Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 107 Two Tiger Girls

Climb up the city wall and look around, the Jialing River is rolling southward, and further north, a mountain rises abruptly, about 100 meters high, majestic and majestic, like an overturned bucket. I don't know how Liu Bei passed through such a dangerous place, defeated Boss Cao, and won the land of Hanzhong. Looking to the east, there are many mountains and clouds, but it is a pity that Hanzhong cannot be seen.

Feeling emotional, Feng Yongzheng walked on the city wall, turned around and turned a corner, suddenly stopped, and stared blankly ahead.

I saw a girl in men's attire in front of me standing by the gate of the city wall, holding a knife and pen in her hand, engraving words on a piece of bamboo slips, who is it not Guan Ji?

The wind from the river blew, and the sleeves of the clothes were torn, and the clothes on Guan Ji's chest were tightly attached to her body.

It seems that there is no corset!

Feng Yong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked away with difficulty, looked at the towering mountain peaks in the distance, and murmured: "It's so high, so towering!"

As if hearing Feng Yong's words, the girl suddenly turned around.

Feng Yong greeted Guan Ji's cold gaze, showing eight teeth, and smiled kindly.

Unexpectedly, Guan Ji's eyes became more and more indifferent, and she suddenly put down the bamboo slips and knife and pen in her hand, picked up the long knife beside her, and with a "clang", she pulled out the knife like lightning!

What the hell?

Feng Yong scolded his mother secretly, and was about to speak, when suddenly a sharp whistling sound came from his ear, and he felt as if something was flying through the air beside his ear. His eyes were dazzled, and he saw that Guan Ji's long saber seemed to be practiced, and there was a "Dang", as if something had been knocked open.

Fortunately, Feng Yong's eyesight is good, and he fixed his eyes on the knocked-off thing, which turned out to be a feathered arrow!

There are assassins!

Feng Yong was startled, without even thinking about it, he just rolled like a donkey, rolling to the wall.

Before he could turn over and see who was coming, he heard a soft voice: "The stone girl of the Guan family! You can make it easier for me to find you!"

Then a figure rushed over, carrying the sound of a tiger.

Guan Ji let out a cold snort, took a step ahead, turned around, and the long saber slashed at the person head-on.

"Well done!"

The person who came came shouted again, but he didn't dodge or dodge, and directly waved the big knife in his hand to meet him.


When the two knives hit each other, there was a crisp sound, and then there was a flash of sparks. Feng Yong felt that the roots of his teeth were going to be sour.

When the two passed by each other, their backhands directly stabbed each other's vitals, as if there was a deep hatred.

This is the first time Feng Yong has seen two martial arts generals fight after traveling.

Should be considered a general, right?

Feng Yong was dumbfounded, two female generals? !

The two people in the field each held a long knife, and the knife was aimed at each other's vitals. The wind of the sword overwhelmed the wind of the river, and the white light flashed by the sword made Feng Yong almost unable to see clearly.

At this moment, someone's knife hit the bamboo slips that Guan Ji put on the wall, and there was a "crash", and the bamboo pieces flew around, and some were directly chopped into pieces.

"Huang family barbarian, you are looking for death!"

When Guan Ji saw that the bamboo slips she had carefully crafted were destroyed, the anger in her phoenix eyes seemed to burst out, her usually cold expression turned into an angry expression at this moment, she gritted her teeth and said a long sentence for the first time.

"Let's see if you have such ability!"

The girl who was called the barbarian girl of the Huang family laughed heartily without caring about her image, and there was a faint sound of gold and stone in her voice.

Hearing these two scolding each other, Feng Yong understood, it seems that these two have known each other for a long time, but just don't know how deep is this enmity?

What do the soldiers on the wall do for food? Doesn't it mean that others cannot come up? How could this crazy woman who would be put to death the moment she met her come up?

"Brother, brother!"

There was a faint cry coming from his ear, Feng Yong followed the sound and saw Zhao Guang trying to get his attention far away.

Feng Yong was stunned by the crazy fight between the two women before he got up from the lazy donkey roll just now, and he was still crawling on the ground at this time.

After seeing Zhao Guang, he made up his mind. It seems that he brought this girl called Huang's Barbarian, and it is estimated that she will not die.

Feng Yong was very afraid of being involved in the whistling of knives, so he didn't dare to stand up straight, and ran towards Zhao Guang with his waist down.

Halfway through the run, there was a "ding" sound under his feet, Feng Yong looked down, and saw that it was a knife and pen, which should be used by Guan Ji just now, but at this time it was knocked here by the fight between the two, so he picked it up immediately , stuffed it into his bosom, saw that there was a bamboo slip not far away, picked it up and grabbed it in his hand.

"what happened?"

After running to the safe area, Feng Yong heaved a sigh of relief and glared at Zhao Guang. This guy who had let go, gave him such a big surprise as soon as he came back, and he was almost scared to death.

Zhao Guang chuckled and scratched his head embarrassingly: "I frightened my brother, I'm really sorry."

"Didn't you leave a message to visit relatives? Could it be her? Who is that?"

"My little brother is going to visit relatives, and seeing Sister Huang is just one of them."

"Huang?" Feng Yong's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Zhao Guang suspiciously, "When did you have a sister named Huang?"

Zhao Guang showed a rare twist on his face, and said, "It's the orphaned daughter of the late Empress General, General Huang, named Wu Die."

Feng Tubie's eyes widened immediately: "Huang Wudie! A descendant of General Huang?"

Zhao Guang grinned: "Aunt Huang is naturally a descendant of General Huang, but she is not her own. General Huang's son died young, and the world thought that there would be no descendants. But I don't know that there is another secret."

Zhao Guang paused for a moment before continuing: "Back then when the late emperor stationed troops at Jiameng Pass, General Huang once went hunting and encountered an orphan girl fighting with a wolf. She is a daughter. After the late emperor marched from Jiameng Pass to Chengdu, General Huang was invincible all the way, and everyone at that time thought that his bravery was the best among the three armies. Little did they know that sister was responsible for this.”

As he spoke, Zhao Guang glanced at the two people fighting in the arena, with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes: "Because my sister was born in Sri Lanka, I am familiar with all the roads and paths. General Huang is like a tiger with wings after his sister leads the way. General Huang was seriously ill, so he entrusted Wei Taishou to take care of him, and my sister has been living in Hanzhong since General Huang passed away."

What the hell? Could it be that some of the producers of Heroes of the Three Kingdoms are anti-travelers?

Feng Yong stared blankly at the two people in the arena. What did I travel through? The Legend of Heroes of the Three Kingdoms?

"Guan Ji and that... that Huang Ji, do you have a deep hatred?"

After all, he was a person who almost became a beggar and then struggled to become an official of the court. Feng Yong's nerves were finally tenacious, and he finally asked the questions that should be asked in this situation.

"Hey!" Zhao Guang's eyes drifted, and his face was slightly embarrassed, "Back then, the late emperor granted the position of the Five Tigers, General Guan...cough cough!"

"A real man will never keep company with old soldiers!"

When Guan Yu said this arrogantly back then, he probably didn't expect that he would be beheaded soon.

Feng Yong nodded, expressing his understanding. Guan Yu looked down on Huang Zhong back then, thinking that it was a shame for Huang Zhong to be among the five tigers with himself, and this grievance was passed on to the next generation.

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