Watching the two girls in the arena tumbling up and down, and the sounds of swords and swords clashing endlessly, Feng Yong sighed: "There are so many tiger girls!"

Zhao Guang nodded in agreement, and said: "The former emperor also felt this way. He said to the prime minister that he hated the generals. Most of them are tiger girls. If they are tiger cubs, they don't have to worry about having no successors."

Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang, and found that he was very serious when he said this, and he didn't seem to be joking. After thinking about it, he said, "You really think so?"

"What's wrong with this? Didn't my brother say it just now, how many tiger girls are there?"

Sure enough, a simple life is happier!

Feng Yong thought to himself, what Liu Bei said was that you guys of the second generation of officials are no match for women, so you really let him down. Obviously you are praising women, but you really hate men for being incompetent. You still have a proud look on your face, really... Sigh!

I think I already know the reason why your adults always look at you so badly.

However, the legend of Liu Daer's vicious vision seems to be true. He even saw the hidden worry of the Shu Han before he was alive, that is, there are no successors, but what's the use of that? Knowing that he has no successors, he still insists on ruining his family fortune to be reconciled, so that his honest son will be in fear every day when he just becomes the emperor.

The second generation did not live up to expectations, and you dare not delegate power to the local family that can provide you with talents. After all the calculations, you had to use foreign generals. However, it doesn't mean that the generals from outside can be used if they are used, it depends on whether the gods will show them. With Wang Ping, it is God's face, and with Jiang Wei, it is estimated that God made an exception because the big man was once his own son.

As for the old monster Zhuge taking care of everything big and small and not giving newcomers a chance to stand out--after the old demon Zhuge died, he still left a few people to support Liu Chan. Seeing which talent can stand out, a bunch of villains are jumping happily. In the end, don't they have to rely on their own disciples to support them?

Ten years of gathering, ten years of lessons.

The old monster Zhuge was born in two years and gathered in the South High School, and in three years he started the Northern Expedition.

You haven't been able to train a slightly better person in thirty years, and then you blame him for being too awesome when he was alive?

Could it be that the Zhuge old demon has been put into a coffin and buried in the soil for decades, and still exudes terrifying spiritual power to suppress the talents in Shuzhong, preventing them from getting ahead? Do you think it is fantasy?

To put it bluntly, the next generation is still incompetent - but the successful ones are short-lived.

If you are not successful, you can cultivate those who can be successful, but the intellectual resources are not in your own hands, but in the aristocratic family. Who can you blame? There is no talent for governance inside, and he gathers together with health preservation, and he does not care about national strength outside, and frequently uses troops. However, Adou, who is in power, is a good old man.

When the superstructure fails, and the economic base is unwilling to support it, its collapse is the inevitable choice of history. Ma's bearded theory can become a worldwide theory, not just because of his bearded face, people have been studying it for decades.

"Brother, it's very windy here, let's leave here first and go over there to avoid the limelight?"

Feng Yong was feeling emotional here, Zhao Guang opened his mouth and pointed to the entrance of the horse path on the city wall.

"Then what should they do?" Feng Yong pointed in surprise at the two girls who were desperately fighting.

Zhao Guang said nonchalantly: "What else can I do? When the two elder sisters are tired from beating, they will naturally stop. Before they stop by themselves, my younger brother dare not step forward to dissuade them. After all, with my younger brother's skill, Going forward to dissuade him, is it any different from sending him to death?"

It's hard work for you little brother!

Feng Yong looked at Zhao Guang with pity, and remembered how he was beaten up by Guan Ji a few days ago, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

This elder sister can't beat that elder sister, and that elder sister can't beat that elder sister. You don't dare to be presumptuous when another elder sister becomes a queen. Looking at that star's eccentric appearance, it may not be a fuel-efficient lamp when she grows up—— Sometimes even a little girl can play you around.

Alas, the picture is too beautiful to imagine.

"They used to be like this often?"

Feng Yong and Zhao Guangshuo stayed at the entrance of the bridleway, poking their heads out from time to time to have a look.

Zhao Guang listened and nodded: "It's often like this. Every year when Aunt Huang goes back to Jincheng to worship General Huang, she will go to Aunt Guan to discuss it."

Is this a sparring? Are you sure it's not desperate?

Feng Yong looked at Zhao Guang with weird eyes, thinking that the discussion in your mouth was really beyond my expectation, and asked, "How long do we have to wait?"

Zhao Guang looked helpless: "This is uncertain, sometimes it may be an hour or two, sometimes it may be a day."

"One day? Don't eat or drink? Just fight?"

Feng Yong was really horrified this time, thinking that even if he had martial arts, it would be different, a group with strong physical strength.

"How can there be such a strong general in this world?" Zhao Guang said with a smile, "In the past, my lord hugged His Majesty to break through the encirclement, and from time to time he had to evade the Cao bandits and rest temporarily to recover his strength, let alone the two sisters? That time I was tired After resting and resting, I would fight again after resting. This lasted only one day. If it wasn't for my aunt, I'm afraid I would have to light a torch to continue. But after that, the two elder sisters couldn't get out of bed for three days. Do nothing like that."

Only then did Feng Yong heave a sigh of relief, thinking that this is justified! Otherwise, he has martial arts, one day?

The wretched Feng Tubie suddenly had a brain hole at this moment, like Huang Yueying who possesses martial arts, and that Zhuge old demon is a scholar, if the difference in physical strength is really that huge, between husband and wife... Hehe, I'm afraid it's not enough Humane too!

Seeing his brother's indescribable smile suddenly, Zhao Guang felt a little guilty, and asked, "What did you think of, brother?"

"It's nothing. I'm just thinking, why in Sichuan, God loves women so much, but doesn't treat men differently." Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang.

Zhao Erha's IQ suddenly went online, his face turned red, and he argued anxiously: "My brother is also a young hero, so why should he be modest?"

I'm saying you're too weak, what does it have to do with me being a teenage hero? Besides, I'm a fucking young hero! Just look at the two tiger girls over there, which one is not more heroic than me?

Seeing the contempt in Feng Yong's eyes, Zhao Guang came over and said mysteriously: "Brother, don't look down on me like this. In fact, there is a reason why there are so many heroines in Sichuan."

"What do you say?" Feng Yong asked strangely, thinking that you are a weak chicken, do you have a reason?

Zhao Guang glanced around.

"If you want to say it, say it quickly. There are soldiers guarding here, so why come others?"

"Brother, do you know my Third Uncle Zhuge?"

"Which third uncle?"

Feng Yong was taken aback, thinking that I am quite familiar with the name of this third uncle, but his name is not Zhuge Third Uncle, but Nanpai Third Uncle.

"It's the prime minister's younger brother. I usually call him third uncle."

"One dragon, one tiger, one..." Feng Yong almost bit off his tongue, and then he stopped himself from saying the word "dog".

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