Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1022 Guan Family

This time the big Han sent troops to attack Wei, in addition to Yong'an and Nanzhong, there were still some guards, and there were 20,000 elite soldiers in Hanzhong to guard the emperor, guarding against thieves going against the Han River.

In the rest of the places, almost all troops were withdrawn, even Jincheng was no exception.

It can be said that this has been regarded as the power of the whole country.

It's just that this time, the battle of defeating Wei, which the great man placed the greatest hope on, was full of depression from the very beginning.

The prime minister's army was blocked in Wuzhangyuan, the Liangzhou army was silent, and the Longyou army was forced to retreat to Xiaoguan...

There is no good news for the three-way army.

Hanzhong, on the other hand, is under the greatest pressure.

Not only because the emperor stayed here, but also because Guanzhong, just north of Hanzhong, was like a huge shadow, which had been hanging over Hanzhong since the beginning of the founding of the Han Dynasty.

Whether it is taking Longyou or managing Liangzhou, it is still preparations to disperse the dark clouds over Hanzhong.

Only when it is returned to the old capital can the big man be truly qualified for revival.

Conversely, there is no way to disperse this dark cloud if all the power of the whole country is used.

Then most of the confidence that the big man has built up with great difficulty over the years will be defeated.

Just when everyone felt that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, one after another good news suddenly broke out.

"Prime Minister retreats Sima Yi, destroys tens of thousands of elite Chinese troops in Wuzhangyuan, and forces them to surrender to Chencang and Qian County..."

"General Jiang broke through Qiaoshan and entered Guanzhong from the north..."

"Feng Junhou moved to Wanli, wiped out 40,000 Huqi, broke through Bingzhou, and sent troops to Hedong..."

In the past ten years, Hanzhong has become the actual center of the Han Dynasty, starting from the development of Nanxiang and then staying behind with the emperor.

Not to mention that over the years, there are many well-informed merchants who have traveled from south to north.

After hearing these news, many people immediately exclaimed:

"So, doesn't the big man have already surrounded Guanzhong?"

"Tsk tsk! I can't complain that there has been no news for more than half a year, so I was waiting for Feng Junhou to detour east of the road!"

"Isn't it? If Jingzhou is still there, isn't this Wei thief going to be blocked in the pass?"

There was a sigh from the crowd.

The topic of Jingzhou was a sensitive topic in the past.

Those at the top don't want to talk about it, but those at the bottom dare not talk about it.

However, with the continuous victories of the Han Dynasty on the front line in recent years, and the establishment of the Hanzhong Zhongyi Temple, the legends of "Taoyuan's three sworn brothers" and "Loyalty and righteousness are unparalleled" have become more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The big man is no longer taboo to talk about this issue.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for the Wu Guoshu..."

"Whisper, Wu is now an ally of the Han!"

"Hey!" Someone sneered, "Hasn't the big man sent troops for half a year? This pass is almost defeated, what about the allies' troops?"

"Didn't you say that you have already set off from Chaohu Lake?"

"The big Han battle is almost over, so Wu is going to start?"

"If it wasn't for the news, we wouldn't have expected that Guanzhong would be beaten like this, right? The people of Wu probably couldn't even have imagined it."

Some "civilian think tanks" saw Wanli clearly, "I see, the people of Wu just want to see the big Han and the people of Wei fighting against each other, so that the fisherman can benefit from it."

"Hey, what you said probably hit the Wu people's mind! It's just that this tiger has a real tiger, but it's a pity that the benefits may not necessarily be the benefits!"

"Who's to say it's not! If you want to say, there are still some masters in the middle of the Great Han Dynasty. Maybe they have expected it long ago. They just don't want the Wu people to take advantage of it, so they hit Guanzhong like this!"

Everyone laughed knowingly.

The so-called real tiger refers to Guan Suo, the fourth son of Guan Laojunhou.

I heard that this time Feng Junhou sent Guan Suo as the vanguard, and he was invincible wherever the cavalry went, and the Liangzhou army was able to move to Hedong with lightning speed.

Back then, Guan Laojun Hou was the late emperor's tiger general, this Guan Suo was considered the son of a tiger general, and it is not an exaggeration to give him the title of a tiger son.

Someone laughed:

"Back then, Guan Laojunhou forced Xuchang from the south, and now Guan Silang is forcing Luoyang from the north. This Guan family is worthy of being a hero!"

"In the past, I only heard that the Guan family had two sons and a daughter, but I didn't expect there to be a fourth son."

"When it was said that there was a change in Jingzhou, Guan Suo was still young and was sent to the countryside to hide his name. Later, when he was a little older, he thought of a way to return to Sichuan."

"That's right, that's right, I also heard that this Guan Suo is the concubine of the Guan family, that's why he was abandoned in Jingzhou. During the Southern Expedition, he always followed Feng Junhou..."

This is not complete nonsense, after all, wasn't Xinghan Society formed by a group of second sons or bastards in the beginning?

No wonder he was able to follow Feng Junhou.

Someone tsk-tsk:

"No wonder, it turned out to be a lucky person, I'm afraid he won Feng Junhou's careful teaching, no wonder!"

Feng Junhou is both talented and intelligent, and he is the leader of the new generation of Dahan. Guan Jiashiro can follow him all the year round, he must have learned a lot of skills.

Looking at the current Xinghan Society, the second son and the concubine may be stronger than the first son.

Someone had a whim:

"I've never heard that there is a third wife in the Guan family, so Guan Shiro has not married yet?"

Some of the crowd seemed to be lost in thought.

"What are you thinking? It's not your turn to care about whether people marry or not."

"We can't care, but someone cares!"

Some of the words of folk think tanks may be imaginary, but there are some words that really hit the minds of some people in their eyes.

Judging from the current news, it may be hard to say whether the big man can pacify the east of Bingzhou, but it is a matter of great probability to regain Guanzhong.

This is already an unprecedented victory.

It is conceivable that as long as Guanzhong is won, the emperor will definitely give a big reward after this war.

At that time, no one knows how many court officials or future court officials will emerge.

As long as there is someone who wants to go further, who dares to ignore this point?

In this battle, the prime minister and Feng Junhou are naturally the biggest contributors.

Needless to say, the prime minister, who is dedicated to the country and is just and strict, whoever dares to go to the prime minister's mansion to engage in some ghosts and ghosts, is afraid that he will be kicked out?

As for Feng Junhou, he not only won the trust of the emperor and the prime minister at the same time, but also had a tiger girl town house inside and female officials outside.

If it weren't for the family background of the two families of Guan and Zhang, it would be difficult to be qualified to join them.

The only thing that can be obtained is that the number of wives and concubines in Feng's residence seems to be less.

It's just that Feng Junhou has always been averse to female sex, unlike ordinary wealthy and wealthy families, he likes to keep Kabuki and Maiko in his house.

I heard that the three concubines granted to Feng Junhou by the imperial court still have one vacancy.

But look at the two concubines of Feng's mansion, one of them controls the operation of nearly half of Dahan's textile workshop.

Not to mention the other one, the whole big man, I don't know how many students saw her, they would call Mr. Mei.

From this point of view, even the position of concubine in the Feng family is not something that ordinary women can care about.

But it doesn't matter, if you can't get on the relationship between the prime minister and Feng Junhou, can't you get on the relationship with others?

For example, the leader who broke through Qiaoshan might be Jiang Wei who was the first to reach the city of Chang'an.

This number one is very, very important.

Because this means that the desire of the two generations of the Han Dynasty to return to the old capital is already within reach.

There is also the Guan Suo who is called Jiangmen Huzi.

Coincidentally, I heard that Guan Silang is a concubine, and he followed Feng Junhou all these years, and has never married a wife.

General Guan was born and died for a big man, and he delayed his lifelong event!

Soldiers are fighting for the country in the front, and they also need someone to help them with housework in the rear, doesn't it?

Not because of anything else, but because of the loyalty of the generals...

Guan Tong, Guan Xing's son-in-law, has not formally tied his hair, but these days, he has personally received many famous people.

The way he treats people is remarkable, and the guests who came to the door praised him as the successor of the Guan family.

After seeing off all the guests and closing the door of the mansion, the son of the Junhou Mansion turned pale and his hands and feet trembled.

These guests who came to visit the Guanfu were all asking about their famous fourth uncle inside and outside their words.

But as the direct son of the Guan family, Guan Tong naturally knew that he didn't have a fourth uncle at all.

Because the third aunt who married into Feng's house was the grandfather's youngest daughter.

Well now, the whole world knows that the Guan family has a son, Guan Suo.

Everyone has come to inquire now, and they want to know, is it true that Guan Jiashiro, who is so beloved by Feng Junhou, is not married yet, as rumored outside?

What is this called?

What kind of pro?

Who are you married to?

"Brother, are you okay?"

Guan Xing's son Guan Yi asked with concern.

Guan Tong took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, shook his head and smiled wryly: "It's nothing."

After the two and a half children supported each other and walked back to the mansion, Guan Tong was no more than ten years old, no matter how young and mature he was, he would not be able to withstand such a battle.

He finally couldn't help but said:

"Erlang, now everyone outside says that our family has a fourth uncle, tell me, does our family really have a fourth uncle?"

Guan Yi didn't know whether to cry or smile:

"Probably, maybe there are?"

Guan Tong patted his face, then shook his head to wake himself up:

"I'm too tired, so I'm talking nonsense, let me go and have a rest first."

"Brother, I'm afraid it won't work if we go on like this. Tomorrow, we'd better close the door and thank guests behind closed doors. I'll accompany you outside, brother, to relax."

Guan Tong sighed:

"I'm afraid that someone will say that our Guan family will look down on people once we gain power."

Guan Yi is a bystander, but seeing him sneer slightly:

"When our family was down and down, did those people say a word for the Guan family? It would be good if they didn't slander the Guan family behind their backs."

"Now that our Guan family has risen again, do we need these people to help us speak?"

When Guan Tongtong heard this, his eyes began to regain clarity. He looked at Guan Yi suspiciously, thoughtfully.

"Don't look at the past few days, the cars in our house are like running water, and the horses are like dragons, but how many of these families can talk to the court?"

Having said that, Guan Yi lowered his voice:

"That is to say, the guy who doesn't understand anything, will come to the door eagerly at this time, because he has the intention of bullying us when we are young, thinking that we don't understand the tricks here."

Hearing Guan Yi's analysis, Guan Tong suddenly realized: "This statement is very reasonable!"

He looked at his younger brother and sighed:

"Erlang, I didn't expect you to have such insight, much better than my brother!"

Guan Yi chuckled:

"How did I come to be so capable? It's just that someone told me to listen to it."

Guan Xing blurted out and asked, "Who taught Erlang?"

"Aunt Four."

"Fourth aunt?" Guan Tong was a little puzzled, "What fourth aunt?"

"It's fourth uncle's wife."

Guan Tong was dumbfounded: "What fourth uncle?"

"It's the fourth uncle who's been talking about outside."

Guan Tong's eyes were dull, he looked at Guan Yi in disbelief, and asked in a murmur, "Then you just... no, we really have a fourth uncle?"

Guan Yi sighed: "I don't know, but the fourth aunt has already appeared, so there should be a fourth uncle, right?"

Guan Tong suspected that he was in a dream: "Fourth aunt...appeared?"

Guan Yi nodded:

"Yes, when brother was receiving guests in the front hall, she came over quietly, and now she is waiting in the side hall. This is a letter from her."

Seeing the familiar handwriting on the envelope, Guan Tong hastily opened it.

Unexpectedly, when he finished reading, his eyes were already dull, and his feet seemed to be stepping on floating clouds, a little floating.

The woman who claimed to be the fourth aunt of the Guan family couldn't help frowning when she saw Guan Tong's appearance like this:

"You are the direct son of the Guan family, how come you look like this, you are not afraid of being laughed at by others!"

As soon as Guan Tongcai saw his "fourth aunt", he was scolded, and he quickly forcibly cheered up and looked around.

But seeing that this woman is small and petite, she is barely as tall as him, but her appearance is quite moving.

Bright eyes are good at gazing, between looking and looking, the water waves rise from themselves, and the right to support, without saying a word, like an elf.

Seeing this woman's true face, Guan Tong couldn't help but groaned and shook his body. At such a young age, he seemed unable to bear the impact of this incident.

"Flower... flower..."

"Call me Aunt Si!"

Hualan raised her chin, sat on the chair, and said to Guan Tong and Guan Yi in an old-fashioned way.

The two brothers looked at each other, na na didn't know how to speak.

Seeing this, Hualan was very dissatisfied, and snorted:

"If it wasn't for someone's entrustment, I wouldn't be too lazy to take care of the Guan family's affairs. Since you don't want to call, then I'm leaving. If someone pursues it in the future, don't blame me!"

She was straightforward, she said she was going to get up and leave.

How dare Guan Tong let Huahuan leave just like that?

"Flower Lady, please stay!"


Huahuan looked at him sideways.

Guan Tong lowered his head, took a deep breath, and shouted bravely: "Fourth Aunt, please stay."

When Hua Ling heard this address, she didn't know what she thought of, her face was unpredictable with sadness and joy, and finally she sat back in dismay.

"Hey, there are rumors about Guan Shiro outside now, if someone really asks you in the future, you should answer directly and say that there is indeed a Guan Suo Guan Shiro in the family."

Hualan said the words "Guan Suo Guan Shiro" with a sullen face and gritted teeth.

"But this Guan Silang, he is a concubine of the Guan family, and he has been by Feng Junhou's side since the time of Nanzheng."

"It was also during the Southern Expedition that he met me," Hualan said, pointing to herself, "then I didn't know him, and finally we became husband and wife."

Hualan has the candidness of a Nanban girl, and she is not shy at all when talking about this kind of thing—even gnashing her teeth a little bit.

"If others inquire again, you just say that you are juniors, so it's inconvenient to say more."

The world is in chaos, wives and children are separated, and it is very common for a family to suddenly have an extra relative.

It is not unusual for a concubine of the Guan family to marry Meng Huo's daughter, let alone a major event, and it sounds reasonable.

It's just that when something happened to him, there was an extra fourth uncle and an extra savage aunt, which made Guan Tong unable to bear it:

"Why is this? Why do you want to do this?"

Hualan said angrily:

"How do I know? But this matter, as far as I know, was arranged by Liangzhou, but your adults also agreed."

Guan Tong plucked up his courage and asked: "Then...that flower...well, why is Fourth Aunt willing to do this? This reputation..."

Hualan curled her lips: "I have such a big business in the south, how many people depend on me for food! If I really can get in touch with the Guan family, I will be too happy."

"Besides, I'm the head of the Zhurong tribe now. Even if I marry your fourth uncle, according to the customs of the tribe, I still own the tribe alone, and I don't have to enter the Guan family."

"So this fourth aunt, who else is most suitable besides me?"

Hualan finished explaining to the two of them, and left without further ado, leaving Guan Tong and Guan Yi sitting opposite each other with frowning faces.

"Brother, what do you think is going on?"

"How do I know? I have more headaches than you now!"

"Then what should we do? Is it possible that we really have to do what that lady Hua said? What good will this do for our Guan family?"

"Our Guan family really has such a meritorious fourth uncle, how could it be of no benefit?"

Guan Tong stood up and scratched his head, "It's just that this matter is very important, I have to find someone to ask."

"Brother, who do you plan to call to ask?"

"Naturally the queen."

The Guan family has become more and more prominent in recent years. Guan Tong, as the direct son of the Guan family, was betrothed to the princess a few years ago. He will choose a date to marry the princess when he becomes an adult.

For him, the sudden emergence of fourth uncle and fourth aunt was a major event in the Guan family, he didn't dare to make his own opinions, so he tried his best to find out.

Knowing that Guan Tong asked to enter the palace to pay his respects, Zhang Xingcai smiled and said to A Dou:

"The son of the Guan family, although his talents are a bit mediocre, his temper is still cautious, and he knows how to advance and retreat, which is quite impressive."

The emperor of the Han family was half-lying on the reclining chair tiredly, and when he heard Guan Tong begging to see him, he had to prop himself up and pretend to be sitting upright, but he sighed and said:

"I finally wanted to lie down for a while, why did he choose to come here at this time?"

In the past two years, with the decentralization of the Prime Minister's Mansion and the return of Shangshutai's functions, Ah Dou is no longer as relaxed as before, and has to deal with a lot of government affairs every day.

Especially since the beginning of this year, Xiangfu led the army, and the workload of the emperor has increased sharply, making the little fat man who is used to comfort miserable.

After more than half a year, the originally chubby round face has become thinner, and it no longer has the joy it used to have.

Zhang Xingcai looked at the emperor with some relief, and said softly:

"If Your Majesty is tired, why don't you just go inside and rest, I'll talk to him about family matters."

The little fat man shook his head:

"Forget it, it's still a family anyway, so what's the matter if you avoid it? The Guan family matter is related to Jingzhou. I'll see how the Guan family boy reacts."

Zhang Xingcai nodded:

"The change in Jingzhou is a hurdle that the Guan family has always wanted to overcome. For it, the brothers and sisters of the Guan family spared their lives. It is good to see the reaction of the Guan family at this time."

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