Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1008 Turn around

At this time, Xian Yufu was not at all like sitting on pins and needles as Feng Cishi said, he was like falling into an ice cave.

Seeing the guard of Longmen Ferry whose face was gray and black, and whose armor was burnt in several places, he wished he could touch his mother tens of thousands of times.

Watching Xian Yufu's hand on the hilt of the sword burst out with veins, the ferry guard cried even louder:

"General, what the last general said is true, the Shu captives will really summon ghost soldiers!"

As soon as he said a word, he wiped away his tears, and even wiped the ashes on his face like ghosts.

"That night, everyone in the camp saw it. If the general doesn't believe it, you can ask them casually."

"The general remembers very clearly that at the third watch, a huge thunder suddenly sounded in the plain, and the gate of the village was split open."

"The last general even specifically asked the soldiers on duty at night. At that time, many people saw it. After the thunder, light scattered everywhere, and then the ghost soldiers seemed to emerge from the ground..."

The ferry guard was talking in a babbling manner, although his face was covered with black and gray, but he could still see the fear in his eyes.

If it was normal, Xian Yufu would only use it as an excuse for this person to avoid the disadvantage of defending the ferry.

Even if he doesn't have the right to beheaded on the spot, he should be tied up immediately and hit with fifty army sticks first to calm the morale of the army.

But this thing is weird because all the routs who fled back said the same thing, which made Xian Yufu feel an inexplicable chill in his heart.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were defeated overnight. Not only were the defeats unclear, but they also said in unison that it was ghost soldiers who made the chaos.

Among the soldiers who escaped, some even went crazy, their eyes were dull, and they could only say "ghost soldiers are coming"...

This belongs to his mother!

Has this world gone crazy?

Seeing the trembling Ferry soldiers reminded Xian Yufu of something.

The soldiers who participated in the first battle of Xiaoguan, not to mention the soldiers below, even some generals in the army are also afraid of Shu like a tiger.

This discovery made Xian Yufu's heart suddenly feel a little darker, as big as a big river.

Could it be true that under Feng thief's command, there are such evil sects?

With an uncertain face, he waved his hand and asked the sergeant in the tent to guard the ferry guard.

Regardless of whether the Guan thief really summoned the ghost soldiers, the most important thing right now is that the Shu captives have crossed the river.

The terrain in Guanzhong is flat, which is most suitable for cavalry troops.

This was originally Wei's advantage.

But since the appearance of Iron Armored Ghost Riders, this advantage has shifted from the Wei side to the Shu captives.

Ghost ride?

Xian Yufu's heart skipped a beat.

First there were ghost riders, and now there are ghost soldiers. I don't know if there are real ghosts, but this thief Feng is a real ghost!

He took a deep breath, opened the handsome tent, walked out of the tent, and looked across the river.

The river is too wide, even if the sky is clear, you can't see what's on the other side.

But Xian Yufu knew that Feng Zei must be smiling complacently at this moment.

It's just that he is an old man who has personally experienced decades of war, so he quickly stabilized his mind.

"Come on!"


"Pass down the order to dig an additional trench to the north of the camp to strengthen the defense of the whole army!"


"Also, Dob Antlers, refuse the gun..."

After finishing the order, Xian Yufu looked at Dong'an, his gaze gradually became firm, and he murmured:

"If you think that after crossing the great river, you can enter and leave the pass at will, then you are thinking too much."

Whether it is Guo Huai on Qiaoshan Mountain in the northwest, or Sima Yi in Mei County in the west, let alone the Luoyang Central Army led by Qin Lang at the foot of Longshan Mountain.

The escape route of everyone in Guanzhong is tied to the two passes of Tongguan and Wuguan.

If Xian Yufu left without a fight, then the Han army could cut off Tongguan without any effort.

The Shangluo Passage where Wuguan is located is even more difficult than the Weihan Ancient Road where Tongguan is located.

The more than 200,000 Wei troops were scattered throughout Guanzhong. If the Han army were allowed to intercept Tongguan, it is still unknown how many of the more than 200,000 Wei troops could withdraw from Wuguan.

So Xian Yufu couldn't retreat, and he didn't dare to retreat.

Not only can Feng thief not be allowed to cross the river from Pubanjin, but also try to contain the Guan thief coming from the north so that the Shu captives dare not go west easily and cut off Guo Huai's retreat at will.

With less than 20,000 people in hand, but facing the two vicious He Hefeng bandits and Guan bandits, Xian Yufu couldn't help but let out a long sigh:

"Since I can't guard the ferry, then this time I can only serve my country with my life!"

He knew that he was not the opponent of the two thieves, and now he was determined to die, and he only hoped that he could delay it day by day, so that Da Sima could deal with it as soon as possible.

The governor Feng on the opposite bank was complacent the day before, asserting that Xian Yufu was sitting on pins and needles, in a dilemma, but he didn't expect that the slap in the face came too quickly.

Xian Yufu not only strengthened the defense of the river bank, but even through the binoculars, he could see that he sent troops to the east, as if he had made up his mind to defend to the death.

Everything seen in the binoculars made Governor Feng's old face suddenly hot.

Damn it, when General Guan sent the victory report, I should have sent someone to reply immediately, telling her to lead the army south and kill you old boy!

Governor Feng grinned in his heart.

"Your Majesty?"

Liu Hun saw that Feng Junhou's face was a bit unkind, so he asked cautiously.

Inspector Feng snorted, and then sneered again:

"Xian Yufu thought I would rush across the river? Then let him guard it!"

General Guan has already controlled a ferry, and the initiative has been completely controlled by himself. At this time, it is definitely not him who is anxious, but the other party.

In the Battle of Guanzhong, it seemed that the Liangzhou Army stole the show, but Governor Feng was not dazzled by the victory.

After all, the main force of Wei State's Guanzhong army has been confronting Zhuge Old Demon in Wuzhangyuan.

Sima Yi was held back by the old monster Zhuge and couldn't move, that's why he was able to run around so recklessly.

The so-called cooperation with righteousness and victory with oddness means that the Hanzhong army in Wuzhangyuan is righteousness, and I am that oddness.

What Governor Feng has to do now is to create the best conditions for the main battlefield on the periphery, instead of going overboard and taking the place of the main force to go to the final battle.

Doing things in Hedong can exert huge pressure on Luoyang, and this pressure can also be conveyed to Sima Yi.

Governor Feng put down the binoculars, turned to look at Liu Hun:

"General Liu, I will give you a mission now."

Liu Hun's spirit lifted:

"Please order, Your Majesty."

"Take all the troops of the Huns and go back to Anyi (that is, the county of Hedong) to find Shi Bao."

Speaking of this, Governor Feng's eyes were gloomy, "These days, Shi Bao should have already inquired about the situation of the Hedong clan."

"Which big families can be wooed, and which aristocratic families are diehards, he must know in his heart."

After all, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor.

General Shi has always had a good memory, especially when it comes to holding grudges.

Governor Feng narrowed his eyes and said slowly:

"After you join him, if you have any family that is unwilling to cooperate with the big man, you let those farmers and the Huns..."

As he spoke, he raised his hand as a knife and wiped it lightly on his neck.

The tone is very light, and the killing intent is extremely heavy.

It made Liu Hun's body tremble immediately.

He was born in Bingzhou, so he naturally knew how many aristocratic families there were in Hedong.

It can be said that the top aristocratic families in the world are basically in the land of Sanhe.

Junhou's touch seems easy, but in fact, I don't know how many rich and right people have to be wiped away...

Liu Hun swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with some difficulty:

"Your Majesty, is this okay?"

It's not that he's afraid of killing people, but that this kind of killing method will bear too much infamy.

"It doesn't matter that the last general was born in Hu Yi and doesn't know etiquette, but the prince..."

Governor Feng smiled lightly, turned to face the surging river, his voice was soft but firm:

"If a person's body has carbuncles and malignant sores, they need to be squeezed out as soon as possible. If they are afraid of pain and let them swell, then they will have to cut out the flesh with a knife."

"Otherwise, if you continue to procrastinate and miss the opportunity, you will die..."

Aristocratic families in Shu are just abscesses squeezed out by big men.

Liangzhou's nobles, because their roots are too shallow, and later because of the big man's physical fitness, they have turned into benign ones.

And the aristocratic family in the land of three rivers is the biggest sore. If you don't take advantage of this good opportunity to goug out the flesh with a knife and dig out the rotten flesh, why not let it continue to grow?

As for whether he will be called a butcher...

The position of public opinion, anyway, must be contested.

If you don't occupy it, the enemy will.

At most, it will be compared at that time, whether it is Nanxiang who prints the book faster, or the aristocratic family who copies the book faster.

Is it because Nanxiang made more paper, or because the aristocratic family made more bamboo slips and wooden tablets.

Do the common people like to listen to Nanxiang storytellers, to watch the Nanxiang entertainment troupe go to the countryside to perform, or to listen to aristocratic families cursing the streets...

When the time comes, you will know.

Who doesn't know that the barbarians in Bingzhou and the farmer of Wei State have been exploited and bullied by Wei State officials and local wealthy families, and they have long harbored resentment?

(Note: During the early years of Huang Dynasty, Wei Guo had already delegated the powers related to tuntian to the Hakka Mansion of tuntian. "Listen to all the farmers to manage their livelihoods, and each is a plan for his subordinates." In fact, it is to legalize private pockets)

(This situation greatly facilitated the collusion between Tuntian Hakka officials and local wealthy families to carve up state-owned assets. At the same time, Tuntian Hakka officials were used arbitrarily by Tuntian Hakka officials, and the burden became heavier.)

Isn't it reasonable for the resentful Hu people and Tuntian guests to take advantage of the military chaos and rise up to liquidate the wealthy families who oppressed them in the past?

All of this was actually caused by the insatiable greed of the aristocratic family. What does Bingzhou Hu'er and Hedong Tuntian Ke have to do with the innocent Feng Junhou to avenge their past?

I didn't see that Feng Junhou was worrying about crossing the river right now!

How can I care about what happened to the Hao family in Hedong?

Whoever is cut by the knife is the one who hurts the most.


Afraid of pain?

Then come and beg me!

The battle of Guanzhong has almost reached a conclusion.

For the next thing, how many thieves are killed, is it important?

To others, it may be important, but to Governor Feng, it is not important.

Because he is ready to start post-war governance.

Governor Feng looked at the rolling river with deep eyes:

"Don't be afraid of what will happen to the Xiongnu tribe in the future. You know my attitude towards meritorious tribes best."

"To tell you the truth, I have already found a way for the Hu people in Bingzhou. There are a lot of mines in Bingzhou area, and I will definitely mine them in the future."

"In the future, the barbarians in Bingzhou, family members of aristocratic families, and those prisoners of war will basically go to mine."

Inspector Feng turned his head again and looked at Liu Hun, "You can be regarded as someone who has followed me since Nanxiang. Naturally, you know that there are differences among miners."

When Liu Hun heard the words, his spirits lifted immediately.

But seeing him clasped his fists and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will understand how to do it in the end!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around and asked someone to bring his horse, got on the horse, and galloped towards the various tribes of the Huns like a whirlwind.

Governor Feng nodded slightly.

This little Xiongnu prince was able to become the leader of Liangzhou Army's fine cavalry. It was a real skill, not a fluke.

Like Zhao Erha, if he is not Mr. Zhao's own son, if he is not his hard-core younger brother, hehe...

Liu Meng watched his younger brother rushing all the way, his heart tightened, and he hurried to meet him:

"Brother, do you have any orders from the prince?"

In the past few days, despite not really crossing the river, many people have died in the river after so many attempts.

It would be a lie to say he didn't feel distressed.

But everything is reversed, so what else?

Besides, the sword of the Han army is much faster than that of the Wei army.

Anyway, killing people is too fast to say.

After Liu Hun got off his horse, he didn't even have time to catch his breath, so he replied directly:

"That's right!"

Liu Meng was startled, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Your Majesty, this time, how many people are you going to ask us to send?"

Every time they crossed the river, they were not allowed to send out alone, and some people from the Liangzhou Yicong Army would also send out.

So even though many clansmen were drowned in the big river, Liu Meng and the others had no reason to complain.

After all, the money has been taken, the benefits may be promised, everyone works hard together, turning over is not a dream.


Liu Meng was shocked:

"Huh? This?"

"It's not crossing the river. This time is a good thing."

Liu Hun didn't know whether he was in a hurry or excited, his face turned red, he emphasized:

"It's a great thing!"

"A great deal?"

Liu Meng and Liu Bao looked at each other, a little puzzled.

Liu Hun took a breath, and then continued:

"Jun Hou asked us to return to Anyi," he lowered his voice, "to find those aristocratic families..."

As he spoke, he imitated Feng Junhou and raised his hand to wipe his neck.

Seeing this, Liu Meng and Liu Bao were shocked:

"Your Majesty really want to do this?"

"Junhou, Junhou won't be..."

You can't use them as black work, can you?

"Brother, uncle, if this matter is really done, it will be of great benefit to our tribe!"

Liu Hun said excitedly, "Your Majesty promised to open a mine in Bingzhou in the future, and then let our clansmen go to the mine to work as miners."


"Yes, it's a miner!"

Liu Hun nodded fiercely, "There is a saying here."

Are miners suffering?

Of course it is hard and tiring, but the treatment of miners in the Xinghanhui mine is guaranteed.

The household registration of family members, the school registration of children and grandchildren, basic necessities of life, food, housing and transportation, will be settled by the mine plenum, so that people will have no worries.

If the Xiongnu tribes can become miners in Bingzhou in the future, it will be equivalent to being automatically included in the Xinghanhui system, and they will still be the ones holding the iron rice bowl.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a good thing!"

Liu Meng and Liu Bao's eyes lit up immediately.

It's just mining, no matter how hard and tiring it is, can it compare to being bullied by Hao You? Comparable to starving to death and freezing to death?

"More than that!" Liu Hun continued, "The most important thing is, Brother and Uncle, where do you know the Junhou likes to recruit soldiers?"

"How do we know?"

"It's the miners!" Liu Hun threw his fist excitedly, "Most of the elite in the Liangzhou army come from the workshops and mines under the name of the Xinghan Association. This is the practice under the command of the princes."

"This, why?"

Liu Hun shook his head:

"I don't understand the reason for this, but as long as you become a miner, the status of our tribe will be really different."

In the era of the most important military exploits, what does this mean?

It means that their tribe has become a group that is valued by the monarch.

It is completely different from those tribes who do chores and handymen on the pastures.

As Junhou said, the miners in the mine are also graded.

Some miners were not voluntary, but sinners who were escorted over to make atonement.

If that kind of miner fails to atone for his sins and leave the mine within three years, he will basically not survive five years in the end.

Therefore, their tribe must not be that kind of miner.

After listening to Liu Hun's words, Liu Meng and Liu Bao swallowed together, and their breathing became a little rough.

If this is really the case, let alone doing black work for Junhou, even if they let them die for Junhou, then it is not impossible to discuss!

It doesn't matter whether the introduction money is based on the head, or the dividend is based on the labor force.

The important thing is that they just want to find a way out for the people below, right?

"When is Junhou going to do it?"

Liu Meng asked impatiently.

Revenge and profit are both right, and anyone will be impatient.

"Now, immediately, immediately!"


Tens of thousands of Huns, led by their respective commanders, began to turn around rumblingly.

In the land of Hedong, a bloody storm is about to kick off...

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