Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 111 Is the Thirty-Six Strategies Used Like This?

"Clang!" The two knives collided fiercely again.

The two women held knives at each other, exerting all their strength, trying to overwhelm each other.

Guan Ji stepped on the bamboo slips, and with a "click", another bamboo slip was broken.

The sound reached her ears, making her feel a pang of regret.

Thinking of these days, I have carefully carved and carved words carefully, not even daring to be careless in my strokes, but I did not expect to be completely ruined by this savage girl in front of me, which immediately aroused her fierceness, and the phoenix eyes burst into anger Staring at Huang Wudie who was less than a foot in front, he paused and said: "Today I will kill you!"

Huang Wudie seems to have a broad forehead, but she has a nose bridge that is much taller than ordinary women, making her look more fortitude and less charming. Hearing this, she sneered: " If you don’t stay in a good capital city, if you come to Hanzhong, you’ve had enough to live, so you’re here to die, right?”

As he spoke, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he stomped on his foot again, and with a "click", another piece of bamboo slip was smashed to pieces.

When Guan Ji heard this, her eyes turned red.

"Brother, this seems a bit wrong..."

Although Zhao Guang was not as skilled as the two elder sisters, he had escaped countless times from the stick in Zhao Yun's hand, so he still had some vision. He poked his head out and saw that the two women seemed to no longer care about their physical strength, so they got angry, and said in a hurried tone: "It seems that the two sisters are going to die forever!"

"Didn't they die long ago?"

Feng Yong thought to himself, the arrow that was shot at the very beginning was aimed at killing people, right? So, if you were not worried at first, what is there to worry about now?

Unexpectedly, when Zhao Guang turned his head, his face was full of excitement.

Feng Yong was taken aback when he saw the red light in this guy's eyes.

Could it be that he has been oppressed for a long time, which is why he has some kind of deformed dark psychology?

Before the thoughts in his heart turned around, Zhao Guang had already tightly grasped Feng Yong's arms, and said in an uncontrollable excited voice: "Brother, once these two elder sisters get angry, they won't hit hard." Tuo is not willing to give up. In the end, both of them must fall to the ground. At the time of introduction, sister Huang will hand it over to the younger brother, and sister Guan will entrust the elder brother."

"What's the meaning?"

Feng Yong seemed to have some clarity in his mind, but he couldn't turn the corner for a moment.

"Take advantage of the fire, brother." Zhao Guang's face was flushed and his eyes were burning, "Didn't the elder brother teach the younger brother? Take advantage of the fire, once the two sisters lose their strength and fall to the ground, we will naturally send them back to the post house. Brother, don't you like it?" Sister Guan? Take advantage of this opportunity, it is a good opportunity to kiss Fangze!"

Looking at Zhao Guang's crazy appearance, Feng Yong suddenly remembered the expressions of Li Yi and him talking secretly in the mountains and forests that day. How similar are the expressions of the two?

I teach you the art of war, so you can use it on the battlefield. You guys are so amazing, you can learn from each other by analogy, and you can use it in this kind of place!

It's better to just call Paomei Thirty-Six.

Feng Yong had mixed feelings in his heart, thinking that the old man could no longer keep up with the thinking of you young people.

Still, the idea is really... awesome!

Feng Yong looked at Zhao Guang strangely, and then thought of what Li Yi said that day, thinking that this hormone is really awesome, it can really stimulate people's potential, even Erha's IQ can burst out such a high energy .

"You like that Huang Ji?"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Guang's expression became a little awkward after this question.

OK, I see.

"Didn't you always say that a man should be a man of merit? Why are you so obsessed with love for children now?"

"Brother said this, how can my younger brother be the love of a son and daughter? Although Aunt Huang is a daughter, she has great ambitions. If my younger brother has Sister Huang as a companion, the husband will sing and the wife will follow, won't it be just around the corner to make contributions?"

What you said makes sense, but I'm speechless.

"It's not that you don't know that the Guan and Li families want to marry, and the Prime Minister also has this intention. You are making such a fuss, are you afraid that your lord will break your leg?"

"Brother, you don't know that Sister Guan has a very strong temperament. If she is unwilling, even princes may not see it. In the past, Sun Quan of the Eastern Wu Dynasty proposed marriage. Although Guan Junhou looked down on Sun Quan's son, he did not want to Elder sister married to Jiangdong, but there may not be elder sister's thoughts in it. But if she is willing, she will turn a blind eye even if she wants to. How can my younger brother change elder sister's mind?"

"Besides, my younger brother doesn't like that Li Yi boy. If my elder brother can win my sister's heart, my younger brother will be happy to see it. I'm just afraid that my elder brother won't get what he wants in the end, so I feel helpless!"

Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang, and said: "You don't have to provoke me. I have my own considerations. It's not impossible to just ask me to help you, but you have to explain one thing clearly, otherwise, you can't take advantage of it." That girl is cheap."

"Brother, why is my younger brother taking advantage?" Zhao Guang became anxious when he heard it, but when he saw Feng Yong's sneering expression, he had no choice but to give in, "Okay, okay. I just don't know what brother wants to understand?"

"Let me ask you, when I decided to come to Hanzhong that day, I asked you if there was any contact with the prefect of Wei. You clearly called that sister Huang Ji, why did you say that there was no contact?"

"It turned out to be this matter. Brother, didn't you think about it?" Zhao Guang looked around subconsciously when he said this, and then he came over, "Why do the three of us already have the status of Diannong officials in Hanzhong? The prime minister wants Li Yi to follow him as an angel?"

Could it be that the old demon Zhuge really doesn't believe in Wei Yan?

Feng Yong's lips moved, but he didn't say it. He thought it shouldn't be. Even if he didn't believe it before, Wei Yan still loyally defended Hanzhong after Liu Bei's death. The old demon's temperament of "those who are loyal to the time will be rewarded even though they are hated, and those who break the law and neglect their relatives will be punished" is not so bad.

"Anyone who was an official in the same dynasty as the Wei prefect, except for the prime minister and my lord, he has no other children. Even my lord is nodding acquaintance with him. Not in his eyes, with a status like a younger brother, so what if you have a sister's connections? Even if you go to the door, I'm afraid you won't even be able to see him face to face. Therefore, the prime minister is afraid that I won't get the support of the prefect Wei in Hanzhong, so I give it to you again. Li Yi followed me as an angel, so that I could do things cheaply."

This Wei Yan's arrogance might rival that of Guan Yu's!

But Guan Yu has Liu Bei behind him, and he doesn't need to look at other people's faces, but you Wei Yan, besides relying on Zhuge's superficial justice, what else do you have?

Feng Yong sighed, no wonder Zhuge old demon died suddenly, and no one supported him in the political strife for power and profit. This kind of emotional intelligence is rare.

This side was talking, only to hear a sudden "bang" on the other side of the city wall, followed by another "boom", and then the sound of "dangcang" weapons falling to the ground.

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