Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1033 Entering Chang'an

"Is it alright?" The Prime Minister didn't feel like offending the female driver, his eyes were only on the Chang'an City Gate not far away, "I don't think it's too cold."

Then he asked without fear of death: "The Zhang family is also a relative of the emperor. Now that the fourth mother of the Zhang family has even given birth to a child for you, what are you going to do?"

Inspector Feng shrank his body, kept glancing at General Guan in front of him, and said with a dry smile:


Then he glanced at General Guan again.

The younger sister of the Zhang family is the link between Governor Feng and the royal family, and also the guarantor of the royal family's trust.

With her by the side of Governor Feng and participating in various secrets, the royal family can completely rest assured that Governor Feng will not have any idea that a certain minister has too much power.

Coupled with the example of the prime minister, the emperor of the Han Dynasty has a high tolerance for the rights of his courtiers.

According to the history of the original Shu Han that Feng Inspector knew, the little fat man had a good heart, he would not kill the minister easily, and his standby time in office was long enough.

Therefore, Governor Feng believes that in the next few decades, as long as there is a younger sister from the Zhang family, the Feng family will not have to worry about being suspected one day.

But politics is rational, while women are emotional, and the two are diametrically opposed.

But in this matter, the attitude of the Feng family's mistress is very important.

It seems that there are eyes growing behind the back, or it may be that the husband and wife have a good understanding.

At this time, General Guan suddenly spoke up, dissolving Governor Feng's embarrassment:

"Si Niang has long been regarded as a member of Feng's family all these years, what is lacking is nothing more than a title."

"I didn't mention this before, because Alang's status is not enough to marry the Zhang family's first daughter."

"But it's different now. As the prime minister said, after this battle, Alang's contribution is enough to silence other people's mouths."

"If you marry the Zhang family's daughter again, even if someone criticizes it, they will only say that Alang doesn't follow the rules, not that he is not qualified."

Governor Feng opened his mouth wide when he heard General Guan's words, and he didn't react until he took a big breath of cold wind. He nodded subconsciously:

"That's right! Xijun is right!"

On this kind of matter, no matter what my little gentleman says, just nod first.

Not to mention that General Guan just said something...


Only then did Governor Feng realize that he slapped his thigh immediately!

If he wasn't in the car, he would have wanted to hug his wife and kiss her.

It's still ancient!

Hearing that Alang wants to sleep with another woman, the wife of the main room will take the initiative to help Zhang Luo.

Seeing that Governor Feng was scratching his ears and cheeks like a big horse monkey, almost unable to sit still, the prime minister of the big man couldn't help but "tsk", and squinted at a certain prince, with contempt in his eyes:

After all, you are also a great man, can you be a bit promising?

In addition to being happy, Governor Feng felt the prime minister's gaze, but he didn't care.

It's easy to talk about other aspects, but in this aspect, the prime can he look down on me?

Now I have four wives and concubines who have given birth to six children for my husband. What do you have?

It's not me bragging, my eldest daughter might be able to beat your son right now.


After the two men's eyes met, they looked away.

Seeing Feng Junhou's obsequiousness to General Guan, the prime minister said with a bit of resentment:

"It's rare for two wives to marry together, but it's not a big deal."

"Chen Qun, an important minister of the Wei State, was born in the Chen family of Yingchuan. He is a famous family. Isn't his sister also the first wife alongside others?"

"So if you are worried about the criticism of the world, you don't have to worry about it. In the worst case, I will show my old face and ask Your Majesty to give me a marriage."

Inspector Feng looked sideways.

It's so easy for you to say, anyway, it's not you who have to face General Huwei, right?

The prime minister didn't bother to pay attention to this guy's villainous heart, so he sighed:

"It's just that I have acted with no regrets in my life. I didn't expect that Huang Tu buried his neck and wanted to be a villain in the marriage of the younger generation..."

"Especially Sanniang, it's not an exaggeration to say she's my daughter, she's really ashamed!"

General Guan, on the other hand, spoke calmly:

"Why does uncle need to do this? My father and brother died in Jingzhou back then. If my uncle and aunt hadn't tried their best to protect my niece and my brother, Shuzhong might have been a place where no family had a foothold."

"The great man puts loyalty first. My late father and Uncle Zhang served the late emperor together. They never left for decades, and helped the late emperor extend the Han Zuo."

"Now Si Niang and I are sisters to each other, serving A Lang together, and assisting A Lang in revitalizing the Han Dynasty. It is also a good story."

General Guan is resolute in heart, and at the same time he values ​​love and righteousness.

She knew very well that over the years, the Guan family had returned from avoiding everyone like snakes and scorpions to the home of the top dignitaries of the big man, and it was impossible for the Guan family alone to do so.

If there is no prime minister, the second brother may not have the status he has today.

If there is no aunt, I am afraid that it will be difficult to meet A Lang.

Without Alang, it would be difficult to be who I am today.

The most important thing is that, as the mistress of the Feng family, she always remembered that one of the three concubines bestowed on the Feng family by the imperial court was still unavailable.

Zhang Jiawen, Guan Jiawu.

General Guan was as famous as Empress Zhang back then, so he knew how powerful the Zhang family's daughter was.

The lack of a concubine in Feng's mansion might be caused by Empress Zhang on purpose.

If the younger sister of the Zhang family fails to stay with her family, Alang, the royal family will most likely choose another person to join Feng's residence in the name of supplementing concubines.

From General Guan's point of view, since there is no way to hide from the left or right, it is natural to try to choose the option that is most beneficial to the Feng family.

Rather than letting the royal family send someone who doesn't know the details to Feng's mansion, it is better to choose Zhang Xiaomei, so as not to be on guard all day long.

What's more, the current General Guan has his own goals in life, his own career, and even has the title of General that many people can't wait for.

The fact that the little girls in the backyard competed for favor was out of her sight.

Hearing General Guan's words, the two most powerful men in the big man breathed a sigh of relief in unison.

Sensing each other's breath of relief, the two subconsciously turned their heads to meet each other's eyes.


The prime minister sneered silently.


Governor Feng showed a relieved smile.

After a brief silence, An Che finally arrived at the gate of Chang'an City.



The guard holding the halberd raised his halberd obliquely to the sky with both hands.

From nowhere comes the singing:

"Severe wind blows the frost and the grass withers, but the muscles are dry and hard, and the horse is arrogant. The Han family has 300,000 soldiers, and the general also leads Huo whoring Yao..."

The singing sounds from far to near, like small ripples on the surface of a lake at the beginning, and then the water waves gradually become larger, layer upon layer, interweaving with each other, arousing huge waves of sound.

In the end, even the halberd guards sang loudly.

"...The enemy can be destroyed, the head is destroyed, and the intestines of the Lulu are soaked in the blood of the Lulu..."

Governor Feng raised his head, feeling the cold wind blowing by in winter, but he didn't understand the heat on his body at all.

He now believes that the Prime Minister may not feel the chill when he is looking forward to it at the gate of Chang'an regardless of the severe cold.

"...But the song is so powerful that the wind and clouds are flying, and Andy is a warrior guarding the four directions?"

Before the lingering sound faded away, the prime minister stood up tremblingly, and chanted again:

"The severe wind blows the frost and the grass withers..."

Inspector Feng took a deep breath and stood up as well. He wanted to stand upright and pass the gate of the old capital of the Han Dynasty.


The sound of horseshoes became more and more urgent, and the car began to speed up, carrying the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, and officially drove into Chang'an.

The north wind from the sky above Chang'an City gradually howled, and snow particles the size of rice grains were sandwiched and floated down one after another.

This is a snow brought by the cold current from the north.

In Guanzhong, it was only snowing lightly, but in Liangzhou, heavy snow like goose feathers had already begun to fall.

In the outermost compound of Liangzhou Governor's Mansion, many brick houses have been newly built in the past two years, most of which are red bricks.

But in the middle of the compound, there is a two-story blue brick house, which is very conspicuous among a group of red brick houses.

This is the place where the governor's mansion met the old and squires.

After the beginning of winter, the governor's mansion had been turned on for heating.

Especially after this heavy snowfall, as long as there are people in the governor's mansion, whether it is an office or a high-value house, the heating supply has been increased.

As soon as a person entered the room, his whole body began to sweat.

If you don't take off your coat, you will have to keep wiping your sweat after staying in the room for a while.

Of course, the constant sweating may not be all due to heat.

It may also be a guilty conscience.

Sitting in the big green brick house today, some people kept wiping their sweat.

"Secretary Zhang asked us to come here today. I don't know why?"

"What else? Isn't the current situation in Liangzhou all about the Guanzhong war?"

"That's right. A few days ago, there was news that the Prime Minister exterminated the thieves and the 50,000 elite Chinese army, and the princes moved thousands of miles to recover Bingzhou and other places. It seems that this posture is going to knock down Guanzhong, so the government needs to raise more money and food. ?”

"Let's raise money!" Someone said indifferently, "If we really want to conquer Guanzhong, it will also benefit Liangzhou. Donating some money and food to the imperial court can be regarded as contributing to the country."

Since Feng Inspector took charge of Liangzhou, Liangzhou can be regarded as a well-organized government and a harmonious society, even the Hu people feel at ease to herd sheep.

In the past, everyone was thinking about how to squeeze more food from the hands of the poor, and how to cheat more cattle and sheep from the hands of the barbarians.

It's different now.

Liangzhou's cattle and horses plus eight ox plows and Quyuan plows, advanced farming techniques, and vigorous construction of water conservancy.

In just a few years, Liangzhou's grain output has quadrupled.

If it weren't for the government and the Xinghan Society to raise so many horses and consume a lot of grain and beans, the price of grain in Liangzhou would be lower than that in Shu.

Hu people know that wool is the real good thing.

But everyone here knows that something better than wool is wool produced in a workshop.

Selling wool can make more money than selling grain.

"It should have been raised long ago. Contribute to the country. If the big man takes Guanzhong down, I don't see how Sima Yi can set up a checkpoint in Chang'an."

Although woolen materials are in short supply now, the procurement in the military and the transaction with Soochow alone have taken up a lot of production capacity.

But who would bite the hand with money?

Sima Yi let the caravan concentrate on trading in Chang'an, and didn't allow everyone to freely transport goods to the Kanto for sale.

"It's true..."

"In my opinion, it is possible to raise food, but it may not be for the Guanzhong War, as everyone thinks."

Someone suddenly said something slowly.

Everyone took a closer look, and it turned out that they were from the Li family in Longxi.

In the past few years, the Li family in Longxi and the Zhang family in Dunhuang have been in the limelight.

They often get certain inside information earlier than others.

"Oh, how do you say that?"

As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately became interested.

"This year's winter is much colder than last year's. According to the habits of previous years, the barbarians on the grassland probably started going south from Juyan County two months ago."

Thanks to Feng Cishi's move to let the Liangzhou army go out frequently in the first two years, the western Xianbei and other barbarians in the north of Liangzhou fled and surrendered, which made the northern border of Liangzhou much quieter.

But the barbarians are like the weeds on the grassland, even if you cut one stubble after another, they will always come out wave after wave.

Coupled with the extremely cold weather in winter, even if they escape temporarily, they will eventually be forced by God to drive south.

The Liangzhou army has been away for almost a whole year this year, and scattered Hu people have begun to appear in the grasslands north of Liangzhou.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the border Han army retreated to the pass to rest in winter, they risked their lives to cross the pass and tried their best to find a way to enter the warm south.

Not many Hu people crossed the pass, but they still caused some security problems in the border county.

"That's why the governor's office is afraid that it will form a righteous army or a militia group to wipe out those barbarians who entered the big man without the government's consent."

"Oh, that's how it is……"

Someone suddenly lost interest.

Although the barbarians outside China can be regarded as labor, but labor also has a cost.

It is thankless to exterminate some sporadic barbarians in winter when the roads are blocked by heavy snow.

Some people are thinking about how much their family should donate if it is really for this matter.

Some people murmured in their hearts: If it is really because of those Hu people who crossed the border, it is necessary to call everyone here with great fanfare?

With a little money from every family present, they can organize a medium-scale hunt outside the fortress.

And some people may feel too hot and start wiping sweat again.



Just when everyone was thinking about it, there was the sound of footsteps outside the door.

Secretary Zhang, who had disappeared for more than a month, appeared at the door with President Li.

Glossy leather boots lined with down, stepped on the floor, making a slightly dull knocking sound.

Seeing the second daughter, everyone subconsciously quieted down.

Compared with before, Zhang Xingyi seemed to be rounder.

She glanced at the room, walked to the main seat and sat down.

Li Mu followed behind her and sat beside her.

"Is it all here?"

Zhang Xingyi sat on top, with a smile on his face, "I'm really sorry to call everyone over in the cold weather."

"Secretary Zhang is serious!"

"I didn't feel hard when I came here to get the wool quota, and I certainly can't say it's hard now!"

These words caused even Li Mu to cover his mouth and laugh.

Although some workshops have signed mutual assistance agreements with some pastures, they are eligible to purchase wool first.

But Liangzhou's largest wool sales channel is in the hands of the government and Xinghanhui.

The so-called "come here to get the wool quota" means that every spring and autumn, every family will come here to buy the wool quota.

After chatting and laughing, Zhang Xingyi continued to speak:

"But this time I called everyone over, not because of the workshop, but to tell everyone about another matter."

When everyone heard this, they immediately pricked up their ears.

The smile on Zhang Xingyi's face did not diminish:

"I think everyone has heard that in the battle of Guanzhong, the big man won a big victory. I got the news that the prime minister and the monarch have already led the army into Chang'an by this time."

Has it really regained Guanzhong?

There was a commotion in the house, and many people were overjoyed.

Taking a panoramic view of everyone's faces, Secretary Zhang seemed very happy. She leaned back in the chair, raised her eyes slightly, and said leisurely:

"To put it bluntly, I'm not afraid of everyone's jokes. Since this year, I've been restless and unwilling to eat. I'm afraid that there will be some bad news ahead."

"It wasn't until a few days ago that the news of Junhou's victory came that I was relieved."

I didn't understand why Zhang Xingyi said these words, but everyone became quiet.

"I believe that many of you here have this experience, right?"

He burst out laughing.

Zhang Xingyi looked at the crowd, with a wider smile on his face, but his eyes were as clear as water, and his tone was even more flat and calm:

"But I also believe that some people don't want to hear the news of the big victory."

What's the meaning?

Some people were still laughing, but those who reacted quickly had already sensed something was wrong.

The laughter faded away.

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