Qin Lang has never been to the southern battlefield except that he is not familiar with water warfare. Whether it is Hu Qi in the north or Shu captives, he has personally fought against them.

In Qin Lang's view, although the barbarians on the grassland seemed powerful and often plundered the frontier fortresses, they just took advantage of Wei's lack of manpower.

Otherwise, why was Ke Bineng, the prairie hero known as the successor of Tan Shihuai, still defeated by himself after uniting with Bu Dugen and others?

What do barbarians count?

The Shu captives are the real confidant of the Wei Dynasty, and they cannot be compared with those miscellaneous Hus.

If it is said that Feng Zei's leader is cunning and changeable, he likes to hide wind and thunder in fine details, like a poisonous snake, and suddenly kills him when he finds a flaw.

Then the thief Ge in front of him likes to overwhelm others with power. He looks upright, but in fact he is like a dense spider web.

You watched him press down step by step, but there was no way to avoid it.

Qin Lang organized the elite soldiers in his hands into ten teams, each with more than 2,000 soldiers, and took turns to go into battle. At the same time, he could mobilize troops to make up for the gap at any time.

His plan was to rely on the camp and various fences in the camp to gradually resist.

Since you can't escape, then find a way to inflict the greatest damage on the Shu captives, so that they can't live well.

Unexpectedly, at the moment, it seems that he has not achieved his goal at all.

In other words, the Shu captives didn't care about what they were going to do at all, and just pushed them over for the camp step by step.

That feeling is like the opponent tightening the rope around his neck bit by bit, letting himself die slowly.

Several times, Qin Lang wanted to send out the Jingqi in his hand.

But the other party seemed to be able to see through his own thoughts, and often sent armored cavalry to wait early.

Qin Lang felt that he was a bug that fell into the spider web, and could do nothing but struggle in vain.

The bad news doesn't stop there.

"General, it's not good. The rear army has come to report that there are elite soldiers from Shu in our rear!"

The passer-by sent from the rear reported with no expression on his face.

Although he had long expected that the Shu captives would take such a step, Qin Lang still smiled miserably when he heard the news:

"Sima Yi, you colluded with the Shu captives and trapped tens of thousands of forbidden troops to death. You can't atone for your crime if you flay them alive!"



The gate of the village fell, and a cloud of smoke and dust was thrown up. The young and strong standing on the stronghold almost died in battle.

The dark red liquid slowly flowed down the wall of the village and penetrated into the gaps in the wood...

"We surrender, we surrender, General, we surrender..."

Out of the inner gate of Wuzhai, an old man walked out tremblingly holding a white flag, shouting loudly.

The general who stepped into the gate of the village, let's just call it a general, although he was wearing a tattered leather armor he picked up from nowhere, and he was carrying a sharp knife, it might be more appropriate to call him a robber.

But compared to the farmer behind him who didn't even have leather armor, he was really a general.

A group of red-eyed farmer, who killed an unknown number of people, was about to rush into the village, when the general raised his knife and made them stop subconsciously.

The chaos in Hedong has reached the level it is today, and many rioters who took advantage of the chaos were either annexed or defeated by the counterattack of the rich families in Hedong.

The rioters who have been able to move up to now and even break through Wuzhai must have a certain degree of organization, at least one leader with organizational ability.

They can even be called chaos.

Obviously, the leader of this chaotic army is this somewhat nondescript general.

The general stood at the gate of the village, looked past the old man who was shouting "willing to surrender", and looked towards the inner village.

There seemed to be a lot of figures inside, probably the women and children in the village.

"General, general, the crime is not as good as the family members. I am willing to pay all the food in the village to make atonement! I only hope that the general will spare the old and the young in the village..."

The white-haired old man knelt down on the ground, begging sadly.

Its voice is also sad, and its emotion is also compassionate.

If it was the past, others would look at it, and I am afraid that they would all feel pity.

Who would have thought that among the farmer's guests, there are some people who don't like him.

It was good that the old man didn't show up, but as soon as he appeared, someone in the rear turned red-eyed, rushed out and kicked the old man over:

"Old thief Pei, you still have the face to beg for mercy!"

He punched and kicked, and screamed in his mouth:

"What's wrong with my daughter? You forcibly snatched her away when she was only eleven years old, and she is nowhere to be found, with no bones left!"

"Why are my parents guilty? After a year of hard work, most of the food they harvested was collected in the village. In a famine year, they were actually starved to death!"

Obviously it was the beating party, but the seven-foot-tall man actually shed tears.

"Forgive me! The good man spare my life!"

"I can't wait to kill your whole family day and night! God has eyes, and finally made me wait until today, and still wants me to spare my life? Hahaha..."

Seeing that the old man was dying from the beating, he almost died, the general said indifferently:

"That's enough. If you continue to beat him, he will die. If this person is a fish and meat bullying the people in the village, everyone will convict him and then execute him. You just stop."

The old man who was curled up on the ground suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the nondescript general in disbelief.

The proletariat of the Three Kingdoms period did not understand the tragic nature of class struggle.

Even if it is said in the history books that "teachers are famous", it is also a game played by nobles, powerful, aristocratic and other high-level figures.

What does it have to do with Cangtou Guishou?

This practice of publicly convicting and then executing the sentence is actually a faint sign of "a teacher who is famous".

In old man Pei's eyes, these mud-legged animals were nothing more than two-legged animals, but now they have learned to play this trick. How can this not shock him?

"General, this general..."

At this moment, the old man really panicked.

"you shut up!"

The general didn't intend to let him speak anymore.

Listing the charges, publicly pronouncing the sentence, and publicly executing the sentence sounds grand and complicated.

But it's actually very simple, that is, let the bitter and vengeful farmer stand up, single out the notorious people in the village, list the crimes in the past, and finally execute them in public.

There is only one punishment, and that is death.

Whether it was hacked to death, stoned to death, or hanged, it was all a word of death anyway.

As for the remaining people in the village, they will all be driven to the nearest county town.

They seem to be innocent, but they were born in a wealthy family, and they don't work personally on weekdays, but they can eat, drink and enjoy themselves. The daily necessities are extravagant for the common people. Could it be that those things grow out of thin air?

If you have enjoyed what you should enjoy, then you have to bear what you should bear.

Again, class struggle is not a dinner party, it is itself a violent activity.

In the life-and-death struggle, there is no mercy.

There is no right or wrong, only different positions and different interests.

"Don't touch my grandma!"

When cleaning up the village and gathering the crowd in the village, there will naturally be some bumps and bumps.

Seeing the ladies who used to be unattainable and like fairies, now weeping in front of me, pear blossoms raining, it is very itchy.

So the hands and feet will naturally not be so clean.

With so many people and mixed hands, this kind of thing cannot be avoided. The general can barely suppress them and prevent them from becoming wild, which is considered to have a high prestige.

As long as there is no incident of abusing women in broad daylight, he can only turn a blind eye.

In troubled times, life is as cheap as grass, and there are many women who are forced to commit themselves to thieves.

This matter is nothing at all.

It's just that this matter, in the eyes of the parties, is a big deal.

But among the driven crowd in Zhuangzhai, a young man stepped forward and opened his arms to protect a woman, preventing the rebels from touching the woman's body.

"Hey, there is actually someone who is not afraid of death!"

"My mother is humiliated in front of my eyes, but my son still dare not stand up, what face is there to live?"

The young man looked at the blood-stained knife resting on his neck, and he could already smell the disgusting smell of blood.

Thinking of the clan uncle whose head had been beheaded yesterday, his face turned pale, his legs trembled, but he still didn't retreat half a step, and kept protecting his mother behind him.

Seeing that he couldn't scare the young man, the rebel soldier became angry and wanted to hit him with the hilt of his knife.


The general who noticed the movement here made a sound in time, walked over, and glanced at the young man:

"May I have your name?"

"Back to General, my name is Pei Xiu."

The general didn't respond, but the local guide following behind the general let out a soft "Huh".

"you know?"

The general turned around and asked a question.

"Back to General, this Mr. Pei Lang is a well-known child prodigy in Hedong. He heard that he could write articles at the age of eight. When some guests came to Pei's mansion for a visit, he would often visit Peixiu again. There was a saying at the time: there is Pei Xiu in the late leader. .”


The general's eyes fell on Pei Xiu again, and there was something interesting in his eyes.

"A child prodigy? A late leader?"

There was also a big man who was known as a "backward leader".

So the general subconsciously paid attention to this person.

"If it's really a backward leader, then it should be the backward leader that the Pei family focuses on training. Even if it's not in Wenxi City, it should be in Anyi City. How could it be in a place like Wuzhai in the countryside?"

asked the general suspiciously.

Seeing that the thief seemed to have heard of his reputation, Pei Xiudeng was immediately refreshed, and quickly explained:

"Don't dare to hide it from the general. Although Xiu has a poor reputation, her mother's background is humble and she is not treated by her aunt. She is used like a maid by her aunt to serve food to guests."

"This time in the great chaos in Hedong, all the descendants of the Pei family rushed to the city early, and the people left behind are all collateral. I can't bear to abandon my mother here, so I stay with you."

Having said that, he lifted his robe and bowed prostrate:

"General Xiuguan behaves very differently from ordinary thieves. He should be a man who understands things and distinguishes right from wrong. Xiu dare not speak righteous words, but only asks the general to fulfill the filial piety of Quanxiu. However, my mother has received something, and Xiu wants the whole generation to accept it. "

"He is a true filial son, why did the Pei family throw away such beautiful jade outside the city?"

The general smiled slightly, and his eyes fell on his mother.

The woman may have been frightened, and she shrank involuntarily. Although there was dirt on her face, after careful observation, she could see that her appearance was beautiful.

Seeing the general staring at her, she dared not hide anymore, lowered her head, and bowed her skirt.

The so-called humble background is only for the aristocratic family.

For the mud legs, this kind of woman is the goddess that they will never get in this life.

"Is your mother literate?"

"General Hui, I have a little fluency in writing and ink, and can read some words."

"Then it's easy to talk." The general laughed, turned his head and said, "Come on!"


"Put this pair of mother and child into the unmarried camp."


Before leaving, the general said to Pei Xiu meaningfully:

"In the unmarried camp, there are many women's relatives. They usually do some work of boiling water, cooking, washing and washing. You and your mother can stay in it with peace of mind, and no one will disturb you."

"Don't think about escaping. Now the soldiers in Hedong are in trouble, and there is chaos everywhere. You just met me. If you meet other soldiers, hehe..."

Pei Xiu still didn't understand what the general said, so she quickly bowed and saluted:

"Thank you General."

He heard clearly that it was the women's family members and not the women's camp, and he could still accompany his mother, so he should not have to worry about his mother's safety for the time being.

Although I don't want to commit myself to the thief, but right now, is there any other way?

And he also knew that the general in front of him was not trying to scare him.

It is customary for other villages to be destroyed and wives to be humiliated.

As for disembowelling, it is not uncommon for Manzhai to be slaughtered.

Today's Hedong, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a ghost land on earth.

In the past, the aristocratic and wealthy families have fallen into Huangquan and suffered a lot.

In the past, the mud legs that they regarded as two-legged animals are now trampled on by the bones of the wealthy.

This is a revolt and a reckoning.

It's just that the scale of the resistance is a bit large, and the level of liquidation is a bit deep...

In this resistance and liquidation, a certain soil turtle just poured two barrels of oil on the dry wood that could detonate with just a spark, and threw another fire...

After pouring oil and throwing fire, he began to sit by the river and fish.

Anyway, he is not the one who is anxious, nor is it the one who is in pain.

It may take more than ten years to transform a family, but it may only take more than ten days.

It depends on whether you intend to transform your mind or your body.

As for the Hedong Rebellion, it has been more than two months since General Guan entered Hedong.

Not to mention that under the cover of this military chaos, there is some kind of long-planned precise transformation, the efficiency of the transformation is probably a bit high...

"Junhou, Junhou, we were wrong, we dare not do it again!"

Several villagers looked at the virtuous, kneeling on the ground, kowtowing to the background by the river, those who didn't know thought they were worshiping the river god.

Seeing that their foreheads were full of dirty blood, they didn't seem to know the pain. It can be said that they worshiped piously, but the voice was too sad, and the crying continued:

"Please send troops to pacify the chaos in Hedong, and the people in Hedong, please feel grateful for the great kindness of the monarch..."

"What's the noise! ​​It scared all the fish away!"

Feng Junhou, who was sitting on the mat, yelled impatiently, "If you cry again, I will throw you into the river to feed the fish!"

He took back the fishing line and found that the bait on the hook was gone again.

"Damn it, I'm going to be in the air force today?"

Governor Feng was in an extremely bad mood.

He didn't understand what the air force was, and those old folks looked up to the virtuous, but they didn't dare to shout loudly, so as not to scare Feng Junhou's fish away again, so they could only lower their voices and begged in a sobbing voice:

"I beg the Lord to send troops, I beg the Lord to send troops..."

"Send out troops, send out soldiers! I'm the governor of Liangzhou, a big Han, but I'm just a Shu captive in your mouth."

Inspector Feng didn't turn his head back, while baiting the fishhook, he cursed, "Don't you go to your Great Wei Wangshi, come to me, a Shu captive, to help you put down the chaos?"

"Junhou is the Master Wang, and the Lord is the Master Wang! In the past, we were deceived by lard and didn't know the arrival of the Master Wang. We were wrong, really wrong..."

Jiang Ji's tens of thousands of troops, and Sima Yi's hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers are all lies!



your humble servant!



Master Wang, Master Wang, Master Wang, whoever can save Hedong now will be Master Wang.

That's right, it's Feng Guiwang in front of me, ah, no, it's Feng Junhou!

Because now only he can save Hedong from the haunted world.

Otherwise, no matter how thick the foundation of Hedong is, it is only a county. How can it withstand such a toss? Everyone's roots are about to be dug out.

Inspector Feng didn't care about them, he just wanted to fish now.

Watching the fish float and move, he immediately concentrated.

After a while, the float, which was supposed to sink, floated on the water again and calmed down.

Inspector Feng clicked his tongue, picked up the thread and saw that the bait was gone again.


He was so angry that he threw the fishing rod, stood up, and turned his head to look at those villagers Wangxian.

Seeing the displeasure on Feng Junhou's face, all the elders and Wangxians couldn't help being a little scared, afraid of offending this person.

Unexpectedly, this person opened his mouth and said:

"Which one of you knows how to fish? Catch me a river carp, and I'll send troops to save a county. If you catch a few, I'll save a few counties. I will never break my promise."


Everyone was taken aback.

What condition is this?

"What? No one knows how to fish?"

Governor Feng was immediately disappointed, "Forget it."

"I'll come, I'll come!"

"Your Majesty, I will!"

"Junhou, I have been learning to fish since I was ten years old, and I will never disappoint you!"

The old folks who reacted, Wangxian, suddenly had such a hope, how could they have any demeanor, and they rushed to be the first.

"Okay, you come first!"

Governor Feng pointed to the guy who claimed to have learned fishing since he was ten years old, "If you really catch it, I will send troops to rescue your county first."

Anglers are never air force!

Even paying the price of sending troops is worth it.

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