Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1037 Great Change

Whether it is Guan Zhongzhi's technique or economic colonization, basically the routines are similar.

In the early stage, a lot of cost must be invested to cultivate and support agents or interest groups, unknowingly disintegrate the enemy's interior, and let the enemy follow its own design.

Just wait until the time is right to harvest.

To implement this routine, there must be a prerequisite.

That is, its own strength must be strong enough-whether it is economic strength or military strength.

To put it bluntly, you have to be strong even if you forge iron.

If you get it halfway, and you can't do it because of your own weakness, the investment in other countries in the early stage will really be like cutting meat and feeding dogs.

Maybe it will be backlashed in the end.

Of course, if the enemy can be successfully harvested, the harvest will be huge.

Even if the country cannot be destroyed, at least it can enslave other countries for its own use, or make the enemy country chaos without fighting.

Fortunately, the current Han Dynasty is a powerful country for Wu.

Population, economy, and military are all above Wu.

More importantly, after regaining Guanzhong and Bingzhou Hedong, given time, the war potential of the Han Dynasty will be the highest in the Three Kingdoms sooner or later.

War potential is not just about who has more resources.

It also depends on who can better mobilize for war and who can use domestic resources more efficiently.

From this point of view, the big man has already opened a considerable distance from Wu Guo and Wei Guo.

At least ten years ago, Governor Feng had already begun to try to restore the village pavilion system of the former Han Dynasty, or the former Qin Dynasty.

After more than ten years of military career, he has continuously promoted schools in the local area for more than ten years, and has trained a large number of grassroots cadres.

Retired military veterans, students who cannot be admitted to the Royal Academy in local schools, they are the nerve endings for the government to control the local area.

From Nanzhong to Longyou, and then to Liangzhou, they are all active.

If we say that the two countries of Wei and Wu, which were completely controlled by the aristocratic family, are like patients with malignant tumors.

Then the big man is a young man who has been successfully operated on and is recovering.

Fifteen years ago, in order to raise more food, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty did not hesitate to conscript civilians to clean up Dujiangyan when the country was weakest.

Weir officials were even specially set up to lead soldiers to patrol the water conservancy with 1,200 people.

This unprecedented move is also a kind of helplessness.

After all, the economic lifeline of the Shu Han at that time was in the hands of the aristocratic family.

Without money and food, how can we talk about going south and north?

Who would have expected that fifteen years later, the aristocratic families in the Shu region looked at the increased grain production every year, and then looked at the tightly suppressed grain prices, and they wanted to cry without tears.

After so many years of training, the aristocratic family in Sichuan has already become docile and obedient.

Farming and mulberry are the foundation of the country. For such a large area of ​​arable land in the Sichuan Plain, where to grow food and where to grow mulberry trees has long been stipulated.

Whoever dares to plant sugar cane and tea trees indiscriminately will be approached by the government the next day.

As for such things as cheap food hurting farmers, of course it doesn't exist.

Because the government has a guaranteed floor price for grain, Xinghanhui can even buy it two or three, or even four or five, higher than the guaranteed floor price.

Anyway, it will definitely not let everyone farm at a loss.

Just say whether you will sell it or not!

"If the price of your food is right, we will definitely sell it!"

The wharf warehouse outside Jincheng also has the largest stronghold of the Xinghan Society in Shu.

Today, this stronghold has welcomed many guests: Li family, Zhang family, Zhao family, Huang family...

Every well-ranked family in Shu will send someone who can make up their minds.

Hearing Deng Liang sitting on the main seat, watching the noise below, he smiled very gentlely:

"It's been so many years, who doesn't know that we, Xinghan, know how to do things? It's all very authentic! In which year, the price of our grain collection is not higher than others?"

That's because apart from selling it to the government, it can only be sold to you, okay? !

Over the years, the government has relied on the grasslands and pastures of the Xinghan Society to back them up, and has rented a large number of cattle to Nizuzi every year.

Eight ox plows with mud legs are useless, but Quyuan plows are most suitable for small households.

After so many years of war, it may be an exaggeration to say that the population has dropped by 60% to 70%.

In addition, the prime minister has been vigorously building water conservancy projects, and over the years, foreign wars have been victorious.

Let the government have a large amount of barren land in their hands, and can distribute the land to the mud legs on a large scale, and the tax is not high.

The most important thing is that only families with household registration can send their children to schools.

This can be regarded as the most benevolent government of the Great Han Emperor - as for whether someone is gnashing their teeth secretly, who cares?

Wealthier farmers now even raise chickens and ducks.

With so much hope, who would want to be a hermit?

What's the point of having so much grain stored up by big families?

Thinking of how many rich families went to Nanxiang to do grain business in these years, but in the end their families were ruined, and many people said "Bah" in their hearts:

Collusion between officials and businessmen, bullying officials, do you still have the face to say that you are doing things honestly?

"It's because I know that Xinghan will do things well, so when I heard that there is going to be a large amount of grain harvest here, didn't I rush over here in a hurry!"

Someone laughed:

"I don't know how much food you want to collect?"

Deng Liang glanced at the other party meaningfully, and said slowly:

"Don't worry, this meeting is not going to Nanxiang to list, but to inform everyone directly, the meaning is very clear:

This time, we will only collect grain from the families present, and will not collect grain from grain merchants in other places. "


Most of the people present couldn't help but beam with joy when they heard this.

In other words, this time, you don't have to go to Nanxiang Exchange to compete with grain merchants from all over the world?

Then they saw Deng Liang extend a slap and continued:

"The price of old grain bought this time can be 30% higher than the grain price at the Nanxiang Exchange. If you are willing to write the contract now, next year you can get 50% higher than the grain price."


Everyone gasped, making the temperature in the room a bit colder.


This time, it wasn't just a few questions, but most of the people spoke in unison.

Seeing this, Deng Liang smiled again, and then stretched out three fingers:

"Three contracts, one for each party, and one for the government."

In other words, is this thing true?

If you want to break the contract, you will destroy the reputation of Xinghanhui and the government accumulated over the years.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, none of them recovered from the shock.

Someone swallowed and asked cautiously:

"Dare to ask Deng Langjun, Feng... er, does Feng Huishou know about this matter?"

Counting from the day that King Feng Gui came out of the mountain, I don't know how many people have written down this person's black account in their small books.

However, over the years, everyone's spirit has become shorter and shorter, and many people even suffer from "ghost king phobia".

Suffering for so many years, and suddenly getting such a big benefit, people can't believe it at the first time.

Of course, some people have other thoughts in their hearts:

Guiwang Feng has been keeping news for most of the year. Even if it is possible to enter Chang'an now, based on the distance between Guanzhong and Jincheng, it is impossible for the two places to communicate so quickly.

That being the case, unless this matter was discussed in advance, it would be someone making a decision alone without King Feng's knowledge.

So... is it possible that Xinghan will have a second leader?

But Deng Liang said leisurely: "Everyone, don't worry, how could my brother not know about such a big matter?"

Well, I wish he didn't know.



If this matter is really a decision made by Feng Guiwang in advance.

Doesn't that mean that Ghost King Feng had already decided on this matter at least a year ago, that is, before the expedition?

Thinking of someone's foresight, more people hesitated:

You guys have managed to save a little money in the past few years, so you won't be spotted again, right?

Deng Liang was surprised when he saw that the crowd suddenly became speechless:

Such a good thing, why do you behave like this instead?

"Deng Langjun, over the years, we have not dealt with each other once or twice. Everyone here, one counts as another, and they are all considered to be friends."

"Can you find out what's going on with this transaction?"

Isn't that right? Over the years, most of the food that everyone has collected every year has been sold to the Xinghan Association.

Old acquaintance!

Hearing this, Deng Liang finally vaguely guessed what these people were thinking.

But seeing him couldn't help smiling, he said frankly:

"There is nothing wrong with this matter. To put it bluntly, there is a shortage of food in Jingzhou, the state of Wu, and people have been sent to the court many times for help."

"Everyone should also know about the later events. Because of the preparations for the battle in Guanzhong, this event was postponed."

"However, the preparatory work has not been left behind. For example, the e-market set up in Yong'an is to make it easier to trade with Wu Guo."

Having said that, Deng Liang raised his cup and took a sip of tea before continuing:

"The person in charge of Yong'an Yishi is Fei Gongju (Fei Shi). This person is originally from Shu, and he is straightforward and outspoken. If you have any doubts, you might as well go and ask."

Fei Gongju?

Umm, this...

First, he wrote a letter against Liu Bei's premature proclaiming emperor, and then he opposed Zhuge Liang's acceptance of Meng Da's surrender in person. Fei Gongju's character is quite worthy of recognition.

At least it's much better than a guy with the surname Feng.

The price of grain in Jingzhou is high—the price of grain in the entire Wu Kingdom is much higher than that in Shu——everyone has heard about it for a long time.

But without permission, transporting grain out of the country and selling it to other countries is a decapitation business.

Especially with the terrain of Shu, even if you have the courage to go all out, there is no way to transport a large amount of grain to Jingzhou without being discovered.

After years of hard searching and nowhere to go, now I finally let go of a hole. If I say I am not moved, it must be a lie.

"Deng Langjun, dare to ask, how much food will we collect this time?"

No one present was a fool. Judging from Deng Liang's current words, at least 70% to 80% of this matter was true.

So the atmosphere immediately became a little warmer:

"Yes Deng Langjun, how much grain will you sell to the east this time?"

"Naturally, the more the better, after all, the Xinghan Society collects grain in Shu every year."

"Of course, high-priced grain will only be sold to Jingzhou, so there must be a quota. This depends on the shortage of grain in Jingzhou."

After learning that grain could be sold to Jingzhou, people with ulterior motives suddenly felt cold when they heard the word quota.

Doesn't that mean that selling grain to Jingzhou is still subject to control?

Doesn't that mean that only part of the high-priced grain can be sold?

Doesn't that mean we can't transport grain to Jingzhou by ourselves?

into his mother's!

Shameless thing!

Collusion between government and businessmen is all the day and night!

"Deng Langjun, you know that there will never be a shortage of food in everyone's hands. So what is the statute of this high-priced food quota? Can you explain in detail?"

Hall Master Deng at the entrance of the Jincheng Hall of the Xinghan Association smiled slightly when he heard the words:

"Well, there are rules and regulations. To tell you the truth, I got news that the imperial court may open schools in various counties in Shu."

"It's just that everyone knows that the battle in Guanzhong is still pending, and the imperial treasury may not be very rich..."

Before I could finish my words, my eyes reminded me: You understand!

Who doesn't know that Xinghan Club is actually the biggest white glove in the world?

It is not surprising that Hall Master Deng can know some inside information in advance.

What does it mean that the treasury is not well-off?

Your Ah Weng came here to make money, but you actually want me to pay for it?

But the school... the school? !

"Deng Langjun, do you mean that the imperial court finally plans to open a school in Jincheng?"

A few years ago, after the first exam in Liangzhou ended, some people were already advocating that they wanted to establish a school in Shu County.

After the proposal was sent to Hanzhong, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty passed it on to Feng Guiwang, asking for his opinion.

The final answer given by Feng Guiwang is: Nanxiang's teachers and teaching materials are too tight, and it is temporarily unable to support the school construction in Shu County.

"Not only Jincheng, but also several counties around Shu County will build schools, and the money and food needed must be indispensable."

"As for the matter of the school, the Xinghan Society is naturally involved, so the regulations for the grain collection still have to fall on the school."

"This is a great good deed, but a rare benevolent government!"

Someone suddenly became excited.

Isn't that right?

Good people should be rewarded. For the school, whoever pays more money and food will naturally have more quotas for high-priced food.

However, this is something that the family in Shu has been looking forward to for a long time.

Because only when the school is opened, can it be considered that there is a real channel to enter the Royal Academy, instead of having to turn around and find a way like it is now.

There are even many times when you can't even find the way.

Someone couldn't help shouting loudly:

"Deng Lang-jun don't have to worry about the school's money and food. As people in Shu, if we sit idly by and ignore it, we will be stabbed in the back by the villagers!"

Many people can see that the so-called high price of food is simply an excuse.

In fact, someone wanted to use Deng Liang's mouth to test everyone's views on the school—of course, the high-priced food still had to be sold, and it was a little bit of money.

But, why did Villager Zhuge and King Feng suddenly show kindness?

Is giving money to everyone, and is it dredging the official career of the children in Shuzhong?

With this question in mind, Qiao Zhou quietly went to visit Du Qiong, a famous scholar in Shu County.

At this time, Qin Mi had passed away, and Zuo Zhonglang made Du Qiong one of the most respected local officials in Shu.

Du Qiong was usually taciturn and rarely saw outsiders, but this time he had a rare interview with Qiao Zhou.

"The Battle of Guanzhong is not only a great change in the world, but also a great change in the great man."

He looked at the peach grove outside. At this time, all the peach leaves had fallen, leaving only bare branches.

The current big man is not the one he was more than ten years ago, relying only on the hard support of the Shu land.

Instead, it is already sitting on a place of victory in the world, and there is a potential for revival.

The changes in the past ten years can be described as earth-shaking.

"The Son of Heaven is the Mingjun, and the Prime Minister is the Mingxiang. There are many people of insight in the court, how can they not see the changes in the situation of the Han Dynasty? Knowing the changes and adapting to them, can you be called a man of excellence?"

Qiao Zhou didn't understand, so he asked humbly:

"Please explain it in detail, sir."

Du Qiong asked:

"Back then, the aristocratic family in Central Shu was hated by the prime minister and Feng Junhou. Do you know why?"

Qiao Zhou opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to say more.

Du Qiong seemed to have expected Qiao Zhou's attitude long ago, so he continued on his own:

"What the tyrants in Shuzhong have done is mostly to prevent the great man from returning to the old capital. Today's situation can be said to be self-inflicted, but are all the tyrants in Liangzhou innocent?"

"In the first battle in Guanzhong, the big Han not only recovered Guanzhong, but also took control of Bingzhou and other places. Do all the families in the north hope that the big Han will recover?"

Who would believe that the false Wei usurped the Han without the support of the aristocratic families in the north?

Qiao Zhou seemed to have caught something, his eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief:

"Sir, do you mean that the imperial court wants to perform a balancing act?"

Du Qiong looked at Taolin again, and said slowly:

"Back then, the imperial court used the hands of Liangzhou nobles to suppress the aristocratic families in central Shu. Now even if they change the target of suppression, it is just repeating the old plan. Why is it so strange?"

Hedong is a place full of aristocratic families, so Qiao Zhou naturally understands it.

It's just that the imperial court has always placed more emphasis on Liangzhou than Shuzhong. Even if they want to suppress the aristocratic families in the Central Plains, why not just continue to rely on the rich families of Liangzhou?

When Qiao Zhou thought of this, his heart couldn't help trembling. He lowered his voice and asked quietly:

"Sir, if it's really the court's balancing act, doesn't that mean that Liangzhou may also..."

"That's not something you and I need to worry about." Du Qiong glanced at Qiao Zhou lightly, "Look, it's winter right now, and the peach tree seems to be dead."

"But after one month, it will grow flower bones and bloom in full bloom, which is too beautiful to behold."

Du Qiong said in a deep tone:

"The children of Shuzhong have lost the best opportunity. These years, they are like the peach trees outside the window, suffering from the cold wind."

"This time, it can be said that we have gone through the cold winter and ushered in the warm spring. If there are no more buds and flowers, then people will really be regarded as dead branches and chopped down as firewood."

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