Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 109 Sudden IQ Online

I almost said the wrong thing, Feng Yong thought to himself, Zhuge Dan should be on the Wei side at this time, then the third uncle must not be him.

Zhao Guang didn't care, he smiled: "You don't have to be so careful, brother. My third uncle also joked that he was more than the best and the worst, and at most he could compare with his brother Cong in Wei. It's actually pretty good for Zhuge's family to be a guard dog."

Feng Yong's heart skipped a beat, thinking of Zhuge Jun who was mistaken by Liu Bei for Zhuge Liang.

"My third uncle, who is good at yin and yang, can tell the number of days, originally wanted to go to the north, but then something happened, he was recommended to the late emperor by the prime minister, and later he was named the captain of Changshui by the late emperor."

As soon as he heard Captain Changshui, Feng Yong thought of Liao Li who regarded himself as a pawn.

"But now Captain Changshui isn't that Liao Gongyuan?"

Zhao Guang looked disdainful: "That's because my third uncle felt that he was too tired to work all day long on the paperwork, so he resigned from that official position and went to the deep mountains to clean up. When my third uncle was still in Jincheng Well, my adults once said that my mind was too escaping, so they asked me to follow my third uncle for a while to calm my mind. It is precisely because of this that I heard my third uncle talk about a reason."

Feng Yong's mind was a little erratic. Ever since he heard Zhao Guang say that Zhuge Jun joked that he was the housekeeper dog of Zhuge's family, he couldn't stop his mood anymore. The dog of the Zhuge family did not expect that Zhuge Jun was the real descendant of the Zhuge family.

Thinking like this, he said casually: "What reason?" At the same time, he thought of Zhuge Jun's sons: one was his own, one belonged to Zhuge Old Demon, and the other belonged to Zhuge Jin. What the's really chilling! Sure enough, this is the real watchdog.

"My third uncle once said that the heaven and the earth have their own fortunes. This Shuzhong is a land in the southwest, and the land belongs to Kun, and Kun is the mistress of the family in Yishu. It may be a hero."

Feng Yong didn't believe in things like yin and yang and gossip in his previous life, but even his soul came over. Using the theory of Scientology, there is no way to explain it! So I had no choice but to learn from the sage of Confucius and keep a respectful distance from such things.

Listening to Zhao Guangzhi's words now, the Scientology religion that has been entrenched in his heart since he was a child will instinctively refute. But when I think that even after thousands of years, Sichuan girls are still famous in China. They are both beautiful and hot, but gentle and passionate, really, tsk, it's amazing.

So I became a little suspicious in my heart, could it be that what Zhuge Jun said still has a certain scientific nature?

Thinking in this way, his fingers subconsciously rubbed the bamboo slips in his hand. He didn't pay attention at first, but after rubbing, he felt that there were bumps and holes on it, and words had obviously been engraved on it.

Thinking about these days, Guan Ji made bamboo slips whenever she was free, and now she is carving words on them, but I don't know what they are carving. Feng Yong's curiosity was aroused all of a sudden, and he put behind Zhao Guang's nonsense about the many heroines in Sichuan——I'm keeping a respectful distance from him, so what's the point of thinking about it?

Looking down, after careful identification, I found that the line of words was: There are six dragons returning to the sun on the high mark.

Isn't this, the road to Shu that he read a few days ago is difficult?

It turned out that these days, the half of the road to Shu was difficult, and she not only memorized it, but even carved it down.

Thinking of her expression of concentrating on carving bamboo slips on the city wall just now, and touching the knife and pen in her arms, Feng Yong seemed to have a feather gently passing by in his heart, and his mind unexpectedly fell for a certain moment.

"What is brother thinking, why is he smiling like this..."


Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang with dissatisfaction. He was extremely upset when his little sweet mood was interrupted. He looked at Zhao Guang's handsome face that had recovered, and said in a warm voice, "The wounds on Erlang's face are all healed?"

"Thank you brother for your concern. It will be fine in the first two days. Otherwise, how dare I go out to find Sister Huang?" Zhao Guang touched his face and said happily, thinking in his heart that this brother doesn't talk about it on weekdays, but he still cares after all. mine.

Feng Yong nodded and handed over the bamboo slips, "Look what this is?"

"What?" Zhao Guang took it inexplicably, and after a look, he said, "Isn't this the difficult road to Shu read by my brother? Does my brother want to engrave it? That's right, such a majestic writing, of course I want to leave a lasting impression on it." of the world."

Feng Yong shook his head and said, "I didn't engrave this, it was engraved by Guan Ji."

"It turns out that my sister has been making bamboo slips for the purpose of engraving this?" Zhao Guang suddenly realized.

"Yeah, I just found out." Feng Yong looked at Zhao Guang who hadn't reacted, and continued, "When I went up to the city wall, I saw Guan Ji standing over there carving bamboo slips."

"So what?" Zhao Guang felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he still insisted on asking.

"Then you brought Huang Ji here!" Feng Yong looked at him pityingly, "Everything the two of you discussed destroyed the bamboo slips that Guan Ji just carved..."

Zhao Guang's face turned pale, and his lips trembled: "Brother...don't lie to me, brother, how can there be such a coincidence?"

Feng Yong patted Zhao Guang on the shoulder, took back the bamboo slips from his hand, and shook them in front of his eyes: "If you don't believe me, you can go over there and have a look, there should be quite a few bamboo slips there, but some of them have already been split. It's broken, it's just horrible!"

"Brother...Brother...Brother, save me!" Zhao Guang almost cried out with a "wow".

A few days ago, I just let my sister not finish listening to the article on the difficulty of the road to Shu, and I was beaten so much that even my own adults could not recognize it.

Thinking about these days, my sister is making bamboo slips and engraving characters whenever she is free. This is naturally her painstaking effort. Unexpectedly, when I went out to visit relatives and brought back another elder sister, I ruined all her hard work at once. I'm afraid she will kill me this time and I won't be able to forgive myself.

Feng Yong looked at the trembling Zhao Guang with sympathy, and sighed softly: "There are so many tiger girls in Shu, and I, as an elder brother, am also powerless!"

"Brother who has a way, you must have a way, save me!"

Zhao Wen almost hugged Feng Yong's thigh and shouted for help.

Feng Yong's heart was finally relieved, and he said in his heart that you, a little bastard, are going to talk about Lao Tzu's liking for Guan Ji everywhere! See if I can't kill you this time!

"At this moment, in this moment, you told me to be in a hurry, how can I come up with a solution?" Feng Yong sighed, "Why don't you go out and hide for two days, and come back when Guan Ji's anger subsides?"

"Impossible. Elder Sister has a strong temper, but she has clear grievances and grievances. If she vents her anger on the spot, at least the whole body can be left behind. If she runs away, even the whole body is just an extravagant hope."

Why did Zhao Erha's IQ suddenly come back at this critical moment?

"There is a way, brother!"

Facts have proved that Zhao Guang's IQ is not only online at this moment, but also suddenly skyrocketed.

"Brother, I still need your help with this matter!" Zhao Guang held Feng Yong's sleeve tightly and begged, "Sister must love your magnificent essay so much that she did this. Help me think about it carefully." Thinking, what's next? Brother Jieshi, as long as he tells sister to listen, she will definitely not blame me again."

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