Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1017 Gather People's Hearts

Feng Inspector Feng, who was fishing in Hedong, didn't know that he had done nothing innocently, and he had already been labeled a cunning person by Wei Guoda Sima.

At this time, he was receiving Li Xi who came from Bingzhou.

Li Xun was originally Bigui's Biejia, the governor of Bingzhou. Later, when General Guan attacked Jinyang, Bigui committed suicide and died.

But don't drive Li Xun to surrender on behalf of the officials in the city, and at the same time promised General Guan that he was willing to raise food for the army.

Of course, there are conditions, that is, General Guan must ensure that Jinyang City will not suffer from military chaos-it would be even better if the entire Bingzhou can be guaranteed.

The hidden conditions of raising food are also here:

The less chaos there is, the easier it is to collect grain.

To put it bluntly, it is to pay protection fees to ensure safety.

At that time, General Guan was determined to go south quickly, and he didn't have time to argue. It was best to see someone willing to help raise food.

If it is said that General Guan leads an army across the border, and a shock of the tiger's might can make local snakes bow down and bow, that must be false.

Who doesn't know the bitter cold in Bingzhou?

Not to mention that the landlord's family doesn't have much surplus food!

Gotta give everyone some time to prepare, right?

So after General Guan left, it was not all smooth sailing for Li Xi to raise food.

It is definitely possible to raise some, but if everyone is willing to hand over the food, that is a dream.

After all, I don't know how many local snakes secretly want to wait and see.

The specific performance is:

Every time General Guan captured a city or land in the south, Li Xun could raise an extra share of food and grass.

This situation has completely changed since Governor Feng was fishing by the river.

Ever since Governor Feng started fishing by the river, more and more families in Hedong have been ruined and killed every day.

Moreover, most of the ruined ones are aristocratic families, no matter what you have inherited for hundreds of years, under the chaos of war, no matter how romantic you are, it can't match the anger and hunger of mud legs.

Who let you have fields, land and food!

As the saying goes:

Eyes are full of bones of aristocratic families, and ears are filled with tears of wealthy families.

There is only one Guanjue River Valley, Bingzhou and Hedong, which is like a sky and an underground.

The violence of the chaos in Hedong, not to mention the scourge of the barbarians decades ago, was far from reaching such a level during the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Whether it was Li Xun who surrendered from the city, or those Bingzhou tyrants who had Wei in their hearts, they were all dumbfounded.

After being stunned, he began to tremble with fear.

When it comes to family heritage, Hedong is much richer than Bingzhou.

Even the veterans in Hedong can't hold it, and the irons in Bingzhou are even less likely to be able to.

So the direction of the wind changed quietly without knowing when it started.

In the past, people who were dissatisfied with Li Xun began to offer peace money at this time...


I was wrong, it was the food and grass for Wang Shi to fight against the thieves.

It doesn't matter whether you are willing or not, what you want is this initiative.

At this time, everyone no longer asked Li Xun to say a few words in front of Feng Junhou and General Guan, as long as he could save a few words, then thank God.

The most important thing is to ask Master Wang to guard the crucial place of Guanjue River Valley, and not to let the rioters from Sizhou flood into Bingzhou and cause disaster for the village.

Not to mention, Wang Shi currently controls a large number of Bingzhou Huqi in name, which is also a dagger on the throat of the wealthy family of Bingzhou.

So when Li Xun came here this time, he not only brought a large amount of food and grass, but also brought thousands of sheep and pigs to reward the army-there are a large number of Hu people in Bingzhou, and it is not difficult to produce a large number of sheep.

"Li Langjun worked hard, worked hard!"

Governor Feng greeted Li Xi enthusiastically, "This time the army will have no worries in the rear, and Mr. Li Lang has done a great job!"

"Your Majesty congratulates me, I congratulate you!"

Li Xun wiped off his sweat, and secretly glanced at the fishing rod behind Feng Cishi.

It's really fishing by the river!

Thinking of this journey, I saw that Pingyang County, Hedong County, and the two Sizhou counties were basically full of riots, and there were scars everywhere.

I don't know how many aristocratic families were hanged on trees and at the gate of Wuzhai by the rioters.

Li Xun couldn't help feeling a little scared in his heart.

Fortunately, fortunately!

If Jinyang City is like Anyi City (Hedong County Government), stubbornly resisting the king's division, it is impossible to say that Bingzhou is even worse than Hedong.

After all, a considerable part of the tragedy in front of Hedong is due to the Hu people in Bingzhou.

But the person in front of him is leisurely fishing by the river...

Words such as inhumanity, cruelty, foresight, etc. floated in the bottom of Li Xi's heart.

However, the mouth is full of words:

"The princes led the king's teacher and revitalized the Han Dynasty. This is a great achievement. It's just a follow-up to the sky. How dare you say a great achievement?"

Talking, I like it!

Governor Feng narrowed his eyes in joy, glanced at the people behind Li Xun seemingly inadvertently, and then asked with a smile:

"Then I wonder how Li Langjun sees the current situation?"

Li Xun looked calm and said:

"The traitor is trying to resist the destiny, Xiaoxiao doesn't know how to follow the general trend, and he is always self-inflicted, what's the point?"

If a husband wants to achieve great things, if he follows the rules too much, he will be easily controlled by others, and if he acts too recklessly, he will be easily lost in the hearts of the people.

If it is said that the current situation in Hedong has nothing to do with Feng, then Li Xun does not believe it.

But if he ordered it, there is no evidence.

After all, people have been fishing by the river, and the army from Liangzhou has been divided into two, just to guard Hexi.

You said he still has time to do this?

It's just that at this moment, Hedong has turned into a pot of thick soup inexplicably, and now it's waiting for Feng Guiwang to scoop it up with a spoon.

Not to mention Anyi City, which had previously resisted the Shu captives to the end, but in the end obediently opened the city gate and surrendered.

It's just that the powerful people from all walks of life in Bingzhou, who didn't see them, were so scared that they hurriedly paid food to keep them safe?

The soldiers under his command are good at fighting, and their methods are fierce and smooth.

Anyway, Li Xi felt that as long as Feng Guiwang was determined to stay in Hedong, it was really hard to say whether Wei Guo could win him.

So everyone should be more calm now, and it will not be too late to place a bet when the situation is clear.

Help whoever wins, it's all for surviving in the troubled times, not shabby!

In order to avoid the military chaos in the village, it is not shameful to compliment Feng Guiwang a few words.

Sure enough, seeing Feng Guiwang got Li Xi's compliments, he laughed even happier.

He gestured to the people behind Li Xi with his eyes:

"So, these people brought by Li Langjun are all heroes who know the destiny and follow the general trend?"

"Don't dare to be worthy of being a king, don't dare to say that!"

"In front of the king, who among us dares to be called a hero?"

"That's right, the lord has beaten me to wait..."

Feng Cishi heard it in his ears, but didn't answer, he just smiled, and then looked at Li Xun.

Although this action is not big, but the attitude is obvious: the person from Bingzhou, he only recognizes Li Xun now, and he doesn't recognize the others.

This is not arrogance, but self-confidence, and more importantly, it is to give this group of people a blow:

Do you think that King Feng's minions can be any of them if they want?

Of the five Huns in Bingzhou, the north can be said to have been wiped out.

The remaining part can basically not become a climate.

The left and right Huns are relatives of Liu Hun.

The rest of the central and southern parts, if they really want to build a relationship with the left and right parts, go to the ancestors, it doesn't need to be too far, and it is estimated that they will be able to connect within three generations.

Coupled with the promises made by the relevant generals before and the repression by the army later, these Huns are still obedient up to now.

For King Feng Gui, as long as he has these Xiongnu Hu'er in his hands, it doesn't matter what the Bingzhou Hao family have in mind.

As long as they really dare to make a move, they are not afraid of ending up like the Hedong family, King Feng Gui doesn't mind letting a few vicious dogs go back.

Compared with Hedong, these vicious dogs born and bred in Bingzhou are most familiar with Bingzhou.

The Tuntian guest had an enmity with the Hedong family, but the Huns had no enmity with the Bingzhou wealthy family?

Being able to tame a dog of the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years, turn it into a wolf, and then turn around and attack its master, making a mess, this is also a unique skill of the aristocratic family.

If you really want to calculate it, I'm afraid this hatred is not much smaller than that of Tuntian Ke.

If you don't believe me, let's try it?

Therefore, Feng Junhou's gesture seemed small, but it actually had a profound meaning, which made everyone's faces a little embarrassed.

Only Li Xi suddenly felt bright on his face:

Junhou is deliberately saving face in front of everyone!

It's just that Feng Junhou dared to treat these people like this, but Li Wei didn't have the capital.

But seeing Li Xi hurriedly said:

"The king and the prince must be right in their words. These are the people with lofty ideals who want to go to the Han Dynasty. The villain can raise so much food and grass because of the help of these people with lofty ideals."

"Especially this Mr. Guo, his family gave out 3,000 hu of grain, and at the same time, they also offered a hundred horses of wool to support the king's teacher."

But seeing an old man over fifty who was specially introduced by Li Xun, he stood up and bowed his hands:

"The old man has seen the prince."

Upon hearing Li Xun's introduction, Governor Feng was all smiles on his face, and quickly stepped forward to help Mr. Guo:

"You don't need to be too polite. The Guo family donates food to support the army, so I should come to thank you!"

The Guo family was very thoughtful. Seeing that winter was about to pass, they managed to raise some winter clothes.

This is the winter clothes, a bit too familiar...

Guo Taigong had a look of panic on his face, and even said he didn't dare:

"The Guo family's move is to support Master Wang, and to show their hearts and minds. I only hope that the king will not blame him. It is already a kindness. How dare he be worthy of the word thank you?"

"Blame?" Governor Feng was taken aback.

Li Xun coughed quickly and explained in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, this Guo family is the same Guo as Guo Huai, who lives in Da, ahem, is the pseudo Wei, um, the governor of Yongzhou in the pseudo Wei."


So it was Guo Huai's family?

No wonder then.

But seeing Li Xun continue to lower his voice and say:

"The Guo family is a big family in Jinyang, and there have been many talents from generation to generation. Guo Zun, the great-grandfather of the Guohuai clan, was the governor of Yanzhou in the later Han Dynasty.

"Guo Huai's grandfather was the Great Sinong of the Later Han Dynasty. His father, Guo Yan, was once the governor of Yanmen. It was precisely because of his prominent background that Guo Huai was elected Xiaolian during the Jian'an period."

Governor Feng's face darkened slightly.

into your mother's!

This is the so-called noble family.

Parasitized on the big man, sucked the big man dry, and then pushed the big man for the last time.

Just to suck blood better on Cao Wei...


Guo Taigong also cursed in his heart at this time.

Although I couldn't hear what Li Xi said to Feng Guiwang.

But how could he not see such an obvious change on Feng Guiwang's face?

This man, Li Xi, probably didn't say anything good.

When I got the food, I obviously said it well, but I didn't think of it, and I turned my face and refused to recognize anyone, it was a miscalculation!

Who would have thought that when Governor Feng looked at him, there would be another change on his face, a smile would appear on his face, and he would ask in a gentle voice:

"May I ask Grandpa, is Guo Huai's relatives in Jinyang?"

Guo Taigong hurriedly replied:

"No, no, according to the laws of the Wei State, the families of officers and soldiers are either collected in Luoyang or Xuchang, and the worst is to stay in Yecheng as hostages. How can they be allowed to stay in their hometown?

Governor Feng nodded.

This practice is indeed the rule of Wei State.

This is different from the state of Wu. Due to the hereditary system of the state of Wu, most of the families of soldiers and soldiers are based on the place where the battalion stays, and they often flow with the army.

As for Ji Han, it was somewhere in between.

The family members of important generals used to stay in Jincheng, and now some of them are also resettled in Hanzhong.

The family members of ordinary soldiers basically follow the principle of staying behind in their hometowns.

Of course, those Yi people who were relocated from Nanzhong by the prime minister were an exception, and they were resettled in a unified manner following the Wei system.

As for people like Feng Tubie, they are special cases among special cases.

Not to mention that Zhang Xiaosi is the supervising army sent by the royal family.

It was General Guan, who was also the bodyguard sent by the Prime Minister's Mansion to monitor him at first.

From this aspect, Feng Tubie himself is a hostage!

So what hostages are needed?

Hostage Feng looked at Guo Taigong's nervous expression, and comforted him:

"You don't need to be like this, since Guo Huai's relatives are not in Jinyang, and the Guo family is willing to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, I will not cause trouble for the Guo family in Jinyang."

Right now, the most implicated crimes are the Yi tribe who committed the crime of treason.

General Guan made an appointment with Li Xun first, and now the Guo family has shown their position with practical actions.

No matter how much Governor Feng disliked the Guo family in Jinyang, he definitely couldn't use Guo Huai as an excuse to make trouble for them, but had to find another convincing reason.

Otherwise, the tyranny is too much, and it will only lose the hope of the world.

Not to mention that Ji Han's political struggles, whether in the original history or now, are far milder than those of Wei and Wu, and rarely seen blood.

No matter how naive Feng Inspector was, it would be impossible for him to open the door to implicate and expand the attack.

Once the hole is opened, it will definitely do more harm than good, and it will be a disaster for future generations.

After all, the instigator has no descendants?

As for the Hedong family...

I have been fishing by the river for nothing, and even the Liangzhou army is guarding both sides of the river in peace.

Besides, those aristocratic families in Hedong did not surrender to me. Strictly speaking, they can be regarded as the enemies of the big man.

So what happened to them has anything to do with me?

In front of everyone, Feng Junhou gave such a promise to the Guo family's grandpa, which immediately made Guo's grandfather tearful:

"Thank you, Junhou, thank you, Junhou!"

Not to mention the grandpa of the Guo family, but everyone else, seeing this scene, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The worries along the way, here, finally relax.

"Your Majesty is benevolent!"

"Hey! Don't dare to say that!" Governor Feng waved his hands, "I was just ordered by the emperor to lead the army to attack the bandits."

"If you want to talk about benevolence and righteousness, it is also because the emperor of the Han family is benevolent and righteous, and wants to save the people of the world from fire and water, so I am ashamed of accepting the word benevolence and righteousness."

"Yes, yes, the Son of Heaven is benevolent and righteous, the Son of Heaven is benevolent and righteous!"

Everyone shouted praises.

Inspector Feng pressed his hand:

"Everyone came this time, and I have understood my mind. Regarding the matter of Bingzhou, I hereby assure you that what General Guan promised to Li Langjun is still valid."

"At the same time, I also hope that when you go back, you can explain to the officials of Bingzhou that if the king's master kills the thieves, he will definitely not destroy the thieves and will not pay them back."

When everyone heard this, their hearts were shocked.

In other words, is Master Feng really determined not to leave?

"Your Majesty has orders, how dare we not obey?"

"That's it!"

Along the way, what they saw and heard in Hedong made many people have a thought in their hearts:

It seems that after going back this time, we really need to discuss it carefully.

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