Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 110 Qiang People

Feng Yong really didn't expect that Zhao Guang's IQ would suddenly skyrocket at such an emergency. According to my own thinking, at this time he should be in a state of confusion, and he should listen to what others say.

Of course, it’s not that Feng Yong has never thought of recalling the whole poem these days, but because of the bumps on the road, he has already made him a mess. After thinking about it for so many days on the back of a cow, I remembered a few words from Liao Liao.

Before he finished memorizing it, he didn't think about saying the following verses, but Zhao Guang's words reminded him, thinking that Guan Ji loved this article so much, he moved his mind a little.

"I'm afraid of the road and the rocks can't be climbed. But I saw the ancient tree of the Sad Bird, and the male and the female were flying around the forest."

Zhao Guang listened for a long time, but didn't hear any more, so he could only ask, "No more?"

"That's all I can think of."

Hearing this, Zhao Guang immediately looked disappointed. After thinking for a while, as if he had made up his mind, he gritted his teeth and said, "These three sentences are fine. It's just that I will beg my brother later, so don't shirk it."

"What's up?"

Feng Yong was curious when he saw Zhao Guang's look of resigning himself to death.

"It's impossible to say at this time."

Zhao Guang poked his head out secretly, glanced at the two girls who were still alive and well, quickly retracted his head, and smiled mysteriously at Feng Yong.

"Rimmeusi, do you really stop thinking about it?"

On a high mountain not far from Yang'an Pass, Wang Ping hoarsely asked the Qiang people beside him.

At this moment, Wang Ping's hair was loose, his face was haggard, and his face was unshaven. The outermost clothes on his body seemed to be hung torn by something, almost turned into strips of cloth.

The Qiang man called Ri Mai Muxi had his hair all over his face, with black lines painted on his exposed face, and his body was covered with sheepskin. Hearing Wang Ping's question, he shook his head: "He Muxi , you don’t need to persuade me anymore.”

"A few years ago, your barbarian kings, Pu Hu and Du Wei, took their tribe to seek refuge with the Han people. Don't forget that I persuaded you not to go. Now they are rewarded by the Han people, but the subordinates The people in the tribe were either taken to fight with the Han people, or were separated by the Han people, and almost all of them are gone. Now it seems that this is a conspiracy of the Han people.”

"Don't forget, even you were almost killed by the Han general. Why are you still working for the Han now?"

Wang Ping opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but couldn't say it because he knew what the other party said was the truth, so he had to avoid the topic in the end, "Rimai Muxi, you should know that this world is ultimately dominated by Han people. If those princes have been enshrined by the Han emperors for generations, it is better to say that the Han people will not be too harsh on their tribes."

"But an unattended tribe like yours, although it is bigger than other tribes, hides in the mountains all year round. When will you be able to come out?"

Ri Maimouxi pointed to the east, looked at Wang Ping, and said, "He Muxi, you have changed. You have been with the Han people for these years, and you have become like the Han people, always saying some deceitful things. Don’t think I don’t know, the Han people are fighting now, and many people die every year. In Hanzhong over there, there are not many Han people now.”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the direction of Wudu in the west, "Did you see that? Over there, there used to be all Han Chinese, but now there are more and more Erma people except for some Han soldiers stationed there."

"If it weren't for a very powerful general in Hanzhong, we Erma people should be able to fight there. You may not know that we Erma people went there many years ago and killed a senior official there. Killed."

"Rimai Muxi, your thinking is very dangerous. Someone told me that in the next few years, all the tribes around Hanzhong will be very dangerous, so it is best to find a backer. He is a disciple of a master. Since I knew him, I have never missed what he said or did. If you really don't want to go, then you don't want to get involved in those things, okay?"

"He Muxi, I see." Rimemusi waved his hand perfunctorily, "It's almost winter, and I'm going to let the people of the tribe drive their cattle and sheep to the deep mountains in the south to spend the winter. If you still want to For the cheese, just give me some more salt, and the clothes are also fine."

Wang Ping sighed, and said, "Okay then. This time, you have to wait for me for a few days, and when I go back to make preparations, I'll come over and exchange things with you."

"You'd better hurry. I can't wait that long."

At this time, a Qiang man walked out from behind them, with the same disheveled head and face, and sheepskin, but his face seemed to have been washed.

He walked over timidly and reminded: "He Muxi, the sun is already in the west, let's go, or we won't be able to make it to the ground before dark today."

Ri Maimuxi looked at the Qiang people with contempt in his eyes, and said sarcastically: "Mu Wuzhe, you really insulted your name, why do you want to seek refuge with the Han people?"

Wang Ping on the side listened, his face was a little ugly.

Mu Wuzhe's face was full of sadness: "Rimai Muxi, you have a big tribe, so of course you don't know the suffering of our small tribe. A few days ago, a tribe came from the north. Instigated by the Han emperor in the north, he came here to collect taxes, intending to rob us of all our cattle and sheep, and also drove us to the north to graze them.”

"We couldn't beat them, so we had to run away. However, many cattle and sheep were robbed, and many warriors in the tribe died. If I don't go to the Han people, we will not be able to survive this winter."

When Ri Mai Muxi heard this, his eyes rolled a few times, and after thinking about it, he didn't care about Wang Ping's presence at the moment, and said to Mu Wuzhe loudly: "You can take refuge in me. My cow There are still a lot of sheep, enough to feed the whole winter."

Mu Wuzhe glanced at Wang Ping.

Wang Ping didn't look at him, as if he didn't hear anything, he just looked into the distance, his face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

Mu Wuzhe hesitated for a moment, and said: "Rimai Muxi, we don't have many cattle and sheep, but there are still many women and children. Even if we follow you, many of them will die this winter. Listen to me Muxi said that the Han people over there promised to give us food and clothes, so I want to go there and have a look.”

Rimamusi, who originally wanted to take the opportunity to annex the Muwuzhe tribe, was a little hesitant when he heard this. If it was summer at this time, it would be okay, and he could think of a way to raise more cattle and sheep to survive. But now it's almost winter, and the other party doesn't have many cattle and sheep. The cattle and sheep that my tribe has worked so hard to raise for a year have been eaten by others. I'm afraid those elders will have opinions, so I have to press the button. This thought.

"Since you don't want to, then forget it." Rimemushi said pretending to be generous, "It's just that the Han people are very cunning, you have to be careful."

"Thank you Rimimushi for your concern, I understand."

Wang Ping on the side secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Rimai Muxi, since you won't listen to my advice, then I won't force you. If you suddenly figure it out in the future, you can come to me. Mu Wuzhe ,let's go."

"Then I won't send you off."

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