Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1038 Great Change (2)

Anyone who plays politics must have the heart of a scumbag.

If you are single-minded and affectionate, you will only die miserably in the political arena.

Of course Du Qiong didn't know what a scumbag was.

He also didn't know that Liangzhou was quietly undergoing some changes.

What happened in Hedong has not yet been reported to Shu.

But in the early years, he was one of the people who persuaded Liu Bei to proclaim himself emperor.

If there hadn't been a certain soil turtle intruding randomly, he would have affirmed to Qiao Zhou at a certain moment that "the one who replaced the Han should be Tu Gaoye".

But on the historical line of a certain soil turtle, he had another argument in front of Qiao Zhou:

Hanzhong is the place where Hanxing prospered. If Hanzhong prospers, there is hope for the revival of Hanzhong.

It doesn't matter whether he was delusional, or he saw the situation correctly, or he was proficient in the art of divination and divination as rumored by the outside world.

Anyway, at least from the current point of view, he is right.

Someone Feng visited Hanzhong, and then went to Nanzhong. He won the title of Ghost King, and now he has done a great job.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty settled in Hanzhong, and the Northern Expedition won several times in succession.

The Son of Heaven inspected Hanzhong. Not only did the childless queen give birth to a prince, but now even the restoration of the old capital is almost completed.

The land of Longxing is worthy of its name.

Compared to an old fox like Du Qiong, Qiao Zhou, who was still young, seemed a little immature.

I saw that he still said seriously:

"Since you feel that the revival of the Han Dynasty is hopeful, how do you think about the words 'the one who replaced the Han Dynasty, Dang Tu Gaoye'?"

Du Qiong glanced at him and said calmly:

"Do you know where this phrase first came from?"

Qiao Zhou said without hesitation: "It must be "The Prophecy of Spring and Autumn."

"Then do you know the complete source of this phrase in "Chunqiu Prophecy"?"

Qiao Zhou was taken aback.

Only Du Qiong said slowly:

"After the Han family was nine hundred and twenty years old, the grandson of Meng died, and he was awarded the successor. The one who replaced the Han should be Tu Gaoye."

While telling the complete source of this prophecy, he stared at Qiao Zhou:

"Yunnan, let me ask you, how many years has it been since the two Han Dynasties?"

Qiao Zhou said respectfully: "Mr. Hui, it has been more than four hundred years."

"Nine hundred and twenty years old, and now it's only been four hundred years, which is barely over half, what's the rush?"

I don't know who Du Qiong is talking about who is anxious, Qiao Zhou didn't dare to answer, so he could only listen with his head down.

"The so-called 'when the grandson of Mengmeng died, he was given the chancellor', this means that whenever the Han family is in danger, there will always be someone who will stand up and accept orders in the face of danger, extending the Han Zuo."

Speaking of this, Du Qiong said meaningfully:

"After the former Han Dynasty, there was Emperor Guangwu Zhongxing. After the later Han Dynasty, who dares to assert that the Han Dynasty cannot be prosperous?"

Who can tell?

Who dares to assert?

Emperor Zhaolie stood up when the Han Dynasty was overthrown, and Zhuge Kongming was ordered to be in danger. This can be said to be "by the death of the Meng Sun, the succession is awarded"?

Qiao Zhou was shocked.

It turned out that this prophecy was actually interpreted in this way?

His lips moved, but he couldn't speak for a while.

The room was quiet for a long time before Qiao Zhou's low sigh sounded:

"Sir, what you said is true!"

In the Han Dynasty, the theory of ghosts and gods prevailed, and there were many people in Shu who observed astronomy and studied prophecy, among which Zhou Qun, Zhang Yu, Du Qiong, Li Yiqi and others were the most famous.

Before the Battle of Hanzhong, Zhou Qun once remonstrated with Liu Bei: You can only get the land, but not the people. If you go out of the division, there will be disadvantages.

His words are accurate, but it is a pity that this person has passed away.

Zhang Yu once said to others in private: when he was Gengzi, the world should be changed, and the Liu family was exhausted. The lord won Yizhou, and after nine years, Yinmao should lose it.

It's just that this statement was leaked out, Liu Bei learned of it, and killed him in anger.

However, his words were fulfilled one by one: Cao Pi really usurped Han, and Liu Bei died after the battle of Yiling.

As for Li Yiqi, he was asked by Liu Bei before the battle of Yiling.

Li Yiqi begged for paper and brushes, and had painted dozens of papers of soldiers, horses and weapons, he tore them one by one with his hands, and painted a picture of a man, dug the ground and buried them, and then went away.

After the defeat of Yiling, the world suddenly understood the meaning of the painting.

When Liu Chan first came to the throne, the country was in danger, and the government and the people were in a state of panic, so the emperor asked Li Yiqi again.

Li Yiqi made another painting, with a half-length beauty and a horse on it, and then disappeared.

It can be said that Du Qiong may be the only surviving figure in Shu in terms of Chenwei.

His words seemed to solve Qiao Zhou's confusion, but in fact he made a clear statement.

Somehow, the conversation between the two was leaked out, and spread throughout Jincheng at the fastest speed.

"Nine hundred and twenty years? Why didn't he just say that Liu Han can last forever!"

Someone heard this rumor and couldn't help being a little bit aggrieved:

"Du Boyu (Du Qiong, courtesy name Boyu) had little contact with others in the past, and devoted himself to studying knowledge. I thought he was indifferent to fame and wealth, but I didn't expect to be such a flattering person!"

Then an old voice suddenly sounded: "You know what!"

Many people were stunned: "Grandpa?"

The creases on his face could already pinch mosquitoes to death, and the old man, who was about to gasp for breath after a few words, was very aggressive at this moment:

"Du Boyu is telling you that the situation in the world has changed."

Probably because he spoke too hard, the old man coughed uncontrollably.

into his mother's!

In the past, everyone was unwilling to contribute because anyone with a discerning eye could see that after the battle between Jingzhou and Yiling, the so-called big man was most likely just sitting and waiting to die.

Who would have expected that Zhuge Liang would be able to save the dangerous egg from hanging upside down first, and then Feng Wenhe would come back to life like a champion?

Although the first battle in Guanzhong was not completely over, the trend of the Han and Wei dynasties was already showing a tendency to reverse.

In the past, Wei was strong and Han was weak, but now it cannot be said that Han is strong and Wei is weak, at least they are on par.

The Han Dynasty has been around for more than four hundred years. If someone can rejuvenate the Han Dynasty, who dares to say that Han Zuo cannot last for another four or five hundred years?

Four or five hundred years!

A century-old romantic family is enough to go up and down three or four times!

Someone asked cautiously:

"What does the grandpa mean?"

"We can't wait any longer. Even if the big man stops at Tongguan, we can't wait any longer."

After the old man finished coughing, he emphasized his tone:

"We can wait ten years, or even twenty or thirty years, but what about fifty years or even hundreds of years? Will Wei have the ability to destroy Han in fifty years?"

It would be great if the Wei state was not destroyed by the big man!

"How old is Feng Wenhe now? With him here, it's hard to say whether the big man can destroy the Wei country, but who in the Wei country dares to say that he can compete with him?"

If it is going to be silent for fifty years, how many talents will the family have left?

You can't expect that the surnamed Feng is really like the champion Hou, who died suddenly after the Guanzhong battle, right?

Although everyone hopes that he can really die suddenly.

Not to mention, in front of the surname Feng, there is a big Han prime minister who just wiped out 50,000 Wei's elite Chinese army!

Thinking of this, the shadow in everyone's heart is as big as Jincheng...

It's just that what they don't know is that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty who caused a huge psychological shadow to them is already sick on the bed at this time.

Chang'an is much colder than Hanzhong.

Not to mention the first return to Chang'an, many places in the city were damaged by Wei thieves, and there is no such condition as in Hanzhong, such as warm houses with heating.

The most is to burn the stove in the house, and at the same time, pay attention to ventilation from time to time to avoid charcoal poisoning.

In the past few years, Zhuge Liang's health has not been very good.

Coupled with the fact that the army has been out for more than half a year, the conditions in the army are far more difficult than those in the prime minister's residence.

And the two armies confront each other, the military affairs are heavy, and it is extremely mentally exhausting.

Under the influence of various factors, Zhuge Liang had managed to improve his body in the past few years, but in the past six months, it has deteriorated rapidly.

After entering Chang'an, Zhuge Liang's body couldn't hold it any longer, and he kept holding back his anger and vented it all at once, and he was lying on the couch to recuperate, unable to see things.

There was a creak at the door, and Feng Junhou walked in with a medicine bowl: "Prime Minister, it's time to drink the medicine."

The big Han prime minister who had closed his eyes to rest opened his eyes, coughed twice, and then said:

"Do you want to drink medicine again? Don't let me drink this medicine in the future. It's useless."

Feng Yong put the medicine on the desk and persuaded softly: "Drinking medicine is better than not drinking."

The prime minister of the big Han motioned Feng Yong to help him up, and said:

"My body, can I still not understand? You should tell me first, how is the situation outside?"

Putting a soft pillow on the head of the couch to make the prime minister sit more comfortably, Feng Junhou said:

"The situation is very good. These days, many officials in Guanzhong are not afraid of the severe cold, and brought food and wine to the army, saying that they are rewarding the king."

"Tanshi pot pulp?"

Feng Junhou nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, yes, I eat a pot of pulp, and I welcome Master Wang."

The prime minister of the big Han glanced at Feng Junhou, and there was a rare smile on his face:

"Are you sure they are welcoming Master Wang? Isn't it because they are afraid of the riots of the farmers? In the past few years, Sima Yi has been farming in Guanzhong, and there are no fewer farmers than Hedong."

Feng Junhou: ...

With a dry laugh:

"The prime minister loves to joke, hehe, hehe... Is it true that everyone is really happy to welcome Master Wang?"

"As long as you know."

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty was half lying on the couch, suppressed his smile, and said slowly and seriously:

"I'm just reminding you that the foundation of the Great Han will be in the future in Guanzhong. Now you are temporarily in charge of everything in Guanzhong, and you have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders. You should think twice before acting."

Feng Junhou nodded: "I understand."

Guanzhong has been in business with Hanzhong and Longyou for so many years, no matter how hard Sima Yi worked hard in the past few years, it is impossible to manage it airtightly.

It is better to believe that politicians are not political scumbags than to count on the aristocratic family to be single-minded.

Besides, Hedong and Guanzhong are just separated by a big river.

But in any larger family, who hasn't had any kinship?

Anyone who can inquire about what happened in Hedong should probably know about it.

"A few years ago, in Huaili, the ancestral home of the Ma family, someone contacted our people. This time, they were the ones who started to comfort the soldiers."

Zhao Mashi represented some upstarts in his early years and made deals with Governor Feng.

At that time, the last remaining ties of the Ma family in Guanzhong had been handed over to Governor Feng.

If Wei is strong and Han is weak, whether this little difference has anything to do with whether the other party recognizes it or not is another matter.

In the current situation, as long as someone takes the lead, it is not a matter of course for the officials of Guanzhong to "eat the pot of pulp and welcome the master of the king"?

Zhuge Liang nodded: "I'm not very worried about your experience in governing."

"What I'm most worried about is that there are many people in the army who have higher qualifications than you. I'm afraid that some people will not accept you!"

"The prime minister is talking about Wei Wenchang and Yang Weigong, right? Don't worry, I'm not a narrow-minded person."

Feng Junhou helped the Prime Minister tuck the corners of the quilt to avoid leakage, and replied:

"At the moment I am still acting in the name of the prime minister in the army, they dare not."

"What if my name disappears in the future?"

Feng Junhou paused, then looked up at the prime minister, and found that the prime minister was also staring at him.

Feng Junhou lowered his head again, continued to tuck the quilt for the prime minister, and said calmly:

"Prime Minister, although I have the right to exercise restraint, the state has state laws, and the military has military regulations. If their actions are not violated, I will not trouble them for no reason."

"Anyway, I'm also a great man, so I still have some bearing."

Hearing Feng Cishi's emphasis on his character again, the prime minister smiled knowingly:

"I believe this. Since you can tolerate Liu Liang and Xu Xun and his ilk, if the two of them really acted in the same way, you must be able to tolerate them too."

Then he slowed down:

"It's just that these two people are arrogant people. If I'm not around one day, they may not be able to obey you."

Governor Feng seemed to have expected what the prime minister would say, he smiled lightly:

"Whether they will obey me or not, I don't care, I only care, if the prime minister is really gone, will they obey the emperor?"

Zhuge Liang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then quickly pointed to Governor Feng, seemingly helpless, but actually smiled with relief:

"You, you!"

Governor Feng pretended to be stupid and smiled blankly:

"Prime Minister, I'm an adult of several children anyway, and it's not when I was young that I can clearly distinguish the situation."

A few years ago, when the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty was seriously ill, there was a power distribution between the Prime Minister's Mansion and the Shangshutai, which was directly under the emperor.

The important officials in the prime minister's mansion, in that power distribution, either served as officials of the Shangshutai, or were arranged as the emperor's cronies.

Only Wei Yan and Yang Yi are exceptions.

Fortunately, Wei Yan said that he has a title of title and the title of general, and his job is to lead the army, so it doesn't matter much to be a monk.

But Yang Yi, as the commander-in-chief of the Prime Minister's Mansion, nominally speaking, in the Prime Minister's Mansion, he has the greatest power when the Prime Minister comes down.

However, he has no other duties up to now, and it is obviously left to Adou to arrange as appropriate.

As for whether it is rain, dew or thunder, it depends on what A Dou thinks.

It is precisely because of this that Governor Feng said "I will not accept the emperor".

"But to be honest, the prime minister deliberately snubbed Yang Yi, but in fact he still has a heart for his talent?"

When the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty heard the words, he was slightly taken aback, and then raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Tell me, what do you think?"

Governor Feng chuckled: "Grinding?"

Just two words made the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty laugh:

"Are you so sure?"

"Prime Minister, at least I was polished by you along the way, okay?"

The prime minister laughed again, and after a while, he sighed:

"It's a pity, although Duke Wei is talented, his temperament is far inferior to yours. I'm afraid he will still go his own way in the end."

When Feng Junhou heard the prime minister's words, he didn't take it seriously:

"Prime Minister, Yang Weigong is about to reach the age of knowing his destiny, right? If he is still determined to go his own way at this age, it can be said that his nature is hard to change."

The current big Han is not the Shu Han in the original history. To put it bluntly, one more Yang Yi and one less Yang Yi, Feng Cishi doesn't think it will have much influence.

The big deal is to train a few more staff officers.

Even if Wei Yan was missing, Governor Feng didn't feel it was a pity.

Not to mention General Guan, Zhao Sanqian, Shibao and others, even my two brother-in-laws are still alive and well.

With their own help, couldn't they be worth a Wei Yan?

Stretching out his hand to touch the medicine bowl, he felt that the temperature was already right. Governor Feng picked it up and brought it to the prime minister:

"No matter what happens to Yang Weigong in the future, no one else can control it, it's all his own choice, Prime Minister, why don't you drink the medicine first?"

It seemed that in the eyes of Feng Cishi, the bowl of medicine in his hand was more important than Yang Yi's fate.

Seeing Feng Cishi's appearance, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty knew that he had made his own decision in his heart, although he sighed a little, he didn't say anything else.

As the successor of Xingfu Dahan, Feng Mingwen has done well enough. Since he already has his own opinions, he doesn't need to be too demanding.

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