Alang caught up with the champion Hou with only a mere location in Liangzhou.

The so-called unparalleled national scholars are nothing more than that.

General Guan stood by the river, let his thoughts fly, and after a long time, he opened his mouth and said:

"The casualties this time were not small. The soldiers rushed from Linfen to attack Longmen Ferry, and they have been fighting continuously for the past few days, and they are already exhausted."

"Now that the overall situation has been decided, there is no need to worry. It is also a good thing for the soldiers to rest for a while."

She paused, then continued, "The most important thing is that Junhou's news hasn't arrived yet, so I can make plans after seeing what Junhou wants to do next."

Zhao Guang was shocked when he heard this:

"Sister still needs to listen to brother's opinion?"

General Guan glanced at Zhao Sanqian, sneered, and remained silent.

She didn't bother to explain to him.

no need!

If it was that Jiang Boyue in front of her, she would still be interested in saying a few words.

This person was highly valued by his uncle (Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty), not only handed over part of the tiger infantry army to him, but even passed on the eight formation diagrams to him.

Moreover, Alang treats this person differently from others.

This time when returning to Jiuyuan from Qiaoshan, Alang actually entrusted Jiang Boyue with the important task of cutting off the rear for the army.

Even Li Qiu and other old brothers who followed A Lang early in the morning had to obey Jiang Wei.


Erlang always said that Alang didn't love him, could it be that he was right that Jiang Boyue was Alang's true love?

General Guan rolled his eyes, and his expression moved slightly.

How did Zhao Guang know that his sister, at this time, still has the heart to think about these things?

He murmured a little:

"I don't know where my brother is at this time, when can I deliver the letter?"

"Pu Banjin."

General Guan replied in a rare way, "Jun Hou should have returned to Pubanjin by now."

Zhao Guang was shocked again:

"When did this happen? I don't even know about it?"

Seeing my sister's indifferent face, Zhao Guang was very sad:

"Brother, is it true that you don't love me?"


General Guan sneered and remained silent.

Her faint gaze followed the direction of the river's flow, looking to the south.

Three hundred miles to the south of Longmen Ferry is Pubanjin.

On the east bank of Pubanjin, the flag with Feng character is flying high against the wind blowing from the river.

A few days ago, Liu Hun, who had been peaceful for a while, suddenly organized a massive forced crossing again.

Not surprisingly, when they were halfway across the river, they were repelled by Xian Yufu again.

After crossing the river this time, news came from the secret agents sent by Xian Yufu to the east bank that the handsome flag on the other side had been changed to Feng.

So he couldn't help laughing and said:

"I've expected Feng Thief to have this move. It seems to be going to Fenglingdu, but the meaning is still in Pubanjin'er!"

And Feng Junhou on the east bank, in this trial, knew that the main force of Xianyufu was still sticking to Pubanjin, and he also laughed:

"Xian Yufu could only expect that I would return to Pubanjin, how could he know that I had sent General Guan to attack Longmendu?"

Two days later, General Guan's good news came as promised.

Under Liu Hun's pleasant surprise, he looked at Feng Junhou with a little admiration:

"Your Majesty predicts things like a god, General Guan uses his troops like a god, Xian Yufu was played in the palm of his hand without knowing it, General Guan successfully crossed the river, where do you see the Wei thief going now?!"

Feng Junhou had a complacent look on his face, but he said in his mouth:

"It's too early to say that. Sima Yi is not an ordinary person. There are more than 200,000 bandits in Guanzhong. We may not be able to eat one bite."

The soldiers I have that can really fight, plus the prime minister's army to the east and the Longyou front army, total only 150,000 to 60,000.

Surrounding more than 200,000 people with 150,000 to 160,000 people is an astonishing thing, let alone eating all of them, it would really be forced to eat raw rice, which might ruin your stomach.

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

Liu Hun asked, "Do you want to pass the news to the other side and break the hearts of the bandits?"

Feng Junhou smiled slightly:

"Xian Yufu is probably on pins and needles right now, I think this time, is he going to defend or run away?"

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