Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 106 Yangan Pass

Yang'anguan, where you can go to Shu in the south, Yongliang in the north, Wudu in the west, and Hanzhong in the east, was once said by the former emperor Fazheng: "The return of fish and the critical moment are the gates of good fortune and disaster in Yizhou."

Those who recover the fish are Baidi, and those who are at the critical moment are Yang'an Pass. To get it is a blessing, to lose it is a disaster.

If Hanzhong is the barrier of Yizhou, then Yang'an Pass is the gate of Yizhou.

Feng Yong fell asleep in the post house in Guancheng for a dark night. When he woke up, the doors and windows in the house were closed, the light was dim, and he didn't know what time it was outside.

Sitting up on the couch, my head was groggy, my eyes were dull and out of focus, my whole body was sore and limp and I didn't want to move, but I felt refreshed up and down.

I opened my mouth to make a sound, but found that my throat was dry and I was feeling uncomfortable. The door opened with a "squeak", and Amei came in with a bowl, and said softly, "My lord is awake? Have some water?" "

Feng Yong took the bowl, took a sip, and just in time to drink it, he asked in a hoarse voice, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Returning to the Lord, I slept for a day and a night. I arrived at Guancheng yesterday, and today it is Shen time."

Feng Yong shook his head, thought for a while, and then remembered that Shen Shi was after three o'clock in the afternoon.

"My lord, would you like something to eat first?"

"have what?"

"I asked that the post house borrowed the kitchen house and made some chicken soup for the master."

Feng Yong glanced at Amei, and saw this young girl standing in front of the couch with low eyebrows, a strange thought came to her mind, what did Butler Zhao do before? If it is said that the training of a Yaomei was accidental, then what happened to the young girl in front of him?

Along the way, Amei, the maid, didn't talk much, but when Feng Yong wanted to drink water and eat, she always silently prepared everything in advance, which made him feel very comfortable.

This kind of training method, I am afraid that it cannot be explained by ordinary rich people.

"Okay, bring it in."


Ah Mui saluted, turned around and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Feng Yong got up, picked up the folded clothes at the head of the bed, and began to dress.

After a good night's sleep and drinking the warm chicken soup, Feng Yong felt that he had finally come back to life.

"Where are Zhao Erlang, Wang Dalang and others?"

"Zhao Langjun went out to visit relatives after rest yesterday, and he hasn't come back yet. Wang Langjun went out today, but he didn't say where he went."

Hearing what Amei said, Feng Yong slapped his head. He had just woken up, but he didn't realize that this Yang'an Pass was the place where he and Wang Ping had agreed to meet. Wang Xun should be looking for his lord up.

Speaking of which, Wang Xun fought battles with his family back then, so he should be quite familiar with the terrain, so there is no need to worry about anything going wrong. But what did Zhao Guang say about going out to visit relatives? The boss of the Zhao family is in Chengdu now, where does he have relatives?

Just as she was thinking about this, Amei said again: "It's Li Langjun who came here a few times today. Seeing that the lord is still awake, he left a message saying that if the lord feels bored after waking up, he can go around. He will go first. Go out of customs, go to Nanzheng to do something, wait for him to come back, and then go to Hanzhong together."

Li Yi came to Hanzhong this time as Captain Zhaoxin, and to put it bluntly, he was actually an envoy sent by the imperial court. However, different from ordinary envoys, this identity is much more free, and there is no fixed time limit for returning to the court. As long as there is no order from the court, Li Yi can basically stay in Hanzhong until he wants to go back.

walk around?

Hearing these words, Feng Yong's heart was moved. This idea is not bad.

Yang'an Pass is much larger and more majestic than Jiameng Pass. Walking along the base of the wall, stroking the green bricks with his hands, his hands are cold, reminding Feng Yong that this is not a dream, he is now in the real history.

Looking up, the soldiers guarding the pass are neat and tidy, with a clear banner. It is said in the history books that Wei Yanshan raised soldiers, which seems to be true. When Liu Bei was defeated and panicked, this man could not only hold Hanzhong, but also keep the morale of his soldiers. He is really a general.

Today's Yang'an Pass is under the protection of Hanzhong, and there are not many soldiers and horses placed there. It may be because they are preparing to reclaim Hanzhong. There are quite a few people entering the pass from the south. At this time, Yang'an Pass looks more like a transit stand.

"Your Majesty, do you want to go up to that city wall?"

I wandered on the side of the boarding path for a long time, after all, I didn't ask the soldiers guarding the pass if they could go up. I was about to turn back, but a young man in armor appeared next to him. With white teeth, he looked at Feng Yong with a smile and asked.

"There, can you go up?" Feng Yong pointed to the top of the city wall and asked in surprise.

"Others can't go up, but Lang Jun can."


Feng Yong was even more surprised.

"Mr. Lang is the Wei Cheng of Hanzhong Diannong School?"

"Exactly. How do you know me?"

"Yesterday, when Feng Langjun entered the pass, the villain had a glimpse from a distance. And now, seeing the ribbon on his waist, he came from that post house, and now only Feng Langjun is still in the pass. Li Angel is coming Before I left, I told you that if the Guancheng is not a secret place, you can let Mr. Feng Lang come in and out, so don't worry about it."

Angel Lee?

Feng Yong was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Li Yi is the imperial envoy, isn't he the angel that people say?

This guy can be a man. However, the young man in front of him can be regarded as a caring person. It is estimated that he should have followed him for a long time, otherwise he would not have just appeared when he saw that he wanted to go up the city wall, and I don't know if it was Li Yi's arrangement.

Since you can do it, you don't need to be hypocritical. Immediately nodded and said: "If that's the case, you might as well close the central guard, it's best if you can go up."

"You might as well."

After the young man in armor finished speaking, he walked over and spoke to the two soldiers guarding the ascension road, and then he came back and said to Feng Yong: "I have already spoken to the guards, Feng Langjun, please go ahead."

When he was about to go up the boarding path, Feng Yong turned around and asked, "What's your name?"

The armored boy Lang suddenly showed ecstasy, clasped his fists and said, "Return to your lord, the villain Jiang Shu."

Feng Yong nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you Captain Jiang for your help this time."

"Don't dare, dare not. It's a villain's honor to serve Feng Langjun!" Jiang Shu humbly smiled.

The young man looks about the same age as Feng Yong, but he looks very winky, and he is also smooth in dealing with people, making people feel very comfortable when getting along with him.

Strolling on the horse path, Feng Yong repeated the name "Jiang Shu" repeatedly, which seemed a little familiar, and patted his head. This is the disadvantage of not studying hard. Speaking of the characters in the early period of the Three Kingdoms, Feng Yong is confident that there is no one who does not know, but the characters who appeared in the later period, as long as they are not celebrities, almost all of them can't remember clearly.

But since it sounds familiar, it must have appeared in the history books.

Feng Yong looked back at the city, Jiang Shu was still standing there, watching Feng Yong go to the city. Seeing Feng Yong turn his head, he smiled and bent slightly to signal, he is really a very winky guy.

Feng Yong nodded in return, turned around and sighed, thinking to himself, but what did he do?

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