Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 112 First Intimate Contact

"Not good!" Feng Yong felt that something was wrong when he heard the voice. Could this be a real injury?

"Great!" Unexpectedly, when Zhao Guang heard this voice, his reaction was much faster than Feng Yong's, and he rushed out immediately.

When Feng Yong turned the corner and ran out from the Dengcheng horseway, Zhao Guang was already running fast while shouting sincerely: "Sister, sister, don't fight anymore, don't fight again!" hit!"

Feng Yong ran two steps quickly, and saw two women in the distance, one half standing on the ground with a knife on the ground, the other half kneeling on the ground with his hands propped up, the knife in his hand fell not far away, both of them were working hard Supporting himself so that he would not fall to the ground, he stared fiercely at the other party, panting.

"Sister, don't fight anymore!" Zhao Guang rushed over and hugged Huang Wudie's waist who was half standing, seemingly trying to stop her from going forward.

Seeing such a scene, Feng Yong's tiger body... small body trembled!

Nima! There are other operations? I really underestimated this kid. Nothing else, but this kind of specialty of seizing opportunities, you can't accept it!

"Erlang get out of the way, this is none of your business. She has already lost, hahaha... I must teach this stone girl a lesson today!"

Just by hearing this laughter, one could tell that Huang Wudie's character was as bold as that of a man.

It's a pity that even though she spoke forcefully, she actually couldn't exert any strength in her body, and she couldn't move any more after being hugged by Zhao Wenyi.

Guan Yinping sneered and looked at Huang Wudie. Although she didn't speak, the contemptuous expression let her express her heart.

"Sister, sister, don't be impulsive." Zhao Guang persuaded again and again, "Let's stop here for today. It's getting late, and we'll come back to discuss when we have time to rest."

Damn, are you persuading? What does it mean to have time to come back to learn from each other? How many times are you going to come?

Although Huang Wudie was not reconciled, but she was powerless, so she could only stretch her teeth and claws, half pushing and half letting go, and was half hugged and half dragged by Zhao Guang, pulling down the city wall.

This Huang Ji's temperament seems to be quite hot, but I don't know if Zhao Guang will be able to calm down in the future?

Thinking in this way, Feng Yong thought of the story of Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun in the middle of Shu again, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Although the degree of openness in the Han Dynasty was not comparable to that of later generations, compared with letting women out of the door, the two doors were not open. The dynasty, but it is much better.

Seeing Zhao Guang and Huang Wudie disappear behind the horse path, Feng Yong coughed dryly, approached Guan Ji, knelt down and asked in concern, "Miss Guan, are you alright?"

When he said this, Feng Yong realized that Guan Ji's hand supporting the ground was trembling slightly, and it seemed that she was enduring it very hard, so he was startled, and quickly supported her.

Guan Ji didn't know if she had support, or because she really lost her strength, she immediately fell into Feng Yong's arms.

"Let me sit on the ground."

Guan Ji spoke softly, her voice was not as cold as before, but it was more serene.

The waist was soft and warm, Feng Yong reluctantly put Guan Ji on the ground, ran to pick up Guan Ji's knife, weighed it, it was about ten catties.

This kind of weight is usually nothing to hold in your hand, but if you hold it to fight with others for a long time, or fight for life and death, it will be serious.

Picking up the knife, just as he ran back to Guan Ji, he saw her body move, she turned sideways, picked up a broken bamboo slip, and silently wiped off the mud on it. Taking advantage of the last afterglow of the sun, Feng Yong fixed his eyes and saw the words "Emei Dian" on it.

"Feng Langjun, can I do my concubine a favor?"

After a long silence, Guan Ji didn't raise her head, but said a word slowly.

"Miss Guan, please tell me."

"Call me Sanniang, Erlang and Feng Langjun are like brothers, they are not considered outsiders."

"Oh, third lady, what do you want me to do?"

"Can I ask Feng Langjun to help me find it around here, how many intact bamboo slips are there?"

Thinking of the bamboo slips I picked up just now, it was smooth to the touch and heavier than ordinary bamboo slips. I guess Guan Ji must have carefully selected the best bamboo slips to make it. Unexpectedly, this one took all of her painstaking efforts these days. destroyed.

It was getting dark quickly, and Feng Yong searched around, but only found four or five pieces that were in good condition, and the rest were either chopped off, or trampled on the ground, and were worn out of shape.

"It's okay, just do it again in the future." Feng Yong comforted, "How does San Niang feel? Shall I help you up?"

"No need. After resting for a while, it's already much better." Guan Ji shook her head and refused, supporting herself to stand up, probably dizzy from sitting for too long, and her body swayed again.

Feng Yong quickly grabbed her arm and said, "Why does Sanniang make things so difficult for herself? Didn't you just say that I'm not an outsider?"

Guan Ji struggled lightly, but did not break free from Feng Yong's hands. She glanced at Feng Yong with her calm eyes, then lowered her eyes again, turned her head away, but she did not refuse again.

"Feng Langjun saw it?"

"See what? Oh, you said the fight between the two of you just now? I was there all the time."

It was the first time he had such a close contact with Guan Ji, Feng Yong felt a little excited, when he heard this question, he didn't think about it, so he said it directly.

After Guan Ji heard this, a smile burst into the corner of her mouth. It seemed that she wanted to hold it back, but she couldn't help it. The smile began to spread on her cold face, like a stone thrown into a calm lake, shaking waves.

"My concubine is asking about the words on the bamboo slips."

Feng Yong knew that he was a little stunned, coughed dryly, and said in embarrassment: "I saw it. I didn't expect that Sanniang could memorize all the articles."

Probably did not expect that when Feng Yong was still thin-skinned, Guan Ji would say a few more words: "That's not all, it's just half of the article, and I don't know when I will be able to read the full text."

"Well, you have to think about it. When I figure it out, I will definitely tell Sanniang."

"The concubine will thank Feng Langjun first."

"Hey! Speaking of which, I've been thinking about this these days, but unfortunately I only came up with a few words."

"It's okay to say a few words, Feng Langjun might as well talk and listen."

"I would like to ask you when you will return from your journey to the west? I am afraid of the road and the rocks cannot be climbed. But I saw the ancient tree of the mourning bird, and the male and the female were flying around the forest."

After hearing this, Guan Ji lowered her head and read it several times carefully, a rosy glow appeared on her cheeks, her eyes flickered, she glanced at Feng Yong, lowered her eyes again, blocked her sight with her long eyelashes, and lowered her eyes. Voice: "What's next?"

"Below? Oh, there's no one below yet."

The sky had already begun to darken, and the surroundings began to blur, but Feng Yong didn't see Guan Ji's face, and only thought about it in his heart: this time, he has to think about what is going on behind him.

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