Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1013 Continue Fishing

Seeing a group of village sages vying to kneel and lick Governor Feng, Shi Bao next to him was eye-opening and felt a perverted pleasure in his heart.

What gentle gentleman?

What's so easy about it?

That's all because the knife hasn't cut himself.

Phew, a bunch of hypocrites!

General Shi looked contemptuously at the licking dogs in the distance, making sure they couldn't hear what was being said here, so he bent down and asked respectfully beside Feng Junhou:

"Your Majesty, do you really want to promise them?"

Asking someone to move a chair, Feng Cishi, who was sitting by the river enjoying the cool breeze, squinted at Shi Bao, who was half bowed, and asked:

"What? Haven't finished breathing yet?"

They just cut off your money back then, and you are about to destroy them all, aren't you satisfied?

"No, no!" Seeing Governor Feng's expression, Shi Bao said hastily, "What the last general means is that the situation in Hexi is unknown, just in case..."

"There is no eventuality." Feng Cishi interrupted, "I have no plan to cross the river, as long as I cross the river, there will be no eventuality."

Crossing the river may be a great success, but it is also accompanied by great risks-because the troops at hand are insufficient, and the rear front has been stretched too long.

Still the same sentence, Hedong is a strategically important place, as long as you squat in Hedong, you can not only keep the results of the battle, but also disturb the peace of the whole country of Wei.

After crossing the river, it is certainly a great feat to be able to destroy Sima Yi, but there is a high probability that it will not be destroyed.

Because in addition to Tongguan, there is also Wuguan, and I can't make a radio, so I can't cooperate with the prime minister.

At that time, Sima Yi couldn't be wiped out from the front, and if Jiang Ji came out from Zhiguan from the rear, there was a risk of losing part of the victory.

Therefore, it seems very tempting to cross the river with a large army. If it is someone else, it may be impulsive.

But in the eyes of Feng Jishi, the cost performance of this matter is too low - a certain company is pursuing high profits and low risks, you know what an egg!

Anyway, Ghost King Feng would definitely not admit that he was subconsciously worried about the future.

But having said that, although the troops in hand are not enough to guarantee the result of crossing the river, there is no problem at all in defending the river east.

If Jiang Ji really dared to stand up, Governor Feng would dare to chop off his head.

As for Sima Yi, if he really wanted to send reinforcements into Hedong, he should have sent them long ago.

It should never be letting Xian Yufu lead tens of thousands of people to stay in Hexi.

Of course, even if Sima Yi suddenly changed his mind, and now wanted to send someone across the river, Governor Feng dared to step aside and let him come over.

Flat ground than cavalry? Who is afraid of whom?

There is no need to be afraid of cavalry against infantry on flat ground.

Anyway, General Guan was by his side, and Governor Feng was full of courage.

After all, only three people in the whole world have the opportunity to see the whole picture of the eight formations drawn by the prime minister.

Although Governor Feng couldn't learn it, but he couldn't stand the two who had a little success, one was placed in Qiaoshan by Governor Feng, and the other was brought by Governor Feng.

So this is why Feng Cishi is not afraid of the Wei thieves in Guanzhong, and dares to stay in Hedong to clean up the aristocratic family.

"Hedong will eventually be the place where the big man will rule in the future. There is no end to killing aristocratic families. It is enough to kill some of them. Kill chickens to warn monkeys."

Killing chickens to scare monkeys is just a means, the purpose is to force the remaining aristocratic families not to be presumptuous and to cooperate obediently.

The time does not need to be too long, ten years is enough.

Ten years is enough for Governor Feng to lay out the Central Plains.

The man Jiang Taigong fished, and those who wished took the bait.

I, Inspector Feng, go fishing and force people to take the bait.

Look, after fishing for so many days, the fish came by itself?

Humph, the limitations of the feudal landlord class!

Shi Bao is indeed talented, so Governor Feng didn't mind telling him more:

"There is still more than a month left, and it may snow in the east of Guanzhong. We have to prepare for the winter in the east of the river before the weather is completely cold."

This battle in Guanzhong dragged on for a long time, which was beyond the expectations of Governor Feng.

Sima Yi's name as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is really well-deserved, and his back road is about to be cut off, but he can still hold the prime minister for so long.

You can't let the Liangzhou army find the supplies and places for the winter, right?

It must be the most convenient way to let the Hao family of the Hedong family take the initiative to bleed.

"The general will understand."

Governor Feng glanced at Xiang Xian who was trying to fish for him over there, and asked:

"What about the unmarried camp? How's the situation?"

In the unmarried camp, most of them are women who can read and write from the counties in Hedong and their families.

Mainly women, family members just by the way.

"Hui Junhou, there are more than 2,000 women in the camp. If you include the family members, there are nearly 5,000 people."

"More than 2,000 people? It's really beyond my expectation." Feng Inspector raised his eyebrows, "Sure enough, it is worthy of being Hedong. The only ones that can be compared with it are probably Hanoi and Henan."

The literacy rate in ancient times was pitifully low. A random search in Hedong could find more than 2,000 literate women, which shows the profound background of these wealthy households in Hedong.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand why the family members of those women are required to follow if we want to set up a camp for the unmarried family? Wouldn't that be a hindrance?"

Unmarried and unaccompanied, what is the matter with the family?

Upon hearing this, Inspector Feng clicked his tongue, and glared at this guy full of corrupt thoughts:

"What do you think the unmarried camp is? The women's camp? If they are not allowed to bring their families, how can they stay at ease?"

In the chaos of war, the man was about to go to the battlefield, and his life and death were unknown.

Women may not be able to get any better.

Especially among them, many of them have lost their families and even have nowhere to go. We can't let them fend for themselves in this troubled world, right?

Governor Feng was sympathetic to the world, took them in, and prevented them from being humiliated by the rebels, what's wrong?

Of course, at the dark moment when they were both physically and mentally hurt, some talents in the Liangzhou Army gave them warmth in time, and when someone fell in love with each other, Governor Feng couldn't stop him, right?

Now they are unaccompanied, but if they have feelings in the future, they will be family members.

Shi Bao suddenly realized, and quickly complimented:

"Your Majesty sympathizes with those poor women, and cares about the lifelong affairs of the generals in the army. It is really well-intentioned, and the generals are too shallow."

Governor Feng snorted and didn't explain.

You can talk about the previous ones, but if you go deeper, you will involve the secret technique of slaying the dragon. Shi Bao is not qualified to know it yet.

In the past two years, the quality of the students sent by the Royal Academy has improved significantly.

Unlike back then, the goal of the students after graduation was to be a petty official.

Otherwise, why did Governor Feng dare to take the exam in Liangzhou last year?

Among them, in addition to the reasons for the higher and higher teaching quality of the college, there are also factors of the source of students.

However, most of the college's students are still students selected from schools around the world, so what has happened to the students of schools in various places over the years?

One is that after the aristocratic family in Shu was dismembered, a considerable part had to sink and integrate with the grassroots of the Xinghan Hui system in order to continue.

For example, Li Ming who came to Liangzhou from Yuexiu to take the exam.

His elder sister was married to a middle-level general in Yuexie County, and this middle-level general was the one who retreated from the Huqiang School Wei's Mansion back then.

With this connection, Li Ming is eligible to go to Liangzhou to take the exam.

Of course, assuming that Li Ming was younger and hadn't learned enough, he could also use his in-laws to find a way to enter the academy and become a student of the academy.

It is even possible to imagine further:

If Li Ming's elder sister had a child, her child would have received a certain amount of education since childhood.

And because of the father's status, the children are basically the beneficiaries, supporters, and builders of the Xinghanhui system.

This is one of them.

Second, literacy is enforced within the Xinghan Society, such as in the military, such as workshops, and so on.

It has been more than ten years since the first batch of people who were forced to literacy and literacy, and their second generation began to grow up, providing a relatively high-quality student source for the Royal Academy.

When Nanzhong rebelled, Feng Cishi took in a group of women from Nanzhong when he was still a lieutenant of the Diannong School.

Among them were literate women who were placed in nurseries to look after children, and provided a lot of help for the internal enlightenment education of the Nanxiang Department at that time.

The decentralization and openness of educational resources is the basis for the continuous expansion of the Xinghanhui system.

At that time, almost everyone was horrified by Feng Cishi's method of training troops into an army.

Only the Prime Minister, fundamentally judging that he was imitating the former Han Dynasty, wanted to build an army mainly composed of good families.

But since the decline of the Later Han Dynasty, how many truly good families are there like the Former Han Dynasty?

What the prime minister of the Han Dynasty did not expect was that Feng Mingwen tried his best to forcibly create a group of good families.

What are the characteristics of a good family?

The first is to have permanent property.

Moreover, these permanent properties are not enough to make them worry-free for generations, they still need to work hard.

The second is that they are at least proficient in writing and ink.

Because they have read books, it is easier for them to understand certain truths. In order to ensure that their descendants can continue to enjoy all this, they must do their best to maintain the order of wealth distribution in front of them.

Especially the second article, it not only guarantees the smooth flow and accuracy of military orders, but also guarantees the will to fight, which is not the slightest bit to improve the combat effectiveness of the army.

To put it bluntly, they are the middle class of the Han feudal empire.

Whether a society is healthy or not, the middle class is an important indicator.

It's just that Ji Han's current good family class appears a bit strange.

Because according to previous history, everyone used one generation, two generations or even three generations to save their family fortune before they could say that they had the opportunity to study.

However, the wealth and knowledge of Ji Hanliang's sub-class appeared at the same time, or they were forcibly created, which is a bit like artificial growth.

Premature babies are basically frail, and the current good family class artificially created by the Han people also faces the problem of too shallow foundation.

Therefore, while Governor Feng tried to grow this class, he also had to find ways to consolidate its foundation.

How to consolidate?

While strengthening internal cultivation and not relaxing, it is also necessary to continuously absorb fresh blood.

Where to find fresh blood?

Is there any blood in this world that is more nutritious than the aristocratic family?

The Shu family is about to be sucked dry, can't your Hedong family let me suck a couple of mouthfuls?

Never heard of Feng Ghost King Ye Yuqian Daughter...


I've mispoken.

I mean, one sip is worth a thousand, isn’t that just two sips?

Grab money, grab food, grab land, grab that!

Hand it all over!

Don't say that I, Feng, killed all the big families, some families in Hedong are really hurting their vitality.

But these women may be their chance in the future.

Because after a few years, maybe there will be more grandchildren and nephews, isn't it just a ready-made relationship?

Marriage and relationship building, isn't this the head of your family?

If the aristocratic family in Shu can sink, combined with the grassroots of the Xinghan Society, can the aristocratic family in Hedong not sink?

Aristocratic families are indeed endless, but they can be dismembered into many small families, and even split into many, many small families.

Let their class decline and become the middle class of the Han Empire.

Open up the ascending channel of the people at the bottom, and dismember the aristocratic families who block the ascending channel.

With this up and down, won't the class of good families come out?

Governor Feng leaned on the back of the chair, tapped the armrest lightly, with a relaxed expression, enjoying the cool breeze blowing from the river.

Shi Bao only thought that King Feng Gui was admiring the scenery of the river, but he didn't know that what King Gui Gui looked at was not the big river, but the long river of history...

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion from the sages over there, causing the two of them to turn their eyes away.

But someone can be heard shouting:

"I caught it, I caught it!"

He saw a river carp slapping its tail and churning continuously by the river, its scales shining golden under the westward sun.

Governor Feng stood up and grinned loudly:

"Okay, what a big fish!"

Feng Inspector Feng was fishing in the east of the river and had a good harvest, while Sima Yi also hurriedly went down Qiaoshan with the bait he had placed in the west of the river, and was heading towards Tongguan.

In order to get to Tongguan as soon as possible, after Guo Huai got off the main peak of Qiaoshan, he didn't take the Qin straight road to Chang'an, but went directly south along the valley in the southern section of Luoshui.

The land west of Hexi starts from Dahe in the east and ends in Luoshui in the west.

In order to allow the soldiers to have a better rest, and at the same time to better defend the safety of the ferry, General Guan has already led the army to station in Xiayang City at this time.

Xiayang City was originally Liang State, and later Qin destroyed Liang, and even less Liang.

This is the strategic hub of Hexi, a battleground for military strategists.

During the Qin and Wei scrambles for Hexi for nearly a hundred years, Wei Guo wanted to seize Hexi, so he must build a city and garrison here.

Qin State wanted to consolidate Hexi, and then annexed Hedong, so it had to seize this place.

General Guan is stationed here, and he can go south or west at any time when he advances, and he can defend the safety of the Longmen Ferry in the back. It can be said that he can advance and retreat freely.

Although she was resting in the leadership, as a qualified general, it was naturally impossible for her to relax the monitoring of the Luoshui area.

Guo Huai, who came down the Luoshui River from Qiaoshan, was soon discovered by General Guan.

"General, there seems to be a large number of Wei thieves appearing in Suyi area!"

"Su Yi?"

General Guan suddenly stood up, and raised his slender eyebrows:

"Why did the Wei thief appear there? Are there a large number of thieves? Are they not suspicious soldiers?"

"At present, it is still unclear whether they are suspected soldiers. Some spies discovered that they may have come down from Qiaoshan."


General Guan's heart skipped a beat, he turned around and walked to the sand table, stared at it for a while, and then compared the map hanging on the wall.

"Could it be that the thief wants to abandon Qiaoshan?"

"Well, now that we've crossed the river, if the thieves stick to Qiaoshan, the road ahead will be worrying..."

General Guan murmured.

"So the thief wants to escape!"

Zhao Guang approached excitedly, "General, we can't let them escape!"

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