Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1021 Finally Got the News

Jiuyuan, Gaoque.

"Master Liu, please, please give me some food and cloth, otherwise, my people will either freeze to death or starve to death!"

As the cold winter approached little by little, more and more barbarians gathered on the outskirts of the rough and simple Gaoque City.

Wrapped in smelly sheepskin, they watched the horse team coming from the south along the big river, carrying supplies into the city continuously.

His eyes were full of fear, but also full of desire.

If it were when Ke Bineng was still there, seeing the horse team swaggering to Jiuyuan carrying so many supplies, he would have grabbed it long ago.

It's just that Feng Cishi first slaughtered nearly 20,000 Xianbei Huqi in Qiaoshan, and then smashed the army that Kebineng had gathered in Wuyuan County.

Finally, Ke Bineng's younger brother, Ruoluo Aliu, was appointed to take over the position of tribal leader.

It can be said that the Xianbei Hu people in the Jiuyuan area have been completely broken by Feng Shishi.

Lord Xianbei, Ruoluo Aliu, is now like a humble servant, kneeling in front of Liu Liang, kowtowing and begging.

I just hope that the Han people can share a little food and cloth so that the surviving tribes can survive the coming cold winter safely.

"Ruoluoa ​​six chiefs, what are you doing? Come, come, get up!"

Liu Liang helped Ruoluo Aliu up, and said in a gentle voice:

"Now that Jiuyuan has returned to the Great Han, the people of Jiuyuan are the people of the Great Han. How can I just watch the people suffer from cold and hunger and ignore it!"

This is a bit exaggerated.

After all, with the few thousand Yi Cong Huqi who stayed behind in Jiuyuan, it would be good if they could control the Gaoque area where the aquatic plants are the most fertile.

If you want to completely control all the hometowns of Jiuyuan, at least you have to wait until the Battle of Guanzhong is over and the big man is free.

In fact, with the approach of winter, some scattered tribes outside the Yin Mountain have begun to venture across the Yin Mountain.

They plan to use Yinshan to block the cold wind from the north and survive this severe winter.

The bones of tens of thousands of Xianbei Jingqi are still there, and the blood is still there.

Let these Hu people who have just arrived at the foot of Yin Mountain tremble with fear and try to stay away from Gao Que.

From this point of view, the Dahan actually did not bring all the Hu people in Jiuyuan area into management.

But if Liu Liang's words are accepted, Luo Aliu must not only accept them, but also support them:

"Master Liu said yes, he said yes, I was confused."

As long as the Han people are willing to help their own people, then everything is easy to talk about.

Because Yinshan is the best place to hide from winter, let alone dare not leave here now.

Even if there is a way to leave, given the current situation of the tribe, going to spend the winter outside the Yin Mountain is basically a dead end.

"It's just that the six chiefs of Ruoluoa, the supplies I have in hand now should not only protect the army at Qiaoshan, but also supply the garrison at Jiuyuan."

"In the end, the remaining ones are actually not too much, so we have to make careful calculations to see how to distribute the rations to everyone."

Ruoluo Aliu hurriedly said:

"Everything is up to Mr. Liu."

"Well, since that's the case, why don't the six chiefs of Ruoa ask the commanders of each tribe to report the number of their tribes, and then I will calculate how much rations they need."

"Of course, white disasters don't only happen this year, but next year, the year after, and the year after, almost every year."

"So for the convenience of distributing food and allocating supplies in the future, my suggestion is to imitate the Liangzhou system, and if the tribes reach a certain number of Dingkou, assign a military commander to the permanent tribe."

Although in Ke Bineng's eyes, Ruo Luo A Liu is just a scumbag waiting to die, and his own ability is not as good as that of his son-in-law Yu Zhulian.

But this does not mean that Ruoluo Aliu is ignorant.

On the contrary, he followed Kebi Neng from Xiaozhong Xianbei.

After the tribe grew stronger, they followed Kebi Neng to fight from Youzhou to Yanmen, and then followed Kebi Neng to Gaoque.

Ins and outs, it has been decades.

What I have seen and heard may be a little less interesting than Liu Liang who pretended to be aggressive in Jincheng, fed mosquitoes in Nanzhong, fed a bearded girl in Liangzhou, Longyou, and fought for the Liangzhou army in Jiuyuan. .

But he is the clearest what it means for the Han people to be stationed in the tribe as military Sima.

He was very sure that whether it was Cao Cao or Feng... Feng Junhou, whether they wanted to control the tribe or turned Hu into Han, this was the first step.

But seeing Ruoluo Aliu asked in a somewhat dumbfounded way:

"Here, Liu Langjun, the next step is to build a school in Jiuyuan?"

Liu Langjun took a look, hehe, who said that Ruoluo Aliu is a waste?

Isn't this very refreshing?

Rubbing his hands together, Liu Langjun smiled:

"Ruoluoa ​​six chiefs, you know that this big man, the people, always want to be educated, right? Early education is worse than late education..."

If it weren't for the fact that the situation was stronger than others, Ruo Luo A Liu would almost have to smash the face of this guy in front of him to pieces!

bad people!

Not the Son of Man!

After taking over the mess left by Ke Bi Neng, Ruo Luo A Liu naturally thought about the future of his clansmen.

Coincidentally, there happened to be Hu people from Liangzhou in Gaoque, and there were quite a few of them, thousands of them.

Therefore, as long as Ruo Luo A Liu has a mouth and two ears, a few months is enough to understand what kind of rules Liangzhou has for the barbarians.

Is it kind?

You can say that.

After all, the life of most Hu people is much better than before.


The same can be said.

Because I heard from those Liangzhou barbarians that some of their Qu Shuai were unwilling to cooperate, but in the end they always disappeared quietly one day.

Even they themselves were after the incident, and they didn't notice which day Qu Shuai disappeared.

The most frightening thing is that the labor of the big man is very famous...

into his grandmother ah!

Looking up at Liu Langjun, Ruoluo Aliu showed a happy smile on his face:

"Yes, yes, Liu Langjun is right."

Then he lowered his voice again, and whispered:

"Liu Langjun, the villain will be the first to respond to this..."

With shyness on his face, the six leaders of Ruoloa continued:

"It's not a problem to need the help of a big man from time to time. The sage said: A gentleman strives for self-improvement."

"So the villain felt that it would be great if he could have a grassland to live in like Liangzhou, where he could herd sheep for the big man, and shear some wool to make ends meet."

The well-informed Liu Langjun was shocked all of a sudden.

It's not easy for this barbarian to be handsome!

It doesn't matter whether a sage said that a gentleman should strive for self-improvement, but he actually knows that shearing sheep is not easy.

As the most influential tribe at the foot of the Yin Mountain, it was also the first tribe to respond to the Han policy.

Regardless of whether it is the Dahan who intends to designate Jiuyuan as a border and manage it himself.

Still as before, use it as a barrier to protect the pass. If Luo Aliu has the credit for initiating it, then he will inevitably become a model.

Looking at the shy and simple-looking prairie man in front of him, Liu Langjun figured out something:

Ke Bineng's whole family is completely dead, and it's not unreasonable that only Ruo Luo A Liu can become a tribal leader.

Since the other party is a sensible person, Liu Liang is naturally willing to speak clearly and say:

"Leader Ruoluoa ​​Six, I will not hide it from you. A few days ago, there was a good news from Qiaoshan. General Jiang has broken through Qiaoshan and is heading towards Chang'an along the Qin Zhidao."

He raised his chin and gestured outside:

"So this time, so many supplies have been transported here, in fact, they are mainly sent to General Jiang."

Liu Liang doesn't understand the things on the battlefield.

Liu Liang didn't know whether it was too risky for Jiang Wei to go deep into Guanzhong alone.

He only knew that once the army crossed the bridge mountain and entered the Guanzhong, it might not be easy to supply, so it is natural to prepare more supplies.

Since Jiuyuan's original place barely stabilized, Liu Liang began to actively restore contact with the rear.

Instead of passing through the desert again, it went down from Gaoque along the Dahe River, passed Lingwu Valley, and arrived at Lian County (namely Yinchuan area) established by the former Han Dynasty.

After passing Lian County and continuing south, passing Fuping (near Qingtongxia City), the former prefecture of Beidi County, it is easy to say.

Because after passing through Fuping, there are remnants of the fortress set up by the Han Dynasty along the way.

Along both sides of the big river, follow the remnants of the Guansai, and you can reach the old place outside the Great Wall in Anding County.

On the banks of the big river in the hometown outside the Great Wall in Anding County, a Hun tribe often grazes there in recent years.

The previous Xiongnu lord of this tribe was Hu Bojuzizhi, who was later killed by Sima Yi in the old place of Beidi County, almost exterminating the tribe.

The rest of the tribe merged with the tribe led by Hu Bo's widow, Yanshi.

Later, Shi Bao, a hungry ghost, came from the west, and everything was said without saying a word...

After Shi Bao was very happy, he pointed out a bright way for Yan Shi.

Ask her tribe to work part-time as an intermediary between Longyou, Liangzhou, and the northern grasslands, earning some intermediary fees or something.

As for why it didn't just enclose a pasture to graze sheep and shear wool like other Hu tribes did?

What's wrong with people being happy to be nomadic?

As nomads, they live by water, so it's normal to run a little farther, right?

For example, I went to Lian County to see the scenery or something.

Even passing through Lian County, transporting some woolen materials to Jiuyuan for sale, and at the same time seeing if the Xiongnu city built by our ancestors in Gaoque is still there, is it normal, right?

After going back and forth, and running a lot, naturally I will know the way.

It can be said that no matter how difficult this road is, it is much more convenient than starting from Juyan County and then crossing the desert.

This is also the reason why Deng Zhi immediately retreated to Xiaoguan when he learned that Deng Aibing was approaching Xiaoguan.

As long as Xiaoguan is still there, Longyou will be able to get in touch with the Liangzhou army that entered Jiuyuan's hometown sooner or later through this road.

As for why the Liangzhou army didn't enter Longyou and leave Xiaoguan to take this road.

One is because Sima Yi will definitely set up eyes and ears in the old place of Beidi County, and going this way will only expose the Liangzhou Army's whereabouts in advance.

Well, even if Sima Yi predicted that the Liangzhou army would raid Qiaoshan, he would let the other party feel that his prediction was correct.

As a result, Sima Yi lost his vigilance, and he would no longer think that the Liangzhou Army might turn around and fight in Bingzhou.

Simply put, it is to predict Sima Yi's prediction and add an extra layer of insurance.

Of course, this road is indeed not easy, after all, Lian County and Fuping County are the core areas of the old Beidi County.

Not only did Sima Yi put people there, but the barbarians entrenched and grazing there were even more chaotic.

It's really hard to get over it without any real skills.

Fortunately, the Yi Cong Hu Qi left by Liu Liang by Feng Shishi was considered a quick horse and a sharp sword for the Hu people on the grassland. After several twists and turns, he finally got in touch with Anding County.

As a result, Deng Zhi was much more anxious than Liu Liang who stayed in Gaoque.

With Wei's thieves approaching Xiaoguan, Longyou forcefully squeezed out 3,000 elite cavalry.

Let Ma Dai personally lead the team, and go straight to Fuping County, a key place between Gaoque and Xiaoguan.

For Deng Zhi, as long as there is nothing wrong with Xiaoguan, he can pretend not to see how the bandits Wei show off in Guancheng.

But if there is news from Jiuyuan, he must do everything possible to ensure the smooth connection between the two places.

Otherwise, Deng Zhi's Ma Dai, Zhang Yi and other generals can let an unknown Wei general ride on his head?

And the materials in Liu Liang's hands now were delivered by Dongfeng Express from Xiaoguan, Longyou, regardless of loss.

If you want to use this batch of supplies, of course there is no problem.

But in advance, the 10,000 troops led by Jiang Wei must be given priority.

"Ruoluoa ​​six chiefs, you also know that the cold winter is approaching, and I will naturally give priority to ensuring the food and clothing of the soldiers in front."

"Well, if you can spare some manpower, help me transport this batch of supplies to Guanzhong."

Liu Liang looked at Ruoluo Aliu's confused face, and smiled:

"The transporter will not only be able to eat along the way, but I can also reward the tribe according to the amount of effort afterwards."

How to win over, differentiate, and use, Feng Junhou has already set an example in Longyou and Liangzhou, Liu Liang only needs to follow the example.

Sure enough, after listening to Liu Liang's words, Luo A Liu's expression changed.

Based on the current situation in Jiuyuan and the current situation of the tribe.

If you can not only help the Han army, but also let the clansmen eat, and you will be paid afterwards, and there is no risk, this is a great thing from heaven!

"This...Liu Langjun, no matter who it is, as long as he can help transport food, can he eat?"

"Determining the number of people, as long as the rations are up to the standard, I, as a big man, join the army, can I still ignore the rations?"

If it were someone else, Luo Aliu might mutter, but if it were Liu Langjun, he would really have nothing to say.

Because from the day Liu Liang led the caravan, he has been operating with integrity and no deception.

Even for some small tribes who can't produce goods, they will occasionally rescue them, allowing them to pay on credit and pay them back slowly in the future.

Leaving aside the Han army's position towards their own tribe a few months ago, Liu Langjun's reputation in the Jiuyuan area is really good.

Of course, even after Feng Junhou slaughtered tens of thousands of people, Liu Liang still had a strong reputation in the eyes of a considerable number of tribes.

Why can the Han army easily sweep Jiuyuan?

Why did the tribe inexplicably lose tens of thousands of elite cavalry?

Ruo Luoa Liu may not have understood before, but it has been a while since he took over the tribe.

No matter how stupid he was, he could vaguely see that there were probably many people who had flirted with the Han army long ago.

So if Luo Aliu knew, even if he had doubts, as long as Liu Langjun said this, there would definitely be quite a few handsome men running over to kneel and lick him.

Thinking of the death of my elder brother and the whole family, and thinking of the arrival of the Han army in Jiuyuan, it was like strolling in the backyard of my own house, and it was only a blink of an eye to make tens of thousands of elite riders disappear.

Ruo Luoa closed his six eyes, and his heart froze, what the hell is growing the tribe, and restoring the glory of Xianbei?

No matter how strong it is, can it surpass the Han army?

No matter how glorious it is, can it surpass the Han people?

Now that they have already decided to sell, it is better to find a way to sell themselves better!

"If Mr. Liu Lang does not give up, there are still some people in our clan. I just ask Mr. Liu to take pity on them and give them a bite of food..."

When Liu Langjun heard the words, his face was full of smiles, and he raised his arms like Luo A6:

"It's serious, but it's just helping each other, helping each other!"

Sending away Ruo Luo A Liu, who was preparing for manpower in the Hui family, Liu Langjun faced the wind blowing from the north, letting the already chilly north wind blow away the burning heat in his chest.

Just a few words, talking and laughing, decided the fate of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Hu people.

Not only took the opportunity to relieve the logistical pressure of the army, but even quietly laid the groundwork for the governance of Jiuyuan.

Strategizing and guiding the country, such heroism, is the feeling that men pursue.

At a certain moment, Liu Liang suddenly understood the vision and height of a certain future leader of the new generation of Dahan.

He couldn't help but let out a long roar, and laughed loudly: "Excellent, a man of the Han family!"


Representing the highest emergency, the red cavalry carried the order flag on its back and carried a feather in its chest. The mount under him was already foaming at the mouth, but the knight showed no mercy, and slapped the horse's butt from time to time.


There was no smoke and dust, and the horseshoes studded with horseshoes knocked on the concrete road, making a crisp and crisp sound of horseshoes.

The gate of Hanzhong City was wide open, and a group of Han soldiers stood guard on both sides of the gate to welcome the incoming news.

"Urgent report! Feng Junhou moved to Wanli and wiped out 40,000 Hu cavalry in Jiuyuan. Now he has captured Bingzhou, sent troops to Hedong, and defeated the Wei bandits!"

When Chuanqi passed the city gate, he didn't show any sign of stopping, just left such a sentence in the wind, and continued to gallop towards the palace of the emperor of the Han family.


The soldiers of the Han army at the gate looked at each other in dismay, everyone's eyes were full of disbelief.

"This... hear you clearly?"

The person who was asked swallowed his saliva and murmured:

"Walk thousands of miles?"

"Listen again, listen again, listen carefully, don't make a mistake!"

"Yes, yes, listen carefully!"

Soon, after the first cavalier passed by, another cavalry followed in twos and threes behind. This time, someone finally turned over and fell off the horse at the city gate.

The soldiers who had been prepared hastily caught him and asked anxiously:

"How? How is the battle going?"

Chuan Qi's lips were chapped and his face was bloodshot, which should have been blown away by the mountain wind while running all the way.

But his emotions at this time are extremely excited:

"Feng Junhou fought for thousands of miles, wiped out tens of thousands of Hu cavalry in Jiuyuan, and then broke through Bingzhou, and sent his troops to Hedong. The whole world was shocked!"


"Confused! This is the red cavalry, reporting directly to the emperor, how can there be a fake?"

Someone marveled:

"How many people did Feng Junhou bring there? After moving thousands of miles, Hu Qi and Wei thieves, I'm afraid there must be 100,000 people destroyed?"

"What's the matter with 100,000? It's not like you haven't done it before if you broke 20,000 to 100,000!"

"At that time, I didn't fight for thousands of miles! Besides, that's a hundred thousand people, not a hundred thousand pigs!"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Do you think killing pigs is easy? My family raises pigs."

"To kill a pig, one person needs to lift the hind legs, one person grabs the front legs, and one person uses an iron hook to hook the pig's neck, and only after the pig is overturned can it take the butcher's knife to let the blood out."

At this time, captive breeding became more and more popular, especially because of the increase in grain production, small households were able to raise some chickens and ducks free-range, and add two, three or four pigs.

Those who are more affluent mostly open chicken farms, duck farms and pig farms, raising more than a hundred or even hundreds of chickens and ducks, dozens of heads, one hundred and two hundred and three hundred pigs.

Because chicken feathers, duck feathers and even dried bacon can be tax deductible.

The next level is to open a pasture, open a pasture, raise sheep and cattle...

As for the horse breeding and supply army, opening wool spinning workshops and leather workshops, those are the qualifications only for the top dignitaries and wealthy families.

The pig farmer at home is a junior military officer who is gesturing and telling his colleagues how to kill pigs.

Suddenly someone said:

"Doesn't that mean that Wei thief is not as good as a pig?"

Everyone burst into laughter all of a sudden, and the city gate was filled with joy.

"Stop making trouble, go and spread the news!"


"Feng Junhou moved to Wanli..."

The soldiers at the city gate got the exact news and started running around to spread the news.

Hanzhong City is like a pot of boiling water, which immediately boils, mist evaporates, and water splashes everywhere.

The contact map between Jiuyuan and Hanzhong is restored, and the first floor has produced talents since ancient times:

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