Seeing the prime minister finish drinking the medicine, and having a conversation with him, the prime minister's face was already tired.

"The body is really bad!"

With a wry smile on his face, Zhuge Liang shook his head:

"I never felt so tired when dealing with government affairs for a day before."

Feng Junhou helped the prime minister to lie down again, and said:

"Prime Minister, you also said it was in the past. If I really want to say, your body, Prime Minister, is probably the root cause of your illness caused by working too hard in the early years. Now, you are paying off your debts."

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty lay down and sighed:

"If I can change the emperor and return to the old capital, what regrets will I have if I die?"

Feng Junhou glanced at the big Han prime minister who seemed a little satisfied, and said leisurely:

"I remember that the first emperor entrusted the prime minister to hunt down the thieves, not only to return the old capital, but also to restore the Han Dynasty. Chang'an has just been recovered today. Is this called no regret?"

The prime minister of the big man was startled, and looked up at Feng Junhou.

After being silent for a while, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty suddenly asked quietly:

"I don't have a good memory, did I entrust you with something? Come closer, tell me carefully, and remind me."

So the old man asked you to revive the Han Dynasty, you are telling me this now?

I groped subconsciously with my hands, but the side of the couch was empty.

Forgot that I haven't seen the sand table for several days.

Without a sand table, there is no long whip...

So the prime minister could only watch helplessly as Feng Junhou pushed the door away Shi Shiran with a medicine bowl in his hand.

After leaving the prime minister's ward and returning to his temporary office, Zhang Yuan, the deputy chief of staff, immediately sent a lot of documents and reported at the same time:

"Shan Zhang, General Li has something to see, and he has been waiting for half an hour."

"General Li? Haoxuan? Invite him in quickly."


Li Feng was quickly brought in.

"Haoxuan, why are you here?"

Feng Junhou personally poured hot tea for him, "But what's the matter?"

Li Feng was not too polite, before he could sit still, he said directly:

"Brother, there are some problems with the food of the army outside the city."

"What!" Feng Cishi thumped in his heart, "What's going on? Didn't it mean that there was enough food and grass?"

Food and grass are the most important things in the army, and there is no room for any mistakes.

Relying on the strong transportation capacity of Dongfeng Express and the continuous improvement of dry food, even the prime minister is still farming in Wuzhangyuan, harvesting a season of food.

Also, when the relevant sergeants came to work in the army, they would definitely donate some food and grass to fund the army.

So logically speaking, no matter how you look at it, there should be no shortage of food and grass.

Li Feng had a look of worry on his face: "There is indeed no shortage of food and grass, but there are some problems in the distribution of food and grass."

Hearing that there was no shortage of food and grass, Feng Junhou breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked:

"What happened to the distribution of food and grass?"

"The grain and grass were not delivered to the battalions in time today."

Speaking of this, Li Feng's face was a little ugly.

He is the food and grass officer, and if the food and grass cannot be distributed in time, the soldiers will not care about any problems in the intermediate links, they will only think that it is the negligence of the food and grass officer.

But in fact, Li Feng, the grain and grass officer, is mainly responsible for coordinating the transportation of grain from the rear, receiving and counting the grain and grass brought up, and distributing grain to each battalion according to the established rules.

Now the rations cannot be distributed in time because Li Feng has not received the military order to distribute rations to the battalions.

"Who in the army is responsible for allocating food and grass?"

"Yang Changshi."

"I knew it was him!" Feng Junhou slapped the table angrily, "Using personal anger above official business, old man!"

"Is he bullying me that I don't have anyone? If Amei is here...huh!"

Feng Junhou's face became gloomy, "Why didn't Yang Weigong perform his duties? He delayed the military affairs, really I dare not cut off his head?"

Li Feng smiled wryly: "Brother, before I came, I had already inquired. He was ill last night, and he said he had a cold."

Feng Junhou's face became even more gloomy when he heard this.

In the current weather, if you want to get cold, isn't that a simple matter?

But you still can't find the fault.

After all, this is an emergency.

"The allocation of grain and grass is a major event in the military. Shouldn't it be prepared in advance? He used to allocate grain and grass, can he still decide on the same day?"

Li Feng nodded: "That's true. Yang Weigong has assisted the Prime Minister in handling military affairs, planning divisions, and raising grain and grain all these years. He didn't think about it, so it's easy."

Feng Junhou: ...

"Dou Lei Lou!"

No wonder the old demon Zhuge relied on him so much.

There is no need to think too much about handling things, and the result can be given by opening your mouth.

Feng Junhou himself wanted such a quick-thinking staff officer.

It's just that the other party relied on his own talent to take advantage of this loophole, obviously trying to flirt with Feng Junhou.

"Zhang Yuan!"

"The head of the mountain?"

"Where's General Guan?"

"General Guan has left the city to inspect the barracks."

Li Feng also whispered:

"While my younger brother was waiting for my elder brother, sister-in-law...cough, General Guan left the city early when he heard about it."

Well, at the last moment, it really is my own wife who can be relied on.

The prime minister has accompanied the army commander Shi to help with military affairs, Feng Junhou is not bad, and the general concerned is also helping with military affairs.

Otherwise, if you really want to rely entirely on the prime minister's previous team, it would be a strange thing not to be pinched to death.

Feng Junhou has self-knowledge: No matter how great his military achievements are, he can't hide his qualifications. Is it possible to completely convince the elderly in the army?

Expect everyone to be impartial?


"General Guan can suppress the Liangzhou army, but he may not be able to suppress the soldiers led by the prime minister."

Couples who have been married for ten years can understand each other's meaning without saying a lot.

Feng Junhou knew that General Guan might be delaying himself for time.

Although my mother-in-law may not be in danger, no matter how big the problem is in the army, there are still two brothers-in-law Zhang Bao in the army.

However, because the generals of the battalions could not distribute the food and grass in time, they may not have no resentment in their hearts.

At this thought, Feng Junhou gritted his teeth and stood up suddenly:

"Zhang Yuan!"

"The head of the mountain?"

"Take all the staff and follow me!"

Coming from Tongguan, in addition to the escort of more than a thousand horsemen from the relevant generals, Feng Junhou also had a dozen or so army staff officers with him, most of them were students from the martial arts hall.

When General Guan went out of the city to patrol the camp, he must lead the Jingqi there.

"Brother, do you want to tell the prime minister first about this matter?"

Li Feng stood up and suggested.

Feng Junhou shook his head:

"The Prime Minister just fell asleep, so don't disturb me. Besides, now that the Prime Minister has asked me to take charge of all matters in Guanzhong, if I have to ask the Prime Minister to come forward when something happens, what do you want others to think of me?"

With the temperament of the prime minister, knowing that this happened in the army, he must not be able to help himself.

But with his current physical condition, can he still withstand the hard work?

Besides, since ancient times, the transfer of power from the old to the new has never been smooth sailing without waves?

If you want to become a real leader after the prime minister, you don't just rely on the prime minister's designation, but you have to rely on your own ability.

Otherwise, it would not be Feng Junhou who is temporarily in charge of the military affairs of the Hanzhong army today, but Ma Di.

If I don't solve this matter myself, I'm afraid there will only be more and more similar things in the future.

Naturally, Feng Junhou would not say all these words, he just gestured:

"Haoxuan, you lead the way to the camp outside the city."

Feng Yong is no stranger to the camp outside the city.

He has also been here several times during the days when he was in charge of the affairs of Guanzhong.

However, since he was a temporary leader, he didn't need to go to war with the Hanzhong army. Basically, Cao followed Xiao Gui and acted according to the previous rules.

Moreover, it was initially decided in Guanzhong that the Liangzhou army would be stationed in Tongguan, Hedong and other places in Bingzhou. Feng Yong, who was in Chang'an, did not have enough manpower around him.

After all, most of the Hanzhong army was trained by the prime minister himself, and theoretically there will be no major problems.

Unexpectedly, Ghost King Feng was still too kind, and he did not expect that someone would really dare to deliberately cause problems.

Outside Chang'an City, heavy snow piled up, as if the distance between heaven and earth had become shorter.

The dense thorny branches on the roadside hillside are condensed with white snow flakes, and the hairy ones are like deer antlers, interlaced into various patterns, eucalyptus silver flowers, beautiful and picturesque.

The scenery is so beautiful, but Feng Junhou's mood is not very beautiful.

Braving the severe cold, a large swath of snow and fog was raised along the way, and dozens of riders rushed to the gate of the big army camp.

Looking at the closed gate of the village, Feng Junhou threw a tiger talisman, Zhang Yuan caught it, came under the wall of the village, and shouted loudly:

"Feng Junhou wants to enter the camp, quickly open the gate!"

The sentries on the watchtower in the village had already seen Feng Junhou's banner, and the soldiers at the gate of the village opened the gate of the village immediately after inspecting the tiger amulet.

Horses are not allowed in the camp unless there are special circumstances. Feng Junhou and his team got off their horses and led the horses in.

Before he had gone far, General Guan who got the news came out to greet him.

"How is it going?"

Although he believed that there should be no major incidents in the army, Feng Junhou was relieved when he saw that everything was orderly in the camp and General Guan's face was calm.

"I have gathered all the captains of the battalions to the middle camp, and I will wait for the prince to come over to deal with this matter."

Feng Junhou heard the words and nodded: "Go, go and have a look. By the way, how is the situation in the army?"

General Guan nodded: "Everything is fine."

"That's good."

If today has not passed, it is not considered a delay in releasing food.

As long as it can be dealt with in time, this matter is not a big deal.

Feng Junhou was relieved, but General Guan's complexion became a little unsightly. At this time, he was surrounded by his own people, so he had no scruples. He could only hear General Guan say:

"Could it be that Yang Yi premeditated this matter to embarrass you on purpose?"

When Feng Junhou entered the camp, he became more relaxed. He smiled:

"If he wanted to attack my prestige in the army, he shouldn't have done such a thing at this time."

"So I believe that he is disregarding the general situation, acting on his own will, and disregarding public affairs because of personal grievances."

If Yang Yi really had a little bit of political sensitivity, he wouldn't have played a good card so badly that he would have been imprisoned and committed suicide in the original history.

To put it bluntly, he is a political idiot.

The old demon Zhuge is Adou's father-in-law, so he must be careful in what he says and does, so as not to lose ground.

What kind of person is your Yang Yi? No matter how great your contribution is, can you surpass the prime minister?

How dare you openly complain about unfair treatment, and threaten to regret not leading troops to surrender to Wei?

At that time, the prime minister entrusted him with most of the troops in the whole country of Shu Han.

If it were not for that large army, the Shu Han would be wiped out.

That is to say, the little fat man has a good temper, so he was only exiled to Bianjun. If Sun Shiwan and Cao Pi were to be replaced, wouldn't the whole family die?

It stands to reason that anyone with a bit of political intelligence should restrain himself at this point.

Unexpectedly, he was still not convinced, and directly wrote a letter of slander, swearing, really bullying A Dou, is an honest person not going to get angry?

In the final analysis, the political environment of Shu Han was too loose, and some people were protected too well.

If we really want to switch to the Wei and Wu countries, the fate of batch after batch of political struggle losers will let the rest of the people know what honesty is.

"I don't know much about marching and fighting, but there is no need to worry about the general. But when it comes to the matter of food and grass, I don't believe there is anyone in this world who understands better than me."

"It's not that Yang Yi doesn't know that Nanxiang is the best in mathematics. If he really thinks that the matter of allocating food and grass can make it difficult for me, then he won't become a person that the prime minister relies on."

Feng Junhou is also a general who has led the army for more than ten years, and he is not a rookie in the army. Naturally, he knows very well about the affairs of the army.

Coupled with Nanxiang's well-known arithmetic skills, anyone with a normal IQ would not think that the mere matter of allocating food and grass can hardly defeat Feng Junhou.

Not to mention that Yang Yi traded all her EQ for IQ.

That's why Feng Junhou thought that Yang Yi was just being angry at all, at most he was just trying to show his face.

To say he had premeditated would be flattering him.

"Haoxuan, go prepare food and grass now and distribute it at any time."

Seeing the camp in the army, Feng Junhou gave orders.


Dozens of battalion captains stood in front of the big tent, all in a dense darkness.

Seeing Feng Junhou leading the people over, his expression was a little complicated.

People in the army value military merit the most.

Feng Junhou made great achievements in battle, and he moved to Wanli in the first battle of Guanzhong, which is even comparable to the champion Hou.

They are just middle-level generals, not big men in the army, so how can they have any qualifications to be unconvinced by Feng Junhou?

But the sky and the earth are big, and eating is the biggest.

The distribution of grain and grass had started in the morning, but now most of the day has passed, and there is still no news, which inevitably makes people feel a little bit worried.

For the soldiers in the middle and lower ranks, if the food and grass cannot be distributed in time, causing them to go hungry, then Feng Junhou is not a good commander no matter how great his military exploits are.

Feng Junhou naturally knew this too, so he ignored them, let his personal guards stand outside the tent, and then entered the big tent with his staff.

Wei Yan, Wu Ban, Zhang Bao, Guan Xing, Meng Yan and other major generals in the army have been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Feng Junhou coming in, everyone's expressions were different from those of the soldiers outside.

Except for Wei Yan's expressionless face, most of the others were more or less concerned.

Feng Junhou nodded to them, walked to the main seat, and smiled apologetically:

"There are a lot of things to do, so it's been a long time, so please wait for a long time."

"Let's put the food first, and talk about other things later."

Wei Yan lowered his eyes and said calmly.

"That's right, the soldiers are all waiting, put out the food first, and then we can talk about the rest."

Guan Xing hastily said.

Feng Junhou nodded.

Then motioned to Zhang Yuan:

"Go, bring up all the account books of each battalion in the army."

The distribution of food does not mean that it is enough to distribute it according to the head.

The duty and combat readiness of each battalion are different, and the amount of food distributed is also different.

In addition, those who are sick in the army, as well as army horse beans, etc., must be distributed as appropriate.

This task is not difficult if one learns arithmetic.

But it is tedious, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and requires a lot of patience.

But now, what Feng Junhou lacks the most is time and patience.

Because no matter how good you are at arithmetic, the first deployment of the Hanzhong army's food and grass, because you are not familiar with it, the progress will not be too fast, and it is easy to make mistakes.

Fortunately, he has a staff group.

"Forget it, let's do the calculations. Your task today is to calculate all the food and grass that should be distributed in each battalion. If anyone makes a mistake, he will go back to the martial arts hall to make up the exam."

For others, this matter may be a troublesome matter.

But for Feng Junhou, it was simply a trivial matter.

What Yang Yi did was mainly disgusting.

After finishing the order, Feng Junhou sat down on the main seat, looked up at the top of the tent, and ignored the people below.

Others thought that Feng Junhou was in a bad mood, but they didn't know that there was a gloomy look in his eyes at this moment.

No, I have to send someone to urge the Liangzhou staff to come over earlier.

Yang Yi, since you put down the burden and don't want to do it, then don't do it in the future.

I will let you have a free meal ahead of time!

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