Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 105 Take it to the ditch

In October of the first year of Jianxing, the prime minister made a statement, saying that the Lord Shangchu was in power, and it was appropriate to send an ambassador to reiterate Wu's goodness in order to resist the Wei bandits. From above, ask again who can be it. Liang recommended Deng Zhi, Xu, and sent Shang Shu Lang Zhi to be better than Wu.

"What is Ah Lang thinking today? Why do you put on such a posture?"

After handling the government affairs, Zhuge Liang stood with his hands behind his back in the backyard, looking up at the sky, with a distant expression, a little bit of vicissitudes, and the demeanor of a mature man, very stylish. At least in Huang Yueying's eyes, this elegant demeanor is much more attractive than the serious attitude when working day and night.

"Oh, it's Mr. Xi." Zhuge Liang turned around and smiled at Huang Yueying, "It's nothing else. It's just that the news came from that Jianshan today, which made me feel deeply."

"Sword Mountain." Huang Yueying's thoughts turned extremely fast, and she immediately thought of the root cause, "If you count the time, that kid should have passed Jianshan Mountain, right?"

"The past few days have passed. The news just came back today, and the report is about the situation in Jianshan."

"Is it still safe?"

"Naturally safe."

"Then why does Ah Lang look like this?"

Zhuge Liang handed over a piece of silk cloth in his hand, with a strange expression that he couldn't understand, "Let's take a look, sir."

Huang Yueying thought it was the news from the front, she took it and glanced it over in a hurry, but found something wrong, she let out a "Huh", and then started to study it carefully again.

After a long time, he let out a long breath, and his eyes sparkled: "Who wrote this? Why is it only half? Is there still half?"

Zhuge Liang smiled helplessly: "I also want to know what the other half looks like, but the bastard only read half of it, then Erlang interrupted it, and the rest disappeared."

"It's gone? Who is it?" Huang Yueying asked, and then she felt wrong, "It's that bastard? How could he write such a magnificent essay? Just by looking at the sentence 'How dazed is the founding of the country', one can tell that the person who wrote this essay must be He is a man with great ambitions, that kid..." At this point, I couldn't find a suitable word to describe it.

Zhuge Liang shook his head, and couldn't help laughing: "I don't know if this article was written by him, or by someone from his school."

"Then why is it only half?" Huang Yueying said angrily, "It's so exciting to watch, but it suddenly breaks in the middle, it can't go up and down, it's very uncomfortable! If that bastard is in front of you, Make him look good!"

"I can't blame him for this. The news came that the boy was so absorbed in his righteous thoughts, but that Erlang came over and interrupted him twice, which made the boy lose his train of thought and couldn't read any more."

"Then hit that Erlang!" Huang Yueying said bitterly.

"I don't know if Xijun has noticed, but there is something special in that text."

"What does Ah Lang mean?" Huang Yueying asked strangely.

"That kid's teacher."

Huang Yueying raised her eyebrows, picked up the silk book again and read it, and nodded after a while: "Qin Sai, Taibai, Emei, Qingni..." He hesitated for a moment, raised her head, and looked at Zhuge Liang There was some doubt in his eyes.

We have been married to Huang Yueying for a long time, Zhuge Liang didn't know what she was going to say, so he nodded and said: "In the past, I always guessed that this son's master should be in Sichuan, but now it seems that it may not be so." Looking up into the air, he said slowly, "Whether this article is written by him himself or from his teacher's school, it can be seen that there are footprints of his teacher's school from Guanzhong to Shuzhong."

Zhuge Liang raised his hand and drew a circle in mid-air, as if including Shuzhong and Guanzhong, "Looking at it now, I think his master's school is more like outside of Shu."

"Why?" Huang Yueying has always admired her husband's thoughts, and there are very few people in the world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Zhuge Liang smiled lightly, holding Zhizhu in his hands: "From this article, we can see that the person who wrote this article must have entered Shu from outside, and that's why he sighed. Don't forget, the last sentence, 'Ask the king when he will return to Journey to the West' .”

"Yes!" Huang Yueying clapped her hands with a "slap", "I just patronized to appreciate the magnificence of this article, but I forgot about it." As she spoke, she glanced at Zhuge Liang in admiration, and said sincerely, "Alang is still the best."

"Journey to the West, that's in the east of Shu, where could it be?" Zhuge Liang was not happy because of Huang Yueying's praise, but frowned and muttered to himself, "I can't say, it's the boy who reacted when he read the first half of the paragraph." Coming here will reveal the location of the master's school, so I suddenly shut up and don't read the second half, so there is still half a chapter, what is it..."

Feng Yong naturally didn't know that half of the "Shu Road is Difficult" that he read on the spur of the moment, directly led the Zhuge old demon and his wife, who had cast a psychological shadow on him, into the ditch.

Of course, if Feng Tubie found out about this, nine times out of ten he would have desperately tried to remember the next paragraph.

"I'm going to die!" Feng Yong murmured as if his whole body had been pulled out of bones, and his whole body was like a mollusk, lying on a green bull with a mournful face.

He really overestimated himself. He was no better than a servant when he walked, no better than Zhao Guang and others when he rode a horse, no better than a farmer's child even when he sat on an ox...

For the first time, Feng Yong felt that he was being crushed in all directions.

Amei led the cow and walked in front. For her who is used to walking on mountain roads in Nanzhong, this kind of road is already a very good road. In Nanzhong, as far as the eye can see, there are often thorns all over the ground, and it is necessary to step on a path with bare feet.

Now she is not only wearing shoes on her feet, but also has a paved stone path. Walking like this is simply a kind of enjoyment, so she doesn't understand why her master is in such a dying state.

Glancing back secretly, I saw that the lord, whom he usually regarded as high above him, had no majesty at all at this moment, and was still muttering incomprehensible words.

Although Feng Yong is so disregarding the image, Amei still respects, fears and appreciates her lord. This time when she is going away, Yaomei can only let herself follow the lord because she wants to stay in the village and be the housekeeper for the lord. come out. Thinking of this, Amei felt a little crisp in her heart.

At this moment, there was a commotion in front, and cheers gradually sounded at the same time, the voice gradually increased from small to large, and came from the front.

"It's here!"

Cheers were sandwiched between such shouts.

Amei was taken aback, what's here?

As the flow of people turned a corner, after the hillside in front disappeared, the eyes suddenly opened up, and another majestic pass suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. There were three words written on the pass. Unfortunately, Amei was illiterate and didn't know what does that mean.

Hearing the sound, Feng Yong sat up suddenly, ignoring the needle-like pain in his buttocks, clamped the back of the bull, and tried to raise himself a little higher. Looking from a distance, he saw the writing on the male pass: Yang'an Pass.

Because the names of Yangpingguan and Yanganguan are in dispute, it is explained here that the unified name of Yanganguan is, after all, the place Jiang Wei named to guard.

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