Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1018 Intrigue

As the saying goes:

Junhou met visitors by the river, and the people of Bingzhou began to gather.

Inspector Feng received visitors from Bingzhou by the river, which not only meant that the Liangzhou army's rear had initially shown signs of stability.

At the same time, it also marks that the big man has taken a step to officially win over the people of the state.

Negotiation, isn't it just mutual negotiation?

As for Hedong, Tuntian Ke is more organized than ordinary rioters.

Otherwise, how could the chaos in the east of the river be so violent?

After the baptism of this war, these farmers have initially become potential military reserves.

Now add Bingzhou's food and grass support.

There is no shortage of garrison, training, food and logistics.

Only then did Feng Cishi have the capital to have a long-term stalemate with Sima Yi by the river.

Again, leniency in anticipating the enemy is the principle.

Although I don't know how long Sima Yi can last, but it's always right to try to prepare as much as possible.

The longer the Liangzhou army stayed in Hedong, the more the balance of the battle in Guanzhong would tilt towards the big man.

The general can only focus on leading the army, while the handsome needs to coordinate the overall situation.

This is also one of the reasons why Feng Cishi was able to surpass many seniors in the army and become a leader of the new generation.

Like Wei Yan, in the past, he planned to gamble with elite soldiers for his military achievements, but in the future, even if he put the whole army to death, he would play around willfully.

In the emergency situation at that time, what is the difference between using the army of the Northern Expedition to pay attention to the safety of the entire country?

Does it matter whether you vote for Wei or not?

At any rate, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty is also the one who put forward the "seven methods of viewing people". It would be a ghost to choose such a person as the commander in chief of the army behind him.

Is old qualifications useless?

No big picture at all.

What is the big picture?

At least it should be like the Great Sima of the Wei State, in order to leave more vitality for the Great Wei in the future and preserve more strength for the Great Wei.

As soon as you see that the momentum is wrong and the situation cannot be done, you should immediately lead the army back as soon as possible. (black whistle)

Of course, as long as Sima Yi is still the great Sima of Wei, he will still be a minister of Wei.

Therefore, before he wanted to lead the army out of Guanzhong, he had to obtain the consent of Wei Emperor Cao Rui.

But Sima Yi is not worried about this.

Because he knew that at this time, His Majesty the Emperor of the Wei Kingdom had been bedridden for a long time and did not have much energy to deal with the government affairs.

According to the Wei system, even if the emperor was unable to govern, the government affairs would be shared by Shangshutai and Zhongshusheng.

However, Chen Jiao, the original minister, had just worshiped Situ in June last year, and died suddenly at the end of the year.

And Xue Ti, who took over Shangshuling, was born in a humble background, and usually relied on Sima Fu, the right servant (that is, the deputy of Shangshuling).

In the state of Wei, where the aristocratic family is increasingly in power, Xue Ti has long followed the trend and made good friends with the Sima family.

Coupled with the fact that Liu Fang, the supervisor of Zhongshu Province, and Sun Zi, the secretary of Zhongshu, took advantage of Cao Rui's illness, it became more likely that they were in power.

And Liu Fang and Sun Zi, in order to prevent Cao Zhao and other political enemies from assisting the government after Cao Rui's death, they also had secret letters with Sima Yi.

It can be said that Sima Yi's people in Guanzhong have actually infiltrated the court very deeply.

Now that he wants to retreat from Guanzhong, someone in Luoyang will start to help him with it.

"Your Majesty, Shouchun urgently reports that Sun Quan has personally led an army of 100,000 troops, and they are approaching the north bank of Chaohu Lake. They may land at any time and head for Hefei New City!"

Earlier, the State of Wei found out that the State of Wu wanted to divide his troops into three routes:

Lu Xun and Zhuge Jin led 50,000 troops on the west road, and attacked Xiangyang from Xiakou; Sun Shao and Zhang Cheng, who claimed 50,000 people in the east, entered the Huai River and violated Guangling;

Anyone can see that this kind of attack, the east and the west, are just partial divisions, pretending to be grandiose.

What Sun Quan really wanted to attack was still Hefei.

From the day Sun Quan entered Chaohu, Man Chong began to gather soldiers from all over Yangzhou to prepare for the battle.

Now seeing that Sun Quan really came to Hefei New City, he prepared to lead the army to meet him.

Tian Yu, the general of Yiyi, learned of Man Chong's plan, and immediately persuaded him:

"The battle in Guanzhong is raging. The former court recruited a lot of soldiers and soldiers to support Guanzhong, even Yuzhou and Qingzhou are no exception. Now that Wu Kou has come with a large army, I'm afraid the picture is not small."

"There is a saying in the art of war: Bing is expensive and fast. Sun Quan said early on that he would invade the north, and it has only come to this day. According to the general, this is a new city that will cause doubts about the army."

"Now there are many bandits and few soldiers, if the general leads the army to Hefei in advance, what if Sun Quan doesn't go ashore, but turns east to Guangling instead?"

Man Chong thought of Sun Shao, Zhang Cheng and other thieves who committed crimes in Guangling, and couldn't help nodding, so he asked:

"Then what should I do?"

Tian Yu said:

"Hefei New City, the city is solid and the soldiers are strong. Even if the thieves come with a large army, they will not be able to go down overnight. We just let them attack the city and dampen their spirit."

"Thieves can't attack the city, they will give up their slack; if they stop their slack and attack them later, they will be smashed!"

"If the general is worried about Hefei, he can ask the last general to lead 3,000 people there first, and the general will lead the army behind him, waiting for the opportunity to attack the bandits."

Man Chong nodded: "Good."

Wei Guo was on the southeast front line, and a large number of soldiers and horses were originally deployed to guard against Soochow.

Only after the battle of Shiting, the Wei army on the southeast front line was seriously injured.

Over the years, the Han army in the west has been pressing harder and harder, as if Mount Tai is overwhelming.

Therefore, Wei's key defensive direction has long been shifted to the west, and there has been no way to replenish troops on the front line of Yangzhou.

Not to mention that some time ago, Feng thief broke through Bingzhou from the north and entered Hedong, and Luoyang was shocked three times a day.

Jiang Ji took Wei's last strategic mobile force to guard against Feng's bandits at Zhiguan in Hanoi.

In a short period of time, Luoyang almost became a capital city without soldiers to defend.

Therefore, 30,000 people had to be urgently transferred from Yuzhou Qingzhou to Luoyang, just in case.

The strength of these two states is originally the reserve force for the southeast front.

This time, 30,000 people were withdrawn, and the front line of Yangzhou was full of fights, leaving only 60,000 people.

In addition, a part of the troops will be sent to defend Guangling. Now Man Chong actually has all the troops in his hands, which is about 40,000.

This is why Tian Yu said "there are many bandits and few soldiers", which is why.

Facing the menacing army of 150,000 men on Sun Quan's middle road and east road, Man Chong felt quite pressured.

While listening to Tian Yu's opinion, he immediately sent a fast horse to Luoyang for help.

Knowing that Wu Kou had finally formally committed a crime in the North, Cao Rui had no choice but to drag his sick body and call important ministers to discuss countermeasures.

Someone said suspiciously:

"Man Chong led tens of thousands of elite soldiers, but he dared not go to meet them. Can this be said to support soldiers and fear the enemy?"

Cao Rui has been ill for a long time, so he is already a little sensitive.

In addition, he was already in an extremely bad mood by all kinds of bad news from Guanzhong.

At this time, when he heard this, his brows furrowed.

Sima Yi in the west has always been suspected of disobeying orders, if Man Chong in the east is also dissenting, could it be that all the generals in the Wei army are bullying me because I have been ill for a long time and cannot manage?

Fortunately, Liu Shao, the regular servant of Sanqi, stood up and retorted:

"The thieves are new, they are focused and energetic, and the generals have few soldiers. If they attack at this time, they will not be able to control the enemy. Therefore, delaying and waiting for changes is indeed a feasible strategy. It is not a cowardly enemy."

"From my point of view, the new city of Hefei is far away from Chaohu Lake. If Wu Kou wants to attack the new city, he needs to go ashore. The land is the most suitable place for the great Wei Jingqi."

"Since Tian Yu has led 3,000 people to set off, why don't you let him enter the way with a loud voice, flaunting the situation, and then let General Man send 5,000 fine cavalry to follow, pretending to cut off the food for the thieves."

"The thieves must have doubts and dare not attack the city with all their strength. This can also delay the thieves."

Cao Rui nodded when he heard the words, thinking he could give it a try.

If this plan works, it can temporarily dampen Wu Kou's spirit, and even if it doesn't work, he can test whether Man Chong is loyal or not.

Seeing that Cao Rui agreed with Liu Shao's words, Liu Fang also stood up:

"Your Majesty, although Liu Changshi's strategy can temporarily delay the thieves, if you want to retreat from the enemy, it is best to send reinforcements. Now there are Shu captives in the west and Wu bandits in the east. The country is in danger!"

"Boldly, I implore Your Majesty to revive the legacy of the late emperor, drive the imperial expedition to the East, shake the courage of the small people outside, and shake the hearts of the military officials inside. In this way, the country can be safe!"

Sun Zi and Liu Fang have always advanced together and retreated at the same time, and at this time they also hurriedly came out:

"Your Majesty, at the beginning of the year, there was an auspicious yellow dragon in Shanchi County, Shandong Province. There was a saying among the high servants: Wei De Tude, which corresponds to the yellow color, also advised His Majesty to change the year name."

"So according to Yichen, Wei's luck is in the east. Your majesty is driving east at this time, and it's the right time."

Gao Tanglong, who was already very old, was startled when he heard Sun Zi mentioning himself at this time.

He raised his head and looked at Liu Fang and Sun Zi, with complicated eyes flashing in his cloudy eyes.

When Huanglong appeared, the Shu captives had not invaded Wei yet!

Now that the two of them suddenly brought up this matter, they simply put him on fire.

When Cao Rui heard the words, he looked at Gao Tanglong expectantly:

"Mr. Gao Tang, what do you think of this statement?"

Gao Tanglong stood out tremblingly:

"Your Majesty, the two thieves of Shu and Wu today do not live in Baidi, nor are they small captives or bandits gathered in cities. They are arrogating themselves to become emperors and want to compete with China."

"Your Majesty, we should put down the bandits first. If we can retreat the Wu Kou first, then stop the Shu captives with all our strength, and then improve the political integrity, this will be the greatest auspicious..."

Cao Rui couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, Gao Tanglong is not confused, why is he talking so upside down?

What I asked was whether Huanglong Xiangrui in Shanchi County should allow me to go to the East, rather than asking you to persuade me to improve my political integrity.

It's just that Gao Tanglong is very old, and he can't even stand still, so he can't say much at the moment:

"What Lord Gaotang said is true."

The battle in Guanzhong was already extremely unfavorable, and no one knew whether Bandit Feng, who had been wandering around the east of the river, would suddenly rush to the city of Luoyang one day.

Therefore, many people in the court of Wei State have already had the heart to move eastward.

At this time, there is the excuse of Wu Guo, and Cao Rui also has the heart to go to Xuchang to let the heavenly girl make alchemy.

So after some discussion, the matter of the emperor's imperial expedition to the east was finally officially settled.

Just when most of the high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the Luoyang court were busy planning how to follow the emperor's "seemingly going east, but actually moving the capital" to run away.

However, Gao Tanglong, the servant and Taishi Ling, fell ill, and the illness came on very quickly. After a few days, he was already unable to move his hands and feet, only able to speak.

Knowing that his fate was not long, he asked someone to write for him, and dictated a memorial himself:

"Zeng Zi said: When a person is about to die, his words are good. The minister's bedtime illness will increase but will not be damaged. I am afraid that his life will not be long. I hope that your majesty will spare you the words of the minister."

"At the beginning of the Yellow Dynasty, there was a bird of a different kind, which raised a long swallow's nest, and its mouth, claws, and chest were all red. This is also a big difference in the Wei Dynasty. In the Qinglong period, His Majesty ordered the construction of the Lingxiao Temple. This palace was not completed, and there was a magpie's nest on it. .”

"Both of these are called Wei's great troubles, not outside but inside. It is necessary to prevent Ying Yang's ministers from rising inside the Xiaoqiang."

"Therefore, the old ministers suggested that the kings should be selected, and the kings and soldiers would be appointed, and they would often play chess, guard the emperor's body, and brighten the emperor's house."

"Husband and emperor have no relatives, but virtue is the auxiliary. Han loses its virtue, Wei gains it, and then there is the world. From this point of view, the world is the world of the world, not just the world of your majesty."

It would be inappropriate for others to talk about this omen.

However, Gao Tanglong, as the Taishi Ling, is in charge of the time, ephemeris, national sacrifices, funerals, weddings, good days, and seasonal taboos.

Taishi Lingyan's omen of the country is exactly where he is in charge.

Gao Tanglong's memorial kept Cao Rui silent for a long time, and then he sighed.

Cao Rui naturally agrees with the so-called minister of Ying Yang.

It was not what Cao Rui wanted to let the princes of the Cao family establish a country and take charge of the army.

Especially the sentence "The world is the world of the people of the world, not the world of His Majesty alone", which made Cao Rui feel very uncomfortable.

Not to mention that at such a time, there are powerful enemies from outside and powerful ministers support soldiers. If the princes are allowed to establish a country and take charge of the army, is it because Wei is not chaotic enough?

It's just that Gao Tanglong is a veteran of the three dynasties, as he said, when a person is about to die, his words are also good.

For the sake of his devotion, Cao Rui wanted to write an imperial edict himself as a token of comfort.

It's just that he was sick and weak for a long time, and before the edict was written halfway, his forehead began to throb, and his eyes became swollen and dizzy, which made him feel a little uncomfortable and lay down on the desk.

Lian Zhao knew that it was because His Majesty had worked too hard and was exhausted, so he quickly sent someone to help Cao Rui into the bedroom to rest.

Just when Cao Rui was about to take the imperial boat to march eastward, Sun Quan sat on the horse holding the whip in his forehand, looking left and right, full of vigor.

This attack on thieves was agreed by Wu and Shu two years in advance.

The year before last, Sun Quan made 500 big coins just to prepare money and food.

Logically speaking, the Kingdom of Shu will send troops for one month this year, and no later than three months, and the Kingdom of Wu will send troops to the north.

After all, the distance of Shu Kingdom is far, and it is a little earlier than Wu Kingdom, which is reasonable.

Unexpectedly, Sun Quan dragged on for half a year before gathering troops in Chaohu Lake.

Then he waited for a long time in Chaohu, until he learned that Feng Yong of the Shu Kingdom had already approached the East River, causing panic among the people of the Wei Kingdom.

Sun Quan turned pale with shock, and hurriedly led the army across the Chaoshui, preparing to land.

After landing, Sun Quan forced a smile and said to the left and right:

"Now most of Wei's troops are gathered in Guanzhong, fighting against the Shu people. Hefei Wei's troops are the fewest in recent years, and the attack is at the right time."

Over the years, Wu Jun went north every year, basically in winter and spring, in order to minimize the advantage of Wei Jun's fine cavalry.

This time it was delayed until late autumn, and Sun Quan was not afraid that the Shu people would send people to question him afterwards.

Just thinking of the news from Shu and Wei, Feng Yong was actually able to lead tens of thousands of fine riders to bypass Bingzhou and go straight down to Hedong, which really shocked countless people's eyes:

Shu people are fine riders, so terrifying?

Wu Guo obtained a batch of war horses from Shu State last year, and Sun Quan also knew a little about war horses in the army.

Why is cavalry the most expensive unit?

Not to mention the various equipment of the cavalry, nor the fine soybean food eaten by the war horses.

Take the loss of war horses as an example, the number of war horses that cannot be ridden due to the wear and tear of horseshoes every year basically accounts for 20% or even 30% of the war horses in the army.

If there is a war and the horses are overridden, the hoofs will wear out faster.

Every time there was a big battle in the former Han Dynasty, hundreds of thousands of horses would always go out to fight, and when they returned in the end, there were often only tens of thousands or even 20,000 to 30,000 horses left. This is not without reason.

And what about Feng Yong?

From Liangzhou to Hedong, he moved thousands of miles, and his horse was able to run over!

If the facts were not right in front of our eyes, I am afraid that no one would dare to believe that there are such fine horsemen in this world.

It is precisely because no one thought that Feng Yong's war horse could run so far.

That's why no one would have thought that he could bypass Bingzhou and go south into Hedong.

Thinking of the possibility that the Kingdom of Shu could swallow Guanzhong and Bingzhou Hedong in one go, Sun Quan felt a little empty in his heart.

According to the plan he had discussed with Lu Xun, even if the Kingdom of Shu could fight, it would be an expedition to attack Guanzhong.

And Wei Guo has been in Guanzhong for many years. With the favorable location and harmonious people, the two sides of Shu and Wei are likely to be at loggerheads.

The longer the stalemate between Wei and Shu, the more beneficial it will be to Wu.

The plan should have worked.

I heard that the main force of the Shu army led by Zhuge Liang and the main force of the Wei army led by Sima Yi had stalemate in Wuzhangyuan for half a year.

The only thing people didn't expect was that Feng Yong, the Shu captive bandit, would emerge from Hedong.

After the detailed work of Wu Guo in Luoyang confirmed the authenticity of this incident, Sun Quan immediately ordered Lu Xun, who was originally planning to attack Xiangyang, to turn to the east and meet him.

As for depends on whether Wei Guo can seize the opportunity.

Because Wancheng in the north of Jingzhou is connected to Wuguan and Guanzhong.

No matter how Wei and Shu are in Guanzhong now, anyway, Hefei, Sun Quan must take it down!

Otherwise, if Shu won two and a half states, but Wu got nothing, it would be a big loss.

Thinking of the terrifying Jingqi in Feng Yong's hand, Sun Quan couldn't help muttering in his heart:

It seems that it is worthwhile to exchange the art of boats and boats for the art of cavalry in Shu.

After this battle, I have to think about it, and then send some people to the Kingdom of Shu, and I must learn all the methods of cavalry in the Kingdom of Shu.

It would be best if Feng Mingwen could teach in person...

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