Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1016 Exploration

When infantry is prepared, facing cavalry, they can form formations, erect spears, shoot arrows, and dig ditches...

Even after Mr. Feng took out the armored ghost cavalry specially charged into the formation, the infantry erected more spear phalanxes, dug more holes, and set up more areas of barbed wire.

Maybe the whole army of Iron Armored Ghost Riders could be wiped out.

But why in the history of human warfare, the side with cavalry often still has a great advantage?

Because the cavalry is facing the infantry, he can run if he can't beat him, and the infantry can only watch, watching the smoke and dust behind the cavalry's ass eat ashes.

But if the infantry is defeated, the infantry has no chance to escape.

Therefore, the best strategy for infantry against cavalry is to lean on the city and defend.

If you encounter cavalry in the wild, you can form an formation, but you also restrict yourself, and you can only stay where you are, waiting for rescue.

As long as you move, the cavalry will follow up continuously, waiting for opportunities to find flaws, and then bite you from time to time.

Marching in ancient times was not an easy task.

While marching, you have to endure continuous harassment from the enemy, not only will your speed be slowed down, for example, from fifty miles a day to twenty miles or even ten miles a day.

Moreover, at twelve hours a day, the nerves must be tensed all the time to prevent the enemy from sneaking in, and the morale of the army will soon be low.

Because of too much psychological pressure for a long time, the soldiers are prone to self-destruction in the end, bombing the camp, and then being chased and killed by the cavalry.

Tailing, pressure, intimidation, bloodletting, the prey is mentally and physically exhausted, and finally exhausted, and then swarms up and bites the prey.

This is a tactic often used by wolves when hunting, so it can also be called wolf pack tactics.

Possessing the strongest organizational ability in the world today, the Liangzhou cavalry army is also the most elite in the world. Playing wolf pack tactics is especially painful for opponents.

Even though Guo Huai had dealt with Hu people in Yongliang area all the year round, he was quite familiar with the tactics commonly used by Hu people.

But at this time, facing the entanglement and harassment of the Shu captive Jingqi, he also seemed a little uneasy.

After all, he was originally defending the Shu captives on Qiaoshan Mountain-who is a serious person who goes up the mountain and brings cavalry to participate in the defense?

It's the kind of guy Feng Thief who always doesn't act according to common sense. He led tens of thousands of cavalry into Qiaoshan, but didn't he give up in the end?

So now, except for the scouts, Guo Huai basically has all pawns in his hands.

Although the Great Wei claimed to have tens of thousands of fine cavalry, in Guo Huai's view, the Shu captives, who had only had cavalry for a short time, were much better at using cavalry than the Great Wei.

It can even be said that compared with the cavalry of the Shu captives, the fine cavalry of the Great Wei is actually a step backward.

Because judging from the Xiaoguan battle, it seemed that Wei's disbanding the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry was a mistake.

What's even more unexpected is that this time, Feng Zei was able to move thousands of miles three times in a row.

Not only did he penetrate directly into Wei's confidant, but he also stared at the rear of the Guanzhong army.

After fighting the opponent twice, Guo Huai was already a little desperate.

Can cavalry still play like this?

Does your horse have eight legs?

Can't kill you like this?

Guo Huai stood on a high ground, looking at the smoke and dust rising in the distance behind, his face was livid.

This is already the third time.

After passing Heshui, Shulu's fine cavalry kept biting his rear tightly, and even circled around the flanks from time to time.

Forced myself to have more than 20,000 people, had to be divided into two parts, front and back, and alternately rolled forward.

Through these few days of fighting, Guo Huai already knew that the number of the Shu captive cavalry army behind him was basically between 3,000 and 5,000.

It's not that he didn't think about using his own numerical advantage to set up an ambush.

It's just that the other party is too vigilant, like a frightened rabbit, if something goes wrong, it will stop immediately, and at the same time send a large number of scouts to investigate the situation.

This involves a serious problem.

The number of scouts in Guo Huai's hands is simply not enough.

Even if it is enough, it is not enough to cover the battlefield.

Because of the problem of scouting, it has gradually become a flaw for the Wei army when facing the Han army.

In front of the Han army scouts with excellent equipment and excellent riding skills, an equal number of Wei army scouts are often in a passive position to be beaten.

If you want to gain an oppressive advantage over the scouts of the Han army, you must send out many more scouts than the opponent.

But this involves another problem.

The scouts are all elite members of the army who are good at riding, martial arts, archery, eyesight and long-sightedness, and also have certain observation ability.

Not anyone who can ride a horse can be a scout.

So where can I find so many qualified scouts?

Without enough scouts, you can't cover the battlefield.

Can't cover the battlefield, with the opponent's high alertness, there is no way to set up an ambush for the opponent.

Looking at the other party around him, coming whenever he wants, leaving whenever he wants, it's no wonder Guo Huai's face is livid and ugly.

The Chuanqi in the rear quickly sent the battle report.

"How many casualties?"

"General, thirty-six people were wounded and twenty-eight died."

Adding up is sixty-four people, not even a hundred people.

But this is not enough to make Guo Huai look better.

These small casualties are like small wounds on the prey. Although they are not deep, they bleed continuously, and at the same time, they will increase the fatigue of the prey.

Not to mention the soldiers below, even Guo Huai himself became a little anxious.

If it weren't for the fact that it was late autumn and the weather was still cool, it would have been more difficult if it had been replaced by the scorching summer a few months ago.

To make matters worse, after passing Heshui, the further south you go, the flatter the terrain is, the more suitable it is for cavalry to play.

The Shu captives chose to intercept and pursue from Heshui, which must have been premeditated.

"While the thieves retreat temporarily, let the rear army quickly follow up."

Guo Huai waved his hand and ordered.

At the same time, he ordered the front army to stop, preparing for the front army to change to the rear army, and move forward alternately.

It can be said that although this method is still effective for the Shu captive cavalry behind them, it greatly delays the speed of the army's advancement.

The distance that can be walked in one day may not be able to be covered in two days if you stop and go.

If the Shu captives press hard, it may even take three days.

For the moment, the only hope is that the cavalry sent out can pass the news to Da Sima as soon as possible, and see if Da Sima can send a cavalry army to support him.

The Grand Sima of the State of Wei, whom Guo Huai placed high hopes on, was overjoyed when he learned that Guo Huaiguo was being pursued by the Shu captives:

"The Shu captives are exactly as I expected!"

Thinking that if Feng Thief, the Shu captive, could be wiped out and Hedong was pacified, the situation would be reversed again.

Sima Yi couldn't help but asked:

"There is movement over Pubanjin?"

"Going back to Da Sima, there is no news."

When Sima Yi heard this, he was startled:

"Why is there no news? Is there no movement from Thief Feng? Then what happened to Guo Huai?"

He faintly felt that the development of the matter seemed to be different from what he had planned, so he quickly asked again:

"How many soldiers are there in the Shu captives chasing Guo Huai?"

"I'm reporting to the Great Sima, according to General Guo's news, there should be between 3,000 and 5,000 Shu captives chasing troops, and they are all cavalry."

Bandit Feng in Pubanjin did not move, and the Shu captives chasing Guo Huai only had three or five thousand cavalry, which means...

"This Shu prisoner came from Xiayang City?"

The smile on Da Sima's face froze.

Feng thief who entered his mother!

Is he not planning to cross the river?

Why is he still crossing the river?

Is fishing really that fun?

The situation in Hedong changed three times a day.

Someone from the local wealthy family could no longer stand it anymore, so they went to see Feng thief and prepared to place a new bet.

Then there were rumors that they saw Feng thief fishing by the river...

When Da Sima thought of this rumor, veins popped up on his forehead:

Guo Huai has nearly 30,000 people, Pu Banjin has more than 20,000 people, and there are at least 50,000 people in total.

Right now is an excellent time to defeat these 50,000 people. Isn't this credit not enough?

Coupled with the great feat of crossing the river, is it not as good as the fishing rod in your hand?

Send three to five thousand people over?

Who does your mother look down on?

When Feng thief crossed the river has almost become Sima Yi's obsession.

It's not his fault.

After all, such a big bait was laid, such a big game was laid, and thousands of calculations were made, but they were not counted, and Bandit Feng actually stayed by the river and did not leave!

Leading tens of thousands of horses, they ran from Liangzhou to Jiuyuan, then from Jiuyuan to Bingzhou, and finally from Bingzhou to Hedong. Didn't you just want to cross the river?

Seeing that there is only one last step left, why don't you leave!

"Could this bandit army be just the former army of Shu captives?"

If Bandit Feng didn't plan to cross the river from Pubanjin, but like last time, he would openly build the plank road and cross Chencang secretly.

First set up a suspicious formation in Pubanjin, then quietly lead the army northward and cross the river from Longmen.

Then the bandit army behind Guo Huai is likely to be the former army of the Shu captives.

With Feng thief's cunning, this is not impossible.

Thinking of this, Sima Yi's eyes lit up, but hesitation soon appeared on his face.

Counting the days, time is running out.

Zhuge Liang may finish cleaning up the west of Chang'an at any time and turn to the east.

On my side, there is an opportunity and only this time, and time does not allow me to wait any longer.

"Come on!"


"Let General Niu come and see me!"

After a while, Niu Jin opened the tent and entered:

"Da Sima, are you calling the last general?"

"General Niu, General Guo led the army down from the bridge mountain. There are thieves chasing after him. I ordered you to lead five thousand fine horses to meet them. Is there a problem?"

Niu Jin immediately cupped his fists and said:

"At the end of the day, the general will follow the order of the chief commander, and will definitely bring General Guo back safely!"

Sima Yi nodded:

"It's not too late, you prepare and set off immediately."


To arrange this matter, Sima Yi called his confidant again and asked him to take his secret letter to Luoyang.

He had to prepare for the worst outcome.

After Luoshui flows into Guanzhong, the further south it goes, the flatter the terrain becomes.

Niu Jin led five thousand fine cavalry, galloped north along the Luoshui River to reinforce Guo Huai, and soon joined Guo Huai.

After Guo Huai got this cavalry, tears almost filled his eyes.

"Da Sima asked me to tell the general that the general is here, if the Shu captives continue to pursue him, he can turn around and fight the Shu captives."

Niu Jin said to Guo Huai, "As long as the Shu captives dare to fight, Da Sima will be able to gather and wipe them out."

In the past few days, Guo Huai had long hated the Shu captive cavalry behind him.

It's just that I can't do anything to the other party, so I want to reach the edge of Weishui earlier along the way.

Hearing Niu Jin's words at this moment, he sighed and said:

"I have long wanted to set up an ambush to destroy this bandit army, but he is quite vigilant. If we turn around and form a battle like this, the bandits will not be easily fooled."

"It's okay, the great Sima said it, and General Guo just follow it."

Guo Huai immediately reacted after hearing this.

Logically speaking, if you really plan to eat the Shu captive cavalry army behind you, it is best not to expose the newly arrived five thousand fine cavalry.

Instead, he hurried on the road as before, and then inadvertently exposed his flaws, luring the Shu captives to rush up again, and finally annihilated them in one fell swoop.

It's just that Da Sima wants to form a counterattack immediately, could it be that there are other arrangements?

So after discussing with Niu Jin, Guo Huai and Niu Jin decided to try it out.

If the Shu captives dared to come over, they would have to teach them a lesson.

If you dare not come, it can be regarded as fulfilling Da Sima's confession, and then continue to go south.

Sure enough, after the Wei army stopped and assembled, the Han army cavalry began to send scouts to check the situation ahead.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, a messenger suddenly reported:

"Report to General, General Niu has led the people out!"

Guo Huai was taken aback: "What!"

"How could he rush out at such a time?"

"They said they were going to find the Shu captive for a decisive battle."

Guo Huai suddenly had the feeling of catching someone's mother and beating her ten thousand times on the spot!

Then you still let me join forces?

Why don't you just stop and let me go first!

After Guo Huai learned that Niu Jin had attacked without authorization, he realized belatedly that the so-called reinforcements did not seem to have come here specially to save him.

Guo Huai didn't expect Niu Jin's sudden attack, let alone Yang Wanwan in the rear.

At this time, it reflects the importance of General Guan's selection of leading generals and judgment before departure.

It is hard to say whether the three thousand Han cavalry will have the upper hand against the five thousand Wei cavalry, but at least they will not be at a disadvantage.

Coupled with the fact that there is an armored battalion not far behind, if it was Zhao Guang, he would wish to have a fight with the opponent first.

But Yang Wanwan kept in mind General Guan's previous instructions, and if something went wrong, he immediately gathered the soldiers and retreated to the rear.

After retreating for several miles, a scout came to report:

"General, we have found another bandit army in the east!"

"Sure enough, the thieves have other arrangements, and they want to surround us!"

Yang Wanwan immediately ordered, "Order the whole army to continue to retreat and join General Zhao."

"Also, send someone to inform General Zhao and make him prepare. Don't be careless."


It was only a short distance of ten miles. Although the Han and Wei dynasties did not have large-scale contact, in fact, the generals and commanders of the two sides had already fought twice.

After Yang Wanwan and Zhao Guang met, Wei Guo also revealed his true intentions.

Guo Huai was the bait, Niu Jin's five thousand fine cavalry were to confuse the eyes and ears, and Sima Yi's real killer move was the tens of thousands of cavalry who were coming around from the east.

It's just that these tens of thousands of cavalry stopped immediately when they found that behind Yang Wanwan, there were armored cavalry led by Zhao Sanqian from Megatron Pass.

The Han and Wei sides seemed to have no intention of fighting. After a short confrontation, they began to disengage slowly in a tacit understanding.

General Guan, who learned all this in Xiayang City, couldn't help sighing:

"Sima Yi deserves to be the Great Sima of the Wei Kingdom. Yang Wanwan and Zhao Yiwen have been exposed to their true nature after being tempted by him."

At the same time, Wei Guo Da Sima also gritted his teeth and secretly hated:

"Feng Thief is worthy of being a cunning guy among the Shu captives. My arrangement may have been expected by him, so I deliberately stayed in the east of the river to fish."

"What he catches is not a fish, but me!"

Although it was difficult for Feng Zou and Ge Zou to communicate with each other, they did not expect that their cooperation would be so tacit.

Not only did he want to eat the bait he released, but he even wanted to eat the hundred thousand troops he had on hand.

"Come here, immediately send an order to the whole army, and prepare to move out!"

Since Feng Thief cannot be eaten, the situation in Guanzhong is irreversible, and there is no need for him to stay here.

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