Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 104 This Little Brother Worth It

"Brother, Li Wenxuan's words must not be trusted. Brother, don't act impulsively and do something regrettable."

Wang Xun came over, his face was a little anxious, and he said in a low voice.

Feng Yong looked around with a guilty conscience. The person closest to them was more than ten feet away, so he felt relieved.

"Brother, don't be afraid, there is no one around here, and my little brother has already searched everywhere."

"Zi Shi, did you hear that?"

Wang Xun nodded and admitted without hesitation: "Just now when my younger brother came back from hunting wild game, he saw a mountain pheasant here. He thought that the mountain pheasant was delicious, and he just wanted to nourish my brother. As soon as he shot it down, he saw a pheasant. That Li Wenxuan looked strange and acted suspiciously when he entered the forest. The younger brother was curious about what he was going to do, and never expected to see the elder brother follow him. The younger brother was afraid that he would be harmful to the elder brother, so he quietly observed."

"Are you afraid that he will harm me? Zishi is suspicious of Li Wenxuan?"

"That's right."

"And why?"

"I think at the beginning, Li Dudu of Nanzhong wanted to surrender to the late emperor, but he followed the old general Zhao's line, so the Zhao and Li families, no matter what, can be regarded as close. It stands to reason that Li Wenxuan should be closer to Erlang. It's a normal behavior. But according to my little brother, it's not the case, doesn't my brother find it strange?"

"The Zhao and Li families still have such a relationship?"

Feng Yong was startled, and said in his heart that I really didn't know about it.

Wang Xun nodded and said: "Speaking of which I am not afraid of my elder brother's ridicule, my lord had to act cautiously as a newcomer back then. In order not to offend others unintentionally, he also carefully inquired about the nobles in the court. They are connected with each other. Old General Zhao, of course, is the most important thing. The younger brother just happens to have some understanding of this matter."

Feng Yong sighed in his heart, it was really not luck and accident that Wang Ping became the pillar of the Shu Han in the future. Seeing the big from the small, just relying on this caution, no matter how unlucky it is, at least it is enough to keep yourself safe. If you add your own ability and a little bit of luck, then getting ahead is unstoppable.

"Then what does this have to do with your disbelief in Li Wenxuan?"

"Zhao and Li are close, but brother, have you ever seen Li Wenxuan and Zhao Erlang call each other brothers? Usually, they are just called Dalang Erlang. The second brother is open-minded by nature, and even the status of the younger brother can be handed over to him. I am not a stingy person, I am afraid that the problem lies with Li Wenxuan. From what I have seen these days, Li Wenxuan is born with aloofness and self-reliance on his talents, I am afraid that he may not be willing to be with the second brother."

When Wang Xun mentioned it, Feng Yong was startled, and he looked at Wang Xun in surprise. He didn't expect this little boy who was usually taciturn to have such meticulous thoughts.

After receiving Feng Yong's encouraging gaze, Wang Xun's confidence increased greatly, and he continued: "Then Li Wenxuan is arrogant, how could he be so easy to be a low-key kid, and he only met his brother a few times, and he called him brother?"

Receiving Wang Xun's reminder, Feng Yong silently thought, at the same time, he was right! When did this Li Yi start calling me brother?

"What Zishi means is that Li Wenxuan has other intentions?"

"I don't dare to talk nonsense, but I really think so in my heart. No matter whether I have it or not, I have to help my elder brother watch over it, and it's better for my elder brother to be careful. Let's talk about the matter just now," Wang Xun paused. , seemed to be gathering words, and after a while he said, "The Guan and Li families want to get married, and the prime minister is happy to see it. Ni? With the talent of my elder brother, there are so many women in the world, is it possible that they still can't find a good match?"

Feng Yong patted Wang Xun's shoulder with emotion, thinking that this little brother, Lao Tzu, is really worth it!

The Hanzhong Diannong official sounds good: everything about farming in Hanzhong can be supervised. But Hanzhong is mostly a barren land, so in the eyes of many people, this is just a false job. The current him is just a fringe person who is regarded by others and has made great contributions, but was given a false official position by the prime minister as if in name.

But not to mention that after this year, Hanzhong will be fully cultivated by the powerful and the court. In terms of Hanzhong's strategic position as the base of the Northern Expedition in the future, Feng Yong, the official position of Diannong in Hanzhong, will be abandoned sooner or later in a few years. It was discovered that it was actually a hidden heavyweight official position.

Then Feng Yong, who is in his position, will become a figure who is highly valued by the prime minister and secretly cultivated early in the eyes of those who are interested.

But after all, it takes time for this kind of thing to be known. After Zhao Erlang, who was not sure about the door, knew about it, he knew it was arranged by the prime minister. Without knowing the truth, it is rare for Tulu to say a word of injustice. valuable.

Unexpectedly, this Wang family is even more straightforward. Wang Ping only listened to his son's message, and immediately asked for leave, and ran to the mountain to help him find someone. Apart from being by his side silently in the past, Wang Xun was able to think of him everywhere, telling him advice without hesitation. For ordinary people, when encountering such things, it is too late to avoid them, so how can they take the initiative to take matters into their own hands like Wang Xun?

"Don't worry Zishi, I will seriously consider this matter."

After Feng Yong said such a sentence, he felt that he didn't get it right, so he added another sentence: "In the future, I will definitely live up to the Wang family!"

The Shu Han prospered in Jiameng and died in Jianmen.

After passing Jianshan Mountain, the future Jianmen Pass, you will arrive at Jiameng Pass, which is also a pass with legendary stories.

Jiamengguan, oh, no, it should be called Hanshou now, it is a brick arched gate, and stone barriers form the wall. The mountains on both sides of the pass overlap, dangerous rocks and cliffs, and trees are sparse. There is only one stone path leading to the pass, which is twists and turns, and the pass looks extremely steep and majestic.

The late Zhonglang General Huo Jun was here back then, with hundreds of people from his own tribe, he resisted Zhang Lu before and resisted Liu Zhang later, and defended for a year under the attack of ten thousand enemies. The Lord chopped off his head.

Feng Yong stood under the city gate, imagining the scene when Huo Jun stepped on the head of the enemy general and said contemptuously: "I am your father!"

In the end, he sighed and said: "I wish I could see the demeanor of General Huo back then."

"Since my brother is so emotional, why don't you sing the text to express your heart?"

Zhao Guang came up to him tactfully and made a point.

Feng Yong glanced at him, and found that the swelling on his face not only did not go away, but there were a few blue marks on his face, so he could only open his mouth and say: "Go to the Lijing well and breathe on your back, and sigh with your hands, what do you think? "

Zhao Guang twitched his lips, and said with a forced smile: "Brother Shu Dao is difficult for this article, so it is naturally very suitable for this Shu Dao. But haven't you already read these two sentences before?"

Feng Yong nodded and said: "Yes. I was thinking that back then when Fu Jin, Xiang Cun and others led their troops to attack the pass guarded by General Huo, there was probably no other way but to sigh, so I think these two sentences are very appropriate."

"Brother, I will take a good rest in this pass tonight. After passing this pass, it will be the most difficult path along the plank road. After tonight, there will be no such good things in the next few days." Li Yi also led Said immediately.

Feng Yong nodded: "Okay. Let everyone know that I will rest here tonight."

At this time, Jiameng Pass was already in the territory of the Han Dynasty, so there would be no more troops stationed there, only a hundred or so soldiers guarding it, and the biggest official was just a low-level school lieutenant. As a few people in Feng Yong's group, they were naturally arranged in the best place.

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