Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1032 Outside Chang'an City

The one who can make Feng Junhou smile silly is either a peerless beauty or a peerless handsome man.

General Guan is one of the best. He can be a beautiful woman or a handsome man, who can satisfy the different appetites of Governor Feng.

It's just that after this year's battle, her face has become more tainted by wind and frost.

Holding the opponent's hand, Feng Cishi felt the roughness of the hand surface, a little distressed, and a little guilty, and said in a low voice:

"Why did you come here in such a heavy snowstorm?"

In front of Governor Feng, General Guan lost his usual handsomeness and coldness, his eyes moved slightly, and the anger that no outsider had ever seen was revealed in front of Governor Feng:

"The prime minister's urgent order tells you and me to rush to Chang'an immediately. The messenger didn't find you in Hedong, so I had no choice but to rush over to meet you."

Governor Feng has been busy rectifying Hedong these days, and basically visited several major counties.

Coupled with the fact that the Wei army had just withdrawn from Guanzhong, it was inevitable that there would be remnants of the army or local tyrants who were interested in Wei, and the communication between the various Han armies in Guanzhong was not completely smooth.

So it was normal for the messenger sent by the prime minister to find Governor Feng for a while.

"It's just why the prime minister asked me to go to Chang'an?" Feng Cishi didn't quite understand, "Didn't Jiang Boyue arrive in Chang'an long ago?"

"Hedong has just stabilized, and I still want to go to Bingzhou."

"Jiang Boyue did not enter Chang'an City."

General Guan and Governor Feng stood side by side on the remnant site of Tongguan, and casually told Governor Feng the latest news about Chang'an, "He was sent by the Prime Minister to Jingshui instead."

"And why?"

Governor Feng didn't understand even more.

Jiang Wei had the tiger infantry army, and was taught the Eight Formation diagram by the prime minister. All indications showed that he was one of the new generation generals trained by the prime minister himself.

After finally taking the first place, the prime minister transferred him away from Chang'an, what was he trying to do?

"It is said that there used to be a bandit army under the city of Xiaoguan. After the surrender of Si County, the bandit army fled along the Jingshui River. The prime minister sent Jiang Wei to stop the bandit army."

"Oh?" Governor Feng nodded, "It's probably Sima Yi's good deed again, to cut off his tail to survive."

"Maybe." General Guan replied with some indifference, "But this group of thieves is not simple. I heard that when they pass through An'an, they want to sneak attack Jingyang City."

"Fortunately, An Ding's prefect is Liu Yin, and the city is heavily guarded, so the thieves didn't succeed."

General Guan said with doubts on his face, "But it is precisely because of this that the Prime Minister sent Jiang Boyue there."

In her opinion, if this group of thieves took advantage of the chaos in Guanzhong some time ago, they might still be able to escape.

Unexpectedly, the thief general didn't know what happened in Guanzhong, or he had other thoughts, the sneak attack on Xiaoguan failed, and when he retreated, he still wanted to sneak attack on Anding.

Didn't you know that during the battle of Jieting, Zhang Yun suffered a lot in front of the camp defended by Liu Yin?

"It's the prime minister's long-cherished wish to return to the old days. The prime minister will not let it have any accidents, so sending Jiang Wei there may be for safety."

Governor Feng thought that he could probably understand the psychology of the old demon Zhuge.

It's just that General Guan didn't know why the Prime Minister asked him to rush to Chang'an, and Governor Feng couldn't figure it out either.

Seeing Governor Feng's thoughtful expression, General Guan thought he was worried about the new land.

"There is Huo Yi in Bingzhou, and Shibao in Hedong. They are all people with outstanding talents. With them, if you want to come to Bingzhou and Hedong, there won't be too many problems for the time being."

Unexpectedly, Governor Feng shook his head: "I always feel that things are not that simple."

It took a lot of effort to settle down in the new land, so it is natural that a movement is not as good as a stillness.

If he leaves suddenly, although there may not be any major problems, it may cause people to misunderstand, and it is not good to have some accidents at that time.

It is impossible for the prime minister to understand such truths.

Compared to Governor Feng, General Guan thought much simpler:

"It's useless to think too much. Since we are going to Chang'an after all, we will naturally know what happened when we get there."

"Besides, the overall situation in Guanzhong is basically settled. There shouldn't be any major incidents in Chang'an."

When Inspector Feng heard this, he thought secretly too...

As long as I can ensure that Tongguan and Hedong are not lost, and the old demon Zhuge is sitting in Chang'an, what kind of disturbance can the remaining thieves in Guanzhong cause?

After thinking for a while, Governor Feng asked, "Where are three thousand?"

General Guan was taken aback: "Who?"


If it wasn't in front of everyone, General Guan would beat people up.

"Erlang has already gone to Chang'an before me." When Zhao Guang was mentioned, General Guan showed a worried expression, "It may be related to General Zhao."

Upon hearing this, Inspector Feng was startled: "Old General Zhao?"

Logically speaking, Governor Feng knows how many years old Mr. Zhao has lived, and he shouldn't be surprised by any news that comes out now.

It's just that people are greedy.

Over the years, the lecture hall has sent many students to the Liangzhou Army.

Governor Feng is Mr. Zhao who is really reluctant to sit in the lecture hall.

General Guan looked at Governor Feng: "Did you guess it?"

Governor Feng sighed:

"I'd rather my guess was wrong. You must be tired after coming here in the snow. Let's rest for a night tonight, and we will start tomorrow."

General Guan nodded.

It is about 300 miles from Tongguan to Chang'an, along the Wei River, riding a horse, and if you don't spare your horsepower, you can get there in three days.

It's just that Guanzhong is initially determined. Even if you follow the official path, if the number of people is too small, you will inevitably encounter rebellious soldiers or strong men blocking the way.

But to Governor Feng, this problem is nothing at all.

Because this time, General Guan led the Liangzhou iron cavalry to personally escort him, so the safety can be said to be foolproof.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty sent an order for General Guan to go with him. I don't know if this was also considered.

But regardless of whether the prime minister of the Han Dynasty meant it or not, he really valued Governor Feng.

When Governor Feng arrived at the foot of Chang'an City, he saw someone sitting in a wheelchair in front of the gate of Chang'an City from a distance, as if he was waiting for someone.

"Prime Minister?"

Governor Feng was so frightened that he rolled and scrambled, got off his horse, trotted all the way over, pushed the golden mountain, inverted the jade pillar, and knelt in front of the prime minister on one knee:

"It's cold, why is the prime minister suffering from the cold here?"

As he spoke, he wiped away the tears and snot that were blown out by the cold wind because he was in a hurry.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty is already rickety, wearing a crown of embarrassment on his head, and his temples are full of white hair. He is sitting in a wheelchair with a fine fleece blanket on his knees to keep out the cold.

He looked at Governor Feng with a smile on his face, and stretched out his withered hand, as if he wanted to touch his face, but then felt something was wrong, and patted his shoulder instead.

"I am here to welcome the heroes of the Han Dynasty. My heart is burning like fire. How can I say that I am cold?"

The sunken cheeks made the prime minister look like a candle in the wind, only the still shining eyes showed his excitement at this moment.

Inspector Feng came from Tongguan on the road, and he was almost frozen like a dog on the way. Now he was so busy wiping his nose, he didn't react for a while:

"Ah? The prime minister is waiting for someone?"

Who can be called a great hero by the prime minister, who knows how much credit he has made?

Zhuge Liang looked at Feng Cishi's bewildered face, and suddenly burst out laughing, the laughter was full of relief.

Inspector Feng only felt the hand on his shoulder pressing down on him, and he heard the prime minister say in his ear:

"Planning Nanzhong, planning to revitalize Hanzhong, managing Xiliang, crossing the north, swallowing prefectures, and tigers watching Luoyang, the thieves are frightened when they hear it, and they retreat when they see it against the chaos. Are you a hero?"


Do these things sound familiar?

Governor Feng looked up at the prime minister, blinked, and then a gust of north wind blew past.

It was broken, and the tears flowed out habitually again.

Seeing his appearance, the prime minister couldn't help smiling kindly and said:

"Why are you crying? You deserve it."

"I didn't cry..."

Governor Feng wiped away his tears, and at the same time muttered in his heart, what do I mean by what I deserve? Just a few compliments?

"You said you didn't cry!" The prime minister looked at him with a smile, and patted the wheelchair: "Go, push me over."


Inspector Feng was a little confused.

The prime minister waved his hand lightly,

The soldiers behind him moved out of the way like a military order.

But at the rear that was originally blocked, there were soldiers with halberds lined up on both sides of the road, extending all the way to the majestic Chang'an City Gate.

There had been a safe car waiting for a long time, the prime minister motioned to Feng Cishi to help him get on the car, and said at the same time:

"I have received the late emperor's edict, and I have been lamenting all night, lest I have failed the late emperor's entrustment. I can enter Chang'an today, even if I die, I will have no regrets!"

Governor Feng was surprised when he heard this:

"The prime minister means that you haven't entered Chang'an yet?"

"If the Liangzhou army hadn't moved thousands of miles away, it is still unknown whether I would be able to return to the old capital this time. How could I have the sole credit of being the first to enter Chang'an?"

While talking, the prime minister sat down on the car, and patted the seat next to him, "Sit with me."

Inspector Feng looked around subconsciously, feeling the scorching gaze around him, he couldn't help but feel a little awkward:

"Prime Minister, isn't this very good?"

"I just want to enter Chang'an with the hero of the Han Dynasty, what's wrong?"

The prime minister, who was always cautious, was showing a rare publicity at this time, his eyes swept over the people under the car, looking down and domineering.

Wei Yan snorted and turned his head away.

Yang Yi had no expression on her face, her eyes were gloomy.

Guan Xing and Zhang Bao looked at Governor Feng in the car with complicated eyes, love and hate intertwined, and they all had the same thought in their hearts:

If this kid is only my brother-in-law, how good would it be?

Then, like a tacit understanding, the eyes of the two subconsciously drifted to each other, and then looked away guiltily.

Meng Yan showed a smile mixed with compliments.

Only Wu Ban and Li Feng had the simplest moods, their smiles were sincere and sincere.

The prime minister saw everyone's expressions, and said again:

"General Huwei has made great contributions this time. I wonder if he can just drive and enter Chang'an with me?"

Being able to accompany the prime minister to enter Chang'an for the first time is not a condescension.

General Guan who accompanied Governor Feng heard the words, looked at Governor Feng, and then scanned the crowd, his sword eyebrows raised:

"The prime minister has orders, how dare the last general refuse to obey?"

She is not as hypocritical as Feng Shishi, who unceremoniously took the position of the emperor.

If anyone is not convinced, stand up if you have the courage.

Anyway, on this trip, this general will definitely advance and retreat with Alang.

Wei Yan hummed heavily again.

Just as General Guan thought, even if he is not convinced, he has to hold back.

The army speaks of military merits, the Guan family's tiger cavalry swept across the North, and became famous in the Central Plains. Who would dare to underestimate it?

"Let's go."

The prime minister ignored the small thoughts of these people and ordered.

General Guan shook the horse rope lightly, and the wheels began to roll, carrying the three people on board, and galloped towards the gate of Chang'an City.

The generals can only walk and follow behind.

"After this battle, your position in the court is easily unshakable."

Amidst the creaking sound of the wheels turning, the prime minister looked ahead and said slowly, "I can see the old capital, but I'm afraid I won't be able to see the Xingfu Han room."

"But fortunately there is still you, I can barely explain to the first emperor when I go underground."

Governor Feng was startled, and almost stood up in fright: "Why did the prime minister say that?"

The prime minister stretched out his hand and pressed his hand, his tone was flat, as if he was not talking about his own affairs:

"Sit down, don't be surprised, you are the one who treats my illness, don't say you don't know what's going on with my body."

"I failed to complete the last emperor's will, but I finally found someone who can continue to make people happy." I feel very relieved."

Governor Feng opened his mouth, but he didn't know what he wanted to say.

At this moment, he clearly realized that he was experiencing history.

This feeling is very strange, like passing the torch from generation to generation, and it also gives people a heavy sense of mission.

It reminded Feng Yong of the oath he made in his previous life on the front line of fighting floods.

Presumably the prime minister also felt this way when he accepted the edict before the late emperor's sick bed?

"I'm afraid I have the entrustment of the prime minister."

Inspector Feng said in a low voice, this was the first time he felt seriously lacking in confidence.

Even if Jieting's back road was cut off, Jincheng's back road was cut off, Xiao Guan's back road was cut off, in the face of many dangers, Feng Cishi had never been so lacking in confidence.

The prime minister saw the rare appearance of Feng Cishi's restrained Jin, and smiled and said:

"I know how you feel, because I was just like you back then, afraid of failing the late emperor's entrustment."

"Actually, don't be afraid, just get used to it slowly. I believe that you will do better than me."

"After all, most of the time, the emperor just respects me and respects me, but he is very close to you and keeps you in the palace many times."

Inspector Feng smiled a little embarrassedly: "The prime minister is too much."

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty glanced at him, with some meaning in his eyes:

"Excuse me? The fourth lady of the Zhang family has been with you for so long without a name, isn't it true?"


An car suddenly shook, and then there was the sound of stones jumping and smashing.

It is estimated that a small stone was pressed by the wheel.

General Guan, who was sitting in the seat of the imperial hand, remained motionless.

Although General Guan's expression could not be seen, Governor Feng suddenly felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Prime Minister, don't offend the driver when you are in a car, do you know?

Now our two lives are in the hands of General Guan.

But seeing Governor Feng stammered a bit and said:

"Prime Minister, this... Si Niang is just...uh..."

"I got the news that Feng's mansion has added three males in two months. Feng Zhengxi, you are capable, but how many people can't envy you!"


Si Niang and the others gave birth?

Governor Feng couldn't help being surprised and delighted when he heard the prime minister's words.

Then there was another "bang", and the car shook again.

Woke up Governor Feng from his surprise, and made him fall into an ice cave all of a sudden.

I saw him wrapping the coat around his body, and murmured:

"This year's winter is really cold..."

PS: Starting tomorrow, we will take three days of wedding photos.

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