Except for the clatter of the staff officers flipping through the account books, and the murmur of mutual reconciliation, the rest of the people were silent.

Shuaiying was so quiet.

Looking up at Feng Junhou at the top of the tent, he tried hard to recall the forgotten history in his mind.

After the old demon Zhuge, there were basically no major events in the court of the Shu Han... should it?

Is there anyone worth your attention?

Huang Hao had already been killed by himself ahead of time.

The rest are Yang Yi and Wei Yan?

Thinking of this, Feng Junhou turned his gaze from the top of the tent to Wei Yan.

Wei Yan felt Feng Junhou's gaze, looked up at him, frowned, snorted, and turned his head away again.

What the fuck!

It really made me angry. Believe it or not, I arranged for you and Yang Yi to accompany the prime minister to report to the first emperor?

Closing his eyes, tapping on the desk lightly, Feng Junhou's heart skipped a beat. From court to army, besides Wei Yan and Yang Yi, who else has higher qualifications?

Li Ping?

Wu Yi?

Liu Yan?

Basically there are just a few people.

It doesn't matter that Liu Yan is a showman.

Li Ping has been in Jincheng for nearly ten years, and has never held real power in these years.

The only thing that makes people feel a little scruples is that he bears the name of an assistant minister.

It's just that after the old demon Zhuge, does the emperor of Han still need other people to assist him in his administration?

Coupled with the things Li Ping did before, it was enough to make the royal family fearful.

There is Zhang Xiaosi by his side, Feng Junhou knows how much the royal family hated Li Ping back then.

Zhang Xingcai... Oh, no, it's A Dou, unless A Dou thinks that the big man is recovering too quickly.

Or maybe he was too eager for his father's love and wanted to find another false father, so he wanted to let Li Ping regain power.

Otherwise, if Li Ping was really going to turn around, there was no second prime minister to suppress him.

If Li Ping is smart, he might as well train Li Feng with all his strength to support his appearance.

As for Wu Yi, he was regarded as a relative trusted by the royal family.

He can be regarded as a foreign relative, so he and Wu Yi are naturally in the same camp.

The most important thing is that Wu Yi is mainly the leader of the army, and he is not good at internal affairs, so he will hardly have the opportunity to take charge of state affairs.

This can be seen from the original history:

After Wuzhangyuan, his status was obviously very noble, and his qualifications were also among the top few. Wu Yi had been leading the army outside, and had never had the opportunity to take charge of the political affairs of the court.

After thinking about it for a while, Feng Junhou realized that Yang Yi and Wei Yan were really the only ones who had the confidence to oppose him, had reasons to oppose him, and were older than him.

Even Jiang Wan, one of the four prime ministers of the Shu Han Dynasty in history, is not as prestigious as himself now.

After figuring this out, Feng Junhou turned his gaze to Wei Yan again.

Wei Yan was repeatedly watched by someone Feng, and he only thought that someone Feng was provoking, and he felt very upset.

"What are you looking at?"

Although the Prime Minister asked someone Feng to take charge of the affairs in Guanzhong temporarily, but to be honest, Wei Yan, who is the general of Zhenbei, has a rank of general higher than someone Feng, who is the general of Zhengxi.

(Note: The order of generals in Ji Han is that the four towns are ranked before the four towns, and Cao Wei is that the four towns are ranked before the four towns. This is different.)

In terms of titles, both of them are Tinghou, and no one is worse than the other.

It's just that Feng at this time is no longer the turtle who first met Wei Yanshi.

General Guan standing by his side, and the two brother-in-laws below are all courageous of Feng Junhou:

"What are you looking at?"

Both the title of general and the title of title are a sign of honor. If you want to see the real status, you still have to look at the real power.

Feng Junhou not only has the right to fake festivals, but also leads an army to guard one side all the year round. Compared with Wei Yan, who wants to lead thousands of people and needs the permission of the prime minister, his status is much stronger.

The most important thing is that he is now acting as the prime minister in charge of all affairs.

What's the matter?

I'm sitting in the coach's seat, I can't even look at you?

I respect the elderly because I am polite, but if you do not respect the elderly, then don't blame me for not giving you face.


Wei Yan was furious, subconsciously pressed his right hand on the hilt of the sword, and wanted to stand up.

General Guan's phoenix eyes narrowed, and the right hand that had been holding the hilt of the sword, the veins on the back of his hand suddenly popped up.

At the same time, there was a slight sound of friction in the tent.

Wei Yan had only taken half a step, and the general's sensitivity made him feel that the atmosphere in the tent was not right, so he looked around.

It was found that almost everyone was staring at him, and some even hinted that they were ready to go.

Under the protection of General Guan, Feng Junhou sat on the main seat, as steady as an old dog, staring at Wei Yan coldly.

Wei Yan couldn't take back the foot he had already stepped out of, so he just stepped out immediately, then snorted, and walked out of the camp without looking back.

Seeing his back disappear outside the tent, Feng Junhou gritted his teeth, secretly hating: "Old man!"

Although he was not afraid of Wei Yan, after all, he was only temporarily in charge of affairs on behalf of the prime minister, not the real commander of the Hanzhong army.

There is no fighting right now, and Wei Yan, as the number one general of the Hanzhong army, didn't need to come and watch the food delivery in person.

Without violating the military order, Feng Junhou really couldn't do anything to the opponent.

He came to the camp this time mainly to deal with food and grass matters, and he didn't have the heart to think about extra problems, so he immediately urged the slightly stagnant staff to continue to speed up.

There is an established practice in the army to distribute rations, and with the addition of a dozen high-achieving students who reconciled the accounts together, before evening, the rations and grasses that should be distributed by each battalion were quickly calculated.

Once the accounts are settled, the rest is much easier.

Excluding Wei Yan, the remaining main generals in the army either had no intention of fighting against Feng Junhou, or had more or less friendship with Feng Junhou.

With their assistance, this turmoil over food and grass was quickly resolved by Feng Junhou.

After sending out the military order to release the grain, Feng Junhou planned to leave the camp and return to the city.

He is temporarily in charge of all affairs in Guanzhong, not just temporarily in charge of all affairs in the army.

In the preliminary decision of Guanzhong, when there is no major war for the time being, returning to the city to handle government affairs is far more important than staying in the military camp to supervise the distribution of food.

After all, the military order has been issued, and if someone dares to obey and disobey, they can't be fooled by humming twice.

Besides, if the generals in the remaining army can't even do the food distribution well, then there is no need to continue to lead the army.

Knowing that Feng Yong did not intend to stay overnight in the camp, Guan Xing went out of the camp to see him off.

When the group was about to say goodbye, Guan Xing said hesitantly:

"Mingwen, you have to be valued by the prime minister, and you have been entrusted with important tasks. This is a happy thing."

"But you are still young, whether in the army or in the court, there are many elders, I am afraid they may not obey you."

"There are people like Yang Yi, there are people like Wei Yan, and there are even more people, even if they can't see it on the surface, they don't know how they see you behind the scenes."

"So the more you are at this critical moment, the more careful you are, don't leave any excuses for others, and don't let others take advantage of you."

Although sometimes he wished to poke a few holes for a certain Feng, but when it came to the critical moment, Uncle Guan still cared about his brother-in-law, for fear that his third sister would become a widow.

"Brother has a heart."

Feng Junhou smiled and thanked brother-in-law for his reminder and concern.

Then he turned his gaze to the east, and said quietly:

"From the day I agreed to the prime minister to drive into the city together, I have been ready. As the saying goes, a gentleman has no troubles and no position, and no troubles can stand him."

"Since I have accepted the prime minister's entrustment, I can't give up halfway, let alone shrink back because someone obstructs me."

Seeing Feng Yong say these words with a calm face and a flat tone, Guan Xing somehow remembered his youthful appearance when he married Sanniang.

Who would have thought that the young man who was proud of his spring breeze at that time could grow up to this stage?

Guan Xing collected himself, and then said:

"People like Yang Yi don't understand the overall situation. If you follow the trend, you will be reasonable. If you are a little bit against the force, you will give up and turn to the fierce, hurting and invading others. If you really want to get rid of the situation, I have nothing to say."

I saw a group of staff officers around Feng Junhou in the camp today, and within half a day, they were able to handle the deployment of food and grass in the army cleanly and neatly.

It would be a lie to say that the hearts of the generals in the tent were not shaken.

Why is it that Yang Yi, despite having a bad relationship with many colleagues, still gets the prime minister's reliance and ranks above everyone else?

Isn't it just that bullying everyone is a big boss, who can only lead the army and don't know anything else?

Even Guan Xing, who can write and read, is far inferior to Yang Yi.

Unexpectedly, what everyone saw today was a group of young gentlemen whose ability to do things was comparable to that of Yang Yi.

Although it was just to allocate food and fodder, it had long been rumored that Mr. Feng used his staff to assist in military affairs.

Seeing it with my own eyes today, it seems that those rumors are not groundless.

In fact, the staff officers under Feng Junhou's command originally had a corresponding position in the Han army, and that was to join the army.

But the position of joining the army is basically held by the prime minister or the cronies of high-ranking generals.

Feng Junhou's staff group has a large number of members, how can everyone be given a place to join the army?

So I had to take second place and set up such a new staff position.

For Feng Junhou's unconventional behavior, many people actually disagreed from the beginning.

It's just because of the connivance of the prime minister and Feng Guiwang's notoriety, so no matter how much others don't like it, they won't get into trouble for this matter.

Later, Feng Junhou continued to make great achievements in battle, and no one mentioned this again—if you can make such great achievements, the prime minister will also indulge you.

The key is can you do it? It was you, Wei Yan!

Feng Junhou has the support of the Xinghan Society behind him, and is inextricably linked with the royal family. In addition, the prime minister also wants to see how far he can grow.

Therefore, the subordinate battalion has always been relatively independent.

As a result, many generals outside the Liangzhou Army didn't know much about what the so-called staff group looked like.

Today's sledgehammer test has opened the eyes of many people.

Those like Guan Xing who knew something about the situation were even more shocked.

These little gents who are beside my brother-in-law's staff, if they are singled out, they may not have any outstanding talents.

But it can't stand that each of them has a lot of knowledge, and their abilities are a little bit stronger than ordinary people.

It is said that a wise man will surely lose something if he worries a lot; a fool will gain something if he worries a lot.

When a dozen or even dozens or even hundreds of people who are "a little bit stronger than ordinary people" gather together.

Then when they work together to do something, the wisdom of everyone is enough to crush any talented soldier.

What's even more frightening is that the current Nanxiang Lecture Hall can continuously train batch after batch of such staff officers.

That's why Guan Xing said those words to support his brother-in-law in killing Yang Yi:

If Mr. Yang wants to do it, he will obediently do the job well, and if he doesn't want to do it, he will get out!

My brother-in-law will be afraid that no one will use him?

After Guan Xing expressed his support for his brother-in-law, he changed the subject and said:

"It's just that Mingwen's staff can replace Yang Yi's wisdom, but it's hard to replace Wei Yan's courage and leadership ability."

"Although Wei Wenchang is dissatisfied with Mingwen, he hasn't done anything out of the ordinary yet. Besides, everyone knows that Wei Wenchang and Mingwen are at odds. If Mingwen succeeds in one day, he will deliberately target him. I'm afraid it will be true."

Feng Junhou heard the words and understood: "Brother, do you want to speak well for Wei Yan?"

Guan Xing said calmly: "It's just a pity for his bravery."

Feng Junhou laughed: "Coincidentally, when I was serving the prime minister to drink medicine in the city this morning, I happened to talk about it with the prime minister."

Guan Xing was startled, and subconsciously repeated: "You actually talked about this with the Prime Minister?"

"That's right." Feng Junhou nodded, "The prime minister asked me: If one day I have to take power, and Yang Yi and Wei Yan refuse to accept me, what should I do?"

He looked at Guan Xing and asked, "Brother, do you know how I answered?"

Guan Xing rolled his throat up and down, swallowed his saliva, and his heart beat faster: "How do I know such things?"

But seeing Feng Junhou said calmly:

"I told the prime minister, I don't care if they obey me or not, I only care about whether they obey the emperor?"

After saying this sentence, Feng Junhou suddenly smiled lightly:

"When the prime minister is here, they all only obey the prime minister. If the prime minister is gone, they dare not even obey the emperor, so I have no choice but to let them stay with the prime minister and let the prime minister discipline them."

Although his tone was flat, Guan Xing could hear a chill——if you guys don't want to go with me in the future, I'll let you go with the prime minister!

Considering the importance of my brother-in-law in the heart of the emperor, and his relationship with the royal family—especially when Zhang Siniang married into the Feng family and became his wife alongside Sanniang.

Don't forget, my brother-in-law holds a scepter, like the emperor in person.

What is the difference between dissatisfied with my brother-in-law and dissatisfied with the emperor?

Uncle Guan believed that his understanding was correct.

He just thought of this when Feng Junhou grinned and continued:

"Wei Yan should be lucky today, because I left the city in a hurry and didn't come here with a scepter. Otherwise, with his actions today, I really think I dare not accuse him of disrespect?"

The scepter is actually an eight-foot-long bamboo pole (nearly two meters) that has been carefully processed, and the top is decorated with a feather.

In this kind of cold weather, Feng Junhou's forehead was not pinched by the door, so naturally he wouldn't run around with it in his hands.

When Guan Xing heard these words, his expression changed slightly.

Seeing brother-in-law's appearance, Feng Junhou sighed:

"Brother, how can I not know the courage of Wenchang Wei and the ability to lead the army? You are also the leader of the army. Let me ask you, if you have brave men under your command but refuse to obey the orders of the army, what will you do?"

Guan Xing was silent.

"I would rather have ten ordinary soldiers who obeyed military orders than a hundred brave soldiers who disobeyed military orders."

From a historical perspective, some people may sigh for Wei Yan.

But in the position of the commander in chief of the army who succeeded the prime minister, no one would like Wei Yan.

Old seniority, poor personality, inflexible in command, even contradicting his boss, arbitrarily asserting his own opinion, being impulsive and ignoring the overall situation...

However, his abilities are astonishingly strong, and if there is any disadvantage to the army one day, it may be more harmful than defection.

Can't use it, don't dare to use it, don't worry about it.

There are historical feelings, but people do not live by feelings, but in reality.

Feng Junhou is no longer the young man who is surprised when he sees a historical figure.

Now he is responsible for the big man, for the entrustment of the prime minister, for the Xinghan Society, and for those who follow in his footsteps...

Lang's heart is like iron, and he has a soft heart in the past, which is no longer there-although there was not much in the past...

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